Delighted To Love You: A Dram...

By HP4lyfe2020

370K 10.3K 4.5K

This is the sequel to Fated to Love You and picks up right after the birth of Draco and Hermione's first chil... More

Part 1: Chapter 1
Part 1: Chapter 2
Part 1: Chapter 4
Part 1: Chapter 5
Part 1: Chapter 6
Part 1: Chapter 7
Part 1: Chapter 8
Part 1: Chapter 9
Part 1: Chapter 10
Part 1: Chapter 11
Part 1: Chapter 12
Part 1: Chapter 13
Part 2: Chapter 1
Part 2: Chapter 2
Part 2: Chapter 3
Part 2: Chapter 4
Part 2: Chapter 5
Part 3: Intro
Part 3: Chapter 1
Part 3: Chapter 2
Part 3: Chapter 3
Part 3: Chapter 4
Part 3: Chapter 5
Part 3: Chapter 6
Part 3: Chapter 7
Part 3: Chapter 8
Part 3: Chapter 9
Part 3: Chapter 10
Part 3 Chapter 11
Part 3: Chapter 12
Part 3: Chapter 13
Part 3: Chapter 14
Part 3: Chapter 15
Part 3: Chapter 16
Part 3: Chapter 17
Part 3: Chapter 18
Part 3: Chapter 19
Part 3: Chapter 20
Part 3: Chapter 21
Part 3: Chapter 22
Part 4: Bonus Chapters
Part 4: Chapter 1
Part 4: Chapter 2
Part 4: Chapter 3
Part 4: Chapter 4
Part 4: Chapter 5
Part 4: Chapter 6
Part 4: Chapter 7
Part 4: Chapter 8
Part 4: Chapter 9
Part 4: Chapter 10
Part 4: Chapter 11
Part 4: Chapter 12
Part 4: Chapter 13
Part 4: Chapter 14

Part 1: Chapter 3

11.8K 297 148
By HP4lyfe2020

"Ginny what was so urgent that I had to get out of my warm bed at six am on Valentine's Day and rush over here?" Hermione said irritatedly as she stepped out of the fireplace at Harry and Ginny's home. "Your bloody patronus nearly woke up Scorpius and Draco!"

"Shhh! Follow me!" Ginny grabbed Hermione by the arm and pulled her into the downstairs guest bathroom. "I need you to drive me to St. Mungo's"

Hermione's eyebrows raised in alarm. "What for?! Ginny are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine!" Ginny whispered. "I think I might be pregnant again."

Hermione's eyes widened and she practically squealed in excitement.

"Shhh! Hermione!" Ginny replied, laughing.

"Why are we being quiet?" Hermione asked. "Have you not told Harry?"

Ginny shook her head. "I want to surprise him, but I need to confirm it. Will you drive me or not?"

Hermione agreed and they secretly took Harry's car to St. Mungo's giggling the entire way.

Hermione arrived back home from her early morning adventure with Ginny the way she always left Ginny, laughing with a smile on her face. Draco was in the kitchen trying to feed himself and Scorpius. Hermione walked in and kissed both of her men before grabbing a cup of tea for herself.

"Happy Valentine's Day Hermy. You're in a good mood this morning," Draco observed with a smile. "Where have you been off to so early?"

"Ginny needed me to drive her somewhere."

Draco raised an eyebrow at her and she shook her head. "Nothing to worry about."

Later that morning, Hermione was in her office at the ministry catching up on paperwork when there was a knock at her door. Elise poked her head in with a worried look on her face.

"Mrs. Malfoy? The head auror is here and wishes to speak to you; he says it's urgent."

Hermione looked up with a concerned expression. "Let him in."

Harry walked in and took the seat across from Hermione's desk. She put down her quill and folded her hands waiting for him to speak.

"I'll get straight to the point 'Mione. There was a mass killing of muggles in Paris last night; At least ten dead and many more injured."

Hermione gasped. "And you think a wizard was involved?"

Harry nodded. "We know it was a wizard. I've just come back from a meeting with the head auror in France and Germany. This is the third attack in the last six months. The first one was in Leeds and the second was in Germany.

