Carmela's Secret

By LailaStyles

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Carmela is a care-free girl with no worries. She does what she wants, when she wants. She's not familiar with... More

Not meant to be
He can sing
An old 'friend'
Sunsets and Blondes
Luca-zero Carmela-one
True colours
Some things are best left unseen
Stuck inside this box
No go zone
Friends again
Wrong man
History class
Doctor's Appointment
The Truth
Getting organised
Never heard of him
A kiddy surprise for a stubborn adult
death wish

Forgot my keys

126 4 2
By LailaStyles

I uploaded! Yaay. I'm not gonna make any more promises cause I suck. Year 11 sucks more though so I'll just leave this here. Not so long but it's here! Enjoy lovelies xx Lala

No copyrights intended. Everything is my own work.


Chapter 14:

It was really nerve racking waiting for Luca to arrive. Only cause I didn't want to see what his reaction would be when he sees me here too. Cameron started cheering once Luca showed up and I braced myself. Everyone stood up to greet our boat driver. "Hey everyone, nice to see you all!" Luca greeted everybody and then he saw me.

"Hello Cam." "Heyyyyyy pretty boy, I didn't know you have your boat license" I said trying to lighten the tension I felt. "Yeah I do" he replied simply. We all piled onto the boat once again and Luca got into the driver's seat. "Y'all ready?!" He shouted and everyone cheered. Cameron put his arm around me and I decided to just enjoy the ride.

"Carmela was singing once and I made a funny face at her from the crowd, she choked and tried to continue singing but she sounded so bad!" Lionel teased me and I scoffed. "Yeah well I kissed Lion on the cheek once in front of his friends and he blushed so hard" I retaliated and his friends chuckled. "Anyone would blush if you kissed them on the cheek Carmela" Cameron complimented me and this time I blushed.

The anchor was pulled up and everyone got ready for the ride back to the docks. We've been out here for 2 hours and I'm starting to feel sick. Noah was sitting on a lawn chair and was holding a fishing rod. Luca parked the boat into it's spot and we all got out. "Hey thanks Noah, you're awesome" I threw the keys to him and he caught them. We parted ways and Cameron held my hand.

"What's happening now?" Daniel, one of Lion's friends, asked. "I don't know Daniel what should we do?" Lion replied. "I'm hungry" Luca said and I agreed. "Let's go eat then" Cameron suggested and everyone nodded and mumbled in agreement. We decided to walk the pier and eat at one of the seafood places. "Hey Daniel I like your shorts" Cameron told Daniel and he ran to catch up to him.

Luca took this opportunity and came and walked beside me. "He's nice" he said. I hummed in reply. I didn't want to talk about Cameron. I looked up at the now setting sun. "Now would be a nice time to be up in the tree, huh?" "Yeah" he replied. I saw him rub the nape of his neck. I nudged his side and he chuckled. He nudged me back and we kept going at it until we were both laughing. "You're not that weak pretty boy" I teased him. "Just because I'm pretty, doesn't mean I'm weak!" He shouted in fake annoyance.

I ruffled his hair and pouted my lips. "Aw babyy" I cooed and he ruffled his hair this time to fix it the way he liked it. "Do you eat seafood?" He asked me randomly and I gasped in fake shock. "Of course I do! Anything from the sea is good. How bout you pretty boy? Too much for you?" I asked assuming he didn't like it. "Don't fancy it that much" he replied honestly.

"Hey babe!" I heard Cameron call out to me. It was the first time Cameron called me that. I looked to him. "Look at this pelican" he motioned to the rocks and I jogged towards him. There was a pelican sitting on one of the rocks, it's mouth was wide open and it had 3 live fish in its mouth. "That's weird" I commented and backed away. The pelican flew away and he laughed. "C'mon let's go" he entwined our fingers and I looked to Luca.

Luca was following the group but he was quiet. I felt bad for leaving him now. Damn it. "Here it is! Hermit's Crib, the bestest seafood place in all of Melbourne!" Lionel announced and we all walked into the restaurant. "Hermit's crib like Hermit crab! That's so clever" I mused. Everyone chuckled.

