
By EllaAndAnna21

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She's gone. She's gone. How can she just be gone? She could be hurt or dead, who knows. Fox's vision blu... More

Ch.1: The Waiting Game
Ch.2 : Ro Volunteers Her Friends For An Early Death
Ch.3 : Friends And A Cave Makes One Brave
Ch.4 Fox decides to commit murder
Ch.5 Elevators are not to be trusted
Ch. 6: The slammer
Ch.7: Ferraris and Dairy Queen
Ch. 8 Seriously, never give Fox pain meds
Ch 9: Ro almost pees her pants
Ch. 10 Ace ticks off Fox even more
Ch. 11 Seriously, Ace. She's going to kill you
Ch. 12: Very cold baths
Ch 13: Ro enjoys embarrassing people and making new friends
Ch. 14 Ro is secretly a werewolf
Ch. 15: Attack of the jocks
Ch. 16: Aphrodite seriously came out of a disney movie
Ch.17: Don't worry, Gwen and Aviva are still alive
Ch.18: Ro explodes Niagara Falls
Ch.20: Wait! No! Don't do that!
Ch.21: Fo' real, Fox?
Ch.22: Ro accidentally burns her hair off
Ch.23: The sun can not fall from the sky
Ch.24: There's no way that this can be for real, I'm dreamin'
Ch.25: Epilogue
Authors' note

Ch.19: Fox hates Men's bathrooms

11 0 0
By EllaAndAnna21


Kane laid on the sand, clutching his stomach. He twitched and shook, pain wracking his body as he vomited. Once. Twice. Logan stood to the side helplessly as Kane cried out, looking around for anything to help. The river stopped flowing and a massive wave built up-shore. But Kane couldn't focus, couldn't think about that. All he could think about was the searing pain in his stomach, and the fear at what it meant.

He'd been able to feel Xander's pain in a physical way before, but only in extreme situations. He remembered the time Aviva had been so convinced she could carry Xander while she'd flown and he'd ended up with a broken ankle. She'd ended up dropping him from almost two stories high. Kane had felt the pain, but it was nothing like this.

Logan was panicked. "What's wrong? What is it?!"Kane turned to Logan and whispered hoarsely through the pain, "Xander... Empathy link..."

The river exploded at once and a dozen rainbows glinted off the droplets of water. Logan caught a glimpse of red falling through the water. Before the water could crash on them and sweep them away, it stopped and recoiled, as if hitting an invisible wall.

The pain in his stomach abruptly stopped, forcing a harsh breath of shock out of him. Then his body erupted in chills. Cold. He was so cold.

"What the heck is going on?!?" Logan yelled. He spotted a glimpse of red again in the river and knew instantly it was Ro. But something was wrong. She wasn't moving. Then, the glimpse of red disappeared beneath the waves. "Kane, it's Xander and Ro! You need to help me!"

Kane nodded and managed to stand up. They ran and dove into the water, Logan quickly muttering a Greek incantation so they wouldn't be so freezing. His skin glowed faintly then settled.

Water hit him like a brick in the face but he kept swimming. He saw Logan reach Ro and drag her to shore. Kane's wrapped an arm around his best friend's chest and gripped his shoulder in typical rescue fashion. Without his past as a lifeguard, Kane wasn't sure he would have been able to get Xander out of the water. Even in the water, Xander was heavy.

Kane looked back to Logan arriving at shore with Ro, and then turning back to the river to help river to help Kane carry Xander the last stretch of water. They got to shore, Kane collapsing on the rich dirt, panting and gasping. Logan fisted Ro's sweatshirt and pressed his ear to her chest, listening for a heartbeat. Sighing and giving a relieved nod to Kane, he repeated the motion to Xander. With wide, frantic eyes, Logan turned to Kane.

"He's not breathing."

Kane tried to reply, but found he couldn't. His lungs were pinched together, and he couldn't breathe. He felt like someone was sitting on his chest, preventing him from drawing a breath. Was this what it felt like to have a panic attack? Was this what Fox had to go through every time she felt control slipping and her anxiety crept in? 

