This Is How We End It

By AdamLovesAndrea

9.2K 66 2

A group of teens come together, along with a group of adults to try and survive the apocalypse. Using actual... More

This Is How We End It
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (SEASON FINALE)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six (SEASON FINALE FARM)
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three - (Season Three Finale Part ONE)
Chapter Fifty Four (Season Three Finale Part TWO)
Chapter Fifty Six

Chapter Six

239 2 0
By AdamLovesAndrea

Brittany had finally broken away from Mikaela. Alone time. It's what she liked best, especially now. It was just a small walk in the woods. Nobody cared about that, right? She sighed as she looked around. It was quiet. Serene. The farm she lived on had quite a bit of land, in the forest. She was glad. She had just a little bit of home near her. She smiled as she saw a small stream, probably flowing from the quarry. It was cool. The 'babbling brook'. She watched the stream's clear color eventually turn to a dark red, flowing more thickly. She looked up the ways slowly to see a walker, the first one she'd seen. It was gnawing on flesh. Rabbit flesh, as the small rabbit struggled from the walkers hands, being trapped. Eaten alive. Blood pouring from the bite wound. It made her wonder how the rabbit was still alive, but when she came back to reality, it was dead. The rabbit was bitten to death. The walker had blood dripping down it's jaw. Brittany, the curious girl she was, slowly made her way to the walker.

She'd never seen a walker before. It amazed her. She imagined the walker to be hesitant, but it wasn't. It slowly looked up at her, seeing nothing but fresh meat. Brittany stopped as she saw the walker look up. The walker dropped the rabbit corpse. It flowed down the bloody stream, creating a mind-scarring picture. Brittany took a step back as she saw the walker limp toward her. She tripped and fell into the stream, getting blood on her as the rabbit corpse washed onto her, letting blood leak over the hands that held her up. She let out a scream of bloody murder.

Ethan quickly stopped laughing before Shane poked his head out. The screams kept coming from the woods. Anthony, Chance, Adam, Nick and Ethan all ran into the woods as Shane quickly took the lead. They all raced through the woods before Anthony saw that Brittany had fallen, and the walker was almost biting her leg. Anthony quickly took the knife out of his pocket and jumped across the stream, landing near the walker as he quickly stabbed it in the head, making it fall. Everyone panted as Brittany slowly took the corpse off of her and looked at all the blood on her. Was she bit? She didn't know. She felt numb. Anthony helped her stand up.

"You okay?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

She looked up and gave a small nod. 

"The hell were you doin' out here anyway?" Shane looked around, seeing the bloody water.

She got up, and started to walk back to camp. Anthony quickly followed her, but Shane stopped him.

"Let her have some alone time. I'll take her down to the quarry, help her get washed up." Shane said with a sigh. 

Anthony gave a small nod as he looked at Ethan. Mikaela's footsteps could be heard as everyone quickly turned around.

"What's going on?" She asked as she looked at everyone.

Shane sighed before taking a step toward camp. "C'mon Mikaela, sweetie, let's go back t'camp so we can.. just stay safe." He said as he took her arm.

Anthony looked at everyone. "C'mon. Let's just go." He said as he shook his head, walking toward camp. Ethan picked up the dead rabbit, and looked at Chance. 

"You either give me your dinner tonight or I'll put this on your pillow." Ethan said, serious face and all. 

Chance gave him a disgusted look. "No, go fuck yourself!" 

Nick rolled his eyes as Adam looked at the rabbit corpse. "The walker's tooth is in the skull.." 

"That is fucking nasty." Nick said as he began to walk back to camp. Adam followed from behind before he heard a splatter noise. 

"FUCK YOU!" Chance shouted as he felt the corpse slowly fall off of him, leaving blood and water as a residue. Ethan threw the dead rabbit onto Chance's chest, as it left blood.

Down by the quarry, Shane walked Brittany to the waterside as Andrea, Carol and Amy washed the clothes. Brittany slowly stepped into the water, and got deeper. Andrea watched Brittany, as she'd been curious about the young girl herself. 

"Who is she anyways?" Andrea asked as she watched Brittany go underwater.

