Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)

By Mongenllina

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*COMPLETED/UNEDITED* She had found happiness and was ready to start her life next to the man she loves. Sadly... More



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By Mongenllina


I'm on the treadmill but for some reason I can't concentrate. I've already almost tripped at least a couple of times. The new piece of information is amazing but I can't believe we didn't search there. We only sent a couple of men to pass the area and check for any movement. When they saw that there were no cars or guards outside they searched the perimeter of the property and looked in through a few windows but saw nothing. They said it appeared to be empty and left. We were all so sure they wouldn't be there that we just assumed it as true. I sigh and try to focus on the treadmill. We can't do much until Luca does his part. We still need to know how many men Cobra has and how many of w them are at the safe house with him and if he can, we need to know about Ale's condition. We all try to avoid the idea but he could already be...dead. We have no reason to believe he isn't, other than the fact that we know King loves torturing people. That's the reason we have hope of him being alive but maybe that's just what Cobra wants us to think so he has a better chance at taking me.

I pry myself out of those thoughts and try to turn my attention to anything else and so I focus on Nico's voice. While I've been here on the treadmill he's already called the others to meet at the house. Right now I think he's talking wth Marcos.

"Yeah. That's what the meeting is for."

"No, we still have to wait for the information Luca can manage to get us."

"I know."

"I said I know, we all want him back Marcos but we have to be smart about this." I feel a lump in my throat. I want him back.

"He isn't."

"He won't."

"No, we won't fail." We definitely will not fail. Failure is not an option.

"It won't!" I jump a little at the sound of Nicholas yelling, I had never actually heard him angry and I can feel my pulse rising. He sounds just as intimidating as Alessandro.

"I know...but..." What is Marcos telling him? First he yells and now he sound so...vulnerable. His voice is suddenly so soft and he actually sounds very worried. I swallow while imagining what they're talking about. They're probably talking about what I'm trying not to think about. The possibility of Ale not being alive or the possibility of not being able to rescue him.

"Can we do it at the meeting? I can't do it alone..." He lowers his voice in an attempt for me not to hear but he fails. What can't he do alone? I feel my heart racing. Do they know something I don't? Something about Ale? I turn off the treadmill and walk to Nicholas.

"Thank you. See you soon." He hangs up and turns in my direction.

"Hi little one. Can't concentrate?" I shake my head and he sighs.

"We've been slacking off but how about we start tomorrow? I think we need to sort our feelings out first." He offers me half smile.

"Thanks." He simply nods.

"Let's go home."

We walk out and make our way to the car and I notice Nico is oddly silent. He seems very worried about something and I can't help but feel worried too. What had Marcos and Nico been talking about.

"Hey, Nico?" He turns to look at me.

"Hmm? Sorry, I was distracted. What's wrong?"

"What were you and Marcos talking about?" He shakes his head.

"Nothing important, just the meeting and stuff." He's trying to hide something from me.

"I think we've talked about this before Nicholas. I don't like being lied to and I don't like secrets being kept from me. What are you hiding from me?" He sighs.

"Amber, please...Not now. At the meeting...ok?"

His voice is so raw and vulnerable. I want to know but I can tell he doesn't want to tell me on his own which only makes me worry more. What kind of information could make Nico so worried? He said we'll talk about it at the meeting so I'll wait until then. I need to stop overthinking because I think I'm going insane.

"Alright." He sighs again in what appears to be relief and we continue to walk in silence. I hadn't realized we were already outside. We continue to walk and I take in the fresh air. I haven't been enjoying things as much as I should. I look up at the sky and notice the sun is almost starting to set. Another day without him. I watch Nicholas open the car door for me.

"Thanks." I get in.

"No problem." He smiles but I can tell it's forced. What could possibly have him like this?

I watch as he goes around the car and over to the driver's seat. He turns on the radio and we sit in silence. I watch the trees we pass and notice the sun progressively going lower. I lose myself in the beauty of nature. I close my eyes and try to imagine myself lying down in the grass and smelling the fresh scent of it. A slight breeze around me and the trees swaying with it.

"Do you want to learn how to drive?"

What? I open my eyes and turn to Nico who has his eyes set on the road. I know he's trying to stop the awkwardness and although he took me out of my peaceful thoughts I appreciate his efforts. Besides, he needs the distraction as well.

"Um, yes actually. I've been wanting to for a while now." He nods.

"How about tomorrow?" I nod.

"Ok, but it has to be a promise."


"Please, promise me that tomorrow you'll let me teach you how to drive." It sounds as if he's afraid. Of what?

