'Your Love Consumes Me' A Dam...

By ElleMiglioranza

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The 4th book in the series of the Epic Love Saga Things have taken a turn for the worse for Siena where she... More

I Miss Her.....
Addicted To.....
Answer Me This.....
Reality Sinks In.....
Share A Thought.....
Fight For This Love.....
Need A Little Help From A Friend.....
Vengeance And Bloodshed.....Family Ties.....
The Truth Behind It All.....
The Errors Of My Ways.....
The House Of Capulet And Montague.....
The Harder We Fall.....The Harder We Try.....
Unfortunate Turn Of Events.....
What It Feels To Be Alive.....
Do My Eyes Deceive Me......
For Your Protection.....
There Maybe Hope.....
Is It Truly Over.....
Some Actions Are Unforgivable.....
Dark Secrets Unfold Part 1.....
Dark Secret Unfold Part 2.....
Sometimes You Can't Follow Your Heart.....
Return To Thee.....

To Have Loved.....

3K 132 56
By ElleMiglioranza

Damon P.O.V

Aaron had called that mad scientist to had Nico over. I knew it was all going to be simple all we needed was the right bate and Aaron was the perfect bate. Stefan seemed a little stunned to hear about what had happen to me and I didn't want to go into it. I know what my brother like she would riddle himself with guilt and this wasn't on him it was on me. There a lot of times I wasn't there for him there stuff about the last 147 years that neither us knew about each other. I didn't want to relive any of this I left it all behind in 1958. Okay I went on my murder spree ever so often killing the Whitmore line, but that was well justified to me. Each and every one of them deserved there impending death, the pain and the torment I went through that family needed to pay. Then to see still at present day there still doing the Augustine project. Well they deserve everything and more.

Another thing played on my mind was why Siena wanted to stay behind. Was it because she was frighten of what she might do? Or was there another reason? She just didn't seem like herself actually she hasn't been herself from that one night when I found her and... I don't know what the hell happen. I still recall that blue light and the earth opening up. The way she been floating above the bed the way she can't remember thing. What was happening to her? I just didn't have a clue I did not know what to do to help her and I can't even turn to Tia Dalma but she told me it went wrong. When we get Nico back Siena and I are going to take a trip back to New York and figure out a way another way to get around what going on with her.

Right now it's all about getting my son back and Wes better just had him over because I'm a man to my word I will hurt Aaron. So with Stefan putting Aaron in his place which was luckily because I don't wanna him whine about how I killed his bloodline. We walking through the hallways searching for this classroom that we would do the exchange.

"Which one is it?" I asked after walking pass the 6th classroom I was beginning to lose my patient right now.

"It's right here" Aaron indicated. We approach Wes' classroom and Aaron opens the door and enters, followed by Stefan and myself. The classroom is empty except for someone sitting on the back, with their feet up against the backrest of the chair on front.

"21051" A familiar British accent that I hadn't heard in all these years, I looked at the person and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Enzo?" I spoke in in disbelief, Enzo stands up, his eyes still locked on me "It's been a while, mate" Enzo starts walking towards the front of the room. I was getting a little worried as I recall how things were left between us when I left him burning in that fire. How did he survive after all this time?

"Who the hell are you?" Stefan spoke bitterly, Enzo glared at him he looked pretty pissed with Stefan reaction.

"Lorenzo, but my friends call me Enzo" He looked at me for a moment "Ah. Kidding. I don't have any friends" Enzo offers his hand to Stefan but he doesn't shake it. Enzo scoffs.

"Enzo's another Augustine vampire. Our cells were next to each other" I told both Stefan and Aaron then looked to Enzo "So we're here to meet somebody -- Wes Maxfield. You know him?" Enzo wasn't here to rekindle our friendship I knew that for sure, but something telling me he know that dick Wes.

"That's your first question for me? Not "How are you? How'd you survive in that fire I left you to die in?" Well that was the question on my mind but right now my kid was a little more important than the fact of how he survived that horrific fire that I left him to burn in.

"Uh, does somebody want to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Aaron spoke nervously I couldn't be dealing with him whinnying right now. And the expression on Enzo face he looked like he was going to tell the story.

"I'd love to. Have a seat. Been waiting 70 years to tell my story" He points us to sit on the classroom chairs while he sits on the teacher's desk. This was going to go down well. Looks like Wes had well and truly screwed us over sending a vengeful Enzo while he continued to play freak doctor with my son.

Nico P.O.V

I laid there stunned see Leon after all this time. Now he telling me that his name Lucas De Vere. What the hell going on? What did he mean that that he needed to see my dad? What did Leon or Lucas want from him? These were all the question running through my mind. He hadn't spoken for a while and kept going in and out of the room as his cell kept ringing. Did Margherita know about all this? Was this all some kind of set up? I know she was the one who kept me away from my parents but was she part of all this too?

He walked back into the room looking a little smug. Right now I wanted to wipe that smile off his face. He was over to the dialysis machine and began to punch some number in, I could see the IV in my arm tube filled with my blood going into a blood bag. What were they so interested in my blood and with the amount that Wes had taken from me I'm surprised I'm still conscience.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I questioned him weakly he looked at me and frown like that had asked him a ridiculous question.

"You know you look nothing like your mom" He knew my mom? How the hell did he know her?

"Y-you know my mom Siena?" He walked away and sat on the stool and looked at me for a long moment what was his deal "So I'm expecting Margherita to come out of the dark shadows" I asked him bitterly he began to chuckle.

"Margherita she was a firecracker" He spoke with amusement "Nope she won't be making a surprise visit anytime soon she a little preoccupied with other things right now" I started to fight against my restrains as I just wanted to kick his ass so badly "Oh you do have your father temper too" he teased

"What the hell do you and Wes want from me?" I kept asking him questions but he wasn't going to answer any of them no matter how many time I ask.

"Well...." He get up and walks over to the IV drip "It appears your blood very unique" He turned to me and smiled "Strange you're not a vampire but you're not human. Wes is figuring out what the hell you are. Your blood work amazes him" Of course I wasn't either of those my dad a vampire and my mom is a..... I don't even know what she is... I thought she was a normal vampire but I witness something from her.

"You want to talk to my dad but his dead" I still could hear the echo of the gun shot "So whatever you after you won't get it" I hadn't even had time to even morn over the death of my dad, my thoughts were broken by his laughter.

"Damn you really don't know anything" he continued to laugh "Sorry. Your parents haven't told you anything about how this all works" what did he mean by that? "Your daddy isn't dead a wooden bullet to the head don't do that" He picked up his jacket and put it on.

"S-so his a-alive?" He fixed his collar to his jacket with that same smug expression.

"Yes he is and I'm gonna pay him a little visit. Enzo keeping them entertain for now" Before I could say anything he left. I recalled seeing Enzo was he alive and if he was and he was with Damon then that bad combination. Right now I didn't know what this Lucas guy wanted from Damon and Wes seem to be having fun draining me of my blood. None of this is going to plan out well and my hopes of someone coming to get me out of this hell whole diminishing by the minute.

Siena P.O.V

My head was seriously all over the place right now I can't concentrate I can't even be there for my son right now. Some many thing things are clouding my mind right now like see Ric and watching him die all over again in front of my eyes. Then Tia Dalma dead on the floor and I didn't do a thing to help her after everything she had done for me. I'm a terrible person I should have done something called the cops or something not left her dead corps on the floor like I did. She tried to help me figure out what Tessa had done and now it lead to her death. I just feel like I'm walking disaster that everything I go near and touch I destroy. I don't know what to do about any of it that the part that tearing me apart right now.

