Fate / Sacred Fire

By SdarkDeathgod

658 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Twenty

11 1 0
By SdarkDeathgod

Valerie finally revealed herself to Jun, Zerra and Mandy. After fatally wounding the masked man, Mandy could only watch as her Master story bleeds in front of her. Aside from Valerie, her Servant was only with her, who had just finished wiping the blood off his hand.

Zerra: So, you're...Valerie.
Valerie: Indeed. I am Valerie Calvet.
Zerra: I'm guessing you're hear to pick a fight, am I correct?
White Haired Servant: Hmp! My mistress has something more important to do. You should feel fortunate that your lives will be spared.
Zerra: Then why are you here then?

Valerie slowly points her finger at the still sobbing Mandy.

Valerie: I'm here...for her. I'm taking her as my Servant.

Everyone was shock to hear that from her but Mandy was affected the most.

Zerra: Your Servant? You must be insane or something.
Mandy: You're crazy if you think I'm coming with that bitch!

Hearing those words from Mandy, the Servant's eyes fill with rage. His body emits an intimidating aura that travels throughout the beach. It was so strong that Jun, Zerra and Mandy falls to their knees.

White Haired Servant: I should cut that tongue of yours, brat. If you say anything to disrespect my mistress again, I'll rip every fingernails from your hands.

Zerra tries to break free but the invisible force that was pressing down on her was too strong.

Zerra: W-What is this...? His presence is strong...!

Zerra checks to see how Jun was doing. He too was affected but she was surprise to see that he was glaring straight at Valerie with hatred in his eyes.

Zerra: J-Jun...?

The Servant notice this and turns his attention at Jun.

White Haired Servant: You dare look at my mistress in such a way, you lowly human? For that, I'll gladly break your arm!

Valerie place a hand in front of her Servant when he was about to take a step toward Jun. A confuse Servant looks at his Master.

White Haired Servant: Why are you stopping me? He deserve to be punish.
Valerie: No. Leave that aside for now. Those eyes of his tells me that he has something he wish to say to me.

Her Servant had the expression of disagreeing with her but listens to her anyway. He cancels the aura that he was emitting thus allowing Jun and the rest to freely move again. Zerra slowly stands and was about to help Jun on his feet but he does it himself. Mandy remains on the ground while glancing at his Master's lifeless body every now and then.

Valerie: So, what is it you want to say?
Jun: Answer me this. Are you really responsible for kidnapping civilians just so you could summon a strong Servant?

Valerie stares at Jun with an expressionless look on her face. After several seconds of intense silent, she finally replies.

Valerie: Yes. I am.

Hearing her answer, Jun's eyes was filled with even more hate. Zerra notice that his hand was starting to glow blue but doesn't say anything.

Jun: You're responsible for what happened to my family. You're responsible for what happened to my father. Now that you've personally admitted it, there's no holding back.
Zerra: Jun? What are you-?

Suddenly, Jun's body emits a powerful wave of blue mana particles that affected a small area around him. The force was so strong that it throws Zerra a couple of feet backwards. Mana surges throughout his body as the blue vein-like patterns on his arm slowly spreads up his shoulder. Valerie and her Servant wasn't affected by this and remains calm.

Jun: I'm....going to KILL you. I WILL kill you. (eyes glow)

A beam of light appears in front of Jun. Soon after that, it quickly fades disappears and in it's place was a suit of armor. But unlike the Pawns, Knights or Rooks, this one slightly taller and it was wielding a rather large metal axe. Zerra was completely amazed at the sight of this new being that Jun had summoned.

Zerra: Jun...is that what I think it is...? (murmurs)

During the commotion, Mandy had dragged her Master's body to where Zerra was.

Mandy: Hey, w-what's going on? What's that thing?
Zerra: Jun can summon those soldiers that aids him during a fight. But this is the first time I've seen him summon that. Could that be...the King?

After the summon, blood starts to flows from Jun's mouth and nose. He also seems to be in pain as he grabs hold of his chest. Valerie's Servant raise an eyebrow and was somewhat impressed.

White Haired Servant: Oh? I have a feeling that that isn't an ordinary familiar.
Valerie: You're right. I can tell that it's strength is equal to that of a Servant.
White Haired Servant: A Servant? That piece of junk is as strong as a Servant? Now this I have got to see.
Valerie: But it appears that everything hasn't gone according to that boy's plans.

