Internet Friends | Dan Howell...

By Calybear7

101K 2.9K 5.2K

Meet over the internet. Become close friend. Become more than that? What will happen when you meet in real li... More

The Meet Up
Fixing Our Hair
Another Kitchen Utensil?
Lose You
Woman With a Plan
Blind to What Never Existed
The Old (y/n)
Who You Used To Be
The Last...
Who Is He?
She's Back?
Why Had I Gone And Done That?
Pancakes and Confrontation
He'll Never Know
Wish I Knew
Please Don't Do This
Girls vs Boys
Everyone Knows
I Want to Scream
I Want
Missed You
The Tour
Play it Cool
I Don't Know
End the Pain
Dang it
The Eiffel Tower
Au revoir
Lead Me On
Talk to Me
I Don't Care
Come Back
Cafe Corner
Warm My Heart
Mrs. Howell
They Just Had to Come Now
Punch Him

Pacify Her

1.7K 56 146
By Calybear7

Hey! If you didn't already know, I'm a huge Melanie Martinez fan! Anyone else?

Oh and I avoided the dumb ass boy today. SCORE! Thanks for all the support! Special thanks to all the people commenting and favoriting! I LOVE YOU GUYS!


(y/n)'s POV

I shoveled through the snowy sludge occupying the pavement, slightly soaking through my boots. My hands were dug deep in my pockets and I grumbled to myself as I shivered. Damn cold. It was quite dark, the night before Zoe's birthday party, which I was not looking forward to. I would love to go and see everyone and all that, but I just know Cat will try and show me up dress wise, make wise, and just generally anything. She hates me for some unknown reason and I suppose I'm so close with Dan, but with how much she's been all over him he hasn't spoken to me much. Cat seems like such a nice girl if she took a liking to you, but if she didn't you were stuck. She definitely knows how to hold a grudge. She had been glued to Dan's side the entire time over the past few days. I honestly don't know if I can take too much work. The only problem really is that's she's got Dan wrapped around her finger. I don't blame him. She's nice, not to me of course but still, and pretty, and funny, and all that. She's pretty perfect. It's just that seeing him with Cat is making me realize how much I actually like Dan. I can get over it soon enough.

Dan is rather blind to it all which I don't understand. Even Phil hates how dumb he's being. Phil. She's being rather rude to put it nicely. Or as PJ calls it not as nicely, but accurate, bitchy. I had been hanging around PJ a lot recently because he's never really taken a liking to Cat in the first place. He's just as bitter as I am. I sighed and headed into their apartment building. Why am I subjecting myself to such torture you ask? Well, if Dan finally gets out of dreamland to notice I'm being distant he'll ask and I'm a terrible liar. I've made it this far and I'm not pushing it. Not to mention I can't just leave Phil stranded alone with them. That's cruel.

I headed up the stairs and knocked once before the door swung open quickly.

"Were you waiting by the door?" I asked as Phil pulled me in too a hug.

"Yes. Thank god you are here! Cat wouldn't let me leave to come to yours!" Phil whispered and I nodded.

Bossy. Yet another admirable trait of hers.

"Wow. I'm not so sure I like salty Phil." I said, raising my eyebrows. Phil laughed and his tongue poked out the side of his mouth. I loved when he did that.

"Thank you for that. I need to laugh." Phil said.

"No prob. Let just hope I can control my saltiness or my spicy side is coming out and that's not pretty."

I think only one person had ever seen me really angry before. I don't get really angry very often. More miffed or sort of peeved is what I went to. I was bitter and I could hold grudges, with good reason of course, but I was a really understanding person so I tended to forgive easy. Unless it was something absolutely unacceptable. 

"Please save me." Phil said, grabbing my hands. He jerked, but stayed at I looked at him confused.

"Why are your hands like ice?!" Phil said, examining my hands. 

"They are always cold, Phil. It's a permanent state, my friend." I explained. He dropped my hands and I followed him to his room.

"So Phillip. What do you suggest we do?" I asked, fiddling with the checkered green and blue duvet.

"Well, I was thinking Ma--"

"(y/n)? When did you get here." I winced and turned to see Cat, looking gorgeous as always, sneering at me.

