Another World

By althy7

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An ordinary youth is transported to an alternate world..will he survive? What dangers will he have to face an... More

Chapter 1- Transportation
Chapter 2- Special ability
Chapter 3- Enter the crimson knights
Chapter 4- Crimsom rivers
Chapter 5- Facing the crimson captain
Chapter 6- Glimpse of death
Chapter 7- Broken
Chapter 8- Commence training!!
Chapter 9- Increase in skill
Chapter 10- Big bad wolf
Chapter 11- A visitor
Chapter 12- Purple eyes
Chapter 13- Ambush
Chapter 14- Devilgod
Chapter 16- Memories 2
Chapter 17- Ancestor
Chapter 18 - Rea tower 1
Chapter 19 - Rea tower 2
Rea Tower - Part 3
Chapter 21 - The one who will kill us all
Chapter 22 - The Miniature Tower
Chapter 23 - Soul Rebirth
Chapter 24 - Advancing in the miniature tower
Chapter 25 - Tournament
Chapter 26 - My Prize
Chapter 27 - Recovery
Chapter 28 - Exploring with a monk
Chapter 29 - Helios
Chapter 30 - Exploring Floating Cloud
Chapter 31 - Unfortunate Encounter
Not a chapter - Jay's acquired titles, abilities, skills and items
Chapter 32 - Shin

