Trans Boy

By skeletondrummer

37.3K 703 92

The idea of being sent to a 'straight camp' for the entire summer sounded absurd. Nothing about it made the s... More

missing chapters
eleven. swimsuits and binders
idk what to call this one
twelve. accusations don't make friends
thirteen. fun doesn't hurt
fourteen. have some faith
fifteen. bonfires leak secrets
really unimportant a/n ✏️
sixteen. calm storm on a wild sea
eighteen. letters to the dead
nineteen. water is thicker than blood
twenty. just like a married couple
twenty-one. this is all we have
twenty-two. a classic case of teenage angst
twenty-three. going home

seventeen. depression is the best anticure

718 41 5
By skeletondrummer

jesus this story is getting lame. i'm honestly running out of inspiration/motivation and school is starting to really kick my ass. plus it feels like i'm constantly sick so sorry all these chapters are me being super lame.

- - - -

No one really spoke to me. I didn't mind. I didn't want to be the guy who put everyone in a bad mood and made them all down as well. They were having fun and I was glad.

Thus being said, Theo wouldn't leave me alone. He refused to leave me when there was an activity and sat with our table at every meal. He didn't talk much to me, just stayed close and didn't seem to want to give me space. In some way I wasn't sure I realized, he was making me feel secure and it was amazing. It was something I only got from a couple people back home.

We were sitting on a good-sized space of grass by the a few cabins clustered together with some random people. Zaila and Theo were the only people I recognised, and I knew they didn't know the other people, but they clearly didn't care and were fine with just talking to them and being friends. It was impressive how naturally it came to them to just talk to people. I had a hard enough time looking away from my feet to talk to Jango, much less random people I'd never met.

"You good?"

I looked away from my shoes. Theo still had his arm linked with mine and was chatting away with a girl who had cartoon-yellow hair in high pigtails on her head. She had an annoying laugh but a pretty smile and a good soul. That was the best kind of smile-laugh combo possible.

Zaila pushed her hair from her face and deadpanned. "Are you?"

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter."

Zaila rolled her eyes. "Boy, you're all kinds of stupid."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Stop," Theo muttered between talking to me and the girl. He didn't look away from her but turned his head to me so no on else would hear him. She didn't seem to notice. She was weaving a flower crown of daisies and the twig-of-a-boy beside her was supplying said flowers. He was wearing overalls and it was adorable. I hated that they were putting me in a better mood. Why was this whole scene so cliché?

I laid back, keeping my knees bent and stretching my arms over my head onto the grass behind me. Theo moved accordingly. I didn't get why he wanted physical contact with me—especially right now. I was a mess and I was being bitter and ruining all their days yet here he was, being sweet and caring and wonderful.

The clouds pushed slowly from the left to the right, the sun actually hidden by a cabin and completely blocked from ruining my vision. I sighed. I wondered what Maddie and Avery and Mum and Dad were up to. Or what my friends were doing. I was so used to wasting summer at one of their houses, pretending like we were really related and that my family just didn't exist.

I missed staying out past curfew and having to hide from the cops. Or just walking or biking or skateboarding for hours on end with no designation, just going through the city or suburbs until something exciting happened. I missed the shitty fast food we bought in the middle of the night and the horror movies we'd stay up watching, insisting they didn't scare us even though we'd all huddle into one bed. I missed us all collectively sharing one wardrobe and seeing each other in our own clothing.

I missed the parks and the animals and the little annoying siblings. I missed having to ask for rides despite the anxiety they gave me because a movie I wanted to see wasn't at our theatres yet and I needed to see it right then. I missed the days when Mum and I would go to the mall or to Target or IKEA and waste the day because we weren't fighting and it was fun.

"I miss home," I decided.

I hadn't heard any talking in a while. I didn't want to sit up and see if they were all there and I couldn't quite tell if the pressure on my leg was still Theo or just from how I was sitting.

I sighed deeply.

Then a voice. "I miss Waffles."

"Waffles? We had waffles for breakfast like, two days ago."

"I mean my cat, dumbass."

The group—which was still there—let out a collective little chuckle at the strange exchange I'd started.

"I kinda miss the parties I'd have at my house when my parents were gone."

"I fuckin' miss fudge, dude."

Then I heard Zaila chime in. "Fudge? Shit man, that sounds amazing right now."

"With a little champagne. Mm-mm."

There were so many different voices going on but there couldn't have been more than five people here, not counting me. I nearly sat up several times just so I could see who was saying what and have a face to the voice.

I looked first at Zaila, who was still sitting cross-legged. She looked at me and laid down. It sounded like the other people did, too, because I definitely saw Theo moving to lay down. He smiled at me like I hadn't been distant and weird all day. Like I hadn't been acting like a complete dick to him since I'd gotten out of bed.

"Does anyone have a guitar?" One guy asked.

"Bro," Zaila laughed so casually and light-heartedly that it was impressive. "Who brings a guitar camping?"

This sparked a small argument that lasted only a minute. There were three people arguing for bringing a guitar and two for not, Theo not getting involved. He focused on me instead and I wasn't sure I liked it.

"What's that look for?" I asked.

"What do you think?" He smiled softly, focusing on my eyes.

"About what?"

He didn't answer so I didn't ask again. For another few minutes it was just a comfortable, relaxed silence. I was actually appreciating it a lot. No counsellors came to talk to us, no other campers bothered us, no one came. If they did, they were good both just leaving and ignoring us.

A part of me—the part that just felt less angry and gloomy—told me to spark up another conversation. I would have if I had something to say. And of course, before I could come up with anything to say, I went back to being down and didn't want to do anything but sit.

"You hungry, April? I'm hungry."

Zaila sat up quickly and looked at the girl with cartoon hair. I guess her name was April. And I guess she did know people in the circle. More people than I thought, at least.

The girl nodded and stood up. Then Overalls stood up. Then everyone but Theo and I were up and walking back to the kitchen to get food.

"You don't wanna eat?" Theo teased, turning to look at me.

I made the mistake of looking at him. Once I saw his eyes, I didn't turn away. I just watched as he smiled lazily and cocked an eyebrow. God, he was adorable. If I believed in the god my parents did I'd be convinced he was an angel.

He smirked. "You're thinking about me."

"I'm looking at you. That's different."

"Nope," he insisted. "You're thinking about me and looking at me. Different things, sure, but still both happening."

I looked up at the sky again and he laughed out a 'no wait.' So I looked at him again. His eyes were soaked with sparkles and his laugh filled my ears with the sensation of being hugged. Every day he did more and more to me and slowly I was learning not to fight it.

"Stop doing that," I said, realising he didn't know what I was thinking about.

"Stop doing what, D?"

"Stop being cute. Stop messing with my head. Stop making me feel things."

He completely missed the point and asked, "You think I'm cute?"

I rolled my eyes. "Duh. But that's besides the point—"

"No it isn't! You called me cute and it's important."

"Yeah? You know what else is important?" I asked, purposely teasing his hope. It worked well.

He watched me silently, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm tired."

Theo sighed. "Well, that's not important."

I laughed. "Thanks. I'm glad you care." He nodded and reached his hand out, taking mine before I had a chance to reach out for his as well. For a long time, that's how we laid. Not moving, hardly blinking, ignoring the people who passed occasionally. Even in such a shit mood, Theo managed to make me feel happy. I didn't want to, but he was making it happen. So I guess I did want it, if it was coming from his doing.

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