Beauty and the Beast - A Laby...

By SinnerOwl

20.9K 750 120

This story was inspired by art made by Monarobot on Tumblr. ~~~ After Sarah had defeated Jareth, unbeknownst... More

1) Just The Start
2) Fright
3) Escape
4) Ocean Blues
5) Party Time
6) Spotting
7) Cold Hard Truth
8) Conflicted
9) Speak
10) Apologies
11) Much Needed Affection
12) That Awful Sound
13) Consolation
14) Sick
15) Time
17) Without Love, Pain
18) Deranged Evolution
19) The Return

16) Melancholy

761 33 3
By SinnerOwl

Song attached: Never My Love from Sons of Anarchy.


Seven days passed since Jareth had learned of the short time he was left with, and he started to notice the changes in himself. His frame thinned, horns extending as well as his teeth began to grow sharper. His voice became more monotone and rough, and it damn near scared him half to death.

He and Sarah grew closer, but it wasn't enough to break the curse, and it frustrated the Goblin King more and more as each moment passed.

Jareth sat alone on the floor in front of his fireplace, gazing into the hot flames while deep in his thoughts. He inspected his hands and sighed at how bony his fingers were. His hands were no longer elegant and well-kept, and he wondered if they would ever return to that precious state.

A knock at the door didn't even startle him, and he instead sat still as ice and grumbled,


"It's me." Sarah stepped in. She wore an emerald robe Jareth gifted her with, and it was quite possibly the softest and fluffiest garment she ever owned.

"I would ask how you like your new robe, but I feel I already know my answer." He mused. Sarah smiled and fiddled with the hem,

"I love it a lot, thank you." She sat on the floor with him and inspected his gaunt face.

"May I help you?" Jareth grinned.

"Just thought you'd like some company. I noticed you seemed off earlier so I decided to check up on you after last week's little event."

"Ah..." He trailed. "I feel alright, precious." The Goblin King smiled sadly.

They sat in silence, watching the fire and thinking about things. Lost in their imaginations. When the wind rolled and howled against the castle it snapped Sarah out of her thoughts and she finally spoke,

"Listen, Jareth... I don't know what's going on with you exactly, but I know it's not good."

Jareth looks at her with his exhausted eyes and mumbled,

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything. I want to know what's wrong with you. Don't think I haven't noticed anything off about you, because it's very obvious. You tried to serenade me the other day but your voice had deepened and sounded more scratchy."

"I'm sick."

"Yes, but with what?"

The King sighed and looked back to the flames, then back to Sarah once he built himself up to explain.

"I'm very ill. Last week was not some random sickness, I'm...I don't even know how to explain it." He grumbled. "The Wiseman told me that after the past decade I've spent in this form I'm beginning to lose my grip with my past self."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't have long until I am unable to revert back to my previous form. I may become stuck like this forever, and I would forget manners, humane behavior..."


"If I am not cured of this curse, I would become a monster. There would be no turning me back." He stood and began to leave, but Sarah gripped his hand quickly and yanked his frame back.

"Jareth, wait."

And she kissed the Goblin King.

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