Amy shrugged. 

"I think her name is Brittany." Carol said quietly as she could feel Ed's glare on her back. He was watching her from a small distance.

"She seems nice. Isn't much for talking." Amy said as she put a shirt into the water.

"That's for sure. She's quiet." Andrea dunked the shirt. "I guess it's not a bad thing. I heard a mouth from one of Shane's kids. Boy do they have a wild vocabulary." 

Amy chuckled a bit as Carol smiled. 

"We've seen the way you look at Shane." Amy looked over to Andrea with a small smirk.

Andrea blushed a bit. "He's got kids. He doesn't want me."

"Oh that's not true." Amy said as she ran the bar of soap over the shirt.

Carol looked over to Andrea. "He does seem nice." 

Andrea nodded a bit as she tried to hide her blush. "He is."

"So why don't you say something? Worst thing that could happen in a relationship between you and him is that you'd be sharing a tent with three guys." Amy looked at Andrea.

Andrea chuckled. By the time she looked up at Shane, Anthony and Adam were sitting on the rocks as Brittany was in the water.

Anthony watched her swim. She was good looking, but he didn't want to seem creepy.

"We should see if this quarry's got frogs, don't you think?" Shane said as he looked around in the water. 

Adam rose an eyebrow. "Frogs?" 

"Yeah, frogs. You know. They hop, croak. It's weird shit, but they're good tastin'."  Shane said as he watched the water.

"That's nasty." Anthony said as he looked up from Brittany.

Shane rose an eyebrow. "They ain't nasty, they're just a little weird. Good cookin' though. Cajun style Kermit legs." 

Adam looked at him with a weird face. "That's nasty and fucked up."

"Watch your mouth." Shane corrected. 


Anthony looked at the water. "Can you even catch a fish?"

"I can." Shane said as he looked up at him with a bold smile. 

Adam rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Sure."

"You can't even beat that level back home on that game. How are you gonna catch frogs?" Anthony rose an eyebrow.

Shane sighed and took off his boots before tossing them to the side, and stepping into the water. He then moved out a little, rolling his pants up. He looked around, waiting to see something. He looked up at Anthony and Adam before splashing them both, getting them wet.

"Jesus Christ!" Adam yelled as he was splashed.

Anthony jumped off the rock, into the water as he then splashed Shane. "Screw you!" 

In the mix of all the ruckus, Shane glanced over to Ed. He was standing behind Carol and Andrea. He slowly got out of the water before walking over a little.

"I don't think I need any of that attitude." Ed said as he took a puff of his cigarette. 

"Oh go fuck yourself." Andrea growled at Ed.

Ed rose an eyebrow. "Look. Just 'cause you're some college educated coo doesn't mean I won't knock you on your ass." 

Andrea rose an eyebrow back at him. "Try me." 

"Andrea, please just.." Carol said as she walked toward Ed.

Andrea shook her head. "No Carol, don't let him tell you--"

Ed suddenly smacked Carol across the face as Andrea quickly punched Ed's face, pushing him back some. Shane, Anthony and Adam quickly ran to the scene as Shane pulled Ed away from the scene as he threw him to the ground, and went down to throw punch, after punch. Blows directly to the face. Adam walked over to see Carol crying, pleading for Shane to stop. Anthony kicked Ed's arm, not sure what to do.

"Shane, stop!" Andrea cried out.

"Stop..stop.." Carol cried out as she knew what the punishment would be later.

Adam shook his head at the scene. It was too much. "Dad, stop!" 

Shane delivered more punches before suddenly stopping, and grabbing Ed's face with his hand. "Ed, you lay your hand on any other person in this camp one more time and I will kill you. Do you hear me? Do you hear me?!" 

Carol quickly ran to Ed's side. 

"I'll beat y'to death, Ed." Shane said before kicking his side. 

Brittany had gotten out of the water as she stood by Shane's side. She then kicked Ed right in the head, making him unconscious. 

"I knew you fucking hurt her. You're one dumb little bitch." She muttered after kicking him in the head.

Anthony and Adam stood in awe as they saw what Brittany did. Carol cried over Ed's unconscious body.

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