Limits [BoyXBoy] [UNFINISHED...

By shorterguyistops

4.3K 386 184

[Kellic] 1943. World War 2 has been tearing through humanity for four years now and the troops are beyond des... More



182 16 2
By shorterguyistops


"...And that is 'ow I ended up 'ere," I finished, then took a long breath to refill my lungs. Michael looked blank for a moment, then slowly nodded, and I could almost envision the cogs turning inside of his head as I told him my story.

As soon as we saw each other and were reunited, my brother and I were ecstatic. Our bond, which had been unintentionally suppressed and, by now, seemed archaic, was resuscitated immediately. It led to a long embrace, followed by a waterfall of tears from both of us. I was simply relieved to be able to see him, however Michael must have felt as if a miracle was happening before his very eyes. When I had stopped replying to her letters, our mother must have realised that something was wrong and was probably told that the worst had occurred. For Michael, seeing me then and there most likely seemed as probable as witnessing a man walk on water. Being alive was quite surreal to me too.

My brother led us to a secluded room where we could be alone and talk without the prying eyes of those nurses, although they appeared to be glad for us and I thought I saw a few even tearing up when Michael exclaimed, "It's my brother! He's alive!". This was the happiest I had ever seen him.

At first, while telling my story, I kept most details to myself. Michael did not necessarily have a confirmation that I was attracted to men, but he learned that women and I never really went together, over the years of living with me. I was still very hesitant to reveal what was going on between Kellin and I, but I knew that, even if Michael was judgemental, he would not go as far as to expose us, as we all knew how severe the punishments for that were. He was my brother though and I had gone long enough concealing the truth that I wanted to tell at least one person, just so that I could finally express how much I loved Kellin and how complete he made me feel. There was no hiding the fact that Michael was slightly surprised, maybe even uncomfortable, but I could tell that he was trying to be happy for me.

"So...this boy," Michael said carefully, as if trying to make sure he was wording everything correctly. "What 'appened to 'im was awful, but is 'e really worth shootin' yourself in the leg for?"

"That and so much more," I replied. I had had a lot of time to myself on the long journey to the medical units, and it made me realise that I would do a lot for Kellin. Maybe even die. I unintentionally made up a hierarchy of significance between us, and that boy was right at the top. If there was a situation in which his life was in danger, and I could sacrifice my own instead of letting him die, then I would do so without hesitation. I could be a martyr of sorts - they were people who died because of what they believed, and I already looked up to Kellin as if he was an angel.

"Enough about me," I dismissed. "How 'ave you been? Is mother okay? How did you end up 'ere?"

Mike thought for a second, before answering in a sombre tone, "Mother 'as been worried sick: she's practically given up. I think what made it worse for her was bein' told that you died through someone other than me. We need to tell 'er the good news as soon as possible. If there are further issues with your leg, they might even let you go 'ome!"

Home. Despite the prominent excitement in Mike's voice, and that which should have been present in me at the idea, going home did not sound as good as it had a few months ago. Now, going home meant leaving Kellin and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I would do anything for him, and that included staying here and risking my life every day. A minute with him was worth a lifetime without.

"As for me, well, I've been moved around a lot, but I think I'll be stayin' 'ere for a while. I started off just as an assistant, then I became a nurse, and now I'm a real doctor. Would you believe that? All that work finally paid off!"

I could not hold back my smile. This was all that Mike had ever wanted and I was beyond happy for him. He deserved this, as I knew how much he engaged with our town's doctors and how many books he read. My brother was a doctor! - and at such a young age too.

We chatted for a few more minutes, until one of the nurses entered and informed us that Kellin had just woken up, seeing as I had been so determined to find him. Mike and I exchanged a look and both stood up, going back to the main area where all of the patients were. I was still only in my underwear from the waist down, but I guess I didn't mind, as it allowed the wound some more air.

Kellin looked as gorgeous as ever, even with bags under his eyes, and that blank look on his face as he stared up at the ceiling. Being the brother of a doctor did give me some privileges, so I asked if Kellin could be moved to a separate room from everyone else. Michael was reluctant, stressing that he had to treat all patients equally, but some pleading from my side did the job.

And so, the three of us found ourselves alone in a room with none of the controlled chaos which was present in the main ward. Kellin had been through so much that I knew a calm environment was all he would want. I sat on the bed next to him, while Michael carefully observed us.

"How are you?" I asked Kellin, taking his soft hand into my own and giving it a squeeze. No response. Just that poker face accompanied by silence.

"I love you," I tried instead, a hopeful expression gleaming on my face. I watched thoughtfully, as Kellin's eyes twitched slightly, before he glanced at me for a moment, then made his gaze return to the ceiling. I smiled, knowing that this was his way of telling me that he loved me too. It was clear that I was getting somewhere with him, and that all he needed was some clear support and affection in order to get better. He needed someone to be there for him and to help him through this. I wanted to be just that.

"This is my brother, Mike," I carried on talking, despite knowing that Kellin would not reply. "I've told you so much about 'im, remember? I thought I'd never see 'im again, but now 'e works as a doctor. I'm sure you two will get along when you, uh, you know, get better."

I squeezed his hand once again in hopes of getting a reaction, but nothing happened. It would be a long process to get Kellin back to how he was before, but I was willing to fight for him, especially now that I had my brother at my side to help.

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