"She'd have the salad" Cameron ordered for me and my eyes bulged. He looked back to me and the waitress did too. She shook her head in disapproval. "Just kidding, you should see your face!" Cameron bellowed and he cracked up laughing. I hit his arm and laughed too. "Shrimp bouquet please with the dipping sauce!" I ordered.

"Why in hell would you even try that, do you want to die?!" I yelled in shock. "It was an accident, I was with my parents and they wandered off" Luca explained. "You almost fell off a cliff trying to grab a bird out of its nest!" I screamed. People were starting to look at us and he shrugged. "I was young, there was a stupid bird alone in it's nest and I wanted to help it I don't know" he added. Cameron laughed and put his arm around me. "Don't worry babe, he's fine" he comforted me and I leaned into him. "Your turn Daniel" Lionel tried to ease the tension.

"I jumped off my roof because I was pretending to be Hulk." The game went on for hours, long after our food was devoured. It was getting pretty late and Cameron noticed. "We better get going, you know if you don't want Cynthia to get worried" he commented as he stood up. Luca scoffed because we both knew she was probably still out. "I'll take her home, we're going same place anyway" Luca insisted and I stood up. That was easier for Cameron anyways. Luca said goodbye to everyone and I did too. "I'll call you later" Cameron whispered in my ears before giving me a kiss right on my lips. I kissed him back and Lionel squealed. I pushed Cameron's chest and giggled. "Be good."

Luca and I walked to his car in silence. Awkward silence. It was usually fun and loud around each other.

"You look good" Luca complimented suddenly.

"Thanks, you do too pretty boy"

"Still going with that pretty boy stuff"

"Always, oh and the way your hair was blowing when you were riding the boat, you actually looked like a pretty boy"

"Your hair was blowing too pretty girl"

"Yeah no that isn't working, why you checking me out?"

"Can't i?"

"Yeah yeah you can, I check you out all the time"

"You call me the perv"

"You're not naked!"

"Yeah but you wish I was"

"You wish I was too"

"Yes I do"

Luca pushed me up against the wall we were walking along and I froze. His warm breath was blowing against my face and I relaxed. "All the damn time" he whispered and I gulped. This side to Luca was pretty damn sexy. "Easy tiger" I teased and pushed his chest a little. He looked down at where my hand was touching him and then back up at me. He moved back slowly and continued walking down the path. Oh god.

We got home pretty quickly only because he was speeding way past the legal limit. I hadn't told him to slow down or anything, I sure as hell didn't want him to. Once he parked the car he wasted no time jumping out and jogging up the front steps. I chased after him and shut the front door after me.

"Where have you been?" Cynthia asked me as I walked into the kitchen. "We went for a boat ride and for dinner" I replied and she raised her eyebrows at me. " we weren't alone! We had Lionel and Cameron and some of Lionel's friends don't worry" I reassured her and she nodded. "I know Lionel.. Who's Cameron?" She asked curiously and I closed my eyes. I thought for a second before shrugging my shoulders. "We're friends although we do make out and stuff" I filled her in and she grinned. "Sounds good to me."

The next morning wasn't anything new. I cleaned and cleaned. Once I was done I put on some jeans and a knit sweater and sat down in front of the tv. You can never predict Melbourne's weather. It'd be hot one day and freezing the next.

Luca came running down the stairs and into the kitchen. Someone was hungry. He ran into the living room next and smiled at me. "There you are! Guess what?" He shouted enthusiastically. I watched as he jumped onto the couch besides me and grinned. "What?" I asked equally as excited. "Nothing your smiles cute and I got the remote now" Luca held up the remote to emphasize his theft and I gasped. "Gimme that pretty boy or you'll regret it!" I warned him but this just seemed to amuse him even more.

"Say what?" Luca was having a hard time grasping the fact that Smeagol had bit Frodo's finger off to get the ring. I was smiling maliciously at his reactions. "I still don't believe this was your first time watching 'the lord of the rings' it can't be!" I shouted out. He shrugged his shoulders and moved his legs off of my lap. I laughed at him as he groaned and picked up the home phone. "Yeah hello can I make an order" Luca ordered Chinese for the both of us and as if on cue my stomach growled.

