I Met My Best Friend On the I...

By MirrorRune33

43.5K 715 157

Hannah had never really trusted someone with her secrets. Until she met him. She knew it was unconventional h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

9.8K 69 11
By MirrorRune33

Hey guys! This is my first story so please be kind! I don't know if anyone will even read it, but I've had this plot in my head for awhile now and just had to write it down! If you do read it, I hope you like it! :)


ps. I think it goes without saying that I do not own Taylor or anyone affiliated with him or any other famous person mentioned in this story. If I did, I would not be writing fanfiction. ;) 


Chapter 1

*Hannah’s POV*

I was rudely awakened by a shrill beeping coming from the vicinity of my bedside table.
“Ugh. Darn alarm clock,” I grumbled.
“SHUT UP!” I threw my pillow at it, successfully knocking it off the table. The ringing stopped abruptly as the batteries fell out. “Mission accomplished,” I said smugly.
“First day of school,” I thought. “At least I’m homeschooled and only have to take a couple of classes. I would die if I had to go to that zoo every day.”
Most people ask me really stupid questions about being home schooled. I’m asked at least once a week, “What about socialization? Prom? Do you have any friends?” The answer to all of those is “Yes.” I mean seriously, my social calendar is so full I literally cannot fit anything else in. I’ve been asked to three different proms two years in a row; and don’t even get me started on how many friends I have. But I guess most people just have people that are home schooled crammed into this idea that they are all weird, anti-social geeks. I suppose I can’t blame them since I actually do know some like that, and they are unfortunately the ones that stand out. But whatever, I really need to get off this soapbox. Not even sure how I got on it.

I am going to be going to high school to take English Comp II (I took Comp I spring of my Junior year) and College Algebra every day. It definitely going to be really nice to be getting those out of the way before I go to college next year.

 I got out of bed and walked to my closet.

"I want to look hot, but not too hot," I thought while searching through my clothes. I finally decided on slate grey shorts paired with a black sheer floral top that had long peasant sleeves with a bright aqua tank underneath and black sandals. I threw on some jewelry and smiled.
"Now for hair and make up!" I said to myself. I refreshed my soft black wavy curls quickly. I loved my hair. It was long and reached my mid back, with chocolate brown highlights that matched my brown eyes.
Once I was done with my hair, I put on my make up, careful not to go too dark on my eyes. I didn't want to scare everyone at school on the first day. Or be labeled as a goth or emo. After putting on some gloss I inspected my reflection and sighed.
"These shorts make me look fat..." I thought dispairingly. I have been on a constant diet since I was 14. I've lost a lot of weight, but I can't seem to look like I want to. I wore a size 4, but compared to all my other friends I felt fat. I sighed again and shook my head. There was no time to change. Rachel would be here any second.

Right on cue, I heard my friend's car horn. She was my age and also home schooled. She lives in the house behind us; our backyards face each other.

I ran downstairs, glad I was running late so I didn't have to eat breakfast, and ran out the door shouting a goodbye to my mom.
"Hey Hannah!" she said cheerfully. She was excited about all the senior boys she would get to flirt with and had dressed appropriately for getting attention, but not in a bad way. Her dark blonde hair was straight and pulled back by a headband. She was wearing pale yellow shorts and a pastel floral top. Her legs would be accentuated by the gold wedges she wore.
"You look hot," I told her approvingly.
"Thanks," she winked, "you do too. We gonna have those boys following us everywhere!"
I laughed at her and rolled my eyes.

We drove up to school, radio blaring with some rocking alternative music.
"Hannah!!" she hit my arm, "LOOK! Will, Austin, and Jeff are standing right there! We gotta make an entrance!"

Will Stephens, Austin Tyler, and Jeff Watson were the hottest senior boys in school. Will was tall and lean with dark skin and short hair; Austin was shorter than Will but handsomer with piercing grey eyes, longer dark hair, and a more muscular body. Jeff had dark red hair, but was fortunate enough not to have pale freckled skin. His eyes were bright green.

I laughed at her again and decided to just go along with it. I wasn't attracted to any of the boys, but thought it could be fun to flirt with them. Austin was a player; I knew I would love to take his ego down a notch or ten.

We got out, sunglasses in place, wind convieniently blowing our hair away from our faces. I saw Austin smirk, Jeff bite his lip, and Will's eyebrows go up as we walked towards them.

