Before the Dawn, BK3 of the L...

By Sachula

5.7K 941 81

Book 3 of the Lightwalkers Series. After a failed attempt at regaining his freedom, Jon's situation grows wo... More

I - Nick
II - Carrie
III - Seth
IV- Remi
V - Jon
VI - Sin
VII - Seth
VIII - Carrie
X - Seth
XI - Remi
XII - Carrie
XIII - Remi
XIV - Seth
XV - Sin
XVI - Carrie
XVII - Remi
XVIII - Seth
XIX - Christina
XX - Seth
XXI - Nickolas

IX - Remi

258 44 6
By Sachula

The air vibrated around me, humming with the energy of the spell. I concentrated on the image. The illusion that surrounded me was detailed and built upon one of my favorite memories. The schoolroom was average, with the desks and chairs worn. Windows lined the wall to my left, a wall of posters and a bulletin board on my right. The whiteboard in the front of the room was clean. I stepped closer, digging in my memories for a what was written on the board that day. I waved my hand, passing it over the clean surface to reveal the words, "Welcome Students".

Blaring music broke my attention, and the image shattered like taking a hammer to a mirror. I was left in the motel room, staring at the TV. The barrier I'd put up to keep the magic from leaking out shimmered on the walls of the rooms, still holding steady. The music dimmed and started again.

I grabbed my phone from the bed and tried to take a deep, calming breath before answering it. It turned into more of a sigh when I looked at the display.

"Yeah?" I waved a hand, dismissing the barrier and absorbing the magic back into my reserves.

"Something's up." Jay's voice was soft and the whistling of wind told me that he was probably up in a tree somewhere. "That guy you said was with Seth, Bry something-"

"Bryson, what about him?" I sat on the edge of the bed, searching for the candy bar I'd tossed in my bag earlier this morning.

"He just left the compound, alone."


"Well, he had a lot of help leaving. He can barely walk and they kept his car."

I paused. That didn't sound good. "What about Seth?"

"Haven't seen him. Look, come find me and we'll talk to Mr. Bryson. Maybe he'll know what's going on with Seth."

Jay hung up, and I slipped my phone into my back pocket as I stood. I patted my pockets; phone, key to the room, wallet, and a few magical trinkets. That was everything I needed. I threw the books back into my bag and left, locking the door behind me.

I scanned the small parking lot, before heading across the asphalt to the woods on the other side. The undergrowth was thick and it was a pain to walk through in the jeans I'd chosen for today. I walked far enough in that when I turned back, I couldn't see the road or the motel beyond it. I glanced around, making sure I was alone in the dense woods before closing my eyes and concentrating inward.

My magic pulsed, begging me to use it. I kept the core of my power shielded; it kept unwanted people like my wonderful family from finding me easily. Jay was who I was looking for. I let my mind float, focusing my thoughts on my guardian and the silver chain I'd given him. The chain that held a trace of my power. I sent a small wave of power out and waited for a response. It was like playing a magical version of Marco Polo.

There, northeast from here. I opened my eyes and started running in his direction. I pulled on the power in the life of the forest, using it as a slingshot to propel me forward, faster, until I found myself in a small cluster of oaks.

Jay was to my right, shifted in the form of a great harpy eagle. He held himself steady, perched on a fallen tree trunk.

Bryson was to my right, collapsed against the base of one of the oaks, and I could see why Jay was worried enough to call me. Bryson was pretty banged up. Blood had dried on his chin from his busted lip, one of his eyes was already swollen shut and red. And from the state of his clothes, ripped, torn and bloody, I'd say that the rest of him didn't look much better than his face.

Jay let out a loud squawk that echoed through the forest and jerking Bryson awake. He started at the sight of me, trying to push himself up.

"You, what are you doing here?"

Jay screeched again, drawing Bryson's attention as the bird stretched his giant wings. He hadn't shifted back, so he didn't trust Bryson. But that left all the talking to me.

I held back a sigh and stepped closer to the injured man. "Where's Seth?"

"Why'd you follow us? What do you want?!"

I let myself go cold, as I'd often done not so long ago. My body stilled, my eyes icy enough to chill the Arctic. I squatted down, close enough to Bryson so that when I touched my power, he'd be able to see my eyes turn scarlet. It was my other self, the personality that had protected me from the horrors of my family, the one that he let me ignore my conscience and run with the gangs in London. The guy that Jay had chased away.

"There was only one thing my employer has asked of me so far. Do you know what that one thing  is?" I tapped into my power, drawing it to my hands to arc between them like scarlet electricity.

Bryson stared at the power before glancing up at my face, where his good eye widened even more if it was possible.

I leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear as he flinched away from me. "It was to keep Seth safe."

I drew back enough to see the confusion play along the bruised features of his face. I smiled and knew it wasn't a nice one.

"Now, tell me, Bryson. Is Seth safe?"

Bryson was quiet, weighing his odds I think as he glanced at me and Jay.

"I don't think they'll hurt him, they need him alive. But," he paused, reaching up to the necklace he wore marking him as a member of Orion's Order. "The Order's changed. They won't hurt Seth, but I don't think he should stay there. I mean, look at me." He raised his arms, wincing a little as he did. "All I wanted to do was talk to Seth, and they tossed me out like the trash."

I straightened and looked back at Jay. He jumped from the log and landed, gently on my raised arm.

"How in the Hells..." Bryson mumbled.

I ignored him, turning most of my attention to Jay. Using a bit of power, I concentrated on talking to Jay mind to mind.

We need to get to Seth, I started.

Agreed. Take him back to the motel. Clean him up and see what he knows. I'm going to contact Nickolas, maybe see if I can get a better look at the mansion's layout. Jay ruffled his feathers a bit, turning a very human look from the bird's features towards me. Be careful, Remi.

He took off, flying up higher into the thick canopy of the forest.

I turned back to Bryson. He was staring at me again, but this time it wasn't in fear. It was something close to careful consideration.


"The Hewitts don't have animal connections."

I stepped back over to him. "Who said I was a Hewitt?"

He tilted his head down at me. "A caster with a British accent? If you're not a Hewitt, you were probably trained by them."

I considered it, and he was right. It was going to be harder to hide in America than I thought.

"So what about it?" I said, giving him the weight of my stare.

Bryson fidgeted, suddenly nervous. "Just trying to figure you out."

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up, then we can figure out what to do about Seth." I offered him a hand up which he took after a moment.

"Thanks..." his voice trailed off, waiting for me to offer my name.

"Remi," I said. "Remington Hewitt."

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