Damon wanted me to go with them to get Nico I didn't think it was a good idea I didn't know how Nico would react in seeing me. I still had the imagine in my mind of how he looked at me and I didn't want to cause further problem in front of Damon. Nico really had his father temper and if there was something that I knew about that Salvatore temper is to leave it to cool down. Damon didn't push me which surprise me but I was also grateful. I think I'm worrying him a lot lately I notice that his really unsettled around me and his frighten of what happening to me. If I'm honest I'm too.

They had left me alone in the common room they would come back here once they had gotten Nico I was just hoping that Wes hands him over. I didn't want to go down the route of someone getting hurt meaning Aaron. That poor kid had nothing to do with any of this and even as screwed up as I am right now I will not let anything happen to him. I heard the door open and I look up and saw young girl she looked in her early twenty with long brown dark eyes she smiled as she walked further into the room. I picked up a random book to look like I was a student here I didn't need to be quizzed right now by some random stranger.

"Siena Russo. Right?" I heard her say. I hadn't been called Siena Russo for a while now. I dropped the book and looked her she stood there with a stern expression on her face.

"Excuse me?" I didn't have a clue who she was and she seem to know me, a tiny smirk appeared on her face.

"Maybe I should introduce myself. Lilyla" She extended her hand I hesitated to take it but when I did I had a sharp pain go straight to my head "Revertar ad te, Revertar ad te, Revertar ad te," She began to chant I let go of her hand.

"W-w-what are y-you doing" I struggled to say as I could hear high pitch noise in my ear, I tried to cover them but it was so loud.

"We knew you were going to just help us Siena" her voice echoed loudly I just wanted the noise to stop "Sorry this might sting a little" I felt someone grab hold of my head and a snap then I just fell into darkness.

I could hear mumbling from a far I wanted to open my eye but it felt like something was stopping them. My neck was hurting it felt like it had been snapped or something, that high pitch echo had stopped to. That heaviness that I felt I my eyes was going I slowly opened I was in a dark room I could see the glow of the candle light reflecting on the ceiling. I turned my head and saw a group of people around me then I looked up and saw the same girl from the common room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at her and I tried to move but I couldn't I looked to see anything straining me. That when I knew it was some kind of spell that restraining me like this "What the hell"

"Well we just fulfilling your purpose dimidium sanguinis to the travellers" She smiled and placed her hands either side of my head I tried to move my head but I couldn't "Et educam irritum facias nobis maledictum" she began to say then continued. Then the other people in the room began to chant the same words. I felt a burning sensation from the pit of my stomach working its way up to my chest I tried to scream in pain but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I felt like I wanted to be sick as the sensation came to my throat then to my head it was like thousands of sharp needled spiking at my brain. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't the pain was so unbearable that I felt like I couldn't focus anymore there was a bright white light then suddenly utter darkness.

Stefan P.O.V

Well this was an unusual turn of events we thought that we going to get back Nico. Instead some blast from Damon past turns up called Enzo. I have no idea who the hell he is but I think Damon and him didn't end up on good terms 70 years go. It didn't seem like Wes was going to hand over Nico either so this Enzo and Wes were in on it. So I didn't want to hear about this bullshit story about why Enzo had this issue against Damon my main concern was to get my nephew back.

So I left Damon with his friend while I took Aaron with me to find out why the hell Wes didn't keep to his side to the deal. So I got hold of Aaron phone and called up Wes. Let just say the conversation didn't go down to well. He threaten if we hurt Aaron we would never see Nico again which left me with no choice. Literally our hands were tied and I didn't like to think of what Wes was doing to Nico, poor kid he being dragged into something that has nothing to do with him. Nico wasn't event a vampire so what the hell would Wes want from him? I needed to explain all this to Damon and I wasn't too sure how he going to take to hearing his son not going to be returned any time soon.

I thought to go and get Siena so she would be with Damon when I told them both what Wes had told me. When I got there she was gone which left me a little stumped. She had been behaving a little strangely I notice that maybe the pressure of Nico being taken again getting to her. I remember last time she took it bad I'm just worried that this time round she might do something stupid. I just hope wherever she gone or whatever she doing she thought about it all clearly.

Arron and I made our way back to the class room we left Damon in. He kept on asking me questions which was annoying me slightly but I had to keep my temper in check. This kid was just a pawn in all of this it wasn't his fault that Wes a psycho and his mixed up in this Augustine business. We walked into the classroom and I notice the tense atmosphere between Damon and this Enzo guy. Damon looked at me with a confused expression probably because Nico wasn't with us.

"He's not sending him" I told him for the first time in a long time I saw fear in Damon eyes when I told him that.

"Tragic. Can I continue my story now, please?" Enzo spoke heartlessly I glared at him for a moment and back at Damon who was frowning with confusion.

"Doesn't he know we have Aaron?" Damon asked as he ignoring what Enzo said. I don't know what the story was about but if he knew Damon he would know that his son will be top priority.

"He doesn't care. He's willing to risk it" Which was the truth Wes didn't care for Aaron on lie about his science experiments. Our hopes with getting Nico right now are pretty low.

"What? Let me to talk to him! He'll listen to me" Aaron pleaded to Damon and I then my attention went to Enzo as he jumps off the desk.

"What part of "he doesn't care" are you not registering?" Damon growled at Aaron he was losing his patient I know my brother pretty well Aaron keeps pushing Damon will rip his head off. Suddenly Enzo starts to makes a scene to get attention by ripping of a classroom chair from the floor and throwing it out the window. All three of us looked at him and he smiled, this guy was a selfish sadistic asshole that just being around him for 5 minutes.

"Where were we? Uh, ah, right. I was telling my story, and you were all politely listening. Huh?" He walking back to the front of the room "So I'd given Damon all of my blood ration so he'd have the strength to escape and save me in the process. Our plan began perfectly, didn't it?" Damon didn't say anything but I could see the look upon his face was filled with guilt right now "I was waiting in the cage for him to release me, waiting for my friend, my cellmate, the only soul with whom I'd connected with in all those years of captivity" I kept looking between the both of them and Enzo clearly held some form of resentment towards Damon. I don't know what happen back then but it looks like Damon may of screwed him over "Then a fire starts, burns out of control, but Damon just can't get the damn cage open" Enzo spoke with anger in his voice as he continued to glare at Damon "He looks me in the eye as if he doesn't even recognize me, turns around, saves himself, leaving me to die" Enzo spoke bitterly.

"Well, you didn't die, obviously" Of course he got out somehow from that cage, Enzo looked at me and smirked.

"No. Unfortunately I lived. I was spared by one of the scientists so I could spend another 50 years on a table being opened and closed. Now that we've all been acquainted, I'm gonna find something to wet my whistle" He leaves the classroom, I turned to Damon who stood there no saying a word.

"You didn't tell me about him" Damon looked at me while clenching his jaw.

"It was the 1950s. I'm supposed to remember every moment of my life?" He spoke with sarcasm which was a technic that he used to hide his hurt "Do you want to kill Aaron, or should I?" Damon titled his head while looking at frighten Aaron he was totally changing the subject about this psycho Enzo.

"This guy was your cellmate for 5 years, you left him to die, he comes back, and you're completely unfazed?" Enzo was defiantly back for some kind of revenge Damon not concerned what so ever?

