Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei :...

By MiraiKirisaki

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What if Shiba Tatsuya who is known as a person with no more feelings, except the feelings he have for his sis... More

Chapter I : Enrollment
Chapter 2: Blooms vs Weeds
Chapter 3 - Caught Off Guard
Chapter 4: Welcome the Students!
Chapter 5: The Competition Begins
Chapter 6.5 : Their First Night
Chapter 7 : Silver's Rage
Chapter 8 : Dream Come True
Chapter 9: Yokohama Disturbance
Chapter 10 : Truth and Tragedy
Chapter 11 : Love and Lies
Chapter 12 : Fire and Ice
Chapter 13 : Conflicts Arises
Chapter 14 : Doubts and Selfishness
Chapter 15 : Engagement
Chapter 16 : Extent of Your Love
Chapter 17 : The Art of Letting Go
Chapter 18 : To Make Things Right
Chapter 19 : Decisive Battle
Chapter 20 : The Yotsubas
Chapter 21 : Root of Love and Regrets
Chapter 22 : Seperate Paths
Chapter 23 : Blue Wedding
Chapter 24 : One More Chance
Chapter 25 : Project Armageddon
Chapter 26 : Awakening the secret weapon
Chapter 27 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 28 : Tears in a Starry Night
Chapter 29 : The Final Celebration
Chapter 29.5 - Wedding Night
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Mina-san! I'm sorry for the long wait

Chapter 6 : Crimson Prince Vs. Silver Taurus

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By MiraiKirisaki

❤ ❤❤

The 2nd day of the competition arises and a new hope was given to each student who participates at the competition. But as each game ends, a problem took a land on the First High School students.

As Mari was on her another round of water ski competition she was unfortunately sabotaged and met a rather major injury. Luckily, she was saved by Tatsuya which kept her away from a more serious accident. Also in some of their student's games, the CAD that was handled by the other CAD engineer of First High School malfunctioned for an unknown reason which cause a lot of accident to the students physically, and mentally.

"Mari!" Mayumi cried as she barge into the room of her injured friend and hug her.

"Mayumi! Im fine. Don't worry" Mari said and smiled

"How can you say that with those many bandages? Anyways I'm glad that Tatsuya was there to save you."

"He did?"

"Yes. He is now currently investigating the things that happened. It looks like we have been sabotaged."

"You mean a lot has happened?"

Mayumi nod and told Mari everything that Tatsuya told her at the scene of Mari's game and the other events of CAD malfunctioning.

◊ ◊ ◊

That evening Tatsuya asked Mayumi to go to a room where the First High School is authorized to do some meetings.

"Tatsuya? Why did you want to meet me at this time here?" Mayumi asked while yawning

"I do think we are sabotage and while im not yet discovering who's fault is this, I want you to be careful Mayumi." Tatsuya said as he sat down beside her.

"Tatsuya, you dont have to investigate alone. Let the military and the other school officer to--"

"Im a disciplinary committee. And I would participate in this to keep everyone safe. Specially all the remaining participants, specially M--

"Miyuki, your sister right?" She said as she look on Tatsuya with a smile.

"Yes. Specially Miyuki..." Tatsuya said as he look on Mayumi's face

Mayumi then looks away and frown a little. Thinking that he might not be worried about her because she finished her games already.

"And you, Mayumi" He said. He then cupped her cheeks and pull it gently towards his lips.

"Tatsuya." She whispered as she cries a little with a hint of surprise and happiness in her eyes. "By the way Tatsuya-kun, I want you to participate in a game. The 3 man's team for the junior battle games. You will be fighting against Ichijou Masaki."


◊ ◊ ◊

Mayumi have successfully persuaded Tatsuya to join the battle games of the first year in 1 condition, he will be teaming up with his friends Yoshida Mikihiko and Saijou Leonhart who is also on the same class as Tatsuya.

The game started and Tatsuya's team face off of with Masaki who is known as the Crimson Prince who wields the power of Rupture and his team. Since they are fully aware of the abilities of their opponents they carefully made a plan to defeat them.

