The Good Girl's Bad Side

By straw_berry_xxx

9.3M 279K 88.6K

Amazing cover by @GrimTragedies Highest Rank: #1 in Teen fiction Tristan's grasp tightens around my waist, wh... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: First Day
Chapter 2: What's your name?
Chapter 3: I want Oreos...
Chapter 4: Feeling's Mutual
Chapter 5: Business
Chapter 7: Clearly you've seen a gun before
Chapter 8: I may not be an expert in girls' fashion, but even that outfit is not
Chapter 9: Is that a threat or a promise?
Chapter 10: I'm not even sure you're a girl at all.
Chapter 11: I'll leave you in your ugliness then
Chapter 12: How romantic...
Chapter 13: The point is...
Chapter 14: I just know that they involve pain
Chapter 15: I'm not the best for nothing
Chapter 16: I can take on the hard guys
Chapter 17: Nope just want to go home and not listen to you
Chapter 18: I'll let you drive my mustang
Chapter 19: But we'll Skype anyway
Chapter 20: I enjoyed that
Chapter 21: Crying is for the weak
Chapter 22: Don't let him hurt you
Chapter 23: Please oh Tristan McJerkface
Chapter 24: I don't have a weakness
Chapter 25: Oh no. I'm the girl!
Chapter 26: Nobody's too old for minions
Chapter 27: I could kiss you right now
Chapter 28: I have to try and forget about her.
Chapter 29: If going to the mall involves free food and the arcade then, yes
Chapter 30: P.S. Nothing's wrong
Chapter 31: You know I hate dresses
Chapter 32: It's okway, I'm fwine
Chapter 33: I know you know
Chapter 34: Achievement unlocked!
Chapter 35: I was just trying to piss off Nicole
Chapter 36: I. Don't. Care.
Chapter 37: We all know that I can never be ugly
Chapter 38: Do you always give into temptation?
Chapter 39: You
Chapter 40: If pain is what you enjoy
Chapter 41: Or, we can make our own
Chapter 42: Yes
Chapter 43: Detention
Chapter 44: Now that's what I call a snack
Chapter 45: I was once in love
Chapter 46: Please don't hurt him.
Chapter 47: Go sleep!
Chapter 48: Hair and make up
Chapter 49: Yes, I'll be yours
Chapter 50: We've got company
Chapter 51: Don't let Henry hurt her
Chapter 52: I don't have a gun
Author's Note
Chapter 53: So, what's the plan?
Chapter 54: He's a sadist
Chapter 55: That's him?
Chapter 56: What's going on?
Chapter 57: You killed her...
Chapter 58: Keep running
Chapter 59: "What's The Matter, Officer?"
Thank you!

Chapter 6: Girls aren't objects that you can just call 'dibs' on

223K 6.1K 1.3K
By straw_berry_xxx

Sorry for updating so late. Exams kept me up but I might be able to update quicker now. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 6: Girls aren't objects that you can just call 'dibs' on

"Tristan, long time since I've seen you my friend," the man says.

"Henry," Tristan growls.

I stare flabbergasted at the scenario before me, trying to uncover what is happening.

They know each other. But how?

"Hailey, you never told me that you knew my old friend Tristan," he smirks and leans back on his seat as he interwines his fingers and rests his elbows on the desk before him.

"Wh-what?" I stutter. "Oh he didn't tell you?" He asks and his lips curve into an evil smirk. Tristan let out an angry growl and attempts to attack Henry, but two of the body guards beat him to it and stop him before he could. "I'm going to kill you!" He yells. Henry just avoids his commotion and averts his gaze to me.

"Hailey, I need you to fight. Two weeks from now," he says. "You already know the consequences if you don't so, I won't bother explaining."

"She will not fight!" Tristan yells. "Yes she will! And you will not stand in the way," Henry raises his voice higher than Tristan's.

"She will get hurt, those people are rough and they don't care if they have to kill someone," Tristan yells.

"She has fought before, many times, and she never lost. She's the best fighter I have and she will fight this time again," Henry growls.

Tristan, without saying a word, grabs my wrist, and pulls me out of the room.

What just happened?

"Tristan what's going on?" I ask him as he drags me out of the building, but he just avoids me, conspicuously deep in thought. We finally exit the building and reach the car. Tristan opens the passenger door and commands, "Get in." Not being able to control my anger, I remained fixed in my position.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Get. In."

