'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

125K 3.6K 1.1K

The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
To Have Loved.....

Return To Thee.....

3.3K 127 45
By ElleMiglioranza

Author P.O.V

Siena walked away from the boarding house not looking back she saw that as her past that she didn't want to be part of it anymore. She walked down the street of Mystic Falls looking at every detail the time she had been in this miserable town, the only good things that she got from here wanted nothing to do with her any longer. That being Damon and Nico the two people who she truly thought she would never lose, but Siena wasn't crying or was she upset by this revelation. She felt nothing for all the hurtful words that were said she felt numb as whatever emotion she felt for the man she married had disappeared.

She came into the town square it was filled with people doing there every day thing, going to work or going to school she was envious of how life seemed so normal for them. What Siena would give to have that normality not to be in a world where she was thrown into full of supernatural being. Now with her marriage over maybe that what Siena could have a normal life away from Mystic falls, always from the Salvatore and the problem that came with them. With Damon finally realizing that he want Elena she didn't want to be around to cause any awkward moments, she knew that her sister was in love with Damon and she had compelled her to stop.

She knew what she had to do but before doing so she needed a strong drink before doing so. Siena headed towards the Grill she made her way in and saw the place was pretty quiet. She walked to the bar and saw that Matt was working, she smiled at him "Hey Matt. Anything from your second shelf in a very large glass" She spoke to him polity.

Matt heard Siena voice from behind him he turned around to see her, she looked a little different like there was something not quite right with her. She wasn't one to come there and drink first thing in the morning that was more of a Damon thing to do. "Hey" He smiled at her and grabbed a bottle and a glass "You're not normally a morning drinker" Matt stated a little concerned as he handed her the glassed filled with bourbon.

Siena smiled "Well. Consider this more of a celebration" She take the glass and drains it "Another please" She watched as Matt pours another. Siena was celebrating a lot of thing came into perspective to her that she was a girl who would be eternally 21 she wasn't like the others just any vampire she was unique. She wanted to live her life experience every little thing like any 21 year old should be doing and how did she ever expect to do that staying in this town.

Matt was confused with Siena comment of celebrating "Siena I'm not following what is there to be celebrating about? Have I missed something?" Matt once again spoke with confusion as he knew they had been having some trouble at Whitmore in in his whole time knowing Siena she never celebrated in victory. Matt began to think that maybe Siena was drunk and he should call Damon to take her home.

"Siena Russo celebrating I'm in" Lucas appeared behind Siena with a smile on his face he knew that Damon had kept to his word and push Siena away. He watched as she turned to face him first with a stunned expression then a smile. She got off her seat and hugged him tightly "Hey" Lucas smiled as he held Siena. He knew deep down she was hurting with that vampire breaking her heart. But he needed her to be part of his plan to help his sister, Siena was going to be the perfect pawn to be part of that.

Siena couldn't believe that Lucas was here in Mystic Falls seeing him made her feel hundred times better. She pulled away from him and looked up "What you doing here? How..." Siena mumbled but her question were stopped by Lucas.

Lucas knew he had to speak fast and quick before Siena asked him any further questions "Don't you remember in New York you told me your living in Mystic Falls. I was in the area and I thought to come and see how you were doing as you were in a rush to leave the other day" Lucas was fully aware of what Siena was he had people watching her since she had come to Mystic Falls so he was fully aware that she was dimidium sanguinis that she had competed transition into hybrid vampire. Lucas strategy plan always involved Siena and he just needed to the right time and moment to extract it.

Siena stood there trying to remember if she had told him "You know what it don't matter. It's great to see you" she smiled at him and took a seat "Matt can I have the same for my friend here" Matt nodded his head and poured them both a drink. Siena cling her glass to Lucas's "Bottom up" she smiled then drained her drink. "So what business did you have in this area? I'm sure the De Vere Empire don't extent all the way out to Virginia" Siena teased.