"What's your plans for tonight?" Luca randomly asked. "Don't have any" I replied and he nodded, digging his chopsticks into his cup. I waited a few seconds before returning the question. "Oh um it's date night for Lily and Anthony so I'm free too, why you asking?" "No reason" I dragged. The silence that followed was defeating as I sighed out loud and groaned.

"Stop making this awkward" I scolded him and he scoffed. "Me? I feel like I can't even talk to you anymore" Luca whined. "Why? I'm still the same" I defended myself and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know you're so isolated" he continued and this time I scoffed. "I am not isolated! I have been out more than ever before since I've met you" I corrected him. "Good, when I met you I wasn't sure if you were 16 or 23." I stayed quiet and cleared the table. Luca flipped through the channels and I suddenly was put off from watching any more tv. Instead I walked out the front door and got in my car.

I waited a minute before Luca ran out the front door and down the steps to my car. He opened the front door and got in. "Where we going?" He asked as he buckled his seatbelt. "Beach."

It was 9:30 pm and this day has been one of the laziest ever. I parked my car and opened up the compartment in front of the passenger's seat. I pulled out my emergency bikini set and got out. "That isn't fair, I could've gotten my bathers" Luca followed after me and I giggled. "I know."

"c'mon pretty boy!" I encouraged him and he chuckled. "You should've thought this through, I don't wanna get my boxers wet" Luca slowly began pulling down his boxers. Thank god no one was around. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I bellowed completely flustered. I turned my head but turned back once I heard him jump into the warm water. "This feels nice" he commented and I raised my eyebrows.

"Skinny dippings fun, try it!" Luca screamed and I moved away from him. "Keep your distance if you wanna keep having fun" I warned and he chuckled slowly moving towards me. "Luca I'm warning you." "I haven't heard you say my name for a while, it sounds nice" he commented as he kept coming towards me. "Okay fine!" I gave up and he grinned, stopping. I unclasped my bra and threw it onto the sand. I slowly pulled down my underwear and threw it where my bra was. "Happy? Pretty boy" I huffed and he nodded in appreciation.

"This does feel nice" I commented. "Yeah" Luca agreed. We were floating on the water and watching the stars. We both made a promise not to look at each other in fear of being seen naked. We were so stupid but right now I really didn't care. "You do know our relationship is pretty damn retarded?" Luca asked me and I smiled. "Yeah I know."

"Don't look or I'll kill you" I warned him. "Hurry up!" He groaned and I quickly ran out of the water grabbing my abandoned bikinis as I ran. I changed into my clothes in the bathroom and got out. Luca had just finished dressing up as well and we both got into the car. "Where are we going now?" Luca asked me and I sighed. "I'm so tired but I left my house keys with Lionel, have to go pick them up" I answered and he nodded.

We both got out of the car and walked up to the front door. "Give me a piggy back, my feet hurt" I lied and Luca bent down. I sat on his back and he held onto my thighs. "Thanks pretty boy" I thanked him. We walked in and made our way to the back. "Lion" I said but I got no reply. "That's so weird, he wouldn't leave the door unlocked?" I questioned myself.

"Carmela I think I know where lion is" Luca whispered and I turned to where he was looking. He put me down slowly and I gasped. Lionel was in a heated making out session with a guy who looked oddly familiar. I couldn't really see his face. "Aw" I cooed. Luca grabbed my hand to drag me out but I stopped him. When I turned around the person I saw shocked me. Bad. "Is that..." Luca started off and I nodded. "Nate."

We both tried getting out slowly but Luca had to bump into a table in a fit of shock and that pulled the two lovers apart. Lionel looked shocked but quickly relaxed. However, Nathaniel was beyond mortified. "Carmela what are you doing here?" He asked trying to sound confident. His voice wavered a bit and I gulped. "I, uh, forgot my keys."

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