As Tatsuya's team carry out their plan, the enemy somehow see through some of their attacks and had a counter measure prepared. The intensity of the game is felt with all the audience as the players all receive injuries for the sake of winning. Leonhart and Mikihiko acted as planned, and as the audience taught that Masaki would finally push Tatsuya into a corner and win, Tatsuya forced his way to Masaki. And with just a flick of Tatsuya's fingers Masaki was defeated with an injury in his ears from the impact of the sound waves created with Tatsuya's fingers.

"Annnnnnnnnd Team Tatsuya of First High School wins!" the anouncer said

** The crimson prince lost? ** **Who is he? ** whispered by most of the audience

Mayumi unconciously run to Tatsuya and hugged him as soon as she saw them.

"Tatsuya, you almost gave me a heart attack. Im so glad you are fine." Mayumi said as she wiped her tears

"Mayumi I --"

"Ni-sama! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me see please." Miyuki insisted as she arrived making Mayumi move to the side.

"Im okay Miyuki. Somehow I can't hear properly due to my careless action." Tatsuya said and hugged her sister.

"Saijou-san, Yoshida-san are you both okay? I think you have injuries as well." Mayumi said as she checked on both of them.

"We are fine Saegusa-senpai, I think Tatsuya was the most injured one." Yoshida Mikihiko replied

"Shiba-kun are you fine?" Mayumi asked with a smile

"Im fine, Saegusa-senpai. Thank you." And in return Tatsuya gave her his warmest smile.

◊ ◊ ◊

"Mayumi-senpai can you give me a minute?" Miyuki asked as she saw Mayumi got out from the infirmary where Tatsuya's team is being checked and healed from their sustained injuries.

"Oh Miyuki-chan, what is it?" Mayumi replied

"Do you like my oni-sama?" Miyuki ask with a sharp look in her eyes.

Mayumi felt the tension and said "Why would you think of something crazy Miyuki-chan? Of course, I have no feelings for your brother." Mayumi explained and giggled

"I will take that answer. Anyways Oni-sama will never like you senpai."

"Yes, so you should not worry, Shiba Miyuki... chan"

And both of them exchanged smiles and left.

◊ ◊ ◊

At the conference room for First High School, all the Student Council Members are currently having a meeting about the defeat of Ichijou Masaki. Since he lost from Tatsuya a not known member of the Ten Master clans, the Ichijou family was very frustrated and angry. 

"Since Masaki was defeated by an ordinary student this commotion is expected, Mayumi." Juumonji Katsuto explained

"I know but I haven't thought about it until you brought it up." Mayumi answered with a frown.

"So what do you mean Katsuto?" Mari asked

"Shiba-san should be a legitimate member of the 10 master clans. This is one of the things we could do."

"And how would you do that?" Mari asked

"Mayumi." Kasuto replied

"Me?" Mayumi said while pointing herself

"You are the eldest daughter of the Head of Saegusa, and it wont be a problem if you wanted to marry Tatsuya."

"Well it really won't be a problem for me.... Hey! What do you mean it wont be a problem? Of course my father would not let Tatsuya marry me that easily."

"Then i shall talk to Tatsuya. This problem should be solve immediately." Kasuto insisted

Juumonji Katsuto then immediately left and searched for Tatsuya leaving Mayumi and Mari alone looking so problematic and worried.

"There you are Shiba Tatsuya." Katsuto said

"Juumonji-senpai? Do you need to talk to me with something?"

"Yes. Have you heard of the commotion the Ichijou's are doing since you, a regular student, defeated the son of the Ichijous head?"

"Yes. I will deal with it. If they want another battle then so be it."

"Its not that easy Tatsuya. They wont stop. Instead, you should be a member of the 10 master clans. Why dont you marry Mayumi? She's a Saegusa, one of the 10 master clans. Both of you look so close with each other as well. Its not hard to like her. Right?"

"Loving Mayumi isnt the problem here. The Saegusa wouldnt let it be that easy. And I dont want to use her as a scape goat. Her value is something more than that. " Tatsuya explained

"Think of it, Tatsuya." Katsuto replied and left him alone in the hotel's garden.

