Ascending | ✔

Par yangri

32.4K 579 142

[Indefinite hiatus] After the Tournament of Power, one might expect peace to return. Maybe for another 7 year... Plus

Power on, brave warriors!
Crossing the threshold
In saiyans we trust
The not so wicked witch of the East City
Let's fly to the moon
Brewing tensions
Sweet and sour
The flipside
Burning bridges
Legend of the Flying Wig
Wigs will fly
Wigs are last season
Children of the Lost
Peculiar things
Blurred lines
Warped minds
Meet the Parents
Secret Heart
Clues from the past
Chasing the wind
I'm cold
Little mishaps
Cold son, stiff canary
Sister Dearest

Unexplored territory

1.2K 22 5
Par yangri

The moon shone brightly through the open window, illuminating the bed of Chi Chi and Goku. One body was relaxed and the other tense. Chi Chi had refused sex again for the umpteenth time, claiming that she was too tried for a round with a super saiyan. She was now getting some well deserved sleep but Goku laid awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling, hot and bothered by Chi Chi's abstinence in more ways than one.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I not treating her right?

Chi Chi snored softly, turning around to bury her face into Goku's chiseled pecs. She moaned slightly, rubbing her forehead against Goku's chin, making him stiffen. When she didn't make any other unconscious movements, he relaxed and allowed his body to cool. But then she wrapped her long, shapely legs around him, reviving his arousal.

Oh no. Not now. Shit!

Without even trying, his wife had put him in a very delicate situation. If he decided to fulfil himself, she knew she would be spitting mad as soon as she woke up. There was only one choice: to tough out her blue-balling.

He groaned in frustration, trying to remove himself from her vice grip without accidently hurting her. Luck was not on his side as his movement only made her grapple his thighs with her own even tighter. His boxers were now feeling uncomfortably tight and he had to suppress a yell of frustration.

Chi Chi, why?  he wailed in his head.

His only response was another muffled snore from his sleeping spouse.

This was going to be a long night. He might as well try some tactics to help him last until morning. Okay think... something really disgusting. Squeezing his eyes shut, he conjured an image of Muten Roshi in a bikini; the fat lady in the next village doing a belly dance, what he thought Cousin Itt without his hair would look like - anything to make himself go limp again! It was working until he thought of something that didn't help at all. He imagined a smirking Caulifla, her body covered in superficial battle wounds and her clothes practically torn to shreds from a prior assault he hadn't bothered to script out. There was a burning fire in her eyes - her fighting spirit - that made his heart beat erratically.

That last image aroused him more than ever and he was back at square one again. Goddammit. Goku prayed that the image of Caulifla that was now plastered in his head wouldn't affect his behaviour around her tomorrow. This isn't right. He tried to force himself to think of Chi Chi instead, and though her ministrations had turned him on before, somehow, it wasn't happening anymore. It was strange and it greatly confusing for the saiyan. He had always been attracted to Chi Chi, but it was always her who initiated any intimacy. Now that he was doing the same, she was refusing his advances. Why? The concept of being attracted to more than one person, especially a spouse, was completely unfamiliar to Goku.

Thinking about this just made his head hurt. He sighed and closed his eyes, trying his best to sleep. It wasn't easy trying to fall into unconsciousness when an attractive woman was pressed up against his body and his mind was wandering into unexplored territory with imaginary Caulifla. There was also the problem of his stiffening member, which caused great discomfort. Only one response was appropriate at this point: Fuck.


Cabba and Kale reached earth before midnight. The angel Vados had warned them not to interact with the local populace but she eventually went against her own advice for the sake of a joke. She had dropped them off right on the outskirts of East City and laughed while she did it.

"Thank goodness she gave us some zeni," sighed Cabba as he and Kale walked the streets of the city, knowing that flying would attract unwanted attention.

Kale didn't answer, instead opting to observe the night life of the city. It was absolutely mesmerising for her. She had never seen anything like this before. Sadala had cities but East a City really took the cake! It was loud, bright and the skyscrapers were huge.

Heavy bass filled their sensitive eardrums as they passed a nightclub, a scowling bouncer guarding the entrance. A long line of people were cued up. Kale watched intently as he bouncer threw out or accepted each person.

"Hey Kale!" Cabba called and Kale realised that she was quite behind, having been lost in the club's activities.

"Coming!" Kale replied softly, jogging lightly to catch up with her fellow saiyan. "Where are going first, Cabba? I really want to find Caulifla."

"It's night," Cabba pointed out. "And unluckily for us, Sadala's and Earth's days are nearly synchronised, which means it should be night for us too. I know that you're worried, Kale, but we need to find some food and shelter first."

"Oh, okay."

They reached a grocery store with bright green and orange neon lights. It was obviously rundown but Cabba's eyes lit up in excitement. "This must be where earthlings get their food!" He turned to Kale. "Stay here. I'll buy enough for the both of us." He looked so proud that he was able to provide that Kale couldn't find the heart to tell him that the pizza restaurant on the opposite street seemed more appealing.

