Zen x MC's Pregnant story


46.9K 880 131

A Zen x MC fan fiction where Zen helps MC through her pregnancy ^^ More

Ice skating
Telling RFA
Bad Dream
Starry Night
Prince or Princess
The truth
The Birth part 1
The Birth part 2
---- Authors note ----
Paparazzi (EDITED)
Birthday Wishes
---- Authors note ----
New role part 1
New role part 2
Psychic dream part 1
Psychic dream part 2

Yoosung's Visit

2K 50 1


It was 2 am I was sleeping when I heard MC suddenly get up from our bed and head for the bathroom.

"MC?" I rub my eyes get out of bed and walk towards the bathroom. She has had pretty bad morning sickness this last week.

MC: "Oh god did I wake up i'm sorry" she was hunched over the toilet. I sigh and walk over behind her.

"You feeling okay? You have been getting up really early because of your stomach" I tie MC hair's back just in case she pukes.

MC: "I'm okay Zen" she sniffles, "I think I might just be sick, And with me being pregnant it really does not help the situation" MC was really pale in the face.

"How about I stay home with you today. I don't want you to hurt yourself especially since you are 20 weeks into your pregnancy" MC sits up and wobbles a bit and looks at me

MC: "But don't you have a rehearsal?"

"Yes but I can always tell my director that I will be absent" MC face shifted a bit

MC: "Zen I love that you are worrying for me but you are the lead role if you miss a rehearsal that could damage your career!" MC puts her hand over her mouth "Ugh..... Maybe you can call someone to look after me if you are that worried. I know this play means a lot to you" I sigh and sit down next to MC

"Alright I can see if someone can look after you but if no-one can I am staying here alright" MC nods

"Alright" We stayed in the bathroom for about an hour MC ended up puking but I got her to go back to sleep at 4. I woke up at 9 for my rehearsal and thought about who I could call to look after MC. Jumin is too busy same with Jaehee and seven so that only leaves Yoosung. I picked up my phone to call him and he automatically picked up.


Yoosung: "Morning Zen! How is MC doing?"

"Morning Yoosung. She is feeling a bit sick"

Yoosung: "Aww really that sucks. are you going to stay with her?" I sigh

"I can't which is why I called you. I was wondering if you could look after her I will only be gone for an hour or two"

Yoosung: "Well I don't have classes until the afternoon so I don't see why not. Besides, I would love to see MC!"

"Alright, that is good to hear. By the way, Yoosung she has bad mood swings so if she says something don't take it personly"

Yoosung: "Don't worry Zen everything will be fine! I can even bring some games for us to play!"

"Thanks, Yoosung."

Yoosung: "No problem! I can start heading out now."

"Oh one more thing Yoosung"

Yoosung: "Hmm?"

"Make sure you eat something before you leave"

Yoosung: "Zen I am not a baby I can handle myself"

"I know I'm sorry. It must be the father in me speaking" Yoosung laughed

Yoosung: "Alright I will grab something. See you soon!" Yoosung hangs up

I was in the living room MC still has not woken up so I decided to wait for her. About 30 min later MC walks out of our room rubbing her eyes, I was sitting on the couch.

MC: "Zen? Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" I stand and look over at MC

"I am running a bit late but I wanted to wait for you to wake up to tell you that Yoosung is coming over to look after you."

MC: "Really that's so nice of him!" MC sits on the couch "I haven't seen him since the Christmas party. I hope he has not changed that much." I laugh

"I don't think you need to worry it is still the same Yoosung we all love." I kiss MC "I need to go now but call me if you need anything alright" MC nods and kisses me back.

MC: "Alright Zenny. Good luck at practice" I blush a little and walk out the door.


I stand up and walk over to the kitchen to get some breakfast, I get toast and some milk when I was done I heard a knock at the door I open the door to see a familiar face.

Yoosung: "MC! It's so good to see you!" It was Yoosung he was wearing his blue hoodie with LOLOL pins on them and jeans. It was not winter anymore so he did not need to take off a coat or anything. I let Yoosung inside. 

"Hey, Yoosung thanks for coming over." I sit back on the couch "I know you take your gaming very seriously." Yoosung sits next to me.