"My word! That's horrible! Any idea on who it may be? Or why they're doing it?"

He shook his head. "That's why I came to you."

"Me? What can I do?"

He handed her a stack of photographs. "These are all from the crime scenes. Whoever is doing this, leaves a sort of signature each time. I'm pretty sure it's in ancient runes but whatever it is, our translators have been unable to figure it out."

Hermione examined the photos and grabbed her quill and some parchment, writing down her initial analysis before looking back at Harry.

He ran his hand through his hair, making it more unruly than it had been. Hermione reached over her desk unconsciously and tried to smooth it back down, causing Harry to laugh.

"I didn't want to bring this to you because I know you've got a lot on your plate already and Draco will kill me if he finds out I--"

"Draco Malfoy does not control me," Hermione replied, crossing her arms defiantly across her chest.

"Don't be like that 'Mione. He's just worried about you."

"He didn't want me to come back to work! It's been two weeks and he's still sore about it!"

"He wasn't trying to keep you home forever but you have to admit, you came back really soon. Ginny just went back to work last month and James is already seven months old."

Hermione gave him an amused smile that he couldn't quite read. It gave him the impression that she knew something he didn't. "Harry it's fine. Give me a few weeks or so and I'll get back to you."

Harry peered at her skeptically before pushing his glasses up on his nose and rising to leave her office. "Okay Hermione. If you say so."

Hermione stood up with him. "Hold on, I'll walk out with you. I'm going to surprise Draco for lunch." She grabbed her coat and followed him out of her office. "I'm gone for the day Elise. Please have Theo complete the paperwork on the Diggory file. Amos really has got to stop charming those doorknobs."


"Good afternoon Michelle! Is my husband busy?" Hermione asked politely as she approached Draco's secretary.

Michelle glared up at Hermione. "He's actually in a very important meeting and has instructed me not to interrupt him."

"Who's the meeting with?"

"I'm not authorized to give you that information Mrs. Malfoy." Michelle gave her a fake smile before turning back to her work.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll be in my office. Let my husband know I'm here when he's done with his meeting."

She was halfway to her office when the door to Draco's office swung open and he poked his head out. "Hermione is that you?"

Michelle glared as Hermione embraced Draco. "Hello darling! I just came to have Valentine's day lunch with you."

"That sounds great! Before we go, do you mind stepping into this meeting with me? We would like your opinion on this contract."


They finished the meeting within a few minutes and Hermione pulled Draco out of his office.

He laughed. "Herms where are we off to in such a hurry?"

"I have a surprise for you," she whispered in his ear. "My healer finally cleared me for sex yesterday."

Draco's eyes widened and he scooped a laughing Hermione up into his arms and carried her swiftly to the lifts. "Michelle, clear my schedule for the afternoon!"


Hermione got up from their lazy afternoon in bed with Draco to feed Scorpius. She was in the library going over the pictures that Harry had given her while she nursed her son. She had half of the first picture's message translated when Draco came into the room and Hermione hastened to cover the pictures.

"Hey sleepyhead," she said to Draco with a smile as he took Scorpius from her.

He yawned and dropped a kiss on her forehead. "What are you working on?"

"Nothing much. I've finally finished the contract for the hotel so we can schedule the groundbreaking. I was thinking April? That way it should be finished and ready to open by the Christmas holiday."

"That sounds good to me. We can discuss it with the board at the meeting tomorrow. By the way, are we still going to the Potter's for dinner tomorrow? Blaise asked me this morning when he stopped by the office."

Hermione nodded. "I don't see why we wouldn't go. Ginny's got some news to share with us all and I haven't seen Pansy since Scorpius was born."

"Okay so we'll leave the board meeting and head straight to the Potter's house."

"Uh, Draco? Aren't you forgetting something?" Hermione asked him with a grin.

He looked at her confused. "Not that I can think of. Am I?"

"Is Scorpius attending the board meeting as well?" She asked laughing harder than she had in months.

"Oh!" Draco said, joining her in laughter. "I suppose he could. Quick muffliato should do the trick."