Logan began chest compressions on Xander, before resting his hands on his chest and murmuring under his breath. Water sputtered out of Xander's mouth, and Kane could breathe again. Xander's heart was still beating. Kane sagged in relief. He wasn't sure whether it had been the panic of losing his best friend, or the bond that connected them that had't allowed him to breathe, but he couldn't think about that. All that mattered was Xander.

"Xander," He gasped. "He's in a coma. Hydra tail through the stomach. I saw it all. I felt it all. The poison and lack of oxygen are affecting his brain. He needs a healer, now."

Logan sat back, as if thinking about how to handle this. First things first, he had to take care of injuries. He trickled nectar in Ro's mouth, then took a swig himself. He shivered from the cold water as his spell wore off, and ignited his mother's torches to dry him off.

Ro was drenched from head to toe, but not the least bit cold. She was unconscious and looked like she would stay that way for a while. He dried the rest of the off too when he was finished. Logan moved to check on Ro again, and Kane was thankful that at least one of them was able to properly function.

Gods, she was absolutely covered in blood. Part of her Poseidon powers that didn't normally allow her to get wet must have prevented all the blood from washing away in the frigid water like it should have. Big, crimson handprints stained the shoulders of her sweatshirt. As far as he could tell, she was relatively unharmed except for a broken rib and a hand that looked horribly burned. It was healed enough that it was just pink with a few large blisters shaped like bubbles. She clutched Xander's sword in one hand, the other held her spear.

Kane finally sat up, still breathing heavily as tears quietly etched their way down his cheeks. "We need to call Fox."

Deciding Logan was probably the best for the job, he fished around his backpack for a drachma. When he found the golden coin, he tossed into one of the many rainbows caused by the falls.

"Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please show me Ace and Fox."



So due to an unfortunate mistake, I posted the chapter below without first posting the chapter above. Kane's little chapter was originally a part of chapter 18, so it got skipped when posting. So I just posted it here. 

Keep reading for more ;)



Fox had a bad feeling about splitting up. For one, she didn't want to be alone with Ace . It's not that she still hated him or anything, but ever since she'd opened up to him and then woken up next to him, it had been awkward between them. Not that he had brought it up again or made fun of her, but Fox just didn't know how to act around him. It was like he would look at her and all of a sudden she didn't know what to do with her limbs and she forgot how to talk.

No. It was better to stick with Xander and Kane. They were the older brothers she'd never had. Well, Xander was technically a few months younger than her, but he more than made up for it in size and personality so Fox just let him call her his little sister.

Xander also spoiled her and Kane by buying them tons of souvenirs whenever he'd gone on trips with his mortal mom and twin younger sisters. She had like a million post cards he'd sent her from his family road trips they'd taken. Even now she tried not to smirk as he handed her a little key-chain with a fox on it. He'd gotten a second one to match hers and had fastened it to his sword sheath along with a keychain with a picture of a squirrel on it. He informed her that the squirrel was supposed to represent Kane. Kane wasn't amused as he had a terrifying fear of the small 'rodentine devils that are trying to take over the world' as he called them.

"For you." She smiled and took the trinket, her eyes focused on his shoes. She couldn't force herself to look at him. She was still so ashamed at the way she'd spoken to him at the high school. She tried to apologize but the words clogged in her throat.

"I think splitting up is a mistake." Fox made her point again though she was fairly sure no one was listening to her.

 Xander sighed again and explained for the third time. "It makes sense. If we all go down in those caves we'll be fish in a barrel if someone comes in from behind. We need someone guarding our six."

"Sounds like a plan! Let's get this stupid sword already." Ace chirped up next to Fox. Fox's face must have betrayed her doubts, because Xander enveloped her in a hug. Too quietly for the others to hear, he whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry for fooling around so much. I know what's at stake, but we will find your sister. I will ensure this quest succeeds. To whatever end, Fox"

Fox smiled ruefully. "Quoting my favorite book isn't going to make me stop being mad at you." Xander smiled back at her.

