
By hana_hopeful

981K 32.7K 1.4K

A story of arrange marriage between Ansh and Avni. This is a story which depicts the sacrifices everyone mak... More

Chapter -1
Thank You Everyone
Not An Update
Chapter 17
Chapter 20- The End
Not An Update
Happy New Year
Enough of bad comments


38.6K 1.5K 69
By hana_hopeful

It’s been two weeks  to their marriage and Avni had got adjusted to her new life.  For Sleepy head Avni, previously her day used to start at 9o’clock but now she wakes up 6:30A.M . She then does her morning routine, after that she goes to the pooja room, cleans it and then does pooja . After that she  makes breakfast. By the time she finishes making breakfast , Ansh’s grandmom, mother and father are already awake. She gives them their tea and then goes to wake up Ansh.  By the time Ansh takes shower , she prepares Ansh’s  clothes.  Since summer vacation was going on , college was closed. 

After Ansh and his dad had gone to the office, the four ladies sat down in the drawing and started talking.  “Avni and Sakshi when are classes going to start?” ,Pratime, Ansh’s mom asked the two girls who were busy sipping their cold coffee. “Mom two more weeks are left. After that you won’t be able to see our face so much... we will get busy with our studies.” ,Sakshi replied.  “And you think your mom and I will believe that?” their  grandmom asked her with a mocking tone. “Why not grand ma?” Sakshi asked innocently. “ Because before the beginning of every semester we hear that. And its true we always find you busy but not because you are always roaming around with your friends. Be thankful that your doesn’t know about that otherwise you would have been dead.” Hearing her grandmom’s world Sakshi smiled sheepishly. On the other hand Avni sat with confusion on her face.  “Grandmom why would she be dead if Ansh ji got to know about it?” Now it was Sakshi’s turn to tell Avni the other side of her husband.  “Because your dear husband , my brother is a very possesive man. If anything happens to any  of us , he would kill us. According to him I should be home by  8 at night. He thinks its too dangerous for me to stay outside alone. He doesn’t even let mom or grand mom to go out after 8. If its necessary for them to go, then the gaurds would accompany them.” “And what happens if you are not at home by 8?” “Ohh then…” , “Sakshi don’t tell her. She might get afraid,” Sakshi’s mom stopped her inbetween. “ Mom she should know, after al l its about her husband.” Sakshi’s mom could only sighwhen she remembered her son’s action. “Remember during our first year, inbetween for 2 weeks I had to return quickly after our classes and I didn’t hangout with anyone after the classes?” “Yes…” “Well it was because he had put me under house arrest and even my cards and phones were taken by him… After requesting for 4 days I got my phone back but my cards and freedom , I got it after 2 weeks. And if it was the only thing he had done , then also it was okay.” “What more did he do?” “What more? That guy took the whole house by storm… he was so angry … he waited and waited… and when he saw me coming home at 9, he looked the locked the door and made me stand outside for 2 hours. Because of him I had to stand in cold for 2 hours, Thank god I didn’t catch cold. “  “Are you serious?” Avni couldn’t believe what she was hearing . “Do you think  I am kidding?  See our faces and tell are we serious or not?” Avni looked at everyone’s face one by one and realised they are not joking. She couldn’t believe the person who treats her so good can have such side to him. She then remembered its only been two weeks   and they are yet to know each her totally.

In the night after his dinner, Ansh went to his study as he had some work.  He had a new project coming up and for that  he might have to go to New York the next week. He wasn’t sure he would go or not. It is an important project but at the same time he didn’t want to leave his wife and go. As soon as his wife entered his thoughts, he closed the laptop and went to his room. When he entered the room, he found it empty. Instead the balcony door was opened. He went to the balcony and saw his wife totally immersed  in looking the moon. He went and stood behind her with his arms around her waist. Since it was first time Ansh held her close to him, she stiffened. Ansh felt her stiffness and was going to remove his hands , when he felt Avni leaning more against his chest.  Seeing her accept his move, he took held a little bit more tighter. Both stood feeling the wind and each other’s warmth. It was Ansh who initiated the conversation. “When are your classes going to start? “After two weeks?” “So you arre going to get busy after two weeks huh?  After two weeks I won’t find you waiting for me home then?” “Why wouldn’t I ?” “Wouldn’t you be busy studying?” “So? That doesn’t ,mean I will neglect you or our family. Family comes first in priorities and then studies.” Ansh felt good listing to her saying that . What got his attention was her saying his family as ‘our’ . Its been only two week to their marriage and here she has totally accepted his family as her. The more she gets to know the more she surprises him.

“Thanks”Ansh said while putting his chin on her head. She was shorter than him and reached just his shoulder.  He felt thankful that she treated his family so good. “For what?” “Ahh nothing…” “Ansh ji tel me…” he cut her inbetween, not letting her continue. “I need to tell you something.” “Avni lifted her head up and looked at Ansh.” “Ansh to looked down and once again got mesmerised with his wife’s beauty. He can never deny that his wife is very beautiful. “Ansh ji…” Hearing her voice he  came out of the trance  amd cleared  his throat. “I am working on a new project  and I might have to go to New York.”  Ansh looked at her face and saw her eyes ahowing many emotions  which he couldn’understand,. “I wanted to ask you if you would be okay alone?” “Who said I will be alone?  I will be fine. Everyone is there. So when are you going?” Ansh could feel her voice change . He wanted her to tell him not to go. But from much he had learnt about her, he knew she is  never going  to stop him if he is going for some important work. His wife is not selfish. Both stood here looking at each other . They could feel different emotions running their bod. They could feel the heat of each other body. Slowly Ansh  mmoved his face closer to her while continuously looking at her eyes. Avni closed her eyes in anticipation of his next move. Ansh took this as a sign of yes and without wasting any time put his lips on her and kissed her slowly. He kissed her with the emotions he felt for her. The couple stood under the moonlight kissing each other.

I am really sorry for not updating for so many months.... I am back with a big update.... I hope you like it....
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