Cad Bane's Apprentice

By Fanatic_Squared

32.2K 846 113

Her parents gave her to the bounty hunter in order to spare their lives, but being a bounty hunter he killed... More

Holocron Heist
Cargo of Doom
Children of the Force
Bounty Hunters
Landing at Point Rain
Brain Invaders
Grievous Intrigue
The Deserter
Death Trap
R2 Come Home
Lethal Trackdown
ARC Troopers
Hunting for Ziro
Filler (Flashback)
Witches of the Mist
Filler (Flashback Pt. 2)
Padawans Lost
Padawans Lost [2]
Friends and Enemies
Friends and Enemies [2]
Friends and Enemies [3]
Friends and Enemies [4]
The Box
The Box [2]
The Box [3]
Crisis on Naboo
Crisis on Naboo [2]
Crisis on Naboo [3]
Crisis on Naboo [4]
Darkness on Umbara
Darkness on Umbara [2]
Darkness on Umbara [3]
The General
The General [2]
The General [3]
Plan of Dissent
Plan of Dissent [2]
Plan of Dissent [3]
Plan of Dissent [4]
Carnage of Krell
Carnage of Krell [2]
Carnage of Krell [3]
Kidnapped [2]
Slaves of the Republic
Slaves of the Republic [2]
Slaves of the Republic [3]
Escape from Kadavo
Escape from Kadavo [2]
A Test of Strength
A Test of Strength [2]

Weapons Factory

929 21 0
By Fanatic_Squared

"This bridge is our first waypoint." Ahsoka instructed as she looked over a holomap "Focus your fire on the gun emplacements here and here because it's only--"

"Because it's only after we neutralize the guns that we can push for the factory," Anakin interrupted.

"I was--yes. We can push for the factory. Now, expect stiff resistance from--"

"And don't forget to top off your energy cells and ration packs. Once we leave, there will be no re-supply. Anything else, Ahsoka?"

"No. I think you've pretty much-covered my briefing,"

"Very well. Squad dismissed,"

I looked at a trooper next to me "Are they always like this?"

"General Skywalker's not one to stick to the sidelines," he noted

I nodded in agreement "Master Obi-Wan warned me about that trait," I walked over to the two "Okay, what's next?"

"You know Master, my briefings might go better if you didn't interrupt me every time I try to--" Ahsoka told Master Skywalker.

"I wasn't interrupting. I was trying to help you," Anakin told her

"Which I would appreciate if you didn't interrupt me to do it. I just think maybe you don't trust me to give the briefing,"

"It's not about trust. It's about getting the job done right,"

"Ah, so you don't trust me to get the job done right. I knew it,"

"Snips, I never said--"

"No. No, it's okay. I understand. I'm the Padawan. You're the Master,"

Master Skywalker looked to me for help.

"Don't look at me...I only recently joined,"

"If you're all finished with your little discussion," Master Luminara said as she and her Padawan walked up to us. "We do have a factory to destroy,"

"I would like to note I had no part in this," I stated

"Well, Barris, aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

Barriss curtsied in front of me and Ahsoka "Padawan learner Barriss Offee at your service,"

Ahsoka and I shared a look.

Ahsoka held out her hand "Glad to meet you. I'm Ahsoka and this is Skysati,"

"It's good to see both of you again." Master Skywalker told them.

"I wish it was under more, peaceful circumstance," Master Luminara told him.


"A frontal assault is risky." Master Luminara declared as we once more looked over the holomap. "Our losses will be high,"

"But not as high as they'll be if that factory comes online,"

"Indeed, but there is an alternative," Master Luminara showed an underground scanning "Every Geonosian building has a series of catacombs beneath it that run deep underground,"

"Some of the tunnels are close enough to this cliff wall so that you could cut a hole and make an entry point," Barriss explained.

"Once inside, we could find the main reactor, plant the explosives, and blow the factory inside out,"

"Oh, looks like a good way to get lost, if you ask me," I noted

"For the unprepared perhaps, but I instructed Barriss to memorize the labyrinth, all 200 junctions,"

"You always were thorough," Anakin declared

"It pays for one to be prepared. Right, Barriss?"

"Especially when other people's lives depend on your success," Barriss said

"How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone else is setting the bombs?" Ahsoka asked

"Good point, Snips." Master Skywalker said "If whoever's going in there is going to be successful, we'll need to create a diversion,"

"Precisely." Master Luminara said "That task will be carried out by you and I, Skywalker, while the destruction of the factory falls to the Padawans,"

"Now, hold on. Who decided that? Walking into that factory could be suicide,"

"Not if you and I are successful holding Poggle's attention at the bridge,"

"Master, we can do this," Ahsoka told him.

"But unlike Barriss, you aren't prepared for this mission," Anakin told us.

"Not to worry." Master Luminara said "My Padawan is reliable. She can lead them through the maze,"

"We'll be in and out, Master," Barriss claimed.

"See? Dependable Barriss will get us through," Ahsoka said. "Don't worry, Master. As you well know, I can follow orders,"

"It's decided then," Master Luminar said as she handed Ahsoka the bag.