"Well it always cheers you up, so... But I did mean it. To whatever end." Fox knew it was completely and totally cliché, but she also knew he would stand there until she repeated the words back to him.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, to whatever end."

As they left, Fox smiled, finally at peace. Somehow she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that their quest would succeed. She, Aviva, Kane and Xander would get to go home. Boy, was she wrong.

She and Ace — who were standing where they had a good view of both the cave entrance and the falls— hadn't suspected anything was amiss. They'd just been talking about their families; mostly because Fox hated small talk.

Ace took a swig of water and held out his canteen, offering her some. "Care for a sip? I don't have cooties." She chuckled.

"Nah. I have some from Aphrodite's 'new, deluxe, Mount Olympus backpack for extreme backpackers'." She snorted. "What kind of name is that anyway?"

But she really did like the new backpack that Aphrodite had given her after the red carpet. It could mold into any shape bag, which was super handy for going undercover, but, for now, it was just an average hiking bag.

They knew something was wrong the moment all the water that flowed down Niagara abruptly froze. And that was literally as well as figuratively.

Everything was fine one second, and the next every one of the 150,000 gallons of water just stopped moving and began to freeze over. Even the mortals noticed as they pointed and stared. Fox and Ace shot each other panicked glances, but before they could sprint to the hidden cave entrance, the river exploded. A huge wave of water came rushing for them. She had a splitsecond of panic and worry for her boys under the mountain. That second of hesitation cost her. She didn't have time to move as the wall of water came crashing down. At the last second, Ace stepped in front of her and shoved her to the ground roughly acting as a shield.

One hundred fifty thousand gallons of water hitting her at a very fast velocity, felt much as one might expect. The water was freezing cold and thoroughly knocked the breath out of her. Not an instant later the water dissipated and sank back down under the railings and into the river as if nothing had happened.

Fox looked around her to assess the damage. Mortals everywhere were dazed, a few passed out. In front of her, she saw Ace sway slightly and she barely managed to roll out of the way and attempt to catch him before he fell on her. She failed. Ace weighed at least two hundred pounds dead weight, so all Fox could do was keeping his head from smacking the concrete as he fell.

Great. Just great. As much as Fox wanted to run and make sure her friends were okay, she couldn't just leave Ace here unconcious.

She put her hands on his shoulder and shook him in attempt to make him wake up. "Ace? Ace!" He didn't move.

She leaned her head down towards his face and positioned her ear above his mouth listening for breathing. She watched his chest so hard she nearly got cross eyed, but it still didn't move. She felt the panic slowly creeping in and grabbing hold of her heart. But she didn't let that stop her from what she needed to do.

Her rigorous training kicked in as she put her right hand over her left one and laced her fingers together. She began her CPR compressions right over his sternum and timed her breath with the rhythmic movement as she counted. "Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty. Crap."

She'd hoped he would start breathing before she was forced to do mouth-to-mouth on some guy she barely knew. Sending a prayer heavenward, she plugged his nose and blew two deep breaths into his lungs. She checked for breathing again, and finding none, she began compressions again. On number twelve, she heard one of his ribs crack. She recalled her dad saying something about that being a sigh of good CPR.

After completing thirty compressions, she was about to give him more breaths when he took a deep breath and sputtered. 

Fox helped roll him onto his side as he coughed up the offending water that had been in his lungs. When he stopped, she let him fall back onto his back. He asked weakly, his words slurred, "Did you just kiss me awake? Like Snow White?" before he passed out again. He sounded slightly drunk. She just rolled her eyes and sank down on the ground, leaning against the fence that prevented them from plunging into the cold Niagara Falls.