"Fine. I will" Damon walks towards Aaron who looked horrified as Damon starts to stalk him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Wes gave me a bunch of files on my family history. They're in my dorm, ok? Maybe there's something in there you need, a name, I mean, another lab" Aaron was panicking I don't know if Damon was going to listen to his pleads. Damon stopped and began to smile.

"That's a timely revelation" Damon spoke through his teeth I knew he was on the edge of snapping at any moment and I don't know if I'm going to be able to hold him back.

"Yeah. Well, you know, he's not gonna help me, why should I help him?" Aaron right Wes didn't give a dam about him because if he did it would have been a straight swap. Damon was walking slowly towards Aaron as he walks backwards.

"I don't like you, I don't like your family, I don't like you messing up my relationship with my son. If you're lying, I'm gonna take my thumbs, and I'm gonna gouge out your sad little eyes out of your sad little head!" Damon threaten him then the door opened and I looked up to see Enzo walking in with two bottles of booze.

"Ah. It's frightening what you can find on campus these days" He spoke smugly I really couldn't be bothered to deal with this dick. Right now my only concern was to get Nico back and now with Aaron willing to help there might be a chance of doing that.

"Knock yourself out. We're going with plan "b."" This Enzo guy can continue entertaining himself but we needed to get Nico away from Wes. Enzo began to chuckle as he poured himself a drink.

"Damon's not. Damon's staying right here. He knows all my secrets, so he knows how ornery I can get when I don't get my way" The whole time Enzo spoke his eyes were fixed on Damon. No way would Damon agree to staying here not while his son life in danger. Damon turned to me with sorry expression upon his face.

"Call me if you find anything, kill him if you don't" I knew that was hard for him to tell me as he wanted to be there for Nico but Damon knew this Enzo and probably knew he would stop him at all means to get Nico back.

"Let's go" I indicated to Aaron and we both left the classroom. I knew Damon would handle this he knew getting Nico was important right now. That what I'm planning on doing is bring Nico back him back home at whatever cost.

Katherine P.O.V

My perfect mood was killed with the fact that I'm dying and deteriorating. So Matty blue eyes was going to help me get my body whipped into shape. It weren't going to tell as I couldn't even hold my own body weight without getting out of breath. Then with my hearing and vision going this was happening too soon. Like I said the start to my good day kept getting worse. Then my long last daughter confront me and calls me a selfish bitch and slaps me. Yep pretty much all going downhill from the moment I woke up feeling on top of the world.

I'm not one for apologising I've never apologised in my 500 years but seeing the hurt and pain in Nadia eye I felt she needed it. I wanted to live now my main reason was Stefan second was Nadia. I could never be the mom she looking for but for Stefan I could be and show him that I'm the girl he needs. Then Nadia dropped the bombshell of how she had found a way to keep me alive for longer this intrigued to hear now.

Well I heard Nadia out and her idea was a little crazy she wanted me to do the same thing that her creepy dead boyfriend did passenger himself into Matt body. That was something I couldn't do and even if I could I didn't want to jump into some random stranger body I wouldn't be me anymore. She trying to convince me but I think Nadia just grasping at anything right now to keep me alive. Something like this is for travellers and like I told her that was something I never practised as my father thought of it as the work of the devil. God if only he could see me right now he would think I'm Satan reincarnated. I need something a little strong than his raw concoction I'm forcing myself to drink to stay alive. So I began to pour myself a large glass of Damon finest bourbon.

"You didn't just propose spirit possession with a straight face" I asked her looked up Nadia stood there with a serious expression. Of course she meant it all.

"You said my grandfather was a Traveller, which means your father was a Traveller. Therefore, you are a Traveller. We just need to find one who can teach you how to do the Passenger Spell" She was making it all sound simple but I was far from a traveller and I think she need to take a few steps back because I don't think this plan of hers going to happen.

"Hang on. I'm hardly a Traveller, ok? My father banned us from doing Traveller magic" I needed to get this through Nadia head. I sat on a chair in front of Nadia "He said it was the devil's work or something dramatic that terrified us, and then I became a vampire and never thought about it again" Which I didn't and mixing myself with travellers magic didn't seem like a good idea to me right now all it took for something to go wrong and I'm gone.

"But it's in your blood, which means you have the ability to keep living inside someone else's body. Gregor was a Traveller. He put his spirit inside Matt so that even after his body died he lived on" Okay she had a point maybe this could happen but I didn't want to live in anyone body I'm not ready to leave all this behind not after knowing that something starting up with Stefan and I.

"Yes! He lived on in a busboy. Good idea, Nadia. Let's put my essence in some nobody. Thing is, Stefan actually likes this body" I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the hot steamy night I had with him I didn't want to give that up for nothing.

"What are you talking about?" Nadia spoke with confusion and broke me out of my thoughts I looked at her and smiled.

"Stefan and I may have rekindled an old flame last night" I felt myself blush slightly as I told her. God this was what Stefan did to me I just hope it continued that I could show him I'm not the Katherine that he always thought I was that I had and will always love him.

"I see. So when you asked me about forgiveness, you were asking about him, not me?" Nadia was a full grown woman she had to understand where I was coming from.

"Look. Maybe I don't want to die a sad, lonely 538-year-old. If I have to bow out, knowing that Stefan still cares might not be the worst way to go" I couldn't help but smile again knowing that while my time on this earth I would be bumping in the bedroom with Stefan what a perfect way to die.

"No. You had it right the first time. Go kill yourself, see if anyone misses you" Nadia spoke upset then she leaves the room. I really no good at this there me just think about Stefan when I have my daughter who willing to do whatever it take to keep me alive. I think she right I'm better off dead I'm not worth fighting to keep alive.

Damon P.O.V

This day keeps getting worse by the minutes the last person I expected to see was Enzo. That really threw me for six then him taking about how I left him burning in that fire and walked away without care. He was back but why? Well that was obvious he wanted some kind of revenge for leaving him behind and I didn't blame him either. The whole reason I'm here it to save my son but I'm stuck in this classroom with Enzo reminding me what I did. I didn't do it cause I wanted to he was the only person who I ever considered a friend. Enzo helped me so much by getting me to not give up hope all those years ago. If it wasn't for him I couldn't have even survived a week. So whatever I had coming to me I well and truly deserved.

One thing I do know whatever it is I will be walking out of this classroom and going home to my wife and my son. I will not allow anyone or anything come between that. So Enzo wants a trip down memory lane I'll listen I will take the blame for what I did. What I will not let happen is him seeking any form of revenge to take me down. To take me away from my family that not going to happen not today or any day for that matter.

Enzo stands by the window and takes a shot of liquor he hadn't really said much since Stefan left. I meant every word if doctor Frankenstein didn't let my son go then Aaron will get it. Stefan really better not let me down because I'm in trusting him with my son life.

"What about cricket? That ever become a thing here?" He finally spoke and his asking about god damn cricket? Is this guy for real?

"No" I told him flatly he turned to face me and smiled. Enzo wasn't here to talk about freaking sports what did he want?

"Oh, shame. Fun sport. Not that I can play. Took up drawing for a while. Of course I had no pencil" He got himself another drink "So I'd just prick my finger and paint the cell wall with my blood" If he was trying to make me feel guilty yeah it working but now not the time to talk to me about what a crappy friend I was. My son and his whereabouts is far more important to me right now.

