XIV - Seth

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I came to on the floor, laying on my side. Groaning, I sat up stiffly. My body protested any sort of movement. What the hell happened?

A glance around the dark sitting room brought the memories back in a rush. That bastard Adrian was going to get it the next time I saw him.

I tried the door, but it was locked. Same as the windows, even though the three-story drop didn't look too appealing. I cursed, kicking at the wall under the last window.

How could I have been so stupid? To think that coming here could have worked?

I sank onto one of the decorative couches and ran my fingers through my hair. It was getting long and only served to remind me that I was running out of time.

I should have been more patient with Nick. At least he was actively trying to help. And he had found Jon. I needed to get my stuff and get out of this place. Then I could find my way back to Nick's people.

A soft noise caught my attention. I glanced up at the door as the handle tried to turn again. When it didn't open, there was the smallest of knocks.

"Seth?" Eli's voice was barely a whisper.

I rushed over to the door. "Eli? It's locked. It won't open."

"Stand back."

Putting distance between me and the door, I waited, unsure of what he was planning on doing.

I felt the air stir around me as if a ceiling fan had suddenly been set to full blast. Then as quickly as it'd started, the air rushed at the door. It busted inward like the Eli had kicked it open, except without a single sound.

Eli stood eyes closed and motionless in the doorway, one hand palm facing out as if he was some sort of martial arts enthusiast. He looked up at me slowly, an awestruck expression slowly growing on his face.

"Thanks," I said, moving towards him to glance into the hall. It was empty.

"I can't believe it worked." He surveyed the room behind me. "What happened? I saw you with Adrian in the courtyard, but when you didn't come back..."

"Adrian is an ass," I said, starting to walk down the hall. "He never had any intention of helping me find Jon."

I kept an eye out while I talked. The last thing I wanted to do was run into Adrian or another one of the fighters. But there was no one around and it unnerved him. What was Adrian plotting at? Was he walking into a trap, or had Adrian really left him unguarded?

"What are you going to do now?" Eli asked.

Looking back at him, I paused for only a moment. "I need to get my stuff, find Bryson, and leave. There's no point in me staying here longer."

He nodded, "Adrian isn't going to like it, though."

"Adrian can kiss my knife."

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