"Just a few moments ago. Don't worry, Phil invited me." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Seriously what is up her ass?" I asked Phil.

"Whose ass?" I froze and turned to see Dan in the doorway. Damn it.

"Uh, my aunt. She's very uptight." I lied.

"What are you guys doing?" He said, motioning to the bed where we were sat. Phil had my jacket in his hands, my face red and hair messy. It looked rather suggestive.

"What Daniel? Scared I'll take your husband away from you?" I joked. Phil thwacked me and I shoved him.

"Uh, yeah no." Dan said. We sat in silence.

"SO. How about MarioKart, (y/n)?" Phil said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I agreed and stood up from the bed. I held out my hand to help Phil up and he looked at me wearily.

"Oops. Sorry. I forgot my hands are the equivalent to Frosty the Snowman hands." I said and Phil laughed, taking it anyway. He let go quickly, fake shivering and I punched him in the arm.

"Don't make fun of my cold hands! Or I'll touch your neck with them." I threatened. Phil ducked out of the room and I started to follow only to find Dan had blocked the doorway.

"Cold hands?" 

"Yup. Like ice." I said, grabbing his arm. He flinched and jerked his arm away.

"What the fuck is wrong with those icicles?!"

"I don't know I should probably get them checked out."

"(Y/N)!" Phil called for me and I looked at Dan to move.

"What? No greeting hug for me?" Dan asked. I looked up at him for a moment before sighing.

"Nope." I said, casually, sliding past him into the lounge. I could feel him look at me, but I ignored it. Hopefully he would just think I was joking around. Cat was bundled up in a blanket and Phil sat in front of the controls setting it up. Dan came in and Cat gestured for him to sit next to her. I could feel both of them watching me from behind, but I just took a seat next to Phil's spot on the couch. Opposite the love twins. Dan rested his arm on the couch behind Cat and I could see her smirk at me. I want to not care, but Cat is pissing me off today. And everyday.


Phil passed me a controller and I selected (Favorite MarioKart Character) (shy guy 4 me ;P) and we selected a race.

"Rainbow Road?! Phil don't be such an ass for like 5 seconds!" I whined.

"You know (y/n), swearing isn't very ladylike." Cat said. What is she my mother?!

"Yup, but it's also a way to exert dominance. That way people will actually take you seriously instead of sounding a whiny little bitch." I said. She hissed, yes like an actual fucking CAT. Name suits her I guess.

"(y/n). No need to be rude. Cat was just making a suggestion." Dan said.

"Sorry." I muttered and turned all my attention to the game.

"Yeah, (y/n) no need to be rude." Phil said, sticking out his tongue again.

"I will leave you here Phillip Micheal Lester. Don't test me."

"Wow, too salty for your own good."

"Okay that's enough of the word salty."




"Phil. No." 


"Seriously.  I will walk out this door right now."


"I actually hate you."

"You love me."

"Of course. But I am not afraid to kill you."

"AWWWWW. Aren't they a cute couple?" Cat's shrill voice squealed.

I swerved, driving off the edge as I whipped my head around.

"A couple?!" I choked.

"Well, yeah!" Cat argued.

"Cat they aren't a couple." Dan said, looking at her strangely.

"Oh, well they seem like it. What about that PJ fellow? You seem to hang out with him a lot."

"(y/n) and PJ aren--" Dan started, but I cut him off.

"PJ's cool I guess." I said, turning back to the game.

"What?" Dan asked.

"PJ is cool." I repeated and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but in a friendly way right?"

"I don't know. Why do you care?" I sassed.

"I just don't see it." Dan said, scoffing.

"Well, it isn't your decision now is it?" I asked crossing the finish line.

"Aww. What? You fell of the edge and you still beat me?" Phil complained but I ignored him, turning to glare at Dan.

"Well I'm allowed to share my opinion aren't I?" Dan said.

"Yeah, but not to take the piss out of me Dan! Just let it go." I argued.

"What? I can't be curious now?" He asked. We were both angry now. Not really angry l like that one time, but at the beginning stages of it. Dan would have to do something waaaaay drastic or that to happen.