"What do you want? You want me to feel guilty? I couldn't save you. Now, where's my son Nico?" I demanded I had enough of his games now. Suddenly Enzo starts grunting and choking. He bends over a little and leans on the table "What's wrong with you?" He didn't look right at all.

"Wes injected me with poison that will stop my heart. I'll desiccate if I don't return for the antidote" Wes is one sick son of a bitch actually out of all the Augustine asshole he was the worse one of them all. I needed to reason with Enzo right now I got up from my sit and began to approach him.

"All the more reason to tell me where he is. Look. You get the antidote, I'll save my son, and we'll kill Wes together" All I wanted right now was to tare Wes limb from limb not only his messing around with my son but the guy who I still consider a friend his using him as some kind of puppet.

"Did you even think about it after you left, the experiments, the cell?" He began to walk towards me "Or did you just go out and live your merry life to its fullest?" It wasn't like that I didn't want to turn off my humanity and since I turned it back on there wasn't a day that I didn't beat myself about it. I'm a terrible person I know that and I know I will never be able to make it up to Enzo but I could try with helping getting away from this tortured life he had been living.

"Look at me. If you go back, we go back together. We finish this for good. Come on" I offered my hand for Enzo to shake. Enzo takes it, but pulls me closer to him.

"You're not gonna see your son again, Damon" He spoke venomously as he was crushing my hand "Because I want the antidote, and Wes told me not to come back until you were dead" Enzo pulls me from the neck, still holding my hand, and throws me out the window. I landed on a car I knew that there was a reason why Wes let him out to play. My back was hurting as I was trying to get up and I saw Enzo walks towards me "I imagine you just broke your clavicle. Probably a few lumbar and thoracic vertebrae. It's funny what you learn about your body when it's taken apart like a bloody automobile right before your eyes!" I took all my strength to get up from the car and I wasn't going to let Enzo take me down.

"I'm not gonna fight you, Enzo" I told him firmly then Enzo punches me in the face.

"What are you gonna do then, run? You're good at that" Enzo tries to punch me again but I grabbed his fist and crushes his bones with his hand.

"I want to find my son!" I threw Enzo away from me I watched as he rolls on the grass, then he stands up.

"While you were out running wild finding yourself a girl having a miracle child, I had one single thought, that I'd have the pleasure of killing you!" Suddenly Enzo super-speeds towards me and grabs me by the neck, but then he stars to desiccate. I began to take his hand off my neck and tries to hold Enzo, who his desiccating before my eyes.

"Enzo, look at me" his skin began to turn grey I was losing him.

"Bloody poison!" Enzo struggled to say I was losing him and I needed to know where the hell Wes had my son.

"Where is he? Where's Nico? Tell me where he is!" He had to tell me he knew he was going Enzo wasn't that heartless to let Nico go through what he did.

"Or what?! You never see him again? It might be good for you to know what it's like to miss someone for the next 60 years" He collapses still desiccating while I held him I needed to get through to him.

"Enzo, look at me. Hey! Enzo! Where is my son? Where is Nico?" Enzo desiccates in my arms before being able to respond to me. It felt like I lost him all over again and now my only hope in finding my son has gone and it's my fault.

Stefan P.O.V

Aaron and I had left Damon and crazy back in that classroom even though I knew Damon could hold his own. That Enzo had lot of resentment towards my brother and to demand that Damon to stay behind and for Damon to agree there a lot of guilt going on there. Damon Salvatore feeling guilty that a rare occurrence, but then since Siena come into this life Damon changed a lot. For the better of course he still has his jackass ways but he had become a better person. The kind of person who I knew he could always be I guess it just took her to bring it out. Talking about Siena I had been calling her since I left Damon to let her know what going on but all I got was voicemail. I'm just hoping she not doing anything real stupid.

Aaron didn't speak much and I didn't really want to talk either. I was trying to think of ways of how I could make Wes pay for putting my nephew through any kind of pain. I wasn't like Damon where I could just do it in an instant my humanity was far too strong for that. One thing I do vowel is I will make him pay if it will lead to his death I have no idea. We arrived at Aaron dorm and we walked into his room he walked ahead while I closed the door behind.

"All the files of my family history are in here" He looks under the bed I didn't have time to waste right now, my head kept filling with images of what Wes could be doing to Nico.

"Hurry up" Aaron pulls a gun from under the bed, but when he stands up to point it at me, I had super-sped behind Aaron. Then I super-speeds pushing Aaron against the wall and making him drop the gun. He grabs him by the neck "Is this all a lie, huh? If you want me to kill you, I will kill you. Do not test me" Right now I wasn't in the mood to be played.

"Do it" Aaron struggled to speak "I'm dead already. Damon's been planning my death since before I was born" I began to frown what the hell was Aaron on about?

"What are you talking about?" I demanded I had no idea what he was talking about or this was another stunt of his, but I saw the fear in Aaron eyes he knew not to lie to me.

"Damon left out the best part of the Augustine story, the part after he escaped" After 2 more seconds of holding Aaron by the neck, I decided to let go of Aaron so he can explain himself. Aaron starts to cough.

"Talk" I wanted to know what the hell Damon had missed out and why Aaron determined that Damon will kill him not matter what.

"It wasn't enough for Damon to kill the doctors who tortured him. He had to torture their families and their future families. He spent the last 60 years killing every one of my relatives except he's a psychopath. He leaves one alive so that they can continue the family line so that he can destroy future generations of innocent people. So go ahead and do it, kill me because I don't want to give Damon the satisfaction, so do it" He closes his eyes "Do it!" Aaron spoke firmly but I could hear the fear in his voice. Part of me was surprised to Damon psychotic behaviour back then he was something unbelievable and to kill a bloodline like that is just.... I don't even know what to think about it anymore.

"You know, not all of us are like my brother" I told him flatly I wasn't going to kill this kid he was innocent to all this if anyone blood was going to be spilled it was going to be Wes. I started to walk towards the door to leave.

"Stefan?" I heard Aaron call out I turned around and walks back in. Aaron pulls files and papers from under his bed "This is everything Wes gave me on Augustine. I saw Elena's last name on a few pages. Maybe it will help" I grabbed the files from Aaron's hands and opens the first one and looks inside, then looks at Aaron. I couldn't believe what I was reading that Elena father had big part of the Augustine.

Nico P.O.V

I felt weak and I kept coming in and out of consciousness each time I came round I kept thinking about what this Lucas guy had said to me. That he knew my mom how could he know my mom how the hell did he know my dad too? Then with Margherita? I knew the life I thought I had was a lie but this guy and Margherita did they plan all this all along? Didn't I ever mean anything to her at all? Right now I wish I let Siena rip her throat out the night I found out the truth. All of this all the lies of who I am where I come from I'm tired of all of it. I thought Damon was dead and he alive I don't know when I get out of here if I want to hug him or punch him for not telling me more about what this whole vampire in tale.

"Good news. The sample cells mutated. My compound worked" I heard Wes from across the room I didn't even know he was back. What did any of that mean?

"I don't follow. I don't study bio, remember?" He turned to me and smiled he seemed to be very happy with his findings from whatever he had done to me.

"You've heard of Pavlov? Conditioned his dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. This compound is like that bell except instead of a ding, your body will salivate at the smell of vampire blood" I couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth right now. Was he trying to turn me into what Jesse was?

"That's what you did to Jesse. You turned him into some rabid vampire who only wanted to feed on other vampires" that why he attacked Damon and then... I don't even want to think about that part.

