How Dare You Call Me Romeo (H...

By TheBandNerd3760

31.4K 564 24

"Kendall!" I heard Harry call from behind me. No, I didn't want to talk to him. Next thing I knew he was in f... More

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One

Twenty Three

593 14 2
By TheBandNerd3760

I couldn't place the feeling in my chest. It was almost... hollow, like there was nothing left. Over this month had I actually grown feelings for Harry? I shook my head, dispelling that thought immediately.

Pulling out my phone I sent a text for Angeline to come back to the dorm. At this moment I was horribly confused and I needed my friend, my sister.

"Kendall, open up." Angeline's voice sounded through the door as she knocked.

I pulled myself up off the floor and opened the door to let her in. Once she was in the door was shut once more and her arms were around me, "Sweetie why are you crying?" She cooed just. my ear.

"He's gone Angeline and I drove him away." I sobbed, not really explaining much.

"I'm confused who is gone?"

"Harry. He came in and basically gave up on our deal. He said that I never really had an interest in learning about him or actually giving him a chance. The look on his face said it all. He looked as if just I had been the one to betray the trust," I looked up into her eyes, "I'm not an uncaring person am I Angeline?"

"No! Why would you ever believe that?" She exclaimed.

"That's basically what Harry said. Not in those words but in the way he said then and acted. I'm a terrible person!" I began to sob harder.

"Kendall! Pull yourself together. You are not uncaring. You are not a terrible person. Stop that crying now. You are a strong woman with solid opinions and yes, sometimes high expectations. I guarantee to you that Harry does not think any of that of you. You are looking too much into all of this." she lead me over to her bed and sat us not h down on the edge. "Look we need to talk about some things."

I looked up at her with wary eyes, "What about?"

"Just you in general. Listen because this is important." I nodded and she continued, "You have high expectations for things and while for school, work, and yourself it's fine; it's a completely different story when you think of other people. People aren't perfect Kendall you of all people should know that. They make mistakes, sometimes they make many but that doesn't mean you should close those who are imperfect from your life. If you did that then you would not even have yourself as company. I want you to understand that you cannot define a person by what they have done in the past. There are times when you simply need to forgive and forget. If you don't then you will live a very lonely life.

"You have held a grudge against Harry since the first day we got here. You have held a grudge against Niall since we found him nearly having sex on the dorm lawn. Here is the thing though. I have let that go and moved on. Do I still have some feelings for him? Yes, but I know that it wouldn't work. There is a possibility in the future that something could happen but he must learn from his mistakes just like every other person. If that day were to come then I may have him a chance. You hold on to your negative feelings about a person and push the positive from your mind. Are there people out there who will never change? Absolutely but that doesn't mean you have to be one of them. Don't judge a person too harshly because it might come to bite you in the butt later on."

I frowned at Angeline, "So, what your telling me is that I'm the reason Harry and I can't get along? That I'm the only reason?"

She dropped her head into her hands, "No I'm not saying that you are the single reason you can't get along. There are other reasons. What I'm saying is that you can't try to push those other reasons aside for long enough to really get to know him. You know nothing of him. All that you know, or think you know, is from watching him around school. He is a person Kendall and every person has a good side, you just have to willing to see it. You never gave him a chance." she sighed.

"What do you mean I never gave him a chance?" I yelled.

"This entire month you have been stepping on eggshells waiting for him to screw up. You added the stipulation of him not being with another girl because you never thought that maybe his interest in you was genuine. Think about it though Kendall. Try remember another time that he tried for a girl. Maybe that will help you with what you're feeling. I'm going to the bathroom."

Angeline walked over to her closet and gathered her things before leaving me alone with my thoughts. Could she have been right? For once, could Harry have found a girl to stick to instead of just bouncing around all the time, and could that girl really be me? I flopped down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Kendall what have you gotten yourself into?" I shook my head in disgust. "You were never supposed to fall for him. This was to keep him away from you."

"But maybe it's true that he isn't all bad and I may have truly helped him." I argued with myself.

"Are you insane? Help him? That boy is so far gone that couldn't even be helped by his mother."

I bolted upright in bed suddenly remembering those words Harry said to me a while back, "You remind me of my mother."

A sad and confused look had come over his eyes as he said the words. I knew at that time that I had seen a part of Harry that he rarely shows to people. Maybe it's a softer, kinder, and more loyal part as well. It was definitely different that's for sure.

That day the lost look in his eyes had reminded me of a small boy I had once helped find his mother at our local pool. The little boy had been so afraid that he clung to me for dear life until we found his mother. The look in his eyes was one of fear and sadness. I saw that same look in Harry's eyes that night. I had seen him at his most vulnerable, a time where he had spoke. of something that clearly hurt him to remember. After that I had pushed him away and gave him the ultimatum.

Now I see that it had been me all along that was afraid of commitment.Harry had tried to get close to me and actually learn who I really was without the promise of anything and in return. I had pushed him away and refused to admit my feelings. Harry was ready to find someone who truly mattered to him but me, being the idiot that I am, wouldn't allow him.

I went to our with Dow and saw Harry standing outside speaking to Niall. I couldn't tell but it almost looked as if tears were falling down his cheeks. "You really aren't that bad Harry Styles. I should have given you the chance to prove that."

Grabbing my jacket to protect myself from the chilly London weather I raced outside. It was time to do some things right.


Well I hope you all are enjoying the story. Leave some comments an tell me what you think. This is also to tell you that this should be coming to an end in a while. There is still a bunch of interesting events and before anyone asks there will be a sequel. Thanks for reading!

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