"I don't fucking care what you do! Just leave me out of it!"

"Well, you were the one who initiated this whole argument!"

"Oh I'm so sorry for complimenting one of my friends!"

"You knew the context and you did it to annoy me!"

"WELL here we are. Back again to exactly why you give a flying fuck about it!!"

"You're my friend! that's why! My god call your aunt, tell her your the one who's uptight. God are you really just scraping the bottom of the barrel, just to stir up and argument with me?! Are you really that desperate?!"

That one struck home with me. I square punch to the gut.

I was NOT desperate.

"Screw this. I'm out of here." I said, standing up.

"Sorry Phil. I have to go. You can come over to my place if you still want to hang out." I said, storming off. I headed to Phil's room for my jacket angrily snatching it off the bed. I turned to see Dan, fuming in the doorway.

"What's wrong with you?"

Of all the things he could have said. That was definitely one of the worse ones.

"Whats wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! You have your head buried so far up your own damn ass to see what's going an around you! I'm sick of it!"

"Like what?! Huh?! Just making up shit to try and get to me?!"

There he went again. Calling me desperate. I hate that. I AM NOT DESPERATE. 

"SEE?! You don't have a fucking clue. Exactly my point. Can't you see it?! Are you fucking blind?! If you can't see it, I can't help you. Figure your shit out." I said, pushing past him. He grasped my wrist. I yanked it away and shot him the coldest glare I could muster.

"Don't fucking touch me, Howell." His face went from angry to shocked. The only time I call him Howell was joking around. But it obviously wasn't the case now.


"No. I'm leaving. And by the way. I'm not desperate. Don't you ever DARE to call me that ever again." I stormed through the lounge, Cat giving me grin and a wave using only her fingers. I slammed the front door, flying down the steps into the cold street. My phone buzzed with a message from Phil.

Was that the 2nd time?

He was talking about me being angry. I remember telling him about it once and he must have remembered.

Not even close

Wow. Feel better. You know he doesn't mean the things he says. Dan is just a very emotional guy. Give him time to apologize.

Yeah, yeah mum.




I listened to the click signifying my phone had turned off.

I am not desperate.

I was back treading through the blackened sludge. Cold nipping at my bare skin, but I didn't fucking care.

I am not desperate.

That damn voice echoed in my head and I argued back.

I am not desperate.

I am not desperate.

My phone flashed a message from Dan. I sighed and opened.

I am desperate.


Are you actually kidding me?! HEY?! Don't answer (y/n). You're  better than that. I felt my hands already typing a response. Damn it.

You are a fucking idiot. HEY?! REALLY?!

Well, I wanted to see if you would respond!

What? So you don't waste your time on me?! Wonderful

NO. I just want to know what the problem is.

Oh yeah, MY problem besides the fact I am so dreadfully desperate, Cat is driving me bonkers.

You're not desperate. You KNOW I only said it in the heat of the moment.

Well it HAD to come from somewhere!

No. I promise I was just spouting out a bunch of stuff I was so angry. I'm sorry.

ugh why are you so damn sincere.

Okay. now what is wrong with Cat? Are you jealous of us?


She doesn't hate you.

You are hopeless. Ask Phil. Ask PJ. I don't know. I just don't understand how you can't see it.

She just doesn't know you that well. I'm sorry (y/n). Please. I just got caught up. I've been a little stressed is all and I took it out on you. I'm sorry.

-1 minute passes-



You know what

Ugh, fine. I forigve you for the arguing but I'm still not happy with you.

I'm sorry. I just think you are reading her wrong.

She hates me.

She does not.


So are we okay? Until we can talk face to face?

Are you sure you can pry her away for that long?


Yes. yes. I know. I'll try I guess.

Thank you and I really am sorry I hope you know that.

I forgive you. Mostly.

That's good I guess

Take it or leave it

Take it

Bye Dan


I put my phone away as I reached my flat, collapsing onto the couch, then proceeding to scream into it violently. It relieves stress. A lot of stress.

WOW.  Dan is too hard stay mad at, so I made your character forgive him. Sorry


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