Just when Jun was starting to calm down, the suit of armor turns around and was about to swing it's weapon at him. His eyes widen in surprise.

Jun: W-What are you....?

It swings it's huge axe downwards and lands a direct hit. It was able to slice a long and bloody wound across Jun's body. The young boy falls to the ground and was swimming in his own blood. Zerra could believe what just happened.

Zerra: J-J-JUN...!!!

After attacking it's own creator, the suit of armor turns it's attention at Valerie and her Servant.

White Haired Servant: What's with the look? You looking for a fight, scrap metal?

The familiar focus it's attention at the Servant. Without warning, it charges towards it's target with great speed. This comes to a surprise for the Servant and was caught off guard by it.

White Haired Servant: It's fast....(murmurs)

When it was close enough, the suit of armor swings it's axe again but the Servant blocks it with both hands. Even though he was successful in blocking the attack, the force that was used was so strong that his feet had sunk a couple of feet into the ground.

White Haired Servant: Well, you're certainly no pushover! Fine! If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get! Come at me, fake Servant!

The two begins to fight and was evenly match at the moment. Meanwhile, Zerra and Mandy had gone to where Jun was. She place his head on her lap and tries to wake up the now unconscious Jun.

Zerra: Jun! Please wake up! Jun!
Mandy: He's seriously wounded. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up.
Zerra: Don't say that! As his Servant, I can still feel life within him! (looks at Mandy)
Mandy: S-Sorry...
Zerra: There's still time. I have the power to naturally heal wounds.

Zerra place her hand on Jun's chest and was about to heal him when blue mana particles starts to appear on his wound. Mandy was amaze when the wound slowly heals itself up.

Mandy: You have one handy ability.
Zerra: It's....It's not me.
Mandy: Huh?
Zerra: I'm not doing anything. He's...healing himself.
Mandy: You looked surprised. It's as if this is the first time you've seen him do this.
Zerra: This is the first time. I had no idea that he's capable of doing this unless....
Mandy: Unless..?
Zerra: It's the mana that he had absorbed. I think he's not aware that he can do something like this.

After a couple of minutes, the wound was fully healed. Zerra gives a sigh of relief when Jun slowly opens his eyes. He looks around a bit in confusion.

Zerra: Jun! Thank god you're awake!
Jun: Z-Zerra...? Wh-What happened...?
Zerra: You don't remember?

Zerra helps Jun sit up. It was then he sees the fight between the familiar that he summoned and Valerie's Servant.

Zerra: It attacked you when you summoned it! Why though?
Jun: I...I messed up. It's my fault.
Zerra: What are you talking about?
Jun: What I just summoned...was the King. The King isn't suppose to be summoned unless all other pieces are summoned as well.
Zerra: Is that why it attacked you?
Jun: I'm really sorry. I lost it when I found out that Valerie was indeed responsible to what happened to my family. I forced the King to appear knowing that it would go berserk.
Mandy: Mister, what's going to happen now?

Jun stares at the King. It and Valerie's Servant were still fighting evenly.

Jun: I have no idea. It's going to continue attacking anyone in it's path. It's unpredictable and might attack us as well.
Zerra: Just how strong is the King? From the looks of it, even Valerie's Servant is having trouble.
Jun: It's really strong. The King is the strongest familiar I can summon. It can fight equally against a Servant however, it drains a lot of mana from it's host. As we speak, the mana that I've taken from that mask guy is nearly running out.
Zerra: Then we'll just have to wait until that happens.
Jun: No, you don't understand Zerra. It will continue draining me until there's nothing left. It will even take my own mana. If that happens, I'll die.
Zerra: Then I'll have to stop the King! I have plenty of mana left! I can still fight!
Jun: Y-Yeah. I believe that's the only option we have left. Team up with that Servant to defeat it.
Zerra: Right.

Zerra stands up and prepares by emitting flames from her body.

Zerra: Mandy, please take care of Jun for now. (looks at mandy)
Mandy: O-Okay....(nods)

Zerra joins the battle between the King and Valerie's Servant. The Servant sees this and quickly returns to Valerie's side, much to Zerra's confusion.

