Larry Stylinson -Imagines

By Whatsuphello1

681K 15.7K 10.6K

Self explanatory . Don't expect any sexual content in my works , any of them . Fluff only , with a side of an... More

Let's start off
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis
Harry comes back from the army
I'll Wait For You
Kitten Hybrid Louis
Blind Louis
The Dancer And The Singer
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~Part 2
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 2
Punk Harry , Flowerchild Louis ~part 3
Blind Louis ~Part 3
Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Harry comes back from the army ~Part 2
Drunk Louis , Sober Harry ~Part 2
The Dancer And The Singer ~Part 2
Blind Louis ~Part 4
Jealous Harry
Just The Way You Are
Jealous Louis
Fanboy Louis
Marcel or Harry ?
His Baby
Love on Crutches
I'll Be Your Reason
Always There For You
Hybrid Louis : Pool Time
Blind Louis : Camping
AMAAF : Prankster
I'll Be Your Reason ~Part 2
A Misunderstanding
Drunk Harry , Sober Louis
Opposites Are Opposites
Blind Harry
Wrongly Jealous
Just The Way You Are ~Part 2
Wrong Number
Vet Harry
Wrong Number -Part 2
Makeup Artist
Don't Mess With The Wrong Person
Body Painting
My Tutor
Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

Lipstick Kisses Prank : AMAAF

8.3K 227 19
By Whatsuphello1

Summary : Louis borrows red lipstick from Lou , and waits for Harry to fall asleep (A Model And A Fan scene) .

Enjoy x


Louis positioned the camera on the counter , pressing the record button to start recording before lowering himself a little so his face was in the frame .

"Hey there , Louis here ." He waved cutely with a smile , "Today I'll be pranking Harry , once again . Though this prank is much cuter than the last one ." He giggled to himself . "I borrowed this red lipstick from Lou , thanks by the way , and I'm going to give Harry as many kisses as I can before he wakes up ." He grinned mischievously , "He's asleep in our room , thank god he's quite a heavy sleeper ."

He took the camera with him and tip toed into the bedroom , positioning the camera on the nightstand so it showed Harry asleep , laying on his back shirtless with one arm under his head .

Louis winked at the camera and crawled into bed carefully , moving to straddle Harry's hips in slow motions not to wake him up .

He opened the lipstick cap and applied it on his lips , moving Harry's hair back before pressing a kiss to his forehead . He pulled back , giggling quietly in delight at the red lips mark , pressing more kisses around his face .

He applied more lipstick before pressing kisses to his neck , chest and shoulders , freezing when Harry let out a breath and shifted one of his legs . He waited a few more seconds and luckily he didn't wake up , he sighed out in relief and applied more lipstick as he continued pressing kisses down his torso .

When he was done he pulled back and smiled proudly , pressing fewer more kisses to both his large biceps before deciding he's done .

He moved off Harry's hips and went to get his phone to take a few pictures before getting the camera and crawling back onto the bed next to Harry's sleeping form . He showed his kisses covered upper half before turning it back to face him , "Mission completed ." He grinned and walked out of the bedroom to the bathroom , "All we need to do now is wait for him to wake up ." He gave the camera one last smile and turned it off so he could wipe off the lipstick from his lips .


Fifteen or so minutes later Louis was sitting in the living room on his phone , when he heard Harry calling his name . He quickly took the camera and started recording .

"Lou ?"

"Living room !"

He bit his lower lip not to laugh as he heard footsteps nearing the living room , seconds later Harry sleepily walked in with his eyes half open , and Louis couldn't control the giggle escaping his lips .

"What's funny ?" Harry asked with a confused look on his face , Louis shrugged biting back a grin , "I don't know , you tell me ."

Harry pouted in confusion , and Louis thought he looked so cute . "I don't think I understand ."

"Let's go look in the mirror , shall we ?" Louis got up from the couch with the camera , walking behind Harry as he walked back to the bedroom to look in the full body mirror .

He walked in and turned the lights on , eyebrows raising in surprise as he looked into the mirror only to find himself covered in red lip kisses .

Louis grinned and bit back his giggles , one hand holding the camera as the other one pressed to his mouth to stop himself from laughing .

Harry turned himself to face Louis , an amused look on his face . "You think this is funny ?"

"Well yeah , I wouldn't have done that if I hadn't found it funny ."

Harry let a smirk stretch on his lips , he wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed him sweetly , "I quite like it , actually ."

"Of course you do , It's a work of art ." Louis poked his dimple , Harry kissed him once again , "Now I want to give you some kisses too . Where's the lipstick ?"

Louis rolled his eyes but pointed to the bathroom , Harry skipped into the bathroom and came back two seconds later with the lipstick in his hand , "Come here ."

He took the camera from Louis and placed it on the nightstand , coaxing Louis to take his shirt off . Louis shyly slipped the shirt over his head and let Harry lie him on his back on the bed and straddle his thighs .

His eyes fluttered close and a smile spread on his lips as the feeling of Harry's lips pressing around his face . He grinned as Harry made his way down to his neck , shoulders and chest , giving extra attention to his collarbones . He giggled into his hand and shifted around as Harry kissed around his stomach and sides , pushing his fingers away when he playfully poked him .

"Done ." Harry smiled down at him before reaching for his phone , opening the camera . Louis half covered his face shyly with a grin as Harry took a few pictures , before taking the camera and showing them both . "Now we're even ."

They took a few more pictures together for Instagram before ending the video , sending the fans over the edge with cuteness overload .

For the rest of the day they didn't wash the lipstick off , walking around the house and grinning at each other , kissing and caressing every chance they get .


Hope you liked it x


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