Chapter 15- Memories

78 3 2
By althy7

I walk towards the rogues with dagger in hand, with only death in my mind and insanity in my eyes. I get in range of the left rogue and slash behind his knees then quickly dash to the right and do the same to the other and they both fall to the ground their combined weight locking the rapist in place, they scream in agony and I think 'that's what you deserve'. I move closer to the rapist still thrust in my mother and then jab at his eyes, i hear squelching as i wedge the blade into his eyes, then I slit all 3 men's wrists and the last ones knees and tuck away the dagger then drag them to the other side making sure to stuff rags in their mouths as they only moan bleeding out like the scum they are waiting for death. I reach out to hold my mother in my arms as the carriage door slams open and the lead rogue says 'you boys OK?' Then gasps as he sees what happened. I charge, dagger in hand to attempt to stab him like I did the others. He kicks me away easily and I hit the wall of thw carriage hard, I felt something crack when his foot hit me, maybe a rib or 2. I cough up a little blood then wobbling I rise again. He is standing over my mother and I shout 'get away from her!!'. I charge him again as he crouches, I realise that the dagger dropped when I flew back and then my body grows cold as I see that dagger in his hand. My mother moves towards me and says 'run, I'll try and hold them off'. Immediately after a dagger protrudes from her back and blood spurts from her mouth and she falls to the floor. In death her pale white skin made her seem at peace finally. I drop to the ground defeated, hopeless, basically feeling like worthless shit and tears stream from my eyes like a fountain, I mutter and blabber out nonsense as I crawl forward and hug her body close breathing in her scent, memorizing every single detail of her face. Others walk in and gasp, but I'm already distant from my body and feel detached. They roughly drag me away from her kicking and punching me, but no weapons are used, their multiple limbs were even weapon enough. I get severely clobbered but don't even feel the pain. It continues for a few minutes maybe 4 or 5. They leave all the corpses there and then leave. After what feels like hours I stand up bloody and, battered. I felt a faint sense of pain and thought nearly all of my body was injured. I grab hold of my fathers corpses shirt and the side of my mother's dress and I drag them slowly back to our estate. Multiple hours pass as I walk through villages and towns an uncountable number of people watching me, they see a going child dragging corpses and who volunteers to help me? No one I think as I continue, I think humans are trash, humans are all worthless scum as I grit my teeth still moving forward. I think I'll only depend on myself from now on as to put hope in stupid, worthless humans is to give yourself up for torture and disgrace, in the end you can only depend on yourself. After 2 and a half days I make it back. 40 ft from the gate our, no my Butler spots me and runs at abnormal speed. He is 6'2" and is 22 years old, he stands 4 inches away from me then kneels on one knee saying 'welcome back young master'. He sucks in his breath sharply and I see a dark sinister look in his eyes as he sees the corpses and he immediately takes them from me and says 'please wait here for a few moments'. He disappears and returns immediately the corpses no more in his hands and carries me in a bridal pose. I don't even protest as he walks quickly to the mansion. The massive gates are shut and he walks into the house. He sits me on a table with a jug of wine, a cup and a plate that has 5 pieces of bread on it. Sebas(the butler) stands to my right and says 'if you ever want to narrate what you saw I'm here for you young master, also if you never want to I understand as well. I will not say I know how you feel, but I will always stay by your side'. I devour the bread and drain the whole jar. I feel dizzy and realised Sebas must have put a sleeping drug in the drink. Before I move a cm I'm bride carried by him again and my vision fades to black.
I have a nightmare, all I see is blood, blood, blood, blood, blood. Then I see the rogues slash and hack my family and workers over and over and over again, I see everything in exact detail and start to scream and thrash around with my body punching and kicking. I hear a soothing voice faintly throughout my ordeal and after what feels like days being trapped I wake to a golden sun illuminating my room. Sebas is holding me firmly but softly, stroking my hair, speaking words of comfort. My eyes are blurry and I wipe them as I say 'thank you'. I see bruises on his face and chest and gasp knowing I hurt him. He laughs at my reaction and cheerily with a grin on his face says 'goodmorning young master..oh these scratches, ignore them'. I ask 'how long have you been here?'. He replies 'all night if course, I kept holding on to you'.
My face saddens at this and still cheery he says 'don't worry about it' tousling my hair. I clench my right fist and tell him 'I want to become strong, no I want to become the strongest being their is. I'll make those bastards pay a millionfold of what they did'. Unluckily for them I mesmerized each and every one of their faces in exact detail. Since I've known him Sebas was calm and never ever got angry, but in 2 days the mention of my parents killers caused his eyes to go hard and his mouth to snarl. He shakes out of it fast though, so fast I think it may have been an illusion. Sebas says 'understood, but you'll have to rest first for about a week, then I'll train you'. I smile at that thinking that even if this world and everyone in it gets destroyed I can still depend on Sebas. For the next week I stay at home reading history, magic and skill books that my family kept. I studies them all and began thinking of how to evolve these techniques and how to use my body to it's full potential: maximum damage, speed and skill with the least amount of effort required.
We walk to the training ground and wear loose fitting clothes. Sebas bends slightly and puts his right hand up like a snake then left down at his side curled into a fist. I bend slightly and bring my left arm forward and slightly to the right and my right hand behind me slightly to the left. Sebas says 'from now on you have become a warrior'. Then he starts his assault, his form shimmers and he rapidly closes our gap of 6 ft in a mere instant, but I see him move. I grin as he extends his right hand aiming to strike me, I dodge to the left and run at his back. He delivers a spinning kick which I manage to block with both arms but the result is me hitting the wall. I spit saying 'that was nothing'. I charge again arms behind my back as I plan how to disable and attack him. Due to our height difference he has the advantage but I have sharp eyes, when im 3ft from him I rush at full speed surprising him. He extends his left hand to flat palm my stomach but I'm faster. My form shimmers and I'm 2ft right above his head I throw a smoke bomb at his face and as my right leg descends I shout 'Lucifer's descent!!'