"Jesse was a fantastic case study, but he took too long to condition, and considering the size of the vampire population, a single-dose injection is much more efficient" Was this guy nut don't he realize what he did t Jesse he turned him to something he didn't want to be.

"Yeah, but he couldn't stop feeding. He tried to kill my father" I growled at him and he smirked he seemed so pleased with himself and I couldn't do anything to stop him.

"Exactly. Vampires are now one shot away from craving their own kind" He started to filling up a syringe" ...and you Nico are something a little more special so now you're about to be patient zero" He came closer to me with the syringe.

"What? No. No, you can't do that to me" I swallows hard "You'll turn me into a monster" I pleaded to him but all Wes did was smile.

"I know" he smirked he walked away and went to his desk he spoke into his recorder "Subject 83182 prepped for compound injection" He squeezes the air out of the syringe. I couldn't let him do this to me I didn't know what he would turn me into I wasn't a vampire I didn't even know what I was and I didn't want to find out either.

"No. Please. You can't do this to me" I pleaded to him but I knew with that look in Wes eye he weren't going to listen to my pleads.

"You'll be doing the world a favour, Nico" I began to struggles to free myself but I was far too weak "I might not be able to kill vampires..." I cut him off.

"No! Let me go!" I shouted I couldn't' let him do this to me he knew what this compound would do to me but I had no idea I don't want to go around hurting my friends and family.

"...but you will" he spoke smugly as he brought the syringe closer to me.

"No" Wes stabs me in my chest with the syringe I closed my eyes in fear "Aah!" I screamed as the needle went inside me.

"Nico!" I heard Stefan voice both Wes and I looked at the door he sounded close by, I was so grateful but I needed to stop Wes injecting me with that thing.

"Stefan!" I yelled I noticed that Wes hasn't released the contents of the syringe and I head-butted him before he can do it. He falls on the ground "I'm right here. I'm here" I shouted I needed him to get in here before Wes came back around "I'm here" I called out once again I could hardly speak as I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Come here" I heard him faintly He ripped off the restrain he help me off but my legs gave way "Oh. You're ok. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you" He held me up and I looked down at Wes who hadn't moved.

"Get me out of here" I had been through hell because of that guy and I didn't want to be a moment longer in his presence.

"Come on. Come on" Stefan began to help me walk towards the stairs when I saw the journal of Elena father.

"Wait, wait, wait" I grabbed Elena dad's journal. Then, we left with Stefan still helping me to walk. I think Elena had a right to know what her father had been up to but I don't know how she will react to it all knowing that her dad used to torment vampire just like her. Would that be the right thing to do? Or is it best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Damon P.O.V

Stefan had called me to let me know he had got Nico and he was bring him back to his dorm I did insisted for Nico to come back to the family home. But it appears my son inherited his mother stubbornness he want to be at his own place and have time to recover. Stefan assured me he would stay with him until he was settle right now I was so grateful for Stefan being there for Nico. I can't imagine what he had been through but I want him to rest up before Nico and I have a serious talk. Because there a lot of thing my kid don't know about me and I don't want him knowing that I'm this murderous vampire I want him to know the side of me that cares for the people I love.

So I was left with Enzo and I knew that Enzo wasn't deal there was only one way to kill a vampire that was a stake through the heart. That sick freak Wes had injected him with some concoction he had created so there would be away to bring him back. So I haled Enzo back in the building to Wes lab as he had to have something there that would bring Enzo back around. I placed Enzo on the table then I began to raid the refrigerator for anything that stated antidote. So I began to inject him with as many as I could find I didn't know which one was going to bring him back from the dead but one of them had to.

After a dozen antidote I sat there waiting in hope that one of them was the cure to wake up Enzo. It was the least I owed him and I may have walked away from him all those years ago but I will not allow him to continue being Augustine test subject. If I could free him from that then that will make me feel tiny bit better but I could never truly forgive myself for what I did to him and let him go through in the last 60 years. He still hadn't come round so I began to search again if I had missed any other bottle stating antidote. I found another one and I grabbed a syringe and filled it i turned around and Enzo wakes up and sits up and looks around.

"Oh. Never mind" I placed the syringe down while Enzo looked at me with confusion.

"What did you do now?" Well that gratitude I get for saving his ass. I shook my head and began to walk towards him.

"Well, I injected you with a bunch of these that say, "antidote," and apparently, one of them worked" Enzo jumps down from the table and walking towards me.

"If this is some attempt to make amends, it's a bit pathetic, mate" Enzo spoke a little annoyed I think I needed to finally have it out with him once and for all.

"I don't care about amends, mate. My son safe, so technically, I'm not suffering, and it'd really suck if you desiccated in vain..." Enzo super-speeds towards me, but I grabbed him by the heart he needed to hear me out "...and I'm gonna tell you my side of the story. You asked me if I thought about you after I escaped, and answer is no, and I sure as hell don't feel guilty about leaving you because in order for me to save myself and leave you, I had to shut off my humanity, damn it, so I flipped the switch, and then I felt nothing, no remorse, no regret, no pain" That was the truth and he had to accept that.

"And now what do you feel, remorse, regret, pain? Even if I forgave you, Damon, would that make you less of a horrible person?" He was mocking me and I grabbed harder onto his heart "Damn it!" He cried out.

"We're even, Enzo" I let go of Enzo and pushes him away. He looks at his bloody hand I couldn't believe I just did that to him how could I be such a cold bastard to him after everything.

"You were the most important person in my life, and you ruined me, but that's just who you are, that's who you'll always be... A monster" Enzo leaves while stood there as Enzo's words sinking in. then I could hear someone clapping slowly I looked and some guy came out of the shadow with a smug look on his face.

"Bravo" He continued to clap "Wow you haven't changed one bit in the last 5 years" Did I know him? And I didn't like the tone he was using either "What wrong Damon don't you remember me?" He continued to smirk. I looked at the guy and wondered who the hell that he was.

"And you are mystery guy?" I stated annoyed as I didn't need this right now "You know maybe if you told me your name I would know. Wait...don't bother because I don't care who you are" I snarled at him because right now I want to go back home and find out where Siena is.

"Really don't care?" He stated bitterly like I remember everyone I've mean in the last 147 years "5 years ago you were hired by my father Antonio De Vere to take down a vampire. You know something you did while waiting for your true love" He spoke in mocking tone "Turns out this vampire was a little different" He smirked as he took a seat "He was known as Nic but his reverted back to the name Klaus" I think this guy lost it or something because A) I hadn't met Klaus until he wanted to kill Elena for her blood and take Siena B) I never seen this guy in my life. So something telling me he talking a lot of bullshit right now.

"I don't know what you are talking about dick and like I said I don't care especially since you are implying that I freaking know you. Sorry but I don't know you or your old man. Now if you excuse me I have to go" I began to walk toward the door as I didn't need this on top of everything else right now.

"What back home to your wife Siena?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to him he sat there smirking "You know what so funny I recall you telling how could this one girl Siena Russo have me and Klaus whipped" He began to chuckle how the hell did this dick know Siena? "Well looks like she got you truly whipped now. But I knew even back then when you got that gimps of her you kind of forgot about Katherine. Reason you don't recall me is the fact that dick Klaus compelled you to forget. I think he found you as a threat maybe he knew about the whole Siena and Damon are fated to be together" He spoke with sarcasm and I had heard enough. I vamped out and super speeded the dick to the wall and started to choke him. How the hell did he know about Katherine? And it was obvious that he hated that dick Klaus as much as I did. But what the hell was he talking about? And why couldn't I freaking remember? Had I been compelled by Klaus to forget? Why? All of these thoughts ran through my mind. I let the dick drop to the ground and watched as he struggled to breath.

