We'll Survive

By tidalwave_

36.6K 1K 56

She's the typical outsider He's the typical bad boy Meet Christine Mason, also known as "Chris". She's your t... More

We'll Survive
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Bonus Chapter pt. 1
Bonus Chapter pt. 2

Chapter Thirty

821 31 1
By tidalwave_


Don't give up. Don't give up. I thought to myself. You're going to get through this and you get to see your dad, mom, Caleb... Jess... Lucas. You still get to see them all. Especially Landon. You still have something to deal with him, right? So, don't give up... Or you'll end up a wandering bitch who can't pass through because she has an unfinished business here in this damn world.

I'm just exaggerating.

I'm not even dead yet. But I'm pretty sure I'm close to that. So close. They've been torturing me, hitting me, kicking... laughing at me. Pfft. Sons of bitches don't know who they're up against. My father will come. I know he will. I may not know him as much as my mom does but I trust him.

He is my dad after all.

They want something from my dad. That's why I'm here in the first place. And even if they won't tell me what it is, I already know what they want from him.

The microchip.

I sighed... more like wheezed after another day of torture. I was aware of my... not so gorgeous state. But then again, when was I ever-gorgeous? With my bruised eye, my blooded lips, swollen nose, and lumpy arms. But who cares? It's not like someone is going to come and see how I look.

The door opened cutting me out of my thoughts. That man from the first time I woke up came in. He smirked when he saw me. Laugh all you want, cocksucker.

I glared up at him.

"You look like hell," he said casually.

"Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious." I spat.

I take it back.

Thank goodness I had enough strength for one last badass move.

He chuckled. "Do you know why you're here?"

"Do you?" I bit back.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. Your father took something from me." he said. "I'm just keeping you here until he comes and gives it to me."

"You think I don't know that?" I said through gritted teeth. "This is all too cliche. What do you want?"

"We want the microchip. And I think you know where it is," he said.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you're his daughter," he said as if that explained the course of the universe.

"So? We haven't seen each other for sixteen years, thanks to you. And I've only ever met him just recently. And even if I did know where that stupid microchip of yours is hidden, what makes you think I would ever tell you?" I spat angrily.

He leaned in closer until we were eye to eye, which was his first mistake, and smirked. "Because they always surrender," he said.

I glared at him and hit his nose with my head quite hard, which sent him tumbling backward clutching his nose. It was bleeding. But instead of laughing, I glared.

"Why you little-"

"Don't you ever dare compare to those other cowards you encounter!" I spat, cutting him off.

He glared at me and left my prison. Good choice. I sighed again when I felt dizzy.

This is going to get a lot worst.

~ o ~

Waiting is bullshit.

Waiting means your irresponsible.

Waiting means your dependent on other people.

And most of all, waiting means you have to start taking things into your own hands because if not, you're going to die anyway.

As they untied me, I didn't wait for any other interruptions. I grabbed the bulky man that was on my right and head-butted him. His friend turned to attack me, but I kicked him in the face, which sent him banging his back to the wall, hitting his head in the process. The other guy, from my right, got up but I kicked him in the place where the sun doesn't shine and he dropped to the floor. With one last kick on the head, I sent him unconscious on the floor.

Taking out their guns, I placed one behind my back, tucking it on my pants and using the other one as a temporary weapon. I exited the cell, only to see that there were three more guards coming my way. They all stopped when they saw me. I had to prepare myself for the worst.

That's when I heard someone yelling and started charging towards me. I pointed my gun at the first person and pulled the trigger, hitting his leg. He dropped to the floor crying out in pain. I did the same to the other two but the difference is, I hit one on the shoulder, the last one, I hit him in the stomach... which was totally an accident. I hate it when I had to kill people. Especially if those people were innocent.

But then again...

With my work, nobody is innocent. I continued down the hall after fighting a few guards, when I spotted a door. I readied myself and slowly approached the door. Twisting the knob slowly, I entered the room only to see something that almost made my heart stop.

My father was in the middle of the room with a gun pointed at his side and his expression blank. The man that first came in to see me after I got kidnapped was holding the gun. I closed the door behind me.

"Dad," I said quietly.

The man smirked. "Now, Carl. Tell me where the microchip is or else your daughter gets to pay the price." He threatened and pointed his gun at me.

I stiffened but tried not to show it and instead, I decided to glare at him.

"Leave her out of this, Watson." my dad said.

"I will. But not until you tell me where the microchip is." Watson said.

So that's his name, I thought.

"It's not with me. I already threw it away." my dad said.

Watson stayed quiet for a moment. "Nah, I'm not buying it," he said. "Come on, Carl. Or she dies." Watson said, pointing his gun in my direction.

My dad hesitated for a moment. "Fine. I'll tell you where it is."

My head snapped in his direction. "What? No! Dad! You can't do that!" I protested.

Watson looked back at me with his gun pointed. "Nah-uh-uh. You shut up. And stay here." he said playfully.

My dad looked at him. "Before we go to that place, can I please talk to my daughter? Alone?" my dad said.

Watson glared at us before disappearing behind the door at the corner of the room. "You have three minutes," he called back.

Once the door shut close, I immediately approached my dad. "Dad, what the hell is going on? You can't give that microchip to him!" I said in a hushed tone.

