Pulse and Perish || Luke Broo...

By DearestLuke

660K 17.4K 7.5K

"One side of me says, 'I'd like to talk to her, date her.' The other side of me says, 'I wonder how her head... More

Pulse and Perish
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Hi guys!
Chapter 35

Chapter 7

21.1K 434 345
By DearestLuke

unedited :S


Luke POV


I sit on my cell bed chattering, the cold biting and nipping at my skin like constant needle pricks. I think about the times before I was put in this psycho house, when I used to target the innocent and the happy, my favourite were the young women, how elegant and pretty they were. I wanted to talk to a lot of them, possibly date them one day, but they were all scared of what I was. They never gave me a chance to be myself and they'd scream at me and tell me to go away. So i'd wait until a cold night like tonight and break into their homes and kill them out of heartbreak and rage. I liked how they squirmed and wriggled helplessly on the floor as their blood pooled around their bodies. I'd crouch down and touch their blood, feeling the warmth on my hands, and draw a picture of a heart on their pale cheeks, a symbol of love. All I ever wanted to be was loved, and they all broke my fucking heart so I returned the favour.

I rise from my bed and walk over to the dirty scrap metal mirror that's securely bolted into the wall and take off my shirt, inspecting the faint scars marked on my back. I don't regret what I did, not at all. The lady did it to herself and the security guard.

My thoughts are broken when I hear a scuffling sound throughout the corridors, I carry my feet over towards the bard door and whip my head left to right looking as far down the corridor as my eyes will let me in this dark. I see nothing. Probably another patient up and about in their cell, I shrug it off and make my way back to my bed when I hear a deep familiar chuckle from behind and a tall figure appears from the corridor shadows.

"Isn't it my one and only twin brother"

I can't help but smirk and shake my head.

"What do you want Jai".

Alisha POV

I sit in my office filling out 'records' about the patients I've been seeing. I sigh leaning back in my chair, crack my knuckles and go back to my last report to write about a patient named Ashton Irwin, he was admitted here in 2011 because he kept re running through a life he made up in his head. He thinks he is a defective and he has to save a little girl named Georgia before 'the green men' come get her. He's getting better though, but only the slightest. He isn't a threat to anyone though, he just freaks some people out. He's a very genuine bubbly guy.

Just as the clock strikes 9pm I finally finish my last report. I stand from my chair letting out a groan and grab my things and head out to my car not really bothering to say goodbye to anyone I pass. I decide to make a quick stop by the coffee shop a block of so from my house for a quick cuppa. The smell of coffee beans welcoming me gracefully, the shop has hardly anyone in it, not a suprise considering it's a weekday. I grab a caramel shot coffee and quickly pull out my phone to text Cody.

-hey codesss! Just grabbing a coffee before I head home, gonna be even more late! Sorry (: don't wait up

Just as I hit the send button my body collides with a rock hard figure causing my coffee to spill over myself and the person infront of me. I gasp. "I am so so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I panic. The boy lets out a charming chuckle as he takes off his coffee stained hoodie.

"It's fine, really. I wasn't really watching where I was going either"

"and what a nice way to meet a girl too" he laughs. I blush a deep red, "it's lovely huh" I let out a awkward smile. "I was on my way to grab myself a coffee and it looks like yours is all over me so can I get you one too?" The boy gives me a cheeky grin, almost looks familiar. "I should be the one getting you a drink, it's the least I can do" I smile as we walk back over to the counter.


"So what do you do? Career wise" the boy smiles, sipping at his coffee, "I'm a psychiatrist at a mental asylum actually, what about you?" I return a smile. "I'm unemployed at the moment but I am looking for work", I nod understanding.

"So mental asylum huh? What's it like there? Creepy?" The boy grins. "Alittle, but it's bearable" I shift in my seat.

There's a silence after that.

"Do you you know.. Have a partner?" The boy awkwardly fiddles with the empty coffee cup in his hand, I blush "if you mean boyfriend then that's a nope". The boy flicks his tongue over his lip before smirking, "how is that possible, you're gorgeous" "just like he said you would be" he mumbles not nearly audible for me to hear. " I guess I'm not their type" I simply shrug.

We spend a good 30 more minutes chatting before I decide I should get back home and get some rest for work tomorrow. "Jai" I smile as read his name under my contacts, I look up to jai "it suits you" I grin, "thanks" jai chuckles.

"It was nice to meet you Alisha" jai smirks as he hugs me loosely.

"Wait I never told you my name?" I step back.



- @dearestluke

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