She fished around in his backpack, before she found his nectar stash and trickled some down his throat. She was sorry for having to break his rib, but it had been necessary, regardless of the fact that it had been painful for both of them. She looked down at her hands and saw bruises rapidly forming on the heels and palms. Deciding Ace was relatively safe where he was, she left him to asses the situation. She could almost see the Mist swirling in, convincing the mortals that, no, Niagara Falls hadn't really exploded, but a freak flash flood had come out of nowhere. The mortal police and ambulances and firefighters were showing up, and Fox knew it was time to leave.

But how to transport Ace? She wondered. She tried dragging him, but that didn't really work. She slapped him. Nothing. Then she attempted to lift his arms over her shoulders. She got a few feet with that one, but then he careened to the side and her grip on him slipped. They both came tumbling down, Ace first, then Fox landed on top of him. She knew it was probably not healthy for someone who'd likely just gotten a concussion to hit his head again.

Then she remembered a technique that Xander had showed her a few times as a joke. It had been funny at the time, learning a move in case you needed to take a drunk person home, but she'd never thought she'd actually have to use it on someone. But Ace was as limp as a baby so she'd have to carry him. She grinned at the sight of him lying there snoring. A giant snoring man/baby. Perfect.

She spread him out a little more and pulled his left arm over his head. He didn't stir. She grabbed his right leg by the bottom of his jeans, and mumbled, "Here goes nothing." as she rolled over him in one quick movement taking his leg with her. She'd tucked her shoulder into the leg she was holding, and her back had rolled over his stomach and finally grabbed his left arm and got on one knee. As she'd done this she had dragged his heavy body over her shoulders and she now had him in a fireman's carry of sorts. He was heavy, but with his weight proportioned the way it was, it was manageable. With a grunt, she hefted herself to her feet and swayed slightly. When she was sure she wouldn't topple over, she took a shaky step forward.

"Ace! Lay off the doughnuts will you?" She grunted as she started walking slowly. They had planned to meet up behind the Starbucks that was connected to some hotel when they were done so she decided to go there. She didn't really feel like being interrogated by the police, so she figured it was a good place as any to lay low. Not to mention that often times when demigods used their powers a lot out in the open, it tended to attract a lot of monster attention. Things were better than they used to be of course, ever since Leo had come up with an amulet that counteracted the 'demigod stench' and named them SMAC, (pronounced like 'smack'; short for Leo's Scent Masking Awesome Contraption). Even though monsters could smell demigods, they had discovered that the smell of some mortals could mask said scents. Leo had developed an amulet that emitted said odor to keep the monsters confused. Outside the Camps, every demigod was required to wear one. And thanks to the combined efforts of the Hephaestus/Mercury cabins and the Aphrodite/Venus cabins, they came in all sorts of jewelry types.

She noticed Ace's SMAC amulet was a small, brown oval shaped locket that hooked onto his Camp Half Blood bead necklace. She liked the idea of Camp necklaces, but much preferred the tattoo that she had burned onto the tender flesh in her inner right forearm, painful as it may have been.

She shivered. If it weren't for Ace's warm body pressed against her back, she would have been freezing. As it was, they were both drenched and the cool, January New York breeze was enough to turn them into icicles.

Fox finally reached the alleyway behind Starbucks, and dumped Ace on the floor. "Sorry, Pretty Boy." She had done some weight lifting with the members of her cohort, but she'd never done back squats with anything as heavy as Ace, not to mention him being soaking wet and about ten pounds heavier than usual. So she just shoved him off her shoulders and laughed under her breath at the muted thump that hit the ground. Scanning the alley, she debated leaving him there and going to check on her friends, but she remembered Xander's warning about going in there with no one guarding her back. Which she was not doing for them like she was supposed to because she had to lug this big hunk out of harm's way.

Right now though, Fox really needed him to wake up. She knew it wasn't good to sleep after you'd hit your head, especially when it was so cold. She nudged him with the toe of her combat boot and shook him, but the big lug didn't even budge. She silently apologized as she bent down and slapped him hard across the face. Ace didn't flinch. Well that was just great. She did however love having an excuse to smack him in the face. So she did it again. The third time she slapped him, he jerked awake so fast she got headbutted in the face and narrowly dodged being punched in the gut.

