Taken// Why Don't We

By dance106

246K 5.2K 1.6K

What if 5 girls got kidnaped by their favourite band? Why though? Guess they'll have to find out... More

They Kidnapped Us?
Why Do They Care?
Calm Down.
Escaping... Or Not.
Girl's Day!
Ideas/ not an update srry
20 Questions?
Get The Keys.
Should've Stayed.
Give Them A Chance.
Mall Day.
Stand Back!
The Truth.
Pool Day.
More ideas/ dkm not update
Why So Eager?
Breaking Point.
You Ruined My Shirt!
MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS!!/ not an update but idgaf its christmas
Oh No!
Clean The Floors Please!
Clean The Floors! Pt.2
Happy New Years/ not an update but who cares its 2018
The Bet.
My ideas/ not an update
Another Bet.
The Plan.
Q & A/not an update lol
Q & A answers/ not an update again srry lol BUT RLLY BIG NEWS SO READ
Don't Lie.
Day One.
Lose Control.
Catch us!
No One Will Know... Right?
Bad Liar.

Hang Out?

5.8K 118 33
By dance106

Val's pov
Everyone leaves my room. I see Taylor eying my spinner chair as she leaves. She cracks me omg. I'm just happy I feel better. I'm not too sure what happened before. I'm just happy that my girls took care of it for me. I can always count on them during situations like that. But what was really weird was why Zach wanted to carry me upstairs. He kidnapped me. Why does he care about me? That's not usually how it works. Whenever I'd watch movies or read stories about kidnapping the kidnappers would be completely evil to the victims. Not that I'm complaining I mean that would be horrible. It was kinda sweet? How much he cared. Should I thank him? No Val. He ruined your life with no good reason.
"Ughhh," I grunted in frustration.
Why did this happen to us? Of all people? Why us? We're just normal people. Or are we... no! What am I saying of course we're regular.
I was interrupted by my thoughts as I heard someone walking toward my room. Who is that? I quietly slid under the covers of my bed and pretended to sleep. I hear people talking.
"Just one moment guys I wanna check up on her."
"Why dude it's clear she hates you."
"I wish she didn't."
Who are these people? What the heck is going on? Don't move. Do not move. Stay asleep.
"I know man is tough on all of us. We'll figure it out somehow."
"Please just let me check on her I'm worried about her."
"Good luck man."
The mystery person opens my door and walks over to my bed.
Is this how I'm gonna die? Oh God.
"Sleep tight princess. I hope you feel better." He says.
It sounds like one of the boys.
He caresses my hair. I feel a kiss on my forehead. It felt... comforting? My head is telling me to drop the act and slap his hand away. My heart wants him closer. What's happening? I'm so confused. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

~next morning~

I woke up the next morning to a light shining through my window. What a beautiful day... oh wait. That's right. This isn't my room. Well it kinda is now I guess but you know what I mean. Hold up... I have a window. Maybe I can sneak out and go get help. I run over to it and try to get it open.
"Dammit," I shout whisper.
It's bolted shut. Maybe they are good at this whole kidnaping thing. My stomach started growling. I'm so hungry.
I hear a knock at the door. I turn around to see Alexis.
"Hey, the girls and I are starving should we go ask for food?" She asked.
"I don't know..." I answer.
"Let's make Jenna do it." We day at the exact same time. We both laugh.
"Let's go." I say leaving my room meeting the rest of the girls in the living room area.
"Jenna, can you pleeeeaaaaasseeee go ask for food?" Alexis asked innocently.
"Pleaseeee." We all beg her.
"K fine I'll do it." She answers.
Mama Jenna comes through again.

