Black Rose

Door Melrozay

18.6K 1.4K 135

Suri Melrose Willoughby is a young girl with the weight of the world on her back. Being the only child and gr... Meer

Thirty One
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
New Story Alert!!
Removing Book


230 23 0
Door Melrozay

Standing outside of The Trinity Towers, I cursed myself for even being here tonight. After spending a full day contemplating on if not showing was really worth losing Mel, I told Jayna I'd come. It's not only shameful but it kills my ego as a man to allow a woman I haven't dealt with in years to barge into my life and have it fall into shambles. What I'm going through now is unquestionably my karma for treating Mel the way I did in college. My mom has always told me to treat people how I would want to be treated or else the harsh behaviors would come back on me when I least expected them to. 

"I should've listen ma. I should've fucking listen." I spoke aloud to no one in particular or so I thought. 

"Should've listened to what?" Bailey's voice came from behind me. 

Rolling my eyes, I didn't give her the respect to turn to face her. "None of your business. Are we going in or not?" 

"Impatient are we?" She giggled, coming around to stand in front of me. I must admit she was looking mighty ravishing. Sporting a skin tight silk dress with a pair of Givenchy open toe sandals, Bailey was gorgeous--almost like the first time we met. I wouldn't tell her conceited ass that and have it used against me. "Do you like what you see?"

"Not in the least." I lied, stepping around her and going up the stairs leading to the restaurant's entrance. She scoffed and I heard her heels clicking against the concrete, letting me know she was on my tail. Not once did she inform me that I'd have to show any hospitality towards her. The second I opened the glass door, the intense and ambrosial perfume of the Jamaican food penetrated my nostrils. Judging from the external structure of the building, you wouldn't believe how spacious the inside really is. Half of the room had been turned into a night club and there were people on the dance floor who took full advantage of the opportunity. Before we could maneuver through the crowd, a hostess spotted us, coming over to greet us. 

"Welcome to Trinity Towers, I'm Brianna and is it just a party of two or are you joining someone?" She queried, looking between Bailey and I. 

"It's just us." Bailey answered.

"Ok, follow me." She motioned for us to come with her. She took us to the far back of the restaurant to a secluded area and I couldn't be more happier. Even though this isn't Mel's scenery, I can't risk her walking in here. "Will this booth work or do you prefer to sit anywhere else?"

"It's perfect, thank you." I told her before Bailey could ask for another seat. 

"Alright, someone will be with you in a moment." Brianna handed us our menus before leaving us alone. I sat down while Bailey remained standing as if she was waiting on me to do something. "What?"

"Aren't you gonna pull the chair out for me?" She asked as if that's what I'm supposed to do. 

"No. You have two perfectly good arms attached to your body." I pointed at her. "Pull out your own damn chair. What do you think this is? A real date." 

Bailey's mouth flew open as she kept still in the same spot, but I paid her no mind while I searched through the menu. Out of my peripheral view, I saw her lift her hand up as if she was getting ready to hit me and I immediately stood up and grabbed her arm. "Let go of me." She tried to snatch out of my grip, but I wasn't having it. 

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd keep your hands to yourself. That was the first rule we learned in kindergarten. Hit me and your ass is grass." I stared her in the eyes to show her how serious I am. When I felt the tension disappear in her arm, I let her go and reclaimed my seat as she sat across from me with a scowl on her face. Shaking my head at her childish antics, I resumed my search on the menu, completely ignoring her presence and she did the same. I agreed to come here, I didn't say anything about entertaining her. 

After a waiter came and took our orders, he had the nerve to ask such a question. "Can I take a picture of you two?" He held up a Sony digital camera.

"Sure." Bailey big mouth ass agreed instantly. 

I held up my hand to stop him before he could do anything. "Hold on a minute. What you need our picture for?"

"It's for our memory wall over there." He pointed to his left where a back wall was covered with hundreds, maybe thousands of pictures. We were too far away to see exactly what the pictures were, but obviously they're customers who's been here before. "Come on. What do you say?"

"Yeah, babe. What do you say?" Bailey rested her hand on top of mine.

Slyly pulling from under her grasp, I looked up to see the guy smiling down at us like an idiot. Giving in, I nodded my head. "Sure. Why not?"

"Great. Now both of you look at each other as if you're deeply in love." He instructed.

"Excuse me! No, I'm not doing that." I shook my head rapidly, snapping my fingers at him, motioning for him to hurry up. "Just take the picture man. We're ready to eat and get out of here." 

"I'm not a dog. You don't have to snap at me." He mumbled, bringing the camera to his eye and taking the picture. "Thank you. Your food will be out momentarily."

Chucking two fingers in the air, I rested my elbow on the table and put my chin in the palm of my hand. I had half the mind to get up and walk out of here but there has to be a reason why she wanted me here.

"So, I know you're probably curious as to why I invited you out tonight. I have great news!" Remaining silent, I just stared at her blankly. "I'm moving here next month."

"Say what now?" My head popped up, immediately giving her my full attention.

"I'm opening another restaurant downtown and I figured why not move here permanently instead of flying back and forth to check in on the progress. Isn't this amazing, Raine? We can finally rekindle our relationship without the distance between us."

"Check please!" I shouted out, raising my hand in the air, causing Bailey to frown.

"What the- where are you going?"

"Away from your crazy ass. You have got to be the dumbest woman I know to uproot your life just to be near me. I know you better than you give me credit for B. At the end of the day, you will have to travel between here and Florida no matter where you reside since your restaurants are located in both states. You're only coming here because you think I'll cave in and be with you. We can live in the same house, sleep in the same bed and I still wouldn't call you my woman. Out of your damn mind."

