My Angel (Editing)

By BadmintonGurl

16.4K 235 66

Recent high school graduate Samantha Thompson is looking forward to spending the summer with her friends. But... More

My Angel Chapter 1
My Angel Chapter 2
My Angel Chapter 3
My Angel Chapter 4
My Angel Chapter 5
My Angel Chapter 6
My Angel Chapter 7
My Angel Chapter 8
My Angel Chapter 9
My Angel Chapter 10
My Angel Chapter 11
My Angel Chapter 12
My Angel Chapter 13
My Angel Chapter 14
My Angel Chapter 15
My Angel Chapter 17
My Angel Chapter 18
My Angel Chapter 19
My Angel Chapter 20
My Angel Chapter 21
My Angel Chapter 22
My Angel Chapter 23
My Angel Chapter 24
My Angel Chapter 25

My Angel Chapter 16

452 8 1
By BadmintonGurl

Waking up at eight in the morning is not something I am used to. But Jordan needed my help. I got up and walked unstably into my bathroom to take a shower. I rested my head against the shower wall while I let the water wake me up. Once I could finally open my eyes, I washed myself and got out. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked back to my room.

I stood in my closet for a while not knowing what to wear. I finally decided on a pair of black soccer shorts and a purple t-shirt that said "Rrrrawrr means I love you in dinosaur." It's a great shirt. At the door, I slip on a pair of purple flip-flops and headed for Jordan's house.

Jordan is usually waiting at the door whenever he invited someone over. But not this time. Instead it was Cameron.

"Is there something wrong in side?" I asked her. She smirked.

"Nothing is wrong but the door is locked. I think he might still be sleeping."

'Not for long." I pushed on the doorbell at least twenty times. Then yelled at him.

"Jordan Richardson! I know you are in there! Open this door before I am forced to nock it down myself." It was a line that Dakota used a lot.

I heard running coming from the stairs and Jordan soon appeared in the doorway half asleep.

"Can't a man sleep in piece?"

"That's what I was thinking last night when you called me at eleven thirty!"

"He called you at eleven thirty? He called me at one in the morning!" Cameron sounded annoyed. And who could blame her?

"Look," Jordan said exhausted. " I'm a little stressed so could we just go inside and look for the ring? I have to find it!" he stepped out of the doorway and let us in.

The house was very clean. Jordan's parents were the king and queen of neat freaks. They are so obsessed that they come over to their son's house once a week to clean. They are nice people but they have a problem.

"Okay let's get to work! The last time I saw the ring was in my bedroom, but it could be anywhere. Oh and if I haven't said it already, thank you so much for coming to help me in my time of need.

"Yeah, well we just want you and Tegan to be happy." I could tell Cameron didn't like being up so early. She had an attitude on.

"So where do you want us to look first?" I asked Jordan.

"Well, we can split up, you and Cameron can look upstairs while I look down here." He explained.

"Sounds good."

Cameron and I ran up the grand staircase. The upstairs looked even bigger than the downstairs. If that was possible.

"It's going to take a million years to find the ring up here." She wined.

"Then I guess we better get started. You take the bathroom and I'll take the bedroom. When you are done, come find me." I loved being in control.

"Why do I have to take that bathroom? He's a guy! It's going to smell. BAD."

"Then hold your breath." She was not going to win this one.

"Fine!" then she stomped off in the direction of the bathroom. I went down the hall a little to the bedroom. It was an awesome room. He had a black bed with purple sheets and pillows; the walls were purple and black. Everything was just so amazing.

I did not feel like looking in silence, so I took my iPod out of my pocket and plugged it into his dock. The song Hand Grenade by Hedley was the first to come on. Perfect. My favorite.

Cameron and I searched high and low for two hours straight and still couldn't find the ring. Cameron was so over tired that she came to the conclusion that Jordan and the ring were playing "Hide and Seek". The ring was winning.

"Your full of it." I told her.

"Full of what?" she asked. Man this girl was hilarious when she was tired. Almost as she was drunk. But not that funny.

"I have an idea, why don't you go take a nap while I call in some re-enforcements."

"You mean like the power rangers?"

"Just go lie down."

She stumbled off down the hall. Being Cameron, she fell half way there. She immediately got up and kept going while I laughed at her.

Once my brief laughing fit was over, I pulled out my phone. It said that it was ten in the morning. He better be up. I thought. They all better be up. And if not, they will be shortly. I dialed Clyde's number.

"Hello?" he said. Clearly I had woken him up.

"Hey, I have a question for you." I said sweetly.

"And what would that be?"

"Do you love me?"

"Why? I mean, yes, but why?"

"Because I need a little favor."

I explained to him what happened.

"How does a guy loose at twelve hundred dollar engagement ring?" he asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. But if you are Jordan, it's not that difficult. So will you come help us? The more people the less time it will take."

"Fine, I'll be there in fifteen."

"Thank you so much. I owe you."

"I'll remember that." and he hung up.

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