"Start talking. Who the hell are you? And how do you know my wife?" I growled through my teeth.

"Yep you still have that temper" He said as he got up from the ground "I'm Lucas De Vere. Siena and I were high school sweethearts we dated for 3 years. Then Klaus" I notice he spoke Klaus name with venom "Came into town and everything changed. He took your memories away for another reason Damon. Maybe he felt compassion for you as you help him torture his "first" in command Gina Maggs" I glared at the dick because nothing that he was saying was making any sense to me at all and the dude was speaking in riddles, which was really starting to piss me off.

"I don't know what you are talking about and I suggest that you get the hell of my way in the next 3 seconds or I'm going to rip your heart out" I notice that his eyes began to glow.

"Oh Damon you don't want another nasty werewolf bite again do you? Not too sure if Klaus will save your ass this time. So shut the hell up and Listen!" He spoke with authority in his voice. Great he's a werewolf and I couldn't afford to get another bite and even though every part of me wanted to shove wolfbane down the dick's throat and watch him choke. I needed to know what he was on about.

"You have my attention dick" I smirked "So start talking before I go find some wolfbane and then I will rip your heart out" Which I had no problem doing it was fun when I did it to Mason.

"Always so tactful a shame you didn't do that to Klaus all them years ago. So my reason for being here. Well there one reason only really I need you to walk away from your "marriage"" Lucas used his finger to emphasize the word marriage. I laughed in his face. There is no way that I was going to walk away from Siena or Nico.

"Sure buddy I'll do that. And what happens after I leave Siena, are you going to step in and take my place?" I stated sarcastically like hell I was going to do that this guy a total douche.

"I'm glad your find this amusing" Then Lucas pulls something out from his jacket pocket. Then shows it to me. It a group photo with Siena, Blair this douche and another girl with two other guys all all looking happy "You see those two girl in that picture were like sister to Siena more so that that bloodsucker that her actual sister. What her name?" I did not like the way he referred to Elena and I'm ready to beat his ass for that "Elena. That right isn't? Well anyway that not important" He starts to approach me while holding up the photo "You see Thea was murders just like Blair was. Someone so close to Siena. Wanna know who that person was Damon" I stared him down, wanting more than ever to kill him for annoying me.

"I don't know. But I suppose that you're going to tell me. So why don't you amuse me and tell me who killed this Thea girl?" like I would really know. God why I'm even entertaining this dick by listening.

"You did Damon. How do you think Siena going to feel when she finds out not only her sister murder one of her best friends in cold blood but her husband too? How do you think she going to take to hearing that Damon" he smirked.

"You're lying" I was horrified by what I had just heard. I couldn't have killed Siena's best friend. Siena would hate me and I knew it and she would never forgive me. But he was lying so this Thea person was still alive "You're you're lying! Prove it!" I demanded like I'm going to believe anything he telling me right now.

"Of course" he pulls out his cell "You see the night of Thea death I got the security footage" He hold up the phone I can clearly see that I pushed this Thea flying the footage went on and she didn't move. I saw the date of the video being April 13th 2007. This couldn't be true. I don't' remember any of that why would I hurt that girl for no reason? "Now" He places his phone back in his pocket I was still trying to process it all in my head "I have plenty of copies of that and if anything was to happen to me one of those copies will be going directly to Siena" If Siena see that footage she will hate me I have no to justify my action on that one night. I still remember how she was with Blair death how she was broken that her sister killed her best friend. What will she be like if she thinks that I killed her other best friend she hate me forever and I don't know if I can handle that. I feel like my hands are tied behind my back.

Author P.O.V

Lucas had left Damon with that final note that he will show his wife Siena the scene from that night where Thea Underwood died in vain. Damon kept wrecking his brain trying to remember the date April 13th 2007 Damon Salvatore mind was blank he couldn't even recall the whole month of April. So many thoughts went through Damon mind was this the truth was he responsible for the murder of Thea? Damon had a choice to make to choose to continue to ignore what Lucas had told him and risk the possibility of losing Siena forever or to do as Lucas asked ending his marriage to the woman he loves more than anything in this entire world.

Damon had left Whitmore and drove his way back to Mystic Falls he felt sick to his stomach knowing that he had no choice in what he had to do. In Damon eyes he had met the greatest love of his life something he thought that would never happen after Katherine. To have of loved to of felt that connection with another soul was something Damon thought would of never of happen in his years alive. His Journey was short due to Damon foot on the accelerator he wanted this hurt and pain to go away to try and figure out a way where he would have the best of both worlds. To hide all of this from Siena there had to be a way that all that kept running through Damon mind.

Damon arrived at the boarding house he parked up and made his way towards the house. He was pissed with what Lucas had told him and wanting to stuff the dick with wolfbane until he choked, enters the boarding house, cursing under his breath. He strode to the parlour wanting a drink only to find to his annoyance that the bourbon is all gone. He hisses in frustration and yells for his wife who doesn't hear him at first so he gets louder "Siena!!!!!"

Siena was left in the middle of the woods by the travellers that had performed the ritual. They had used Siena blood and the spell to unleash what the Traveller had be waiting for over 2000 years. Siena laid unconscious on the ground her neck had been snapped before leaving the location of where the Travellers had been. They had wiped away her memories of what had happen to her as when Siena would finally wake she will have no idea of what the Traveller had done to her, and for what they intend her to do for them.

Siena finally awoke she looked up into the star filled sky and moaned as her neck felt stiff she sat up and held her neck. She looked around with confusion of how she could have possibly got there. The only thing that ran through her mind was that she had had another episode that what Tessa had done to her had unleashed once again. She get up from the cold ground and uses her speed to find her way out of the woods. She come to a road and it seem familiar she knew she was back in Mystic Falls.

Siena made her way home with the same confusion running through her mind she knew she had to speak to Damon about what had happen. She was frighten of what she may of done and fear that she may have done something to jeopardies her son life. With that thought Siena pulled out her cell and tried to call Damon each time it lead to his voice mail. She finally arrived home and saw that no one was back yet she began to panic, she made her way up to the bedroom. She called Stefan with hope that he may have some news on what may have happened. He answered eventually and informed Siena that Nico was safe this was a relief to her to hear.

Stefan began to explain the events of the day he was hesitant as he wasn't sure about how Damon will fill about Siena knowing the truth about 1953. The return of Damon formal friend Enzo the guy that Damon had left to burn who came back to seek some form of revenge on Damon.

Siena heart sunk as she heard about Damon horrific past to know that the man she loved had been through so much and had held in all that hurt and pain. All she wanted was to be there for him and comfort him through this she wanted to be there to support him. She knew how Damon was and that he would try and throb it off but she vowed that she will be there for him as much as he has been there for her. As in Siena mind that is how a marriage worked you are there for each other no matter what. Siena hears Damon roar her name and makes her way downstairs to the Parlour she knew he would be in a foul mood after today events. She wanted to him to be the one to tell her "What wrong" she asked him with confusion as she see him hold an empty bottle of bourbon in his hand.