Cabba stared in awe at the frozen food section. Nearby, the teenage clerk looked at him with a expression that indicated she thought he was a total weirdo as the saiyan pressed his face against the glass separating his body from the frozen potato pies.

"Hot pocket?" Cabba read out, his eyes following the lettering. "What is this hot pocket? And corndog? That sounds horrifying!" He shuddered, imagining a dead, cooked dog with corn for a body. What kind of sicko would kill a dog just to turn it into corn!? Vados had told him a bit about earth foods and animals and if he were to stay long term on earth, he would definitely adopt a cute, adorable dog! "These humans are more barbaric than I had first anticipated..."

"Hey dude!" the teenage girl behind the counter shouted before blowing a bubble with her gum. "You gonna buy something or what? You've been standing there for ten minutes."

"Oh wow!" exclaimed Cabba, scratching his head with a bewildered look on his face. "Has it really been that long? Time really flies when you're learning new things about earth culture!" They hadn't even been here for a day and Cabba had already let slip to a human that he was not from earth. As soon as he registered his mistake, he winced inwardly.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Umm, yeah dude, whatever..." She pulled out her phone to post a tweet about her long, boring shifts and weirdos who show up in equally weird costumes. Some kind of armour or something. Her fingers tapped away at her phone's keyboard.

That was almost too close! Cabba sweated, kicking himself for his carelessness. I should just get this over and done with and stop messing around.

Kale fidgeted nervously as she waited for Cabba, leaning against the side of the small store building. She was just starting to get a bit comfortable when a broad hand grabbed her shoulder and forcefully spun her around. A drunk that she had seen get tossed out by the nightclub's bouncer was the one who instigated the movement.

"Hey there, girlie," he slurred, the words coming out incoherently. "How 'bout you and I have some fun?" He attempted to waggle his eyebrows seductively. "And by fun, I don't mean video games... I mean the type of things that are too naughty for even comic books...!"

"N-no thank you," Kale squeaked in terror.

"Come on..." He grabbed her arm. "I insist, baby..."

A bunch of more drunks stumbled down the walkway, seeing the man grab Kale. One of them wolf whistled while another called out, "Share her with us, buddy!" They all wandered over as if they were one single entity, their hands outstretched, prepared to roam every nook and cranny of her body.

"Please don't!" Kale pleaded, gently pushing them away. They were all weaklings and she could easily overpower all of them but she didn't want to resort to unnecessary violence. But it didn't look like they were going to relent. She put up her arms in a small stance, ready to defend herself.

The men guffawed, pointing and sneering at her. One of them stepped up. "Stupid bitch! There's lots of us and one of you." He directed a thumb toward his chest. "And I've been trained by the champ himself, Hercule Satan!"

"Haha, yeah!"

"You tell her, Joe!"

"Don't be too rough with her... save it for the bedroom instead!"

"Be a pal - save some for me!"

"Get away!" Kale released a burst of chi, sending them flying backwards. They groaned in pain, most of them falling into unconsciousness due to the alcohol in their systems and the impact of their fall.

Joe got up, snarling. He rushed at the girl. "Oh you bitch! You're gonna pay for that." He launched his arm at her as if she was going to punch him. Kale instinctively put out her own limbs, her forearms facing her attacker, in an expert block. But the expected impact never came - there was a sharp, stinging pain and she felt her own lifeblood spill from her flesh and onto the dirty pavement. Somehow, he had gotten hold of a knife without her noticing.

"That'll show you, you stupid broad. Now come to Papa Joe..."

"Kale, I'm back!" Cabba turned around the corner and saw Joe grasping one of Kale's bloody arms, the girl shocked enough by the brutal attack to be frozen on the spot. "Kale!" He phased in front of Joe, glaring at the human man with dangerous intent. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he demanded, crushing Joe's wrist easily.

Joe screamed out in pain. "H-hey now, man," he whimpered. "From one guy to another... you understand right?"

Cabba snapped his arm, making the man scream even louder, his lips flapping as his mind failed to comprehend the pain he was experiencing. "WHAT KIND OF MAN FORCES HIMSELF ON A WOMAN!?" He pushed him to the ground, stepping roughly on his leg and shattering Joe's tibia. "It's scum like you who disgust me."

Joe's mouth opened but no words came out. Cabba looked coldly at the pathetic sight before turning his gaze to Kale, hither intensity of his stare making her flinch. Instantly, Cabba softened, dropping his previous demeanour almost instantly. "Kale?" he murmured. "I'm so, so sorry for leaving you Kale." He embraced her carefully, cautious to how she would react to a male's touch after going through what she had. She was shivering. "Kale... I didn't scare you did I, Kale?" A choked sob. "Shh, Kale, I'm here now and I won't ever hurt you. I promise."