He sighed and looked at me his blank expression, now turning into a soft one. "Look, honey... I know I haven't been completely honest with you. And I swear when we get out of this... I'll explain everything. Right now, I just need you to trust me." he said in a soothing voice. After a pause, he added, "You look like hell."

I rolled my eyes at him. "No shit, Sherlock," I said.

He smiled, but it was a forced one and caressed my cheek. "I love you, Chris. Always remember that," he said.

Before I could say it back, the door banged open, and in came Watson. "Time is up. Now, where is it?"

Desperate son of a bi-bunny.

My dad sighed. "Chris, remember that necklace?" my dad said, looking expressionless once again.

"Yeah. What about it?" I asked.

"I need you to take it off and hand it to me."

I started to protest. "What? Why? Why would you want me to take it off after telling me not to-" he cut me off.

"Just do it." my dad demanded and I was almost afraid by how scary his voice sounded.

I sighed and against my will, I took off the jewelry and gave it to him. And without wasting any other second, he smashed the pendant on the table and when he took his hand off of it, they're lying on the wooden desk was the microchip itself. I was surprised. Of course, I was. I mean, who wouldn't be?

It was with me all along.

Watson chuckled. "Of course it was you. It was with you all along."

"Yes. And you were stupid enough not to see it." I snapped.

That instantly shut him up.

My dad handed it to him. "Here. Now let us go."

Watson pretended to think about it. "Yeah... no," he said and pointed the gun at my dad before pulling the trigger. "It's not going to be that easy."

I shrieked before going to my dad's side who was on the ground with his blood all over the floor.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. Dad, please!" begged

I heard Watson cackle. "You see what I mean, Chris? They always give up. Those cowards you were talking about, I mean. Guess your father is one of those people after all." he said.

My vision turned red. No one calls my dad a coward. No one. Without any hesitation, I quickly pulled my gun from behind my back aiming it at Watson's head, and pulled the trigger. My breathing came out as pants as I looked back at my dad who was swimming in his own blood.

He was hit in the stomach which makes it a whole lot worse. Tears started spilling down my eyes.

"Dad, it's okay. It's alright. Everything will be fine. Just don't give up, okay?" I choked out the words.

He stared at me his eyes gentle as he brushed my hair with his hands. "I love you," he whispered before his eyes looked lifeless and he lay still on the floor.

I stared at him still in shock. "What? No. Dad! Dad, please! No! Don't this to me! Please! Dad!" I sobbed into his chest. "I love you, too," I whispered while laying my head on his lifeless chest and continued crying.

~ o ~

"Oh, god. Chris-" my mom came to give me a hug before I backed away.

"Don't touch me," I said, coldly.

She looked hurt but I was too numb to care. My dad's body came out covered with a body bag. I watched my mom's expression as her eyes filled with tears. I had to look away to stop myself from doing the same thing. That's when my eyes landed on Landon.

He was looking at me with his hands in his pockets while leaning on an ambulance. The tears came back almost immediately. I ran to him, ignoring the pain with each step I take. When I was in his arms, that's when I broke down. He didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around me and stayed quiet.

In the middle of our little moment, we heard something explode from the inside. We both pulled away and stared at the now burning building.


I looked up at Landon. "What?"

"Caleb's in there. Investigating the place. We need to hurry now!" he said. "I'll line up the troops," he said and hurried away.

I can't lose two family members in one night.

Before I had the chance to think the idea through, I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the shouts of protest from behind me.

I have to find Caleb!

I entered the burning building and tried to look for my brother. "Caleb? Caleb!" I called out and coughing out the smoke.

I looked around only to see some dead bodies around the floor. I covered my nose and squinted my eyes. I barely made it when I entered the room where my dad was shot. There I saw Caleb lying on the floor half-conscious.

I approached him almost immediately and grabbed his arm, swinging it around my neck, and pulled him up. And let me tell you about carrying male agents.

They were heavy!

I grunted and got out of the room only to be greeted with more flames. There weren't that many flames before. Ugh! Why does everything corner of this building have to be wood?!

I tried to find an exit but failed. The walls were beginning to cave in. That's when I saw a window. I quickly approached it, dragging my brother with me. He groaned as I did so.

"Shut up, will you? It's torture enough that I have to carry your big fat ass around a burning building!" I snapped, trying my best to keep him standing.

Not knowing what to do, I swung my fist to the glass window with all my might and thankfully it shattered immediately. I continued breaking it with my elbow, ignoring the pain that shot through my hand and my arm. A silhouette was seen and when his face fully registered in my mind, I silently rejoiced.

"Here! Grab my brother! And take him to an ambulance! Hurry!" I ordered and Landon dragged my brother out with me helping him.

Landon disappeared and I climbed the window, wincing as I did so, and jumped off, landing on my feet. Which was a stupid thing to do since I was still in my weak state, so I ended up rolling in the grass and lay flat on my back.

I groaned. What an epic fail landing. I think I sprained my ankle or something. Then a figure suddenly hovered on top of me.

"Hey, monster." Monster? That's new.

"Hey, jerk face," I said weakly.

"Come on," he said and helped me up. I groaned as I did so. I couldn't stand so Landon didn't have any choice but to carry me. Bridal style. Like he did back at the cafe. While I was pretending to be asleep. How ironic. I rested my head and his shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

Finally. Everything is over...

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