Hermione stopped laughing abruptly. "I think not! I'll have Ginny pick him up from my mother tomorrow afternoon."

"Whatever you say dear. I still think Scorpius in a little suit would be hilarious."


Draco and Hermione arrived at Harry and Ginny's in good spirits the following evening. The board meeting had gone well and they had approved a date in April for the groundbreaking. The pair was excited to share the news with their friends and celebrate. However, the scene they arrived on was definitely not a cheerful one. Parvati was running out of the drawing room with Scorpius and James in her arms and Teddy with Ravi right behind her. Pansy had her shoe in her hand and was aiming it at Padma who was screaming at Ginny. Surprisingly, Ginny was standing stock still, not uttering a sound. She was angry though; Hermione could see it in her face. Harry was standing protectively in front of Ginny, arguing with Ron. Blaise was trying to keep Pansy from actually throwing the shoe. 

Hermione and Draco were frozen for a moment, watching the chaos in front of them before they regained their bearings. "EVERYBODY SHUTUP!" Hermione shrieked in order to be heard above the noise. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned toward Hermione. "Thank you. Draco, please go take care of our son." 

Draco didn't dare challenge his wife in that moment and hurried off to fetch Scorpius; He knew she was steaming mad. 

"Harry and Ginny, have a seat on that couch. Pansy and Blaise over here, Ron and Padma over there." When no one moved she got angrier. "NOW!" 

After they quickly scurried to follow her directions, Hermione turned her attention to Blaise. "Blaise. Since you were the only one who didn't seem to be quite so involved, what the hell is going on?"

If Hermione hadn't been so angry, she might have laughed at the six people in front of her. They looked like children being scolded for breaking a vase.

"Um. I think it started when Padma overheard Harry and Ginny talking about something they were planning on telling us. She started yelling at Ginny, saying that Ginny always has to be the center of attention or something like that. Pansy got mad because Padma was in Ginny's face but Ginny wasn't reacting. I think she thought Padma was going to hit Ginny."

Hermione held her hand up to pause Blaise. "Ginny, why didn't you react?" She asked curiously.

Ginny glared at Padma as she responded coldly. "My new year resolution is to not allow dumb witches to affect me."

Padma lunged at Ginny but Ron grabbed her round the middle and held her firmly next to him on the couch. He whispered something furiously in her ear and she sat back, folding her arms across her chest.

"Blaise," Hermione said as if nothing had happened. "Please continue." Draco slid back into the room with a sleeping Scorpius in his arms and stood next to Hermione.

"Right," Blaise said. "Harry and Ron started arguing because the girls were arguing and it was just a huge mess! Parvati took the kids upstairs away from the commotion and then you two arrived."

"Padma," Hermione asked as kindly as she could manage. "Why were you upset with Ginny?"

"Because. She and Harry were planning to announce that she's pregnant and Ron and I--"

Pansy gasped and cut Padma off. "Ginny you're pregnant?! Me too! Blaise and I were going to tell you all tonight!" 

Ginny, Hermione and Pansy were soon hugging excitedly and Ron and Draco were congratulating Harry and Blaise.

Padma groaned angrily from her spot on the couch and everyone turned their attention back to her. "Are you going to tell them Ron? That I'm pregnant too?" She asked angrily. "Or does it not matter? My whole life, I've always had to share attention; First with Parvati and now with my sisters-in-law. Does it ever get to be just about me?!"

Ginny rolled her eyes and embraced her sister in law to everyone's surprise. "Oh lighten up Padma! We're all very excited for you and Ron! Come on now; Stop sulking and celebrate with us! Harry bring in some sparkling cider."

Harry gave her a peculiar look but hurried into the kitchen to follow her instructions. He returned a few minutes later levitating a tray with champagne glasses filled with sparkling cider and they all toasted the happy news.

A/N Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Just wanted to let you know that I will be restructuring this story a bit. It's basically going to happen in parts. Each part will represent a part of their lives and there will be multiple chapters in each part. I'm doing this so the story can progress a bit faster. Infant Scorpius is cute but we gotta move on lol Happy reading and please don't forget to follow, vote and comment! :)

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