Yoosung: "Well LOLOL may be amazing but I care more about my friends! You guys are practically my family!" I laugh and Yoosung looks over at me. "What's so funny?"

"You really haven't changed Yoosung. I swear you have this superpower to brighten the mood of any room!" Yoosung puts his hands on the sides of his face.

Yoosung: "Awww thanks, MC. How are you feeling, by the way, Zen seemed worried about you."

"I am feeling a little sick but I think I will be okay." Yoosung looks at my belly, I notice and we lock eyes, Yoosung imminently looks away.

Yoosung: "OH! I'm sorry!"

"No it's okay you can feel my belly if you want. You might even be able to feel the baby kick." Yoosung makes a nervous face

Yoosung: "Zen won't get mad right? You know that I touched your belly" I playfully roll my eyes.

"No, he won't be mad Yoosung remember we are practically family, you said it yourself." I grab Yoosung's hand he looks at me and lets me put it on my belly. Yoosung seemed a little scared but after a little while, he got really excited.

Yoosung: "Wow! This is amazing!" I smile at Yoosung I loved seeing him this happy. Yoosung took his hand off of my belly. "Thanks, MC"

"You know you can also say hi if you want" Yoosung looked at me confused

Yoosung: "Say hi?"

"Yea! Zen has been talking to the baby and so have I so I see no reason why you can't" Yoosung stiffened up a bit. "It's okay Yoosung if anything Zen would think it heartwarming that you said hi" Yoosung gulped and put his hand back on my belly.

Yoosung: "Uhh...Hi, my name is Yoosung! I am a friend of Zen and MC..... oh I guess to you it's mom and dad but I hope we can become friends! Maybe when you are older we can play games together! uhh, yea I am excited to meet you and I think the rest of the RFA is too." Yoosung takes his hand off of my belly. "Well I hope I made a good first impression" I laugh

"You did great Yoosung" He smiles at me.

For about two more hours Yoosung kept me company. Yoosung got me water when I wanted some and he made sure I was happy. Zen came back to see me and Yoosung playing a dramatic game of go fish.

Yoosung: "Do you have any threes?"

"Mmmmm nope" Yoosung stands up

Yoosung: "Where are all of the threes!!!!" I laugh and look over at the door.

"Zen your home!!" Zen walked over and sits on the couch arm.

Zen: "Thanks, MC" He looks at Yoosung "Looks like you two are having fun" Zen smiled And Yoosung nodded.

Yoosung: "Yep who knew that MC was so good at go fish" I laugh and look at Zen.

"How was practice?" Zen looked at me

Zen: "good although it kept bugging me that you were sick but it looks like Yoosung kept good care of you."

Yoosung: "Yep! I even said hi to the baby! Uhh, I hope you don't mind." Zen hugged me and put his hands on my belly.

Zen: "I don't mind at all Yoosung actually I think it is heartwarming that you said hi!" Yoosung smiled and looked at me.

Yoosung: "You were right about the heartwarming thing" Yoosung looked at his phone for time "Shoot. I would love to stay but I need to get to class my professor has been on my case about skipping and if I miss a class I don't that would be good news for me" Zen stands up

Zen: "Alright. Thanks again Yoosung I really owe you one." Yoosung shrugs

Yoosung: "Honestly I had fun so unless you have some honey buddha chips you don't owe me anything" Yoosung sticks his tongue out and laughs.  

"Bye Yoosung!" I wave goodbye and Yoosung leaves with a smile on his face.

Yoosung: "Bye!" Yoosung leaves and Zen sits next to me.

"I hope you are not jealous of how much fun I had with Yousung" I laugh and Zen looks at me and turns red in the face.

Zen: "MC!" He crosses his arms and pouts 

"Awww Zenny I was just kidding" I crawl over and kiss his cheek. "You can't be replaced not even if someone offered me $1000000" Zen laughed

Zen: "It is nice to know that I mean that much to you babe" He repositions himself so that I could lean on him. I look up at Zen.

"I hope I mean that much to you"

Zen: "MC I would not trade you for anything and you know that. I would even give my life to save yours" Zen kisses me and I fall asleep on his chest.   

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