Damon stood there as he saw his beautiful he had to put on a performance of life time now no matter how much it broke his heart. He glared at her "So you finally decided to grace me with your presence huh princess?" he spoke with sarcasm to hide his sorrow which laid beneath it all "What have you been doing? I have been calling your name for the last" he pauses to look at his phone "5 minutes. So can you please come here?" He indicated to her with his finger.

Siena was stumped by Damon behaviour and approached him she knew he was upset about today events "I was on the phone to Stefan seeing how our son doing" Siena tried to not show her annoyance. She wasn't feeling like herself right now after walking up in the middle of the woods not knowing how she got there. She had been waiting for Damon to get home so she could talk to him about it but there appears to be something important he wanted to show her "What do you wanna show me?" She smiles at him lovingly as she didn't want to annoy him another further than he was.

Damon knew that he should not push his luck because Siena was unpredictable and she had been very upset since Nico had made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with her. He knew that he should be a supportive husband but he didn't want that dick Lucas telling Siena that it was Damon who had killed Thea "Why didn't you go out and buy some more bourbon after you drank it all?" He demanded he knew it was something stupid to bring up but he knew he had to start this fright in some way "It's called common courtesy and it would not have taken you more than 10 mins to go to the liquor store. Now thanks to you, I have nothing to drink" Damon hurled the empty canter into the fireplace, making Siena jump.

Siena was taken back and little frighten by Damon being pissed over a bottle of empty bourbon she knew it wasn't because of that. She wasn't going to push him either "What wrong with you?" she knew something was right as he wouldn't be arguing with her over an empty bottle of bourbon "Damon" she began to approach him with concern, she had to tell him that she knew about what had happened today "I know about 1953..." she was a little frighten to bring it up "But baby you can talk to me about it you don't need to bottle it up anymore" Siena spoke with concern as Stefan had told her about what had happen and she was unsure about how the approach the subject. The looked on Damon face looked like he didn't want to talk about it "Or maybe not. I think there might be a bottle in the wine cellar"

Damon was stunned to hear that Siena knew about what had happen. Of course Saint Stefan would have told her all the ins and outs of what had happen. More than ever he just wanted to talk to her about all the emotions he felt back then how frighten he was the torture he went through. Damon knew the only person who he could open up to like that was her. Then he knew he couldn't do that that he had to keep up this shard of his anger towards her, he began to smirk "How about you be a good little wife and go get it for me? I'm going to see if there is any blood bags in the basement while you are doing that Bella" He leaves the room and goes to the cellar. He opens the freezer and growls when he sees that the supply is low and gets even more annoyed because he had Siena to go to the hospital and get some more. Damon saw this as opportunity to add more flue to the fire "Siena!!! Get down here now!!!" he roared "Siena!!!!"

Siena did as Damon asked and went to get another bottle or bourbon. It was difficult for her to control her temper with his attitude but she knew it was to mask away the hurt he was feeling. Having Enzo turn out of the blue to be confronted by his demon that was something that she knew her husband never too well. She was back in the parlour when she heard Damon roar her name again. She sighed "Keep calm Siena" she muttered to herself. Siena made her way down to the basement to where Damon was standing next to the freezer "Yes Damon" she spoke calmly while his face was filled with annoyance.

Damon waited for Siena to appear each moment he just wanted to to die. Treating her like this was like having a stake scraping against his heart the pain of hurt his princess like this. Damon sorrow faded from his face as he saw Siena he smiled at her angrily "Do you remember what I asked to do over a week ago?" He asked calmly he didn't want to shout at her he wanted her to be the first to lose her temper and Damon fear that if she did she would have enough and walk away.

Siena knew what Damon meant in regards to the blood bags "I'm sorry I've been a little preoccupied about our son been taken you do you recall that don't you?" Once again Siena remained calm even though every part of her wanted to shout at Damon as he was being inconsiderate "But I guess filling up the fridge with blood bags far more important. Duly noted Damon I know my priorities now" She turned and walked away from him. Siena didn't want to argue with her husband over something so petty.

Damon knew none of this was working and began to follows her he knew he had to step up his fame and this was going to pain him even more "I haven't forgotten that Nico was taken from us and we just got him back. And while we are on your wifely duties have you forgotten that you and I need to have sex? As a matter of fact I can't remember the last time that we made love Siena or that no longer on your list of priorities" Damon stated viciously as he glared at her. Sex wasn't an issue to Damon he didn't need that to feel a connection to her. To have his wife home with him in his arms that feeling right there was something far greater than the act of making love.

Siena jaw dropped as she heard Damon bring up there sex life, she felt a slight stabbing her heart at the mention of it. It wasn't because she didn't want to make love to her husband anymore there was always one disaster after another. She long for her husband touch but everything around them kept crumbling "Oh Damon I'm so sorry" Her voice dripping in sarcasm to hid away the pain she felt "You see we had your brother evil twin and his revengeful lover Tessa to be worrying about over the last few week. I'm so sorry that your feeling deprived" She was getting emotional as she felt that she wasn't being the woman that he had fallen in love with that he thought Siena didn't want to shear those moment with him anymore "So you know on that list of your why don't you add your wife a disappointment too" she was trying to hold her tears back "I've been through a lot Damon over the last few weeks. I'm losing control" she began to yell involuntary "All you give a damn about is your freaking blood bags and bourbon" Siena threw the bottle of bourbon at him and went back up the stairs as she didn't want to see him at this moment.

Damon knew he had cross the line that Siena was right there had been so many thing going on. Love making was an issue but he knew saying those words would hurt her. He stood there for a few moments contemplating to continue, but knowing that she would hate him for the murder of Thea pained him more than telling her lies about how unhappy he was. Damon began to follow her "Hey! I am still speaking to you Siena!" he yelled as he went after her "You don't walk away from me while I am talking to you! I can't even remember the last time that we had sex. When we got married and when you became a vampire it was every freaking day Siena! Now I will be lucky if we have sex once a week. All you ever think about is yourself" Damon knew that he was going too far now. But he couldn't stop he had to plunge the knife deeper to convince Siena that he was tired of her. "Maybe I should have married Elena instead of you because then I know that my needs will be met!!" He let out the name of one person that he knew would break Siena. The mere mention of Damon wanting Elena more than her that was how far Damon knew he had to go to make her hate him.

Siena stopped in her tracked and turned around to him she couldn't believe how mean he was being to her that he would go that far to say he married the wrong sister "What the hell wrong with you? I'm about myself! Really Damon I'm about me?" Tears began to escape from her eyes "I have no idea what the hell Tessa done to me. I went to Tia Dalma for help and with that it ended up in her death" Siena began to cry "You think I like what I'm becoming. You think I'm enjoying this?" Siena began to approach him and it took everything to stop her from attack him because the Elena comment was below the belt "Damon why are you being like this? Why bring up Elena? I know your hurting right now but stop taking it out on me" Siena raised her voice slightly towards him but knew he meant nothing he was saying that he was lashing out at the person he loved most.

