TMNT girls love stories

By p0ckiiturtle

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Basically it's just a bunch of stories that I made up. Sooooo, yeeeaaaaahhhhhh. Ummm 😊 ENJOY 😊 Ranks: #1:#V... More

Veo: Leonardo and Venus
Dalena:Donatello and Talena
Rarota:Rapheal and Larota
Mamoly: Michealangelo and Amoly
Dalena: Part 2
Venus: Part 1
Talena: Part 1
The Aftermath
Confession, Lies, Revenge
Talena:Part 2
Author's note
Venus:Part 2
Talena:Part 3
More about us
I'm sorry


278 2 0
By p0ckiiturtle

Lara POV
It's been 5 weeks since I've last seen Synergy. Ever since then I've always wanted to get in on her background. Like, what made her join the Foot, or how did she become like this. Y'know, those questions.
One night, while we were out on patrol, Raph and I came across some Foot Bots threatening some people. And they were led by none other then Synergy. "Please. Don't hurt us!"
"I'm losing my patience!" Synergy yelled while holding a knife to their heads. "Where are the Purple Dragons?!"
"We don't know what you're talking about!" yelled a woman terrified. "I'm going in." I said. I knew that if Raph went in, our cover would be blown. "Synergy!"
"Well, well. If it isn't Lara. Had a fun time at the hospital?" Synergy asked sarcastically. "I've spent far too long there." I said pulling out kusarigamma. "Well, then guess what? You've come to the right place. You wanna know why? Cause I'm your one way ticket to your grave." she said as she and the Foot Bots circled around me. "Get her!" Synergy ordered the Bots. I signaled Raph to come over and help me while I took the people out of here. "Come on. Let's get you two outta here." I said taking them out of the alley. "Now whatever you do, don't tell anyone about this."
"Thank you so much." The woman thanked me. "Your welcome." I said. I got back to Raph and started fighting off the bots. "Y'know, I have a great place for both of you when you don't survive this. In fact, I think you guys could finally meet my parents." Synergy added as she attacked me. I blocked it of course. "Wait, your what?" I yelled. "That's right. My parents. The ones that killed themselves." Synergy said kicking me in the gut. I smashed my head into a wall. "You remember. Right?"
"To be honest with you, I'd rather forget." I said throwing a smoke bomb.
Once Raph and I caught up with the others, they asked us where we've been all this time. "Synergy." Raph said. "What?"
"You mean the same Synergy that trapped Lara in that invisible barrier of bombs that blew you up and almost killed you?" Mikey asked. "Yeah. That's the one. She also mentioned something about her parents killing themselves." I added. "Wow. She must've had a rough childhood." Donnie said. "C'mon. I'll tell on the way back. Right now, we have bigger fish to fry." Raph said.
Once we got back to the lair, I told the others what else I knew about Synergy. "So, what do you remember?" Leo asked. "Well, her parents killed themselves, her orphanage was burned down, and her older sister works for the NYPD." I told them. Donnie clicked through the profiles, looking for her name. "Here it is." Donnie said. "Stacy Riverton: Born in 2001. Age:16 years old. Parents:none. Goes by the name Synergy because of interest in light and electricity." Donnie read the information. "Anything else?"
"No. That's it." Donnie said. "How can we go further into her background?" Amy asked. Then I had an idea. "Her sister. Synergy did tell me her sisters name. It's Diane." I said typing in 'Diane Riverton'. "Right here. Diane Riverton: Born in 1997. Age:20 years old. Parents:None." I read Diane's information. "Does it show her apartments address?" Taly asked. Donnie checked, and found her address. "517, Fortchester."
"But that's like, the other side of the city." Casey said. "Well. It's the only way. C'mon let's move." Venus said as we left.
    We got to her apartment, which was abandoned, and started searching for clues. The place was filled with cobwebs, dirt, and bugs. I felt something hit my foot when I was walking. "Hm?" I bent down and picked it up. It was a family photo. It had a mom, a dad, an older sister, and a younger sister. "Hey guys. I think I found something." I said. "Really? What is it?" April asked. I showed them the photo. "This must be Synergy and her family." Donnie said looking at the photo. I looked at it for a while. She reminds me of myself when I was younger. When I had parents. Her long dark wavy brown hair, emerald green eyes, and smiling from ear to ear. She looked like she just won an award for the worlds happiest girl. "C'mon. There are more clues here. I can feel it." April said. We found a staircase, which were old and look unsafe. "Careful guys. Watch your step." Leo said. We carefully walked up the stairs and made our way up to the second floor only to find two doors. Both side by side. The girls and I walked through the door on the left which had pink princess stuff on it, while the guys walked through the door on the left which had punk rock symbols. Once Venus opened the door, we found the most unsettling, horrifying thing we've ever seen in our entire lives. Two bodies hanging from a rope. One woman, and one man. "Oh, no." Taly said. We called for the guys, and the