Jenna's pov
I nervously go downstairs so see all the boys in the living room.
"Good your up. Tell the girls to get dressed and come downstairs to eat." Says Jonah.
Why's he talking to me so casually. We're not friends.
"First of all you guys are actually gonna feed us? And second of all what clothes do we charge into?" I Ask.
"Of course we'd feed you were not evil." Says Jack.
"I'd beg to differ." I mumble under my breath.
"We put clothes in each of your dressers." Answers Corbyn.
"Ok I'll let them know." I turning around heading upstairs.
I can feel eyes staring at me as I walk upstairs. Or maybe just eyes starring at my ass. I turned around to see Jonah starring right at me. He quickly glances away. I role my eyes and walk back upstairs.
"They said to get dressed. Yes they put still in our dressers for us to wear. Then they're gonna give us breakfast." I say.
Everyone looks confused.
"They're gonna feed us?" Asks Val.
"Yup. They were talking to me like I was their friend. Such bad kidnappers." I say chuckling.
"Ok every go get dressed. Don't take too long and we'll wait out here until everyone is done ok?" I instruct.
"Yes mom," they said in unison.
I walk into my room and open my drawer.
"This stuff is cuuuteee!" I say excitedly.
Guess they have good taste in outfits.
Once I'm finished I walk out to find the rest of the girls.

Jenna's outfit

Taylor's outfit

Alexis' outfit

Val's outfit

Nicole's outfit

"Wow the boys actually have style." Nicole says approvingly.
We all go downstairs. The boys stare at us as we walk down.
"Ahem, our food?" Sassily says Taylor.
"Oh right, sorry." Daniel says. The boys all look away slightly... blushing? Ok then.
We all walk to the island in the middle of the kitchen and sit in the stools. I've always wanted to be in this kitchen. What a twisted way to make my dreams come true.
The boys served us eggs and bacon.
We ate quietly. Mainly because we didn't feel like talking to them but we were also starving.
"So..." Zach said trying to break the awkwardness.
"We never got your names." He says.
"And your never gonna get them." Nicole sassily answers.
The girls and I chuckle.
"Well, we didn't exactly have the best introduction to each other so... it's quite obvious why you don't know our names." Says Val again earning a laugh from us girls.
The boys frown.
"Look, since your gonna be here for a while we need to learn your names." Says Jack.
We all look at each other like we're having a conference using our eyes. We do this a lot. All the girls nod approvingly signally me to tell them.
"Nicole, Taylor, Alexis, Val, and I'm Jenna." She says pointing to each of us.
"Those are beautiful names." Says Daniel mainly staring at Nicole. She notices and quickly looks down. What's happening there? Hmmmm.
"So what now?" Blurted out Zach.
"What do you mean what now?" Bluntly asked Alexis.
"We should hang out and get to know each other." Says Corbyn.
"We should hang out?" Repeats Taylor getting up from her seat. 
I see another fight ready to happen oh God.
"You took us out of our lives, force us to live here, and now you want us to hang out?" Says Taylor getting angrier and angrier.
"Ya what the even heck are you guys gonna do with us." Nicole says also standing up.
"We wanna get to know you guys." Jonah says kinda nervously looking at me. I look down. What does he want from me? Or us? I'm so over this.
"I'm sorry but it's really not normal to just get kidnapped and then become best friends with your kidnappers." I say angrily chiming in.
"Can you guys just forgot about the whole kidnaping thing." Zach whines.
Val slams her cup of water down on the island. Some of it spilling out. Oh now shits really about to go down.
"Forget about it?" She says walking up to them.
They all slowly nod.
These idiots think it's that easy to just forget.
"News flash for you guys, you don't just let go of something like this. How do I forgot about it when I'm constantly reminded every day that we're not home! We're in a strangers house! And no explanation about it! You drugged us to fall asleep, put us in a basement, tell us we're never leaving, and expect us to be fine with it." Val asks getting louder and walking closer and closer to the boys.
The boys back away in fear. When you get Val started watch out.
"Look I'm sorry about all this I really am. But there is a good explanation for this." Says Zach timidly.
"Well we'd love to hear it." Val says through her gritted teeth.
Zach looks at the boys. These all vigorously shake their head signalling not to do something.
"Well you see, um... well the thing is.... uhhh.... I'm sorry we can't tell you yet." Says Zach looking down in shame. He looked so sad; almost in tears. I could've sworn I heard a whimper. He then runs away.
Val just stands there in shock. She looks upset too. I mean of course we all are. But she looks a little pained, like her heart is breaking.
"You alright Val?" I ask her.
"Ya. I almost feel bad for him though. I don't want to but I do." Val says.
We heard yelling from outside. We run to the clear door leading to the back yard.
Ohhhh there's some drama. Sorry for the cliff hanger. You'll see why. Love y'all and ty for reading. If u could spread the word about this story that'd be awesome. Again ty and byeeee

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