Together (Yoosung x Seven)


22.8K 835 145

Right after Rika's death Yoosung feels sad alone and depressed so Seven comes over to comfort him. More

The Kiss
Drunk Yoosung
Moving in
Cleaning The Cut's
Odd Eye
Saeyoungs Jacket
Surgery/Yoosungs Jacket
I'm Sorry
A Push In The Right Direction
University Yoosung
Cafe/Exam day
What We Did To Deserve Each Other
Sick Saeyoung
Plans For The Future
Kiss Cam
Final Exam
Engagement rings
---- Authors note (Important) ----
---- Authors Note (REALLY IMPORTANT!) ----


1.1K 36 2


I open my eyes and a shooting pain runs through my body 

"GAH!" I squeeze my eyes and relax them, the bandages that Saeyoung put on me helped but I still hurt. I sit up it was a bit painful but I made it I take the necklace in my hand and look at it Saeyoung has been taking such good care of me but a part of me feels like I am a burden I let the necklace fall back on my chest and I sigh I still couldn't walk very well because of the bruises on my legs one of them was on my knee... I felt like deadweight. A knock came from my door

Saeyoung: "Yoosung are you awake?" He peers inside to see me sitting up and some tears in my eyes. "Yoosung are you alright?" he sits behind me letting me lean on him. I sigh looking up at Saeyoung.

"Saeyoung i'm not acting like deadweight or a burden am I" Saeyoung leans over so that I can see him worry pasted on his face.

Saeyoung: "No, of course your not why would you think that" I look down tears falling down my cheeks

"because you are taking such good care of me..... I can't even walk because of my bruised leg so you carry me! I can't make your food when you are working so I worry about you! I-I can't do anything but think and speak." I take my arm and wipe my tears away it hurt but I didn't want to Saeyoung to see me cry. "You are taking such good care of me and I can't do anything to say thank you" I feel Saeyoung move a bit

Saeyoung: "You can do something" He grabs my necklace and connects it with his "You can do this" he smiles at me "You aren't a burden or deadweight Yoosung you are my boyfriend and I love you. I'm taking such good care of you because I miss the silly smile on your face" Saeyoung sighs giving me back my necklace "I don't want you to be sad I want you to be smiling and laughing until your gut falls out... but even if you are sad I will still love you the same way as I love you when you are happy." He leaned moved back to his original position "What happened to you was horrible and I would never wish it on anyone, not even my enemies. I just want to help you heal so I can see your smile again" I didn't realize that Saeyoung was this hurt by what happened to me I knew he was sad but I was shocked at how much he missed my smile. I didn't like my smile all that much but it warmed my heart knowing that Saeyoung did.

"I didn't know you loved my smile so much"

Saeyoung: "Seeing you happy is honestly the best part of my day sometimes" I smile "Alright now I know this will suck but I need to take your bandages off I did some research and you can't have the bandages on you forever"


Saeyoung: "Do you want to try and take off your shirt or do you want me to help you?"

"No its okay I think I can to it" I start taking off my shirt but then I stop because it hurt so much "GAH! crap"

Saeyoung: "I said you didn't need to worry about being dead weight Yoosung" He takes off my shirt and I sigh 

"I know.... I just thought that maybe I could do this one thing but- I was wrong" Saeyoung looks at me

Saeyoung: "Please don't push yourself i'm here to take care of you and if you let me then you will get better soon I promise" I nod and Saeyoung starts taking off the bandages on my torso

"Hey, Saeyoung.... Why don't you go by your first name?" He continues taking off the bandages wrapping them around his hand as he goes

Saeyoung: "Well, the agency that I worked for made me change my name for safety reasons but that is not the only reason... My mother was horrible she beat me and my brother. I didn't have a good childhood so the name Saeyoung just reminds me of that" My eyes shoot open

"You have a brother" Saeyoung looks away

Saeyoung: "Not anymore..."

"Saeyoung i'm so sorry I never meant to-" Saeyoung interrupted me looking at me

Saeyoung: "It's okay I know you mean well. Why I like it when you call me Saeyoung is because you are kind and caring everything I wished for when I was growing up. I know it is greedy and i'm sorry for that.... I just I don't have any other family other than you right now"  He started unwrapping my left arm "T-That's why I care for you so much" I see his arm come to his eyes "You are all I have and I love you so much"

"I-I don't know what to say" Saeyoung continues unwrapping my arm and moves on to the other one

Saeyoung: "You don't need to say anything. That was the first time I shared that story with anyone and I never realized how much I missed having a family"

"What about the RFA?"

Saeyoung: "I have always seen them as my family but i'm talking about like close family." he finishes unwrapping me and sits back "Like you" I smile and Saeyoung stands up getting me a shirt and some pants to where he helps me put them on "Alright you should probably have something to eat huh."

"Yea that's a good idea"  Saeyoung offers me his hand

Saeyoung: "I know it might hurt but I need to build your strength back up again" I take his hand and stand I fall landing on Saeyoung's chest

"Sorry" He helps me back up and my legs are a bit weak from not walking and having bruises and cuts on them

Saeyoung: "Its okay no need to apologize. Just put your weight on me and I can lead you downstairs okay"

"Okay" Saeyoung leads me downstairs and I see that his laptop along with pillows blankets and other things are on the couch "Why do you have everything set up downstairs?"

Saeyoung: "I want to make your life as easy as possible so I set up a bed for you and right next to you I can work so if you need anything I will be right beside you.

"What about you getting into your work?" We get downstairs and Saeyoung sits me down on the couch that has pillows and blankets on it.

Saeyoung: "You will always be my top priority Yoosung" He sighs "So you don't need to worry about that but you should worry about the fact that" he sits down at his computer "I don't know how to cook" I giggle "But I can give you some honey buddha chips"

"I will take that offer" Saeyoung gives me a bag from a box sitting next to him I open it and start eating them "Are you going to start work" he nods "Okay' I look around "Can you help me with one more thing before you do." Saeyoung looks back at me

Saeyoung: "Yes I can"

"Come closer" He comes a bit closer and I kiss him

"I love you" I smile and blush a bit "Thanks, Saeyoung!" his face turns red and he smiles back at me

Saeyoung: "Y-You know if you wanted a kiss you could have just asked."

"I know but I like it when you are flustered"

Saeyoung: "Who knew we had so much in common. I like it when you are flustered too"

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