Lucas knew that now was his moment to aural Siena into his grand plan "Your right the De Vere don't go out this far. You recall me telling you about my sister" He watched as Siena nodded her "Well I met with someone and they told me of her location she was last. But I don't know..." Lucas started to act upset to get Siena sympathy which was working like a charm.

"Lucas" Siena touch his hand she had known Lucas pretty much all her life and she knew he was not one to give up "Are you frighten that she might reject you?" Siena knew that was something that Lucas always feared he had the same problem when it came to his father it seem that Lucas felt the need to prove himself. Siena notice that Lucas appeared upset "Hey. Look I'm sure your sister will be ecstatic when she meets you. I mean what there not to love about you" she encouraged him then smiled she didn't want her friend to fear rejection.

Lucas drained his drink then looked at her "That what I always loved about you Siena your always just you" He smiled and hoped that she will not refuse what he was about to offer "You know back in New York you said if I needed any help. Just to ask. Will you come with me?" He paused for a moment "I'm sorry how stupid of me I can't ask you to do something like that. Just to up and leave to help me" He turned back around and poured another drink for Siena and himself.

Siena could hear the sorrow in Lucas voice. She had nothing left here for her Damon had made his feeling very clear about her. Her son didn't want anything to do with her then there was her sister Elena who was getting on with her life in college and maybe rekindling something with Damon. There was nothing her back "Well Lucas De Vere you thought wrong because it looks like I'm coming with you" she smiled and raised her glass and they smiled as both of them took their shot of bourbon. "So where are we heading to?"

It was like music to Lucas's ear he knew that with the way Siena was feeling she would not refuse his offer after dating her for three years he knew how just to play her "New Orleans. That where she is" Lucas didn't turned to face her because he knew once in New Orleans the game plan was going to change as he knew he had to keep to the deal he had made with the Travellers.

When Siena heard the town of New Orleans it sparked something with in her a smile appeared on her face as she was amused by something "Well when are we leaving?"

On that Day Siena had left Mystic Falls she didn't say bye to her sister Elena as she intended to, she wanted to leave that miserable part of her life behind. Siena did not want anything to do with Mystic Falls her family, friends and her estrange husband. Siena was look forward into her future and she knew exactly in which direction she was going. She had agreed to meet Lucas in New Orleans in a few day, but Siena couldn't wait for that. There was something about New Orleans that was drawing her there. When she arrived in the city she felt like a surge of energy sweep through her, Siena felt stronger she felt move alive. She smiled as she walked through the streets which she considered to be her home now.

Siena walked into a bar it was filled with music and people laughing and drink she continued to smile as walked to the bar. A lady with blonde hair from behind the bar approached her she looked a little familiar to her from her last visit here with Klaus "What going to be your poison?" The blonde barmaid asked. Siena takes a sit "Scotch" She smiled and the barmaid grabbed a bottle and glass and began to pour a drink for her.

Cami looked at the brunette she knew she was familiar that she had seen her before but couldn't think where she had met her before "You look real familiar have met before?" She asked looking at her studying her face.

Siena began to respond to her but she had this overwhelming feeling over take her.She standing outside a building she see very sign "Fleur-De-Lis Sanatorium" it was an abandon building barely standing. Suddenly she was inside the building she began to walk down the hall way and she notice some of the rooms were filled with hospital bed. Siena couldn't understand why she was having this kind of vision? Then she heard familiar screams from behind her she turned around to see Rebekah who was crying and screaming Klaus name. "REBEKAH" Siena heard the voice of her ex-lover roar his sister name she spun round and saw him. He looked freighting with the look of murder in his eyes. "Nik. Nik, it isn't true" Siena heard Rebekah pleaded from behind her, but her focus was on Klaus the look of vengeance upon his face frighten her "I want to believe you, sister. But your face tells a different story. You cannot hide from me, Rebekah! Nor can you run. This ends now" Suddenly Klaus rushes towards Siena.

