Lost and Found: A SwanQueen S...

By oncer108

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Mayor Mills has hidden her dark secrets for too long and when the mother of her adopted child, Emma Swan, com... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 24

195 7 0
By oncer108

Regina waved goodbye to Henry and his grandparents as they drove away. Then she turned to Zelena and gave her a tight hug. They pulled away and smiled at eachother.
"Bye Emma!" Zelena shouted over Regina's shoulder.
"Bye Zelena! See you soon!" Emma's voice came back from the kitchen. She was busy finishing off the dishes.
"I'll see you soon okay?" Zelena said, touching Regina's arm lightly. She nodded in response and said another goodbye, before closing the door and heading back to the kitchen, where Emma and Lily were. Emma was washing the last plate and Lily was drying another. Regina gave Lily a cheesy grin and she sighed and shook her head. She dried the last plate and sighed again, as she saw Emma making the same face.
"One night. You can have one night to yourselves, but if anything happens Emma has to ring me straight away. I'll be back early in the morning though lovebirds!" Regina giggled and nodded, as did Emma. Then Lily ran upstairs and grabbed her bag. She came back down, said goodbye to them both and headed off to Granny's to get a room. Emma closed the door behind her and turned around to see Regina right up close to her. She kissed her passionately and Regina pushed Emma up against the door. They made out for as long as they could last, before needing to come up for air. As the both panted, they laughed at eachother and Emma stroked the side of her girlfriends face. Tears came to her eyes and Regina, in fright, attempted to back away slightly, but Emma pulled her back.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Regina said panicked. Emma giggled lightly.
"I've just missed you so much. God, I love you, Regina. You're just so... perfect." Regina pulled Emma into a hug, as tears began pouring down the blonde's cheeks.
"I love you so much. But I'm far from perfect." Regina whispered. Emma moved her head from Regina's shoulder and looked into her eyes.
"You're perfect to me." She said, and kissed her again. Regina sighed deeply, as they pulled away from eachother.
"What is it?" Emma asked, "You look like you're thinking way too much." She giggled at herself, but stopped when she noticed Regina hadn't joined her.
"Oh, God! Regina what's wrong? You're scaring me." Emma said, concerned. Regina took another deep breath and put her hands in Emma's, entwining their fingers together.
"Emma... will you move in with me?" She said quietly. Emma beamed and hugged her again.
"Of course! I would love to! Oh, Gina!" She laughed, overjoyed. Regina gave her a quick kiss and then rushed through to the living room. She came dashing back and presented Emma with a key, that had a tiny little yellow bow on it. Emma smiled, a little surprised.
"I was going to ask you before... before..." Emma cupped her face and kissed her lovingly.
"Before the tiny setback in our wonderful life together." Emma finished for her. They both smiled and then Regina took Emma's hand and led her upstairs. They reached Regina's bedroom and walked in together. It was going to be a long night.
Emma flopped back onto her pillows and Regina cuddled into her chest, as the blonde panted slowly. Emma put her arms around her and held her close. There were a few minutes of silence, before either of them spoke.
"What made you change your mind?" Emma said quietly. Regina sat up a little.
"What do you mean?"
"What made you come home? Why didn't you go to the secure unit?" Regina moved away from her and sat up properly.
"You. Henry. I thought that being in that place was protecting you, but when they said I'd never see you again... I realised I couldn't live without you." Emma smiled and rubbed Regina's lower back.
"I'll make you better. I promise." Emma whispered. She snuggled back in and sighed happily.
"I know you will."
Emma woke up in fright, to the sound of Regina's hollow screams. She looked around, but couldn't see her anywhere. She got up, wearily and headed downstairs. Regina was kneeling on the kitchen floor, where she had attacked Emma the first time, screaming what sounded like a rhyme or verse.
"You did this you evil bitch. You deserve to cry. You cursed yourself you evil witch. Now your loved ones all will die." She kept repeating it over and over again. Emma slowly and quietly tiptoed around her, making sure not to be seen. She grabbed the washing up bowl and turned the cold tap on, in order to fill it. The sound of running water caused Regina's head to jolt towards Emma, who backed away a little. She was still chanting the verse, but she was getting louder and louder. Emma turned off the tap and put the bowl on the floor. She knelt down, beside Regina, who just stared over her shoulder and continued shouting. Gently Emma placed Regina's hand in the water and waited. She watched as Regina's eyes flickered and met her own. Emma sighed in relief. She was awake. Regina fell into Emma hugging her.
"Did... did I try to hurt you?" She stammered. Emma shook her head softly.
"No, baby. You didn't try to hurt me." She whispered back. Regina pulled out of the hug and she looked at her hands, crying.
"Then what have I been punching?" She asked simply. Emma looked down to see Regina's knuckles open and bleeding. She hadn't noticed when she put her hand in the water, but they looked dreadful. Emma kissed them sweetly, before looking back up at her.
"The floor, Gina. I think... you were hitting the floor" She said, gesturing to the floor beside her. Regina turned and saw the spots of her own blood in the place of Emma's, when she attacked her. She looked at Emma in confusion, as if she wanted to know more. Emma sighed.
"You were chanting something. You were saying something like: You did this you bitch. You deserve to cry. You did this you evil witch. Now your loved ones will die?" Regina fell backwards, from her knees and put her head in her hands.
"I am mad after all," She whispered, "I am mad." Emma moved closer to her, but Regina jumped away. Tears sprung to Emma's eyes.
"Don't do this to me again. Please. I need you. Whether you're mad or not I love you." Regina looked up at Emma and saw the fear in her eyes. She knew that if she did this to her again it would ruin her. So, Regina put her arms around Emma and asked her something.
"Please. You can't tell Lily about this?" Emma nodded in response and then stood up and ran upstairs. She came back, to find Regina sat at the dining room table, examining her hands. Emma sat down beside her and placed the first aid kit she was carrying on the table. Regina put her hands in Emma's and the blonde cleaned her wounds carefully, before bandaging them up. To finished she kissed them both and smiled up at Regina.
"All better!" She said, then leaned in and kissed her on the lips. They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Regina got up, but Emma sat her back down.
"I'll get it." She smiled.
Emma went quickly to the door and swung it open. Zelena was stood in a bright green jumper, looking concerned and really scared.
"Zelena! Are you okay?" Emma said.
"Where's Regina?" Zelena replied pushing past her and heading upstairs. Regina came out into the hall and caused Zelena to breath a huge sigh of relief. She ran straight into her arms. Regina looked at Emma bewildered, as her sister hugged her tightly.
"What's wrong?" Regina asked. Zelena pulled away and took Regina's hands. Caught unawares Regina let out a whimper and Zelena looked to see her fists all bandaged up. She gasped in shock.
"Sis! What... what did you...?" 
"It's fine. I'm fine. But why do you look so panicked? So scared?" Regina said.
"I saw Lily at Grannys and she told me you and Emma were going to be spending the night alone. I was fine with that, but this morning I saw Lily rushing out the door and grabbing a taxi. It was headed in this direction. I panicked and thought something had happened so came straight away. Wait, where is Lily?" Regina and Emma looked at eachother in alarm.
"Zelena. Wherever Lily was going, she wasn't coming here." Emma said.
"So where was she going?"

Authors Note:
Whoops sorry! This is a super long chapter... I usually keep them pretty short! Hope you guys don't mind xx 

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