"I guess it is," Master Skywalker said.

"We'll monitor your progress on these chronometers. Synchronize on my mark. Three, two, one, mark,"

"Let's get going." Ahsoka told me "After you, Barriss,"

Anakin caught my arm "Watch after her,"

I nodded and took off running after the duo.


Barriss cut a hole in the rock wall.

"Nice work," Ahsoka said. "Well, here goes nothing," Ahsoka began to head into the catacombs.

I stopped her "Perhaps, Barriss should go in first. She knows the way,"

"Be my guest,"

Before heading in I looked up to where I could hear the battle.

"Sky..." Ahsoka called out. I gave one last look up and followed.

We walked through the catacombs until we could hear the Geonosians in front of us, we kept moving once they had walked off.

I gasped when I nearly ran into one.

"They're sleeping," Barriss explained as we crouched down.

"We have to find another way," Ahsoka said.

"We don't have time. This direction is the fastest,"

"Maybe you're wrong,"

"Trust me," we crawled through. "Skysati. Ahsoka,"

We both turned to see Barriss had a Geonosian's hand on her head. Ahsoka moved the hand gently enough that Barriss was able to move and we began our trek forward.

"Left at the next junction,"

"Dead end," I said

"If we make a wrong turn, we may never find our way out," Ahsoka explained. "You do remember the way, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Barriss told her.

I looked down at my hand to see a stream of light. "Barriss I believe you meant up and not left," the two looked up to see the hole I was looking at.

Barriss nodded "It's this way," we jumped up to the higher level.

"Whoa, that's a lot of droids," Ahsoka said as we saw the assembly line of droids being made.

"Come on." Barriss told us "The main control room is this way,"

"This is it." Barriss said as we entered another room "We're here,"

Ahsoka and I began going around the main reactor and placing the bombs around it. "And now we make ourselves scarce," Ahsoka said as she set the charges.

I ignited my lightsaber when the door opened and Geonosians came through. We began attacking the Geonosians as they came at us.

"You heard his Highness," A droid said "Collect their pathetic little bombs, then we will kill them,"

We would have stopped the Geonosians had the tank not begin firing at us.

"See if your stupid tank can take this!" Ahsoka shouted as she threw a bomb at it.

The Droid laughed "Fool, the super tank is impervious to all weapons--" the bomb exploded and the only thing it destroyed was the droid.

"At least it shut him up," I grumbled as the tank continued towards us.

"The bombs," Ahsoka said, we went at the Geonosiansbut they only flew away. Ahsoka jumped and grabbed onto two of them "Stupid green bugger!"

"Ahsoka!" I shouted as she fell. I covered Ahsoka as Barriss went after the Geonosians but they covered our escape as they closed the hatch.

I saw the cover on the tanker move and jumped on top of it, cutting a hole inside.

"Where'd she go?" A droid asked. I destroyed them, opening the hatch for Barriss and Ahsoka to get in.

"The bugs took the bombs," Barriss said.

"What are we going to do now?" Ahsoka asked

"I don't know what to do without the bombs,"

"Well," I said "this tank could destroy the power the power generator...and probably us along with it,"

"I guess that's our only choice,"

"Master, can you hear me?" Ahsoka asked into the comm. "Master?"

"Ahsoka set off the bombs! We're trapped," Master Skywalker said

"I'm sorry, Master. We can't make it out,"

"Can't make it out? Ahsoka, wait!"

Ahsoka looked at me "Fire,"

I pressed the button on the console firing at the generator.


"How deep do you think we're buried?" Barris asked as we ignited our lightsabers for light.

"It's probably best not to think about it," Ahsoka told her.

"Hand me that power cell, would you?" I asked. Barriss handed one to me. "Thanks. Mind holding the light?"

Ahsoka took my lightsaber

"Whatever you're doing," Barriss said "I hope it works because I'd sure rather have died fighting up there than starve to death down here,"

"Don't worry," Ahsoka told us. "We'll run out of air long before we starve,"

"That's a comforting thought." I said sarcastically "Thanks. I learned a trick or two when I was with Bane. I think I can get this communicator working,"

"What happens to us now doesn't matter." Barriss claimed "By destroying this factory, we've saved countless lives elsewhere,"

"Well, I'm about to save three more," I looked over to see both Barriss's and Ahsoka's eyes begin to droop. I shook Ahsoka as I felt the ground move "Someone's digging,"

"Barriss," Master Luminara called out.

"Ahsoka. Skysati," Master Skywalker said as we came out from the wreckage coughing. Troopers came and helped us up, Anakin giving me and Ahsoka a hand when we reached the edge.

"I knew you'd come looking for us," Ahsoka said.

"I never doubted you for a second, besides Obi-Wan would have killed me had I lost his new padawan," he said to me.

I rolled my eyes in reply but smiled despite it.

"Padawan, you did well," Master Luminara told Barriss.

"Thank you, Master," Barriss curtsied. "But if it weren't for Skysati, we'd stil be down there,"

"Indeed. Master Skywalker never lost faith in the two of you,"

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