"Arrrrrgh" Siena screamed she looked up and saw the blonde barmaid looked at her concerned. Siena knew that vision meant some "Fleur-De-Lis Sanatorium where is that?" She asked her in a panic Siena wasn't sure what it was all about but she wasn't going to let Klaus do something he going to regret by hurt or possibly killing his sister.

"It's on Annunciation St" Cami responded before she could say anything the brunette was gone.

Siena left the bar and made her way to Annunciation St she fear that maybe she wouldn't be in time. When she had the vision of Damon and Nico she was too late the damage had been done. She feared that if Klaus was to hurt his sister it would truly destroy him, she couldn't allow that to happen not him to harbour that guilt and not for Rebekah life to be taken by whatever silly mistake she may have done.

She arrived outside the building it looked identical in her vision, she rushed into the building using her super speed to go through the hallways. She stopped for a moment and could hear Klaus and Rebekah voice two floors below. With that she used her super sped to get there. When she arrived she see Marcel the man she once met on the floor groaning in pain. The too far side of the room was Klaus with some kind of knife in his hand about to stab Rebekah. She rushed towards him pinned Klaus against the wall, she turns to Rebekah who was looked at her completely stunned "Leave" Siena demanded as she fought back Klaus. She see Marcel getting up "Marcel take her and leave" Once again Siena demand, neither of the vampire question Siena in one moment they were both gone.

Klaus was filled with rage with the betrayal by his sister. She was then one person in thousand years he thought that would turn on him the way she did. He was ready to end it all when he suddenly was pushed out of the way he looked before him and there stood Siena. He couldn't believe his eyes he could hear her talking to Rebekah and Marcel to leave and he shook him out of his thoughts "What the hell are you doing Siena?!" Klaus tried to push her off him but it appeared that Siena had increased in strength "Get the hell off me Siena. You will not stop me putting down Rebekah!" he yelled in anger.

Siena ignores Klaus for she knows if he is successful in his murderous attempt he will regret it for the rest of his life. "Temper, temp Nic" She mocked him as she continued to hold him down "Do you really think that I am going to let you kill your sister?" She smirks at Klaus, who roars in anger "It's useless to struggle because you know that I am far stronger and more powerful than you. Now why don't you just calm down so we can have a nice little chat" She smiled Siena cared for Klaus dearly and would not make him do something that he will truly regret.

Enraged by Siena mocking Klaus wanted to tare her limb from limb. But this was Siena the woman who he still held feeling for. For him to harm her that would be something truly monstrous "A chat. You want to have a bloody chat!!" Once again he raised his voice "Why don't you go back to Mystic Falls to your perfect little life with your arrogant husband and leave me to deal with my family how I seizes fit to" He glared at her but he knew the look in Siena eyes she was not going to let him go, he didn't want to use any further force on her "Siena Salvatore I'm giving you to the cou...." Siena began to laugh in his face making Klaus stop talking.

"I'm sorry Nic. Please continue with your threat" She laughed even more as Klaus was behaving like tyrant, a child that wasn't getting his own way. No matter what he will say there was no way in hell would she allow him to hurt his family, she had that vision for a reason. That reason being to save Klaus from himself "Sorry but what you said was so funny" She looks at him and could see his face was enraged with anger "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't have a husband" Siena eyes she was a free woman just as now Damon Salvatore was a free man.

Klaus was getting annoyed with Siena right now he didn't understand why she was here. Why did she come all the way to New Orleans? Right now he didn't care all he wanted was for her to take her hands off him so he can put Rebekah in her place once and for all "Well I'm glad my misery is amusing you Siena" He spoke through his teeth "Now will you kindly let me go" Klaus spoke darkly toward her as he was coming to the point where he may have to truly fight with her.

Siena looked at Klaus before laughing again "Let me think about it?" She pretended to think for like ten seconds "Nope sorry. You are going to stay put and we are going to chat just like we did in the old days" She knew he was getting even more angry at her but she rather him lash out at her. She saw this as a way to distract him from going all hybrid on Rebekah ass.