A different waitress came to tend to our table, frowning as she saw the tension between us. "Is everything alright, sir?"

"It will be when I pay the check for my drink and get out of here."

"Yes, I'll get that for you right away, sir." She walked off swiftly, going behind the bar across from our booth.

Bailey stood up and came around the table, standing in front of me. "Why don't you want to be with me, Raine? Our relationship wasn't full of terrible memories. We had plenty of good memories as well."

"And the fucked up memories trumped the good ones. Did they not?" I shot back waiting for her to respond, but she didn't because she knows it's true. "Exactly."

"Ok, here you are sir. The food wasn't added since you never received it, so the drinks are all you have to pay for." She handed me the bill and in return I gave her my black card. Once she walked away, Bailey spoke up again.

"Raine, we can make it work this time around. I promise I'll change my ways if it means I get to have you in my life again. Just give me a chance to prove myself." She practically begged. The desperation laced in her voice was thick as gravy.

"Here you go sir." The waitress gave me back my card with a receipt. "Enjoy the rest of your night." 

"Thank you." Looking at Bailey, she was on the verge of crying but I didn't feel an ounce of penitence for her. My attitude and behavior are the results of the foul actions she's done to me during the course of our relationship and after. You can't mistreat people and expect for all to be forgiven, especially not the ones you're still being malicious towards. "You and I will never be in this life time or the next. Save yourself the trouble, B and find someone who actually wants you because I'm not that one." 

"I'll have Jayna tell her your secrets." 

Licking my lips, I shook my head at how bitter she is and shrugged. "What will you gain from it, huh? The shit you're doing is only causing my hate for you to blossom."

"Melrose won't think to look in your direction if she knew about our child. You'll be just as miserable and lonely as I am." She smirked as if she has one up me, but I refused to let this woman control my life.

"That's where you're wrong. I can admit to my wrongful doings and accept the consequences like a man. If she refuses to have any communication with me, so be it, but I still won't run back to you. You're not even an option anymore. I'm done being blackmailed and manipulated by you, so by all means, do whatever will help you sleep at night." Patting her head like a dog, I slid passed her out of the booth, taking long strides to get to the exit. As if the universe is against me, I came face to face with Mel. At that moment my entire world stopped, seeing the woman I've been stressing over, standing in my presence looking like the goddess she is. I had no words--I'm speechless.

"Raine." Her angelic voice filled my ears and I started smiling like a goofball. 

"Mel, it's been a while." She nodded slightly. "How are you?" 

She shrugged. "I'm alright. Nothing has changed, really."

"You look...stunning tonight. Who's the lucky guy?" I queried, secretly praying she was here alone. 

"There is no secret guy but thank you. You clean up nice too. Who's the lucky girl?"

"Awe no one." I waved her off. "My mom suggested I get out of the house for a while and get a change of scenery." 

"Really? Are you sure you weren't here with Bailey because the bitch is killing me with her gaze?" Mel put on a smile and waved at her, getting nothing more than the same cold stare. "Yeah, she needs help."

"Tell me about it. I wasn't with her though. She spotted me earlier and tried to make a pointless conversation with me, which is why I'm leaving." 

"Oh. I won't hold you up any longer. I'm supposed to be meeting someone anyway." 

"I thought there wasn't a lucky guy."

"It's not. It's a woman." 

"You play for the other team now?" I asked in amusement.

Scrunching her face up, she shook her head rapidly. "Hell no, I'm not a lesbian. Jayna is strictly an associate." 

"Who?" I know she's not talking about the backstabbing, fake ass Jayna, I know. 

"You don't know her."

"Short, brown skin girl with braces?" Mel nodded. "I know her better than you think. This isn't my place but she isn't someone you want to get close with." 

"And why not?" Mel queried, folding her arms. 

"She's Bailey's cousin, Mel and she's the one who sent those pictures to you." I confessed, not wanting to dig a deeper hole. The look on Mel's face proved she had no idea the type of person Jayna really is. 

"Damn. To think I was just being overly cautious when I first met her."

"What do you mean?"

"We met the night at the festival and without knowing me, she talked  about Bailey like a dog. That was a red flag right there, but I figured since she referred to Bailey as her boss, she was harmless because everyone has talked crap about their bitching boss. I guess my judgement of character was spot on. Silly me. Thanks for warning me. I've had enough of sneaky people coming into my life. I don't need another one." Looking at the watch on her rest, she sighed. "I guess I can head home since my potential new found friendship has sailed out to sea."

She turned to leave but I grabbed her arm. "I know you hate my guts and I don't blame you, Mel but can we please talk."

"About what?"

"Everything. There's still some things I need to get off my chest and so do you. And don't try to deny that I'm right because I know I am." She didn't speak, just stared at me with those alluring brown orbs that puts you in a trance. "What do you say, Mel?"

"The only time I'm free is next Friday."

"That'll work." I quickly told her. "Just call me when you're ready and I'll stop by." 

"Cool." She gave me a thumbs up and disappeared through the crowd and out the door. I could sense the tension between us and I knew she still wasn't fond of me, but she can't be that pissed if she agreed to talk to me. After three months of not seeing one another or speaking, it's time we attempt to put the past behind us and move forward, whether we're together or not. Being friends with Mel is better than not having her around at all. I'm confident in due time I'll have my woman back for good. It won't be easy but it will damn sure be worth it. 

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