"I promise Nico, but I don't understand why. You know I enjoy spending time with you." He sighs.

"I know but sometimes there are things that can change." He stops the car and I look out the window and see we're home. I reach to open the door but I feel a hand over mine stopping me from doing so.

"Amber." He pauses as he pulls my hand closer to him. He looks at me but then looks down. He takes a deep breath before looking up again. He puts his other hand over my hand. His blue eyes pierce into mine.

"I need you to know that you're going to find out some information at the meeting that might make you angry at me. It's not my fault but I avoided telling you because I was scared. I know it won't happen but you have the right to know." He pauses and sighs.

"I just want to let you know that I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." I hear his voice break a little.

"All I ask is that you try to understand things. I need you to make another promise Amber." I see the need in his eyes.

"Promise me that you won't push me away." All I can feel is worry. What could be so bad that Nico is acting this way.

"It depend on what I'm going to find out."

"Please Amber, just promise me." I look at his pleading eyes.

"I promise." He nods and gently puts my hand down.

"Let's go shower and change before the other arrive." I nods and we each get out of the car. We walk to the house in another uncomfortable silence. I still can't imagine what he was talking about. I decide it's best to not stress myself over it. I'll find out as soon as the others get home. I just need to be patient.


As soon as I reach my room I let out a groan of frustration. I had been containing myself in front of Amber but I can't anymore. I punch the wall with all my strength and feel the pain. I press my back against it and slide down onto the floor while running my hand through my hair. I've been avoiding this but Marcos is right. She has to know. We had kept her in the dark about her being able to take Ale's place, we can't do that again. I know it won't happen, I won't allow us to fail but if we do I don't want her to have to face the shock so abruptly. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I let the shower start running as I undress. I get in and relax once the warm water hits my skin. I once again replay my conversation with Marcos in my mind.

"Hey Nico what's up?"

"There's going to be a meeting at the house in about an hour. We have information on Cobra's location."

"Really? That fast? That's great! We have to start planning."

"Yeah. That's what the meeting is for."

"When do you think we're going to get him? Tomorrow in a couple of days?"

"No, we still have to wait for the information Luca can manage to get us."

"I hope he's quick. We can't wait too long."

"I know."

"Nicholas we have to hurry this up. He's been gone for over a week, we don't know how long Cobra's thinking of keeping him alive."

"I said I know, we all want him back Marcos but we have to be smart about this."

"Nico, what if he's already..."

"He isn't."

"What if he..."

"He won't."

"Nico, I'm not just worried about losing him you know that we still have to tell Amber what can happen if we fail."

"No, we won't fail."

"What if it happens though?"

"It won't!"

"We need to tell her."

"I know..."

"She deserves to know now."


"We have to prepare her for everything. We didn't tell her about her taking Alessandro's place and you know we can't do that to her. We can't always keep her in the dark Nico! You want to protect her, we all do but we're only harming her by not letting her know."

"Can we do it at the meeting? I can't do it alone."

"Of course."

"Thank you. See you soon."

He's right but I feel nervous. I hope she doesn't take it too badly. I miss Alessandro but I sure am pissed at him. How could he propose to her but not tell her everything that comes with being married to him? I know Alex and he probably assumed that nothing would happen to put her in this position. That's one of his flaws, believing he's invincible. He should have told her since the beginning. I wanted him to be happy and it's great that they have each other but he wasn't fair to her. I reluctantly shut the shower off and walk out. I dry and walk out to look for my clothing. I hurry to get dressed and once I'm done I pace from one side of the room to the other. I hope she understands. I can't have her angry at me. I wouldn't be able to handle it if she decides to avoid me after.

Knock knock

I stop and turn to look at the door.

"Nico?" I hear Amber on the other side.

"Come in." I put on a smile for her.

"What's wrong cupcake?" I see her smile at my nickname for her.

"Nothing. I just came to let you know that everyone's here."

"Already?" She nods.

"I guess they couldn't wait."

"Yeah, let's go then." I watch her turn around and I follow behind her. I feel the dread growing as we walk down the stairs. Once we reach the living room I notice everyone really is here. They all turn in our direction and I can see the anticipation in their faces. A silence fills the room.

"Well, as you all know we have knowledge of Cobra's whereabouts." Amber begins speaking and I hear her voice change. She's still angry at the fact that we took so long to figure out where he is.

"He actually never changed his location. They're still at the safe house they've always had." A few whispers and curses fill the room. I interrupt and turn to Luca.

