Mending Eachother ✔

By mash_kookie

139K 8.7K 3.3K

~☆ a story that revolves around an anonymous gangster and an abandoned innocent soul. the broken souls needs... More

Welcome 🎈
1|Shut the fu** up.
2|My first loss.
3|Oh No, Not again!
4|Familiar pair of eyes.
5|Totally despondent
6|Why again?
7|In shock
8|Endorsing silently
9|Laila! listen to me.
11|Blew off
12|In shock?
13|That I didn't expect.
14|Malignant Bastard.
15|Totally confused.
16|Entering the hell.
17|How come it's possible?
18|Her bad luck.
19|Startled by the scenario.
20|What's going on?
21|What I'm gonna do now?
22| Time for some fun.
23|How could he?
24|Ohh shoot! Feelings, they're coming back.
25|What's more to come now?
26|What's gonna happen next?
A Message
27|I hate you!
28|Crossing the boundaries.
29|Silence before the storm.
Sorry|Not an update.
Wait is over.
31|Not without any purpose.
32|That's life.
33|Bad luck
Sorry|Not an update.
34|A bigger thriller
What's your favourite word?
35|It's coming.
Happy New year.
36|Disclosing the secrets.
37|The Past.
Author's Note.
38| The Past (2)
Author's note: Army spotted.
39|Open to truths of life.
Author's note: so it's all out.
40|She is back!
41|And the tables turned.
42|I found my happiness
BONUS: Don't miss

30|Was Harris changing?

2.6K 195 80
By mash_kookie

He said he couldn't continue.
Her heart shattered into pieces.
She felt dejected but little did she knew he only did that for her well being.
He couldn't let her esteem played in the hands of the society.
Being far from her he still wanted to protect her.



Happy reading. 🎈

Writer POV:

He was munching loudly on purpose making others annoyed by his presence. With bowed head she barely gulped in the bolus in her throat. The utter silence on the table was piercing her soul, all she wanted at the moment was to ran away.

"Eat Laila babe", he spoke with a love tone and she gulped in her spit digging a dagger into him with her eyes but soon halted them back to her lap. She felt all the eyes on her and barely took hold of her shivering self.

"Okay I'm done. We should leave", this time Harris patted his hands together and passed a smile to Laila but she was gobsmacked by his chill self. The shoe clinking grabbed their attention and there he stood all tall and handsome in his Armani suit, probably ready for the meeting. His face was hard with eyes glued on little Laila but she didn't look back.

"You shouldn't look at someone else wife that way brother", Harris statement added more tension to the aura. Her grip around the fork tightened when he spread his palms in front of her.

"Lets go honey", his sweet tone was irking her at the moment but she hurriedly placed her small hand in his with an intention to run away. He tightened his grip around her hand and pulled her more into him adding fire in Adam's heart.

"Relax and let's go", he wishpered in her ear when she shivered a little bowing her head down. Harris now wrapped his arms around her shoulders and took her away from there where a pair of eyes longed for the girl to turn back and look once but they were not adoring that girl even like they used to do.

"Why you're such a drama?" She pierced her elbow in his ribs.

"Owww", a wince left his mouth when his hands dropped off her figure.

"That's painful man", he rubbed his sore ribs while she just glared in his way. He could witnessed her frying in anger.

"That's called 'a good acting' babe", he smirked while messing his hair with his fingers.

"Everything is not a joke Harris", her voice got heavy. His smile dropped.

"You won't understand ever", she took two steps back and turned around while he just sighed and stared at her retreating back. When she was almost out of sight he slipped in his car and followed her.

She kept her pace fast with long strides walking along the roadside where huge timbers on either side got more dense.

"Where will you go alone?" He yelled from inside but she paid no heed. She was frustrated, all she wanted right now was to punch his face or kick his balls.

"Laila babe", he again yelled driving the car at the speed of a turtle.

"Don't call me that and stop following me", this time she turned around completely and pointed a finger in his direction. He saw her eyes pooled with tears. Why he's such a jerk he couldn't even conclude that? She stomped her feet and continued her walk but this time he took hold of her arms.