"Hey there, pretty ladies," Austin said smoothly, when we walked past them.
"Sup," I said with a nod and kept on walking. Rachel raised her eyebrows at me, but followed my lead.
I knew I was being a little rude, but if that boy wanted our attention, I wanted him to fight for it.

We got to class early and took our seats. I noticed the trio of boys came in not ten seconds after we sat down. I pretended to be absorbed in arranging my notebook as Austin sat down in the desk next to mine.

"So, sweetheart, haven't seen you around. You new? I can give you a tour of the school if you want," he said with a wink.
I rolled my eyes and looked at him silently. He hadn't noticed me last year when I took Comp I here. I had been slightly heavier and had made sure I stayed invisible. No one had known who I was.
"What?" he asked when I didn't say anything, just stared.
"I was here last year. I am only taking the college courses," I stated simply before turning back to my notebook.
"You were??" he asked, incredulous.
I nodded, and he sat back in his chair, unsure of how to continue.
"Well then," he said, his tone softer, "why don't I know who you are?"
"I'm good at being invisible," I retorted with a shrug.
He glanced at me and hesitated before he replied, "You're different. I like it."
I raised my eyebrow at him, trying to sense any possible sign of him pulling one of his typical player moves, but he seemed sincere enough. "Thanks," I said.
"You're welcome," he smiled. "So... your friend..."
I burst out laughing, "Ah, I see it now. You want me to be the go between?"
He blushed furiously, "NO! Well, yes, but ... look, I've liked her a while now... like ever since I met her at prom last year."
"Then I suggest you get her number," I smiled. This could be fun.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Rachel took me home after we had lunch, and I raced upstairs to check my Tumblr. I have more friends on there than I have in real life... I know that's strange, but people that I know are such idiots. All they care about is sex and partying. And they think I'm weird for preferring bowling over beer pong. I think bowling is a perfectly normal activity, personally.

I opened my laptop. had several private messages, but one in particular caught my eye.

"Dear Bluebird,
I have been on your blog for about half an hour, and I gotta admit... it has made me feel so much better. I have been depressed all day, but seeing your posts and the advice you've given makes me smile. Be my best friend?

I smiled softly. Bluebird was the name all my followers used for me. It was cute that this person mimicked that slightly. I clicked on their username so I could check out their blog. I found out it was a boy who had not posted his name or pictures of himself which was unusual. His posts broke my heart. This poor boy was so sad. It almost scared me how alike he and I were.

I went back to my inbox and hit the private reply button.

"Dear Blackbird,
I love you. I have no idea who you are, but I have gone back 75 pages in your blog and honestly, everything you posted, could have been about me. Im here for you if you ever need me. Stay strong, darling.

Five minutes later I received a reply:
"My dear Bluebird,
I'm so sorry you have to go through the same stuff I go through... But I don’t even post the half of it on here... I feel like I’m judged constantly. I have to be perfect 24/7. It’s so bad that I can’t even tell who my real friends are. I’m grateful for my life and where I am in it, but I wish I could take a break from it for just a week. Not even that, maybe a day... any time at all would help.”

"Dear Blackbird,
That saddens me... Why would anyone want to be cruel to you? You seem amazing to me. So if we’re gonna be best friends, I need a name. Any name. What can I call you? You don’t have to give me your real name if you don’t want to... It seems like you’ve taken pains to keep that hidden! (:

I went back to his blog. He really could have been my twin. The way we thought and felt about things were remarkably similar. I sighed and went back to my dashboard, smiling when I saw that I had another message.

"Dear Bluebird,
You are so sweet.. I honestly don’t know why they are mean.. I try to be kind to everyone yet I get an overwhelming amount of hate.. It hurts. Haha it’s funny, I just 'met' you, and I already feel this emotional bond with you... You can call me Tay or anything else you like (: it’s my nickname. Short for Taylor. What can I call you?”

“Dear Tay,
Well, rest assured, I’ll be your friend. No strings attached. That’s the beauty of the internet... I know there’s a lot of bad people out there pretending to be people they aren’t, but every now and then you find someone real. Someone who can change your life. I doubt I’ll be that influential, but I’m going to try. And for the record, I feel an emotional bond with you too. You can call me Hannah or Hans or whatever you like. :)

I smiled to myself. This boy could become the best friend I’ve ever had in my life. All because of the internet.


Well, what do you guys think?? :) let me know!

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