"No Tristan. Tell me what the hell happened first," I raise my voice.

He sighs, "Get in and I'll tell you."

I dubiously plump myself down on the passenger seat and Tristan shuts my door before sitting in the driver's seat and taking off.


"Henry was my boss two years ago. I used to be one of his fighters. I was known as Travis. I used to do it for money so, that's how I came to know him," Tristan briefly explains. We are parked in my drive way and I am listening to Tristan as he explains what had happened with Henry. "Are you happy now?" He asks sardonically and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Then how did you cut your ties with him?" I question. Tristan knowing Henry was unexpected. Travis was a well-known fighter. He was the best, undefeated but no one knew his true identity because he always wore a mask and out of the blue, he stopped fighting but no one knew why. But discovering that Tristan is Travis and Travis is Tristan has taken me aback.

"I'm done talking. I'll get your car fixed by Monday," he avoids my gaze, his hands stiffening on the steering wheel.

"Wait are you going to the party?" I decide to stop inquiring, seeing as how he was pissed off, although I want answers.

"Yeah, why?"

"My friend invited me, so because I don't have car, I need a ride."

He takes a few seconds to reply and sighs, "Fine."

"Thanks, wait here quickly," I hurriedly get out of the car and run into my house, up the stairs and into my room. I take a five minute shower and wear a maroon spaghetti strapped crop-top with a blue high-waist jean and finish it off with my white converse.

If you haven't guessed it, I love my converse.

I run down the stairs again, not bothering to do my make up and hair, and go to the car.

"That was faster than expected," Tristan raised his eyebrow in amusement and the car roars to life as he starts it.

"I guess I'm fast then," I shrug and pull the seatbelt across the body. "So why did you decide on coming to the party?" Tristan breaks the silence that covered us as we are on the road. "Peyton didn't give me much of a choice," I reply, looking at the streets of houses as we pass them by.

"Okay," he nods, "Now I know why you didn't want me to call you Angel," he says randomly.

"Achievement unlocked," I say sarcastically and he shakes his head in amusement.

We arrive at the party a few minutes later and as I expected, it is loud-- the enormous luminous house, the loud music taking over the entire street and beer bottles everywhere. Teenagers crowding both the inside and outside of the house.

We make our way inside the overcrowded house and just as we enter, Tristan disappears. Great. Did I really expect him to stick around? Maybe. I push my way through the crowd of teenagers dancing and grinding on each other, and go to the kitchen which I absolutely have no idea where it is. This house is a maize. I trying looking everywhere, but no matter which room I go to, it's either there are people making out, drunk or doing what shall not be said.

Awesome. Notice the sarcasm? Yeah? Good.

"Hailey!" I hear a familiar voice behind me. Finally.

"Peyton!" I say in relief. "Where the heck have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you."

"I've been busy," she says, looking a bit tipsy.

"With?" I raise my eyebrow and she avoids my question and eye contact. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose and say, "I don't even wanna know." She laughs and takes hold of my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I love dancing, but I am not in the mood right now. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's the 'incident' that took place earlier today. "C'mon, loosen up a little," Peyton brings me back from my thoughts. "I'm not feeling it," I say. She simply shrugs and finds a guy to dance with. She is something.

I walk away from the dance floor and go outside for some fresh air. The backyard of this house is huge and beautiful. There is what seems to be a lapa, covered with bright lights. The pool is almost the same size at the one used in the olympics, but a tad bigger. In the far end of the yard, there seems to be a set of children's swings. I guess Greg has siblings.

I sit at a nearby bench and try to relax. My mind wonders off and soon I am consumed with my thoughts. Why and how did Tristan begin fighting for Henry? This question keeps on repeating in my mind and soon I remember the cause of my problems.


"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be sitting alone," a voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn back to see a guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He's tall, but not as tall as Tristan. He is good looking if I may say and you can see that he doesn't struggle with girls.

I stare at him without uttering a word. "Greg," he says walking over to sit down next to me. "Hailey," I say and he nods. "I noticed you came with Tristan," he says. "Yep," I say. "Are you two...a thing?" He asks and I laugh.

"What's funny?" He asks bewildered.