"Shall I hug you?" He asked nonchantly and her heart filled more.

Without giving a chance to blink he pulled her into him. Her face crashed in his chest, she struggled but he didn't let go. She gave up and let her frustration came out in her tears. Her sobs were loud. She cursed him but he remained silent stroking her hair gently.

"Why you do this, why you're such a monster?" Her voice seemed like to come from far away mountains.

"I didn't do anything", his reply hit her nerve. She backed off in an instant and dig a dagger in his soul.

"Harris you can never accept your sins or mistake. For you nothing matters but for me it does. If you think I'll join you in your game, portrays my reckless self to the world then I can't", her voice was shaky yet she didn't stop.

"I have already so many haters without even trying. I don't have potential to add more. So please", she now joined both her hands in front of him and begged with teary eyes. In another blink he again witnessed her retreating back.

He sighed and hoped back in his car following that poor girl. She kept walking away and he kept following her but this time she didn't give up.

She had many emotions building up inside, till now they didn't burst. If they did then Harris might be dead by now.

"Where she got all her stubbornness? Damn man she's more than me", Harris made a statement to himself before stepping out of the car and jogged to her before gripping her arm tightly and halting her in her tracks.

"Come sit in the car", his tone dropped to dead serious.

"Leave me", she punched his stomach but he wasn't bothered by it.

"Okay, I'll try to fix it. I promise", he surrendered.

"The damage is done and it's bad", she whimpered and tried once again to get her hand free but that man was damn strong.

"I said na I'll fix it. Please", for the first time ever Mr. Jerk pleaded and that took Laila off guard.

"Now come on", he dragged her along and stuffed her in the passenger seat tucking the seat belt tightly.


Writer POV:

The pen fell off his hands. A shock ran across his body, even imagining that pained his heart. He couldn't believe last night could be this threatening.

He bent down and picked that little thing in his hand. If it would be Harris' neck he would have broken that. He couldn't believe his own brother dug a dagger in his back on the name of love. He avenged him and he won.

A loud sigh escaped his lips when he threw back his head followed by a knock on the door.

"Yes", he sounded grumpy when his secretary showed up.

"Sir Mr. Khan is expecting you in the conference room", she informed and his brows scrunched.

"Why dad is here at this hour?" He mumbled to himself before getting off the chair and followed the way out.

"You ruined the stocks Adam, you have any idea what might be the situation of our company", his dad's tone was tough but he had nothing to say. He felt useless.

"Listen child. I know what you're going through. Harris has played his game and I know he avenged you. He brought the past, I know his wound weren't healed yet but what he did he shouldn't have. He also knew you weren't in mistake here but you even know how reckless he's, total disaster to us", Mr. Khan consoled his child like a true father but Adam wasn't at ease yet.

"I need a break dad... I need it", Adam wishpered lightly.

"I'll book your tickets to Canada. Just go there and don't come back until you're fixed", he patted his hand when he only nodded in return wishing badly that life would be easy.


Writer POV:

From the time they were back Laila didn't utter a single word and Harris didn't even push her. He let her be in peace for now. The only way he could soothed her was by his play.

He took off his tee and with half naked body he emerged out of his room finding her surrounded by books on the couch. With bowed head she seemed busy.

"I'll disturb you for a while", his voice boomed in the silent lounge. She didn't lift her head.

He made himself settled on the chair and started the play. She got frozen in her position. He was playing her favourite notes and that added more spice. His eyes were glued on her figure. She wanted to leave, at the same time she wanted to stay but her heart was dangling in confusion. She tightened her grip around her pen, her shoulder cut hair covered her face so a boundary created in his vision.

With notes the lyrics started escaping his lips and she got more tensed yet her heart soothed. He sang. He got incredible vocals, damn!

She stay glued in her position. The time kept running, he kept playing and she kept listening until his fingers were tired and he stopped. A silent howl erupted in the air around. That laconism shrilled around. She felt his presence near her when a hand gently wrapped around hers. She lifted her eyes and saw him sitting on his knees on the floor in front of her. Her heart missed a beat and she gulped in her spit.

"Okay don't talk but atleast listen to me for once", his tone was blank and he transfixed his orbs with hers. She remained quiet.