. You see reading history wasn't the only thing I was doing, I read about the human body, what points to press to disable and kill, what points are used to enhance your own body and how to increase your own power as well as reading books of how to make smoke and poison bombs. As my right leg comes down it gets engulfed in red flame and hits. Sebas gasps as he feels the combined forces of a strong kick and flames eating at him and after contact he jumps back as I land lightly on my feet. Sebas applauds and says 'well done, now I won't give you a chance to retaliate. He shimmers again but instead of being in front of me I feel a disturbance behind me and spin around as his fist connects with my left cheek. I fly backwards and hit the wall hard. I grunt and stand up after a few seconds grinning with only a light scratch on my face, in truth that punch should have knocked me out. But I only felt faint pain, how? It's a secret :3. Kidding, it was a permanent body strengthening potion I took before facing Sebas, I had no intention of underestimating him. I also used a speed enhancing potion, both of which I made myself. I stand and gulp down 2 more body potions and 7 speed potions. I glow a light blue colour then the glow fades. Sebas' eyes are wide as he realises what I've just done and says ' wonder you took a punch of mine in your stride like that'. I focus on my dark memories of that night aiming to fuel my rage and desire, something to hold onto...large blade of winds form and spiral, the air starts to distort and my aura turns purple and starts crackling, I rise a metre into the air and then disappear. Sebas turns around 360° when he  the motion I strike him in the stomach, my fist enters his flesh and he groans, I withdraw and appear at his back aiming to kick his head but he anticipates this as he grabs my leg while I'm in midair without turning, he says 'my turn'. I'm thrown and hit the wall again but feel no pain, I crack my shoulders, neck and fists then crouch with both my fists at my side as Sebas rushes me and when he's a foot in front of me I shout 'double shotgun blast!!' And unleash all the anger and frustration I kept in for that hit. He takes it full on and flies backwards hitting the wall. I smirk saying 'how does it feel to hit the wall huh?'. He stands with a hole burned into his shirt and a light layer scratches on his stomach. I just realise that both auras have faded and think 'fuck...' As I feel a cold shiver run down my spine. Now what does any sane person do when they are outmatched? They run -_-. That's exactly what I did, but not to flee from battle but to get more potions of course. I shout 'wait here for some minutes'. Sebas sits patiently and I go to my room and grab a large bag stuffing my attack, body and speed potions in it. I run back and drop the bag at a corner of the training room and consume 5 attack potions 4 body potions and 6 speed potions. Luckily they have no taste so I just gulp them down and get into a fighting stance. Sebas stands and says 'you can't depend on those forever'. I nod in response thinking 'I know, this is just for a few weeks'. Weeks fly pass as I continue my training and studying, I become stronger, faster, and a lot more cunning. A month after the event that happened I find Sebas in the garden and ask 'if I hadnt come home that day what would you have done?'. He is silent for some seconds as he looks to the sun. He keeps looking at it as he replies 'I counted every second after you left the manor. I would have waited another hour then come to get you three'. I say 'what if one of us was in another dimension or you couldn't find our bodies?'. He replies 'I would have found them, be it in any dimension, if not the bodies I would have found the ashes and the perpetrators would have the seven hells to pay...why havent you visited your parents graves yet young master?'. I look at the ground and say 'Im not worthy of doing so unless I find their killers'. Sebas grips my shoulder and pulls me along. 5 minutes later we arrive at the gravesite. I remember my mother's face again, images of the nightmares flashing across my eyes and I clench my right fist causing the nails to dig into my palm and bleed. I kneel and pay my respects, thanking them for everything. I walk back and have one thought in my mind 'I will become the strongest and I will avenge your souls with bloodshed'. I tell Sebas to significantly increase the training difficulty and he teleports us to another dimension. A green field with a purple sky and no trees are in sight. He lunges at me, his palm coming closer 9 inches, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3. At 2 inches I duck and swivel with my left foot 360° and when his body is aligned with mine I give him an uppercut to the stomach putting all my weight behind it causing him go shoot up 20 metres into the sky. My form shimmers and I'm 3 ft above him, I bring both my fists down and charge them with blue lightning and ki as I shout 'Descent of Icarus!!'. A shockwave is created which causes wind blades and Sebas shoots downwards and a crater forms that's 3 metres wide. I land lightly 5 metres away from the spot crouching as Sebas stands. I think 'let's take this to the next level'. I unleash my aura and a dark purple light shines, enveloping my whole body, I add in some electricity in as well causing small blue sparks to flutter around my body in no specific order. I put my arms by my sides as I slightly bend my knees and charge ki throughout my whole body. Sebas doesn't stand there idly as I would hope, he realises what I'm doing and he also unleashes his aura, a light blue colour envelops his body and I feel the pressure of our conflicting auras. I close my eyes and look deep within myself, looking for the darkness that is my aid and I soon find it, I let it take over and I have a feeling of euphoria all over as I open my eyes and grin at Sebas, my power increases and I start my assault. I run straight and appear half a foot behind Sebas and shout 'Elephants barrage: first step' as I open the first inner gate at the same time. My fist and an immense blast of wind hits his face as he turns around, he flies back a couple dozen feet. While he's in motion I appear 2 ft below him and shout 'second step' as my fist extends and hits his stomach and I hear a satisfying squelch as he gets pushed upwards and coughs out blood. I appear 2ft above him and shout 'third step'. A shockwave forms and he hits the ground forming a crater 10ft deep 13ft wide a land lightly again and he stands. I ask him 'aren't you tired of this?, why not just give up?'. Sebas says 'not really, I'll keep at it for now'.
We continue sparring, I get hit but he does as well and after 2 hrs we stop and go back to rest.
Sebas looks at me and says 'youre becoming stronger'. As a reply I snort thinking 'if I was I'd be able to one hit you'. Sebas grabs my shoulder and says 'come young master'. I stand and follow him, we walk deeper into the house, some places which I hadn't known. Sebas says as we walk 'your parents entrusted 2 blades to me to give to you when you were of age, I believe now is that time'. I wasn't sure whether to he happy or sad...a year had passed, I still had the nightmares and haven't avenged my parents deaths yet..but Sebas trusts me enough to give me something that will change my overall power. As I ponder we reach a large stone door 14ft high and around 4ft thick. Sebas waves his right hand and the door slowly opens creaking loudly.... Crreeeaaaakkkk. I wonder what awaits me as all I see is shadow in the vault obscuring my vision completely. Sebas says 'go in'. I'm dumbfounded at this and stutter ' expect me to go alone?? Are you insane??'. Sebas looks me in the mind 'this will allow you to gain the power you seek, but you have to go alone. I have complete faith in you young master'. And with that he bowed low and sat behind me. I steel my resolve as I look into the stone chamber, I wonder what awaits me as I slowly walk inside. When I walk past the door it closes immediately and I think 'let's do this' with a grin on my face as unknown horrors and my darkest thoughts await me...

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