"The fact that you think Tristan and I are dating. Me and Tristan are just...acquaintances," I say.

"Okay. He doesn't really give girls rides in his car you know?" He asks and I am taken aback by his question.

"Really?" I ask.


"But the reason why he gave me a ride is because my car broke down and he decided to help," I shrug.

"He doesn't help just anyone either," he winks at me.


"C'mon let's go inside and grab a drink," he gets up and offers me his hand. "I don't drink," I say. "We'll get you something else to drink then, other than alcohol," he laughs lightly. "Okay," I take his hand and he leads me back into the house and we pass the massive crowd into the kitchen. We find Jordan and Chase conversing with beer bottles in their hands.

"Hailey!" Jordan greets. "You came!"

"Yep. Didn't really have a choice," I greet back and he hugs me. "Where's Tristan?" Chase asks. "I don't know. He disappeared ever since we set foot in the house," I answer.

"Did you come with the same car?" Jordan wiggles his eyebrows, with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah, why?" I ask confusedly.

"No reason."

"What do you want to drink, water, sprite?" Greg asks me.

"Water's fine," I say.

"So Hailey, are you going to audition for the R and J Revolution play?" Chase asks and Greg hands me a bottle of water, and I nod in appreciation. "No, are you?" I ask. "Chasy here, was forced to be Romeo and he's looking for a Juliet," Jordan answers in laughter for him and I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry you'll find your Juliet," I say in between laughs.

"Just hope that she's pretty and won't stalk you, thinking that fate has brought you guys together," Greg laughs as Chase grunts.

A minute later Kaitlyn walks in looking a bit tipsy. She is wearing those shirt dresses, but a grey and plain one, with a choker around her neck and a pair of black Vans. She actually looks hot with her exposed legs and I bet guys have been eyeing her. "Hi Hailey, didn't expect to see you here," she greets me with a hug. "Nice to see you too," I hug her back. "You look like you're having fun," I say. "And you look like you're depressed," she laughs. "Anyway, I have to go back to the dance floor," she says, "Someone's waiting for me," she whispers so that only I can hear and greets the guys before leaving the kitchen.

"Damn, I know that girl is hot but I didn't know she is that  hot," Chase says after Kaitlyn exits the room and I smack him behind the head. "Ouch!" He whines.

"I call dibs on her," Jordan says and I smack his head as well. "Ouch!" He lets out a squeaky whine.

"Girls aren't objects that you can just call 'dibs' on," I say.

"I was just pointing it out to these two idiots-" he gestures to Chase and Greg, "-that she's mine," he finishes.

"Who are you calling idoits?" Greg asks Jordan.

"See? They don't even know that they are idiots, so you always have to point out everything to them," Jordan puts a hand on my shoulder and smirks. I can't help but laugh at what Jordan said as Greg and Chase roll their eyes. "I bet I'll treat her better in bed," Chase says. "I bet I have a--" Greg says but I cut him off. "Okay we get it. Now enough of all the the dirty minds."

"Is someone's innocent ears being damaged?" Chase coos.

"There only thing that will be damaged is your nose if you continue speaking," I playfully warn him, finishing it off with a lipped smile. Chase takes the hint and shuts his trap. It's nice to know how to get to a guy.

"And how are you going to do that? I bet you don't even know how to throw a proper punch," Jordan mocks me.

"I wouldn't provoke her if I was you," a voice says at the door and I turn my head to see it's Tristan. He doesn't look drunk but his cheeks are flushed, probably because of the many girls he might have kissed, made out with or.....yeah let me not say it. He is the school's bad boy after all and you can't be a bad boy without the ladies' man characteristic. "She has the potential," Tristan finishes.

"Sure," Greg nods dubiously.

"Where have you been, bro?" Jordan asks Tristan and walks over to him to give him one of those bro hugs.

"Around," Tristan says as the break off the hug.


"Hailey let's go. It's time to get you home," Tristan says to me.

"Oh c'mon man, the night's still young. Let's rather go somewhere and have fun. This party is starting to bore me anyway. No offense Greg," Chase suggests.

"None taken. I have to even clear out the party before my parents get here," Greg says to Chase.

"Chase's right. I don't want to go home now," I whine.

"Yeah man, let's go somewhere else," Jordan supports us.


Longest chapter I've written. Phew! Hope you enjoyed it...

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