"Luca, it's more important now than ever that you get that information. We still can't make a move until we know how many people we're dealing with. We also need to know who isn't trustworthy on our side. We can't send you with a team that's going to end up betraying you." He nods.

"What do you mean send him with a team? Where? For what?" I turn to look at Marcos.

"I decided we're going to split up that day. All of us are going to the safe house for Alessandro while Luca goes for Cobra." I watch the confusion on their faces.

"We're going to create a diversion. Luca is going to feed one of the traitors information. We need to make it seem like I'm going somewhere on my own or at least with very little company so they think we're vulnerable. Luca is going to go to the planned location. If I know Cobra well enough he's going to want to go as well, that means the safe house won't be as guarded because his attention will be set on me. While they go on their wild goose chase we go for Ale. Luca is in charge of capturing King and taking him back to the safe house." I watch as they all start to understand the plan.

"We just need to figure out where we're supposedly going."

"We have a few warehouses scattered around the entire country. One of them isn't too far away. Maybe we can pretend there was a problem that you need to check out." I turn to look at Axel. That's a pretty good idea.

"Yeah, and Nico has to stay here to make sure things run smoothly. So, you're going to go with one of us or maybe two of us since it's also just for a day or two." Marcos adds.

"Maybe I can supposedly go. The traitors will believe I am against you and they will think it is even easier." I hear Luca's voice. It seems like a solid plan is beginning to form.

"We just need to plan how you're going to attack."

"Well, if too many cars leave the traitors will get suspicious." To my surprise Blade speaks up.

"Maybe they can leave before on a mission and wait until you leave. Once you do you just have to wait for Cobra to strike. The moment you see them following you call then and they can ambush them." Maddox suggests.

"I think we have our plan then." I turn to look at a smiling Amber.

"We're just waiting on you Luca. We need the information." I turn to look at Luca as I speak and he nods.

"Today I already started speaking to a few people. They all really think I hate Amber so I believe it won't be too hard to convince them."

"Good." There's a silence. We already covered the main reason but we still have to tell Amber.

"So, what now?" Max asks.

"Now... there's something else we have to go over." I turn to Marcos as soon as he speaks. I feel my stomach turning.

"Amber, sit down." Both her and I had stayed standing but we each take a seat next to one another. I can hear a tiny gulp come from her. Marcos gets up and crouches in front of her.

"You remember there are established rules right?" She nods.

"You also know that we didn't make them. They've existed since the whole Mafia started." He looks at me. I know he said that to help her know we don't want any of this.

"Well, being the wife of the padrone or capo as we all prefer, brings many responsibilities. Now, Alex should have been the one to tell you all this but he probably didn't want you to be put off by all the demands."

"You see if anything happens to the capo we already talked about the temporary replacement. However we left out a small part of it." I hear him sigh and decide that I should be the one to tell her.

"What do you mean?" I grab her hands in mine before Marcos continues.

"Amber." I place one of my hands on her cheek.

"If there is a permanent replacement of the original capo you know it's someone he has chosen himself. In this case, it's me." I pause and take a deep breath.

"If the capo is not married, he is simply replaced. However, it's a bit more complicated if he has a family. For example, if he has children his replacement has to raise them as his own. If the capo dies while being married... his wife must marry his replacement." I watched as her face shifted from worry to confusion to shock.

"What?" I feel a pang of pain as she pulls away from me. I watch her eyes tear up slightly.

"Why?" I look at her as she stares at me.

"I don't know. As we said, these are the established rules. We didn't make them, we weren't even born when they were. We simply learn them and follow them." I can see her start to hyperventilate.

"Hey." I speak softly and grab her hands again.

"Amber, breathe. Listen to me and breathe with me." She starts to synchronize her breathing with mine and she eventually calms down.

"It's merely for show Amber. In the extreme case that this happens we don't have to act like a married couple unless we are in front of important people. We don't have to do anything other than pretend in front of others. Besides Amber, that won't happen. I swear we're going to get him back. The only reason we told you is because you deserve to know. I promise that I'll die before I let him die." I see her eyes soften.

"Thank you Nico." I turn to look at the other's faces. Some are sad while some are in shock.

"How about you go get some rest ok? Tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us." She nods at my suggestion.

"Good night everyone." She waves and leaves.

"You did good Nico." Marcos places a hand on my back.

"I know." The rest remain silent.

"So, now you know that we need to get him back. Not just because we love him, but because we love Amber. This isn't just about saving Alex, it's about saving Amber from an unhappy life." I watch as they nod. I sigh as the silence remains. I hope she keeps her promises to me. Tomorrow I'll know for sure.

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