"I do love Mayumi. If marrying her could mean keeping her safe then its fine, but she wouldn't be safe with me. Not yet." Tatsuya whispered

◊ ◊ ◊

Mayumi was then left all alone in the conference room, sitting on a sofa and staring blankly at the window. She seems to be very bothered with Katsuto telling her to marry Tatsuya so he would be save from the rage of the Ichijou's. Though, Mayumi think that its possible and impossible at the same time. That she really wanted to have Tatsuya all for herself. And her cheeks blushed, because just thinking of marrying him is already such a wonderful dream.

"So you are here all this time? Not even checking on your phone. Saegusa-senpai?"

"Tatsuya-kun?" Mayumi replied as she saw him standing on the door.

"What are you thinking? Is it that serious that you would not even bother on replying with my messages?" He asked while sitting on the sofa and hug Mayumi by pulling her gently to his chest and his head on top of her's while he strokes Mayumi's hair.

"Im sorry Tatsuya-kun. Did Katsuto talked to you already?" Mayumi replied and comfortably put her head and hands on his chest.

"Yes. He insisted me to marry you to be part of the Ten Master Clans. So that the Ichijou's wont bother me at all. But I told him I cant use your status just to save me."

"As expected, thats good since they dont know about us. Also, Masaki is awfully defeated by you. Of course they would be mad, since you are ordinary in their eyes."

"How about in your eyes?" He asked and lifts Mayumi's face near his face.

There is a moment of silence and the two of them is just taking their time staring at each other's eyes, smiling. Both of them wish that this moment would last forever.

"You are special for me Tatsuya. In all aspect, no members of the Ten Master clans could beat you. I don't care if they call you ordinary, irregular, weed or someone who is not in the same status as I am. You will always be the man I want to love." Mayumi replied. He then pulled him towards her so that their lips would touch.

Tatsuya was stunned and he felt special with what Mayumi said. But in the otherhand, he felt guilty because she doesn't know anything about his true self. Yet he removed all this thoughts and instead he replied with Mayumi's kiss and the two of them just enjoyed the moment of kissing each other. Tatsuya then carried her and sat Mayumi on his lap while they continue on feeling each others kiss. As Mayumi cupped his face and brush his hair, Miyuki's face flash in her mind.

"Tatsuya, your sister is being suspicious." se wispered in his ears.

"Miyuki does?"

"She asked me. If-- If I have feelings for you. But I told her I dont."

"Miyuki could be a problem. I'll take care of that. Dont worry okay? Shall I walk you back to your room."


The two of them are walking side by side while Tatsuya's hand is in Mayumi's waist, holding her like he doesnt want anyone to take her away.

"So this is it. My room. Good night Tatsuya."

"Good night Mayumi. Have a good sleep." He said and kissed Mayumi in her forehead.

Tatsuya started to walk slowly away from Mayumi. As she opened her door Tatsuya felt a sudden rush of blood in his body and went inside Mayumi's room before she could fully close the door. Mayumi was surprised in their current position, Tatsuya staring at her silently his hand cornering her on the wall.

"I love you Mayumi." He said.

Then Tatsuya kissed her passionately before Mayumi could even reply. Mayumi just went on with the kiss, close her eyes and pulled Tatsuya toward her body. He could feel his heart beat, its pounding so fast. She thought its a dream but it's real. Her mind is going blank as if she can't believe that Tatsuya is kissing her this way and that he told her he loves her.

Both of them could feel each others breathing and warmth. Their heart beat is now in sync, and their lips are now glued. How could they stop if it feels so good, Tatsuya thought in his mind. And he doesnt want it to stop, so he hugs her as tight as he could and kiss her more.

◊ ◊ ◊

Tatsuya went back in his room before the sun rises and found Miyuki sitting on his bed.

"Oni-sama, where have you been?" With a furious look in her eyes.


**To be continued on Chapter 7: Silver's Rage**

Votes and Comments are highly appreciated. You could also request some scenes from the anime, i'll try to insert it in the story. THANKS!

"Let's continue on sailing Mayumi x Tatsuya's ship!"

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