"I never wanted you to taste any pain in my matter. I cannot say this but I'll say this. I'm sorry for making you be a part of all this. You know you're innocent. So pure and little. You don't deserve anything and I'm extremely sorry for all this. I'm at fault here that I dragged you in my game. You had to be in it otherwise.. let it be. Please try'n understand. I promise you it won't happen again. The damage that has already been done is done and I'll not let it undergo more damage. Trust me", his soft voice made two tears trickled down her cheeks. This was Harris she couldn't believe. He gently stroked her knuckles and her tummy had knots.

"I know you're not wrong. I'll not let more haters be in your list. I promise", he now bowed to her and with teary orbs she stared back in his eyes. She was in need of hug now. Ohh she guessed he found the need in her eyes. In the next moment she was in his embrace. Okay she cried her heart out and this time clutching to him tightly. What was he she really couldn't conclude.

"Shhh... it's okay", he consoled her and she got consoled honestly.

"What you wanna eat? McDonald's or OPTP?" He sounded like a husband. She backed off a little before wiping off her tears and looked at him intently.

"Will you order OPTP for me?" She spoke after centuries in small soft heavy tone.

"No I'll go with McDonald's", he winked back and fetched off the phone from his pants pockets. She nodded her head sideways while he placed the order. He always does what he wants.


His phone buzzed for 1000th time.

"Ughhh", he groaned in his sleep and flipped to other side of the bed. With closed eyes he hit his hands sideways looking for the phone until he found it under his pillow.

"Hello", his voice came out sleepy.

"Mr. Harris I'm not your servent", that voice just made his eyes flew open widely. He sat up his bed when he felt his palms sweaty. WTH!!

"Why you have called?" Harris kept his tone stern.

"You know why", the man on the other side seethed with anger on Harris carelessness.

"Fine I'm coming", Harris grunted while pushing his feet in his slippers.

"Lock the door properly Mr. Harris, little wife needs protection", and Harris got all frozen. He felt his body went numb.

WTF!!! How came he knew about it.

"How..", he tried to ask but got interuppted.

"Sources. Some strong ones", the man smirked and hung up.

"Oh shoot it! I can't leave Laila like this. Not even with locked door. I have to do something", he panicked, for the first time ever Mr. Harris himself was having hysteria attack. The trepidation got more intense when his eyes landed on her innocent sleeping face. He cursed himself for being a part of all this. For the first time his mind comatosed. He inhaled sharply some breaths consecutively pacing like a wild deer in the lounge when his phone went off again. The same name danced on the screen and his agitation amplified. Why he was scared?

He picked up.

"Don't worry Harris. You haven't betrayed us. We won't do anything to that little girl. We promise. All we want from you right now is to show up here. You have got half an hour", the line went dead after it. He filled his belly with 2 glasses of cold water and grabbed the bike keys before locking the door behind properly.

Never in his life he felt that way, may be no one was his responsibility ever but Laila she's his responsibility now. Weather he deny he knew she's. And now his heart was not ready to let her pass through any pain. He couldn't be the reason anymore.

Was Harris changing? He felt he was.
But it was for good right?


Salam and hello people.

I'm back once again. It feels like coming back to home after spending years in abroad. 😅

So yeah. I'm back to home finally.

First tell me how's you all? I hope each and everyone of you is fine and happy.

I'm done with my admission test now I'm waiting for the result. I want you all to do just one thing. Please please PRAY FOR ME. Kindly pray that Allah Grant me the best. Whatever I deserve. Ameen. 😊

Okay so how's the chapter? Drop your ideas and let me know. Harris is changing seriously he's.

And who's the man on the phone. What's going on in Harris life?
Will it effect our baby Laila? I hope they both be fine. *fingers crossed*

Okay I got alot of messages and the request to update new chapter. I'm so much glad you all waited for me. Thank you so so so so much. You all are the best. 🙈

I missed you all soooooo much. I'm glad I'm back. All yours now. 😌

Stay tuned. Keep supporting and keep loving. Hit the star. Drop your views and make me happy.

Love you loads.

The writer.

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