You Got Me //Shourtney// High...

By smosh_something

51.3K 942 254

Shayne,a horrible student Courtney,a great student They were friends but her being way smarter than him,just... More

Middle School
What Happened?
Present Day ok?
Not an update
Meeting Up
1st Day
Do I?
Not An Update
It's Over
I'm Sorry
I Love Y...
I Love You
First Kiss
Not An Update
Will You...?
A Date
The Dance
The Incident
The Incident pt2
Please...Wake Up!
Thank You
Afraid To Die
Happily Ever After


1.6K 30 0
By smosh_something

2 weeks later...

Courtney's POV
Me and Noah have been boyfriend and girlfriend for about 2 weeks already
We kiss each other on the cheek,head or hands
But not on the lips
Even though we've kissed each other
Some people consider it as "first kiss"
I don't
I snapped out of my thoughts and resume to 3rd period
It was pretty boring
And Shayne hasn't been bugging me
Which is nice
But during tutoring
He used to be a sneaky,funny,clever guy
And now he's just a guy who's quiet unless spoke too
Except when I try to talk to him he just answers physically
Ex-Nod,Shake,or shrug
I keep asking him what wrong just to hear his voice
He obviously says nothing but I'm not sure what's wrong
Does it have to do with me?
The bell rings and I go find Noah because he wanted to talk to me.
I feel someone wrap their arms around me and kiss my cheek
Courtney-Hey babe
Noah-Hey sweetheart
Courtney-What'd you want to tell me
Noah-I wanted to see if you wanted to go on a date.
I kiss his cheek and we head to 4th period
And his is right next to mine
As I walk into the class
I make eyes contact with Shayne who was staring at me
Courtney-Hi Shayne
He says nothing so I go sit next to him
Courtney-Please tell me what's wrong. We're not friends but that doesn't mean i don't care.Please?...
Shayne-If I told you,I'd ruin everything
Courtney-What do you mean?
Shayne-Nothing,forget it!
I get up and walk away to another seat
We do class work and do a bunch of other school crap
The day goes by and I'm at 6th period
I don't get it, I saw Shayne at 5th period and I saw him go into the locker room
But I couldn't find him
Instead of running laps I go look for Shayne

Shayne's POV
I decided I would change for PE
And then go somewhere where no one else would find me
Or so I thought
I start to cry,not being able to hold Courtney as my own,or tell her how much I love her.

Courtney-Oh my god! Shayne!
She come over to me and helps me up.
Courtney-What's wrong
Shayne-Don't worry about it
I say while wiping my tears
Courtney-Don't play that game right now Shayne. Something is obviously wrong since you are crying please tell me!
Shayne-I love...
Shayne-I love a girl,but she has a boyfriend and she's hates me.
Courtney-It's ok. Don't give up Shayne. No matter how easy it is to give up you have to be stubborn and not give up

I feel a sensation that I haven't felt in a long time...

Courtney wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me.
I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her back
We stay like this for 5 minutes
And it felt like an eternity which I wasn't ready to let go of
She pulls back
Courtney-It's ok Shayne. If she can't see that you love her,it's fine because You Got Me.
As she said those words my heart took a whole other level of happiness
Shayne-Thanks Courtney
We walk back and change into regular clothes
And then the bells rings
I was happier than ever
We walk to my house and well she helps me out
And it was a lot calmer that's other days
She leaves around 4:50
And I lay on my bed thinking of what happened today
I texted Wes if he wanted to go watch a movie with me and he said sure
So I got ready to go pick him up

Courtney's POV
I go home and get ready for me and Noah's date
We decided we were gonna go see a movie around 5:30
He was really excited and so was I
I was finally ready when I heard the doorbell
I walk down the stairs and answer the door
And their awaits my handsome boy.
Noah-Cmon babe
He says trying to act fancy by bowing
We get into his car and we sing all the way to the movies
We bought our tickets
And after and 1hour and 40 minutes
We come out
We hold hands and decided to go for smoothies at the Smoothie bar next to the theater

Shayne's POV
Me and Wes just came out of the movie theaters and decided to go get sandwiches which is near the theater and the smoothie bar
Wes goes back to use the bathroom
So I'm left alone walking to the sandwich place
As i walk by I see Courtney and Noah
All I wanted to do was punch the life out of him
And what made it worse was that he kissed her hand and cheek
I mumble
Shayne-F*ck you Noah
I sit there and I decide to watch them while waiting for Wes
I looked at how happy she was
And how much she smiled and laughed
And how beautiful she was
How could I have been so dumb enough to lose my best friend who I eventually started to love
Wes comes back and we go to the restaurant
Once i drops him off at his house I head straight to my house
I go into my room and text Damien, my long distance friend
He's the only one who knows I love Courtney
Shayne-Hey Damien
Damien-Hey buddy,what's up
Shayne-Were you sleeping
Damien-Yeah but don't worry about it,what's up?
Shayne-Courtney had hugged me today but I went to watch a movie and I saw her with him.
Damien-Don't think about it.
Shayne-It's hard not to.
Damien-Hey don't worry,everything will get better once I head over there.
Shayne-Wait what?!
Damien-Yeah,i saved enough money to get a plane to America and back to Germany
Shayne-That's if you'd like to stay,right?
Shayne-Thanks man
Damien-No Problem
I turn off my phone trying to think of when she hugged me and not about tonight.
I turn off the lights in my room and listen to some music which I eventually fell asleep to.

(Hello guys! Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter.
Very fun to right this one especially at a certain part which I'm pretty sure you guys know..
Anyways don't forget to Comment and Vote! Bye my little pickles!!!!

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