Damon looked at Siena and wanted to be sick. It was killing him to be cruel to his Bella. But he didn't have a choice. He had to push her away. Damon knew how much Siena hated to feel like she weren't in control. And hearing that Tia Dalma was dead should have made him stop being a dick to his princess. But it didn't and he laughed in Siena's face "You are good actress Bella. But everybody knows that you are a bitch and you are not fooling anyone. I can see why Nico wants nothing to do with you. Because right now I can barely stand to look at you"

That was the final straw Siena slaps him hard that it echoed. She didn't speak a word as what Damon had told her that Nico hated her cut her deep. She used her vamp speed to go into the bedroom slamming the door behind her. She fought back her tears as Damon words repeated back to her. She laid in the bed burying her head in the pillow and cried. Siena never thought that Damon would say such hurtful things to her. In Siena eyes he was the only one person who would never hurt him. She laid there crying until she eventually fell asleep but throughout the night her sobs could still be heard as Siena Salvatore felt truly broken.

Damon could hear Siena's heartbroken crying and wants to comfort her as he knew that it because of him that she was broken. But he can't do it. He leaves the house and drives to the Grill, wanting to drain the place dry of their bourbon.

Siena woke up to an empty bed her heart sunk as realized that last night wasn't some nightmare she was having but it actually happen. She climb out of bed and made her way to the bathroom she looked in the mirror and her eyes were swollen from all the crying, she couldn't look at herself any longer and got undressed and went into the shower. As she began to think about all the cruel words Damon had told her she began to cry again. That he wished that he married Elena that he thought she was selfish, he could understand why Nico loathed her as he loathed her too. Each word cutting into Siena like a deep knife. She slid down and began to cry tucking her knee into her chest as she sobbed. Siena eventually got out of the shower she dried herself and made herself look more presentable she used a lot of concealer to hide the redness on her face. She wanted to fix thing with Damon that she didn't want them to arguing like this. She made her way down the stairs and notice no one was home. Siena made her way into the parlour and sat down on the couch thinking of a way to fix thing between her and Damon. She hears the front door "Damon..." she get up and sees her husband who still had the same expression from last night but she didn't want to fight with him anymore "I-I'm S-sorry" she kept her voice under control as she didn't want to cry in front of him again.

All night Damon had been drinking himself into an oblivion he was trying to drink away his pain that he was feeling. But he knew it wasn't all over he knew that he needed to make her walk away from him and the pain of that was far too great for Damon to handle. He makes his way back to the boarding house feeling sick to his stomach, he enter the house and hears Siena call out his name. She stood in front of him with sorrow in her eyes Damon wants nothing more than to go to Siena and beg for her forgiveness because the last thing that he ever wanted to do was to make her cry. Damon's heart breaks as he knew that he had to finish the job "You're sorry? Sorry Siena. Yeah you are sorry alright. You are a sorry excuse for a wife and mother you selfish hateful bitch" He snarled at her he spoke each word as I lie but Siena had to let him go as this pain will fade but the pain knowing Damon killed her friend will never leave.

Siena couldn't believe what had heard come from Damon "Why are you being like this? Why are you hating me so much?!" Siena began to feel little light headed and used the arm of the armchair to hold her balance she began to feel a little strange "Just stop it Damon. Just stop" she couldn't even looked at him as what the traveller had done to her had taken a toll on her with her emotion being heighten.

Damon notices that Siena looks pale and weak but he doesn't try to help her as much as he wanted to he held back "Stop?" he smirked "Ok I'll stop because last night I had an epiphany. If I am miserable now, what will our marriage be like 5 years from now? I bet that I still won't get to have sex with you unless its once a month. No Siena it can't be like that" He looks at her and see that she trying hard to keep it together. Damon knew he was going to regret these words that were about to leave his mouth "I can't do this anymore. This was an horrible mistake and I want out" he stated acidly to mask away his hurt.

Siena regained her composure and turned to him as she heard that he couldn't do this anymore. What did he mean by that? "What?!" She was stunned she was trying to digest in what he said "Horrible mistake? You want out?" Siena repeated what he had told her she began to approach him and stood in front of him "Damon I'll change "I'm sorry. I didn't know how unhappy you were. I'm sorry" Siena didn't know that Damon was this unhappy. Then she took a step back as she realized something "Please don't' tell me that after what happened in that cell you've flipped the switch Damon. Please tell me you didn't do that because right now that the only rational excuse for the way you're behaving" Siena was rambling now as she knew this wasn't the normal behaviour from her husband.

I'm so sorry Bella for what about to do he side in his mind as now he knew what ever words he had spoken the night before will be nothing compared to what he was about to say "I was crazy to think that you and I could work" He continued in the same acid tone as before "But I had a wakeup call and I am ending this farce of a marriage. I don't love you Siena and I never did. Elena is the one that I love. I was delusional when I said I do to you. But not anymore. Our marriage is over Siena" Each word Damon spoke cut him deeply and the look upon the face of the woman he love make him ache even further.

Siena stood there and she felt as if her world shatter before her. She felt heart broke into a million pieces. The words that she had always feared he had told her but she wasn't going to back down Damon was trying to push her away and she will not allow that "NO!!!" she yelled "You look me in the eye and tell me that Damon. You tell me that you don't love me. That it was all a mistake" Siena hoped that whatever kind of break down Damon was having she knew that he couldn't look her tell her that she knew the love he had for her was deep.

This was paining him even more as he knew that his wife wasn't believing a word he was telling her. He had to be harsh and bitter for her to truly understand that it was over between them "Are you deaf?!!" he screamed "I said that I don't love you! You are a bitch and you disgust me! I wish that i never met you! Is that clear enough for you babe?" He tried to leave but Siena grabbed him, clinging to him while sobbing uncontrollably.

"No!" Siena yelled she grab hold of his collar and held him there firmly she wanted to know the truth and she was about to do the one thing that she thought she would never do to him. Siena was going to compel the truth out of him "You tell me that you don't lov...." The front door opened and Stefan walked in breaking the compulsion Siena had Damon under.

Damon felt dazed for a moment he saw his brother looking at him with confusion. Damon looked down and saw Siena holding on the lapel of his leather jacket "It's over. Good bye Siena" He removes her hands from his jacket and leaves without looking back.

Siena looked at Stefan who stood there with confusion "I'm sorry" she uses her super speed and leaves. Leaving behind a very confused Stefan. Siena see Damon approaching his car "Salvatore!!" She yelled as she approached him the hurt felt numb now it was the anger that was kicking in. She saw that Damon turned to her as he opened his car door "Just tell me why? Why now?" That was all that she wanted to know.

Damon saw Siena and knew she was going to walk away from this without a fight he knew he had to go even lower than he had been to make it all crystal clear to her he was done with her "Wow...you just don't understand the word no do you? Well I'll speak slowly so you can understand the words that are coming out of my mouth. I. want. A. Divorce. Do you understand now? Now accept it and leave me the hell alone because Elena is waiting for me now that I will be a free man"

In one quick swoop Siena pinned Damon to the car and punched her hand into his chest. She held the man she was in love with heart in her hand she began to squeeze it. She looked at him dead in the eye "You feel that Damon. That your heart about to explode because of the pain I'm causing it" She tighten her grip a little more and Damon groaned in pain "hurts doesn't it. That what you done to me" She thought back her emotions "You broke me Damon Salvatore" Siena let go of his heart and took her hand out of his chest. Damon slid down falling to the ground Siena looked down at him as he groaned in pain looked up at her "No need for a divorce Damon because you will never see me again. I wish you an eternity of misery" Siena walked away and it took every ounce of strength she had in her not to cry. She didn't want to cry over Damon Salvatore anymore she didn't want to love him anymore. In that one moment all those feeling for Damon Salvatore disappeared. Siena continued to walk with a smirk upon her face as she was rid of any emotions she once felt for the bad boy vampire was truly gone.

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