Klaus was well and truly annoyed with Siena now "You came all this bloody way to talk? There this invention called a telephone" He spoke with sarcasm. He didn't understand Siena intension why she was trying to stop him from dealing with his sister betrayal "I think we beyond the old days aren't we love?" once again he tries to counter attack Siena but fails.

Siena knew she had to go with something that she knew would hurt Klaus, but it was her only option as he wasn't willing to back down "Oh come on Nic. Surely you remember all of the fun that we had back then. If you kill Rebekah, you will become the one thing that you fear and hate more than anything on this earth. You will turn into Mikael. Is that really who you want to be? Do you want to be like the man who haunted and tormented you for centuries?" She watched as the anger and rage disappeared from his eye to be replaced by sorrow she knew he had hit a raw nerve with him. She felt a pang of guilt after telling him that but he gave her no option.

Klaus Clench his jaw to what Siena had told him. He never want to be that. To turn into Mikael the man he loathed and fear at the same time "I will never become him" he spoke calmly "I'm nothing like Mikael" To hear those words from Siena hurt Klaus as he never thought that Siena would ever see him as father.

Siena knew that Klaus was hurting with the Mikael comment now she knew she had to reason with him. That this behaviour he was resorting to is out of anger and rage "Why do you always have to be consumed with revenge? Why can't you ever show mercy? If you kill Rebekah, you will regret it Nic because you will have lost another family member. Is that what you want? You need to calm down and think about the consequences of your actions before it is too late" She meant every word she didn't want Klaus to be consumed with regret she cared for him deeply and didn't want him to feel that kind of pain his hurting and his angry but to hurt his sister will destroy him.

Klaus didn't speak he took in everything Siena had told him. He looked into her eyes "She and Marcel sent for my father in 1919 to come and hunt me down and kill me Siena" His eyes began to glaze over as he thought about the betrayal that his sister and the man he brought up as a son went to that extreme to get rid of him by summoning Mikael the only person who could end him "The pain of knowing that cut far too deep already"

Siena sighs for her heart breaks for Klaus. She cared deeply for him and hated to see him suffer. All she wanted to do at that moment was take his suffering away "Nic, listen to me. I know that you are hurting. But I like to think that there is still some good in you and you're not a monster even if you are a hybrid. That even you the almighty Klaus Mikaelson can show compassion and mercy. I know that you can because you have done it before and I'm asking you to think before you do something stupid that you will regret forever. You are acting like Mikael now Nic. You are hunting Rebekah and Marcel down like they are animals. Is that what Mikael did to you? You have a choice: You can kill Rebekah but you will never have any peace and that is a promise. Or you can be the bigger man and extend to her mercy even if she doesn't deserve it. Make the right choice Nic" Siena kisses him on the cheek and wipes his tears away she hated to see him so unhappy.

Klaus listen to every word that Siena spoke. He didn't want to be the monster that everyone portrayed him as his daughter was going to be with them in a few months and he didn't want her to hear stories of how a monster her father is. Siena made Klaus see clarity he will not be like Mikael but he will not allow Rebekah be a part of his life or his daughter life. He knew exactly what to do with her. When Siena wiped away his tear and kissed him on the cheek she turned to walk away, Klaus intercepted her. He looked at her for a long moment then leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, in that one moment a flood of emotions for Siena came back for Klaus. He was waiting for her to push him away but she didn't he super sped her to the nearest wall and began to kiss her more passionately the desire he had been hold back for her all this time had been unleashed.

Well that is the end of 'Your Love Consume Me' what a rollercoster this particular book has been out of all the Epic Love books in the series. Do not worry 'Your Love Consume Me Part 2' is out and is concluding Siena rough journey ahead.... Now you won't find it as a recommendation because it's classed as 'R-rated' book due to some scene. So if you would like to continue to read it please go to my page and you will see it part 2 to this. 

Thank you for reading and voting also commenting it's truly appreciated :D

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