minute they walked in, they were as horrified as us. "Wow. Looks like her parents must've really hated their life for them to do this to themselves." Casey pointed out. "No, duh Casey." April said. I saw a yellow note on a dresser. I walked over to it trying my best not to touch the bodies, and picked it up. "Dear Stacy and Diane, we're only doing this for your sake. I can't take this anymore. I'm so sorry. But even though we won't be in this world with you anymore, please. Always do the right thing. With our final goodbyes, Mom and Dad." I read the note in my head. "What is it Lara?" Raph asked as I snapped back to reality. "A note. From the parents." I said giving Raph the note. "Woah. That's deep yo." Mikey said. "C'mon. Let's move. I think we have enough clues for now." Leo said. "Not so fast Leo. We still don't know why or how Synergy's orphanage was burned down." Donnie added on. "Donnie has a point. There's still a few pieces missing in this puzzle." Taly said. "Well I'm taking this note. Don't know when we'll truly need it." I said holding the note.
   We decided to go for a little pizza break to clear up our minds back at the lair. "Ok so, all we know so far is that both Synergy and her sister are orphans once their parents killed themselves."
"And we all know how they did it." April said sending chills up her spine. I was still looking at the note. Wondering. Why would her parents kill themselves? They seemed to have the perfect life. They looked like they were in a happy marriage, and had two beautiful girls. Even though one of them's an evil traitor who always wants to kill you and your family 24/7.
    The next night we went to check out Shredders lair. Just to check to see what he's planning with the Kraang. We went inside and checked it out. Nothing suspicious so far. Once we climbed up to the roof top, we got a little visit from a 'special someone'. "Wow. You just can't get enough of me now, can you?" Synergy asked. "Don't get so comfortable sister." Raph said. "Oh, no. I'm so scared." Synergy said sarcastically. We attacked. But Synergy being a little mini Shredder, kicked our butts. Then I had an idea. I put my kusarigammas away, got up, and walked towards her. "Oh. I didn't know you stopped using you weapons Lara. You're just as wimpy as the rest of your friends." Synergy teased harshly. As much as I wanted to fight her and defend my family, I had to stick to the plan. "Go ahead. You wanna make fun of me? Make fun of me. You wanna fight me? Fight me. You wanna hurt me? Hurt me. You wanna kill me? Go ahead. Kill me. But I won't continue this nonsense Synergy. I don't want to fight you."
"Well. More fun for me then." she said taking out her weapons and slashing me across the face. "Lara!" I heard Raph yell. "I'm fine. I'm okay." I said. More punches. More hits. More kicks. More slashes. She wouldn't stop until I wasn't breathing. I was too weak to get up at this point. My body was aching from all the pain, bruises, and cuts on me. "Your time is up." she said. "Wait!" I yelled holding out my hand. "Before you kill me, just hear me out! I know what it's like to loose someone you love. Trust me. I've been there."
"You're only saying that to save yourself. Well guess what babe? It's not gonna work." she said . I quickly took out the note from her parents. She took it from me and read it. Every single word. "Your parents do love you. They killed themselves because they were depressed Synergy. They had no one else to talk to. What would your parents say if they saw you right now. Hurting, killing people."
"My parents don't care if I kill you. They never cared about me. Heck, why do you think they killed themselves, huh? Because of me! I'm a mistake! Okay! An accident! I was never meant to be one of them, and I never will be!" she said in tears. Her body started to form an electric aura around her. She levitated up in the air as her tears turned into electric waves. I tried to get up and escape, but with my body in this shape, it was impossible. "Let's hit the lights." she said slamming her fists to the ground. Her powers touched me. Electrifying me. I screamed in pain and agony. Finally, she stopped. All I could see now was darkness.
   I woke up moments later to find myself back in the lair. As I woke up, I saw my sisters, the guys, April and Casey. I could barely get up without flinching in pain. "You okay there?" Venus asked me. "Yeah. I'm fine. But what happened to Synergy?" I asked. "We left right before she could get a chance to kill you." Amy said. I looked startled. "Not helping, huh?" Amy asked us. We all said no. "So, how you feeling?" Raph asked me as I got up. "A little better I guess." I said trying not to fall. "Guys. You know what this calls for?" Mikey asked excitedly. "Oh, no"
"Please don't." Venus and Donnie said annoyed. "Celebratory pizza!"
"Mikey, you think that you finally beating me in a game calls for pizza." Amy said. "Because pizza is the most popular party food, in the history of party food. BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey yelled. I still had Synergy in my thoughts. Why would she still want to be with Shredder? I guess only time will tell.

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