"It hurts," Kale whispered, shakily bringing up her injured arms. "Oh god... I could have beat them... but I was so scared." She sobbed openly, her shoulders trembling violently as she cried, pushing her face into Cabba's armour. "I'm so weak!" She screamed in frustrations. "Why am I so weak Cabba?!" A green glow flickered around her as her emotions went into turmoil. She pounded her fist on the ground, cracking the concrete.

"Kale, you're not weak," Cabba said gently but assertively. He moved to rub comforting circles on her back. "You're one of the strongest people I know, Kale. Heck, you're even stronger than I am!" She looked up at him in a tearful gaze and he gave her a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. "You're stronger than you think, Kale. Don't put yourself down so much."

Kale sniffed, still shuddering albeit not as hard as before. "Th-thank you," her lip trembled, "thank you, C-Cabba."

"Anytime, Kale. Now we need to get those cuts bandaged. They don't seem too deep so there won't be any scarring. It might take a while to completely heal though. I think I saw some bandages in the shop."

Kale smiled weakly. "O-okay!"

Cabba helped her up, careful not to hurt her. "Like I said, anytime."


Once Kale had been patched up, the bandages wrapping around the length of her forearms, she and Cabba caught a cab to the nearest hotel.

"That'all be twenty zeni," the cab driver told them. He was an anthropomorphic fox with a yellow cap that said 'TAXI' on the front. He held out his paw to receive the money.

Cabba fumbled through the huge wad of cash Vados had given him. "Um yes, right. Sorry, hold on..."

The driver looked surprised. "Kid, you're loaded. Don't you have a wallet?"


Now the driver looked even more bewildered. "What? You don't know what a wallet is? How 'bout your girl?" He gestured to Kale, who was sitting next to Cabba in the back of the taxi. The female saiyan blushed pink at being called Cabba's girl but didn't voice any objections. "Does she know what a wallet is?"

Kale shook her head. "Umm, uhh... we lived in the woods for a long time. This is our first time in the city..."

"Ahh! My good old Uncle Bob likes roughing it out in the woods as well. He's got this cozy little cabin in the wilderness and hunts geese for a living. He used to be a taxi driver just like me, but he did business in West City instead." The driver threw his head back and let out a bellowing laugh. "He used to tell me about all the freeloaders he got over there when I was a kid. He especially liked telling me the one about that spiky haired kid who oh-so-innocently told him that he didn't have any money. The kid was a total angel but a Bob yelled at him anyway."

Cabba gave a noncommittal grunt and handed the driver the right amount of money. "Thanks for the ride."

"No sweat, kid. Just be careful. This hotel is pretty fancy shmancy. They don't really like... gosh how do I this without offending ya too much... your type."

At Cabba and Kales' quizzical expressions, he elaborated reluctantly. "I'm talking about your costumes. Look, I get that you teenagers are all into cosplay and stuff but you shouldn't go walking around the place dressed like some... alien warrior or something. And as for you, girl, try not to expose too much skin. A lot of these bastards like to prey on little girls. It's sick, if you ask me. And no offence, but your boyfriend don't look like much," he added skeptically.

This guy talks too much, he thought irritably. I bet I could show him a thing or two. But Cabba was mature enough not to respond in anger. "Thanks," he said, still sounding miffed. "We'll keep that in mind."

Like the taxi driver had said, the receptionists at the hotel didn't look at them very kindly. But Cabba's fat wad of cash quickly changed their minds.

"These humans are so greedy," Cabba whispered to Kale as they were showed to their room. "Does everything revolve around money around here? It sure seems like it."

Kale nodded timidly in agreement.

"Your room," the bellhop said stiffly. "And here is your room key."


They opened the room door.

Kale frowned. "Cabba... it only has one bed."

"... We'll make do with it." Cabba removed his shoes once they were inside, Kale doing the same. "I can sleep on the floor, if you want?"

"No, no! I don't want to be a burden. We can sleep together... not in that way!" she stumbled over her words, growing redder and redder by the second.

Cabba rubbed the back of his head bashfully. "If it's okay with you, sure. We can keep each other warm." His eyes widened when he realised how that must have sounded. "With blankets!" he blurted.

Kale gave him a small smile, glad that she wasn't the only one feeling awkward about the fact that there was only one bed.


Caulifla woke up before dawn, freshening up before making a drink called 'coffee' that Chi Chi had supplied her with in a gesture of goodwill. Needless to say, Caulifla was not entirely convinced, especially since she found the coffee bitter. It was an acquired taste, she supposed.

Goku had given her some of Chi Chi's old training gis as well. His gift, even if the clothing was Chi Chi's, was more appreciated by Caulifla. The two women were about the same size and the Gi fit snugly around her small frame.

She looked out the window, coffee cup in hand, and watched as the sun peeked over the hills. Dawn was descending upon Mount Paozu. She smiled.

Let the training begin.

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