Zerra: What the hell are you doing?! (looks at Servant)
White Haired Servant: If you want to fight that fake then be my guest.
Zerra: With two of us, we can take it down!
White Haired Servant: What made you think that I'd cooperate with you? Our original plan is to take that little Servant. (points at Mandy)
Zerra: Tsk. You scum!
White Haired Servant: Besides, it looks like you'll be preoccupied.
Zerra: What...?

Zerra notice that the King had turned it's attention at her.

Zerra: Oh shit...(murmurs)

The King launch itself at her and swings it's weapon horizontally. The flames on her body quickly gathers around her arms, which she used to block the attack.

Zerra: S-Such strength....! Damn it...!

Valerie stares at Mandy before snapping her fingers. As she did, her Servant disappears in a thick black smoke before reappearing behind Mandy and Jun. Both of them were caught by surprise by this.

White Haired Servant: You're coming with us, shrimp! (looks at Mandy)

Mandy was about to fight back but the Servant was too fast and strikes her on the stomach. The force of the punch was so strong that it knocked her out cold. He then grabs her by the hair before both of them disappears and then reappears next to Valerie. Everything happened so fast that Jun didn't have time to react.

Jun: What just...?
Valerie: I have what I came for. However, the next time we meet, I'm ending your life.
Jun: W-Wait a minute! I'm not done with you--! (looks at Valerie)
Valerie: Save it. We're done here.
White Haired Servant: I would worry about your Servant if I were you.

A thick, black cloud surrounds Valerie, her Servant and Mandy. When they were completely engulf, the smoke disperse in all directions and reveals that all three of them had disappeared. Jun slams both his hands on the ground in frustration.


Rage fills Jun's head but he quickly comes back to his senses when he realize that Zerra was having trouble dealing with Jun's King. Zerra could only block or evade the King's attacks and nothing more. In the middle of the fight, Zerra calls out to her Master while focusing her attention at the King.

Zerra: Jun! How do I stop this guy?!
Jun: I...I have no idea. You just have to defeat him, somehow.
Zerra: That's not helping!

Their conversation was cut when Zerra falls to the ground when she twist an ankle while moving around. She was about to get up but the King was too fast and was already on top of her. He raise his large weapon and plans on tearing Zerra into pieces.

Zerra: I don't think so! (eyes glow)

Zerra unleashes a beam of intense heat from her right hand and directly hits the King at point blank range. The attack cause a small explosion that covers the area around the King with smoke. Zerra gives a sigh of relief and relaxes for now.

Zerra: Sigh. That was too close.

When the wind blows the smoke away, Zerra was in shock to see that the King was still standing. Worst, it was still in the same attacking stance and was ready to swing it's weapon.

Zerra: W-What...?!
Jun: Zerra!

Just before the King could attack, two large ice shards hit and pierce it's back. However, it was still standing and seems to be not affected by it. The King turns around since it was there that the attack came from. Standing a safe distance away from Neo's Servant, Setsuko. Both Jun and Zerra was surprised by this.

Jun: Isn't that...his Servant? (murmurs)

The King slowly walks toward his attacker with the intense to get even. The Servant only shows a irritated expression as her reply.

Setsuko: If you're asking for more, then I'll gladly give it to you.

With a flick of her finger, the ground the King was walking on quickly turns to ice. It then spreads to his legs, preventing him from moving. Setsuko then creates a rather larger ice shard above her and aims it at the King.

Setsuko: Die. (eyes glow)

The ice shard launch itself at the King and pierce him on the chest. As it did, the King's body slowly starts to discharge blue mana particles from his body. After a moment, his body crumble into a pile of dust on the ground. With everything over, Zerra goes to Jun's side.

Zerra: Jun, are you alright?
Jun: Y-Yeah, I'm...fine.

Setsuko slowly walks toward the two but stops a couple of feet from them. Jun realize that she was keeping her distance from them.

Jun: Thank...you. Did Neo sent you?
Setsuko: Follow.

With that one word, the Servant turns around and starts walking. Zerra was annoyed by this.

Zerra: What the hell was that about? It feels like she didn't want to save us.
Jun: It's fine. I'm sure she has her reasons. Anyway, let's just follow her.
Zerra: Are you sure? This might be a trap.
Jun: We're on a truce right now. And I trust Neo.
Zerra: Sigh. Fine.

Zerra helps Jun walk as the two follows Setsuko. Before long, they left the beach area and were walking towards the direction of the city.

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