"Ow! Dang it Ace!" Fox reached her fingers up and pinched her nose, which was now pouring blood. He looked confused for a moment before his eyes settled on her. "Why did you slap me?"

She rolled her eyes. "Because you swooned." Both of his cheeks had reddened from her slaps. She almost smiled, but somehow managed to restrain herself.

"Why did you slap me more than once? And move over you're bleeding on me."

She almost slapped him again. "Well you didn't wake up the first time so I did it twice more. And the blood is your fault anyways. You're lucky you didn't break my nose. I would have returned the favor. Now can we get a move on, please? I think the others are in trouble." He nodded, jutting his hand out and motioning for her to help him stand. She gave a disbelieving chuckle, turned on her heel, and sauntered back down the alley.

Cursing her under his breath, he scrambled to his feet and followed her. As he tried to stand up, he grabbed his chest and winced. Fox remembered how she'd broken a rib or two whilst preforming CPR.

"When did I break my ribs?" Fox tried to fight the blush that crept up her neck and cheeks and failed. She really didn't want to admit what she'd done. It was embarrassing. So she just kept walking. She could tell he was about to ask again, but before he could, an Iris Message flicked on in front of them. Because the Romans didn't use Iris Messages often, she yelped in surprise, but Ace didn't look fazed. Through the image, Fox was standing face-to-face with Logan.

"Logan? Wha-" she tried to ask what was going on, but he cut her off.

"I just need you to listen for a moment. We have what we came for, but we ran into some complications. We need you to come meet us. We're at the bottom of the falls. We found a little wooded area where we can camp. Meet us there."

Ace, who had been silent, piped up. "We'll be there by nightfall." Logan gave an uncharacteristically solemn nod and waved his hand through the mist, cutting the call.

"What was that about?" Fox asked bewildered. Ace took off running. Well Fox was sure he was trying to run, but broken ribs make that hard to do. Fox sprinted to catch up, her long legs matching his pace before she cut in front of him. With force propelling him forward, he nearly toppled her over, but she held her ground. Her words were clipped. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath before answering. "Something is wrong. I've only seen Logan so serious on a few rare occasions, and they're never good ones. He probably wants to tell us in person. So we need to move quickly."

Fox gave an understanding nod. She looked down at her sopping wet cloths. "Fine. But I am not running in these clothes. We need to change. But someone caused a tidal wave and washed away my backpack. What is it with my backpacks? This will be the second one I will have to replace. Maybe I will get a North Face one next. A purple one."

Ace chuckled. "Someday, Fox, I will buy you a purple North Face backpack. But you're right. We do need to change."

Fox groaned again. Checking the alley for random people, she took her dripping hoodie off with one swift movement. The cool breeze shook her athletic body and her teeth started to chatter. Ace looked at her like he kind of wanted to hug her, but didn't know how she would react. Then he grinned like a madman.

"You know, you could just wear some of my clothes. I have extra."

Fox snorted. "Your clothes will not fit me. I can't run if my pants are swimming around my knees."

"Relax. I have a belt too. Let's just go into the Starbucks and use their bathroom."

They argued all the way into the cafe. "Look it's not that big of a deal. Ro has borrowed my clothes from time to time, and yes, they swallow her whole, but you're like six inches taller than her so it should be ok."

"And what happens if we are running and I unceremoniously flash someone, may I ask?"

"Well then after I finish laughing, I would go beat up anyone who laughed at you. Or maybe just charmspeak the memory away. 'Cause only your friends get to laugh at you." Then his expression changed to seriousness. "We are friends, right Fox?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah sure thing, pretty boy. Now I'm freezing my tail off! So give me some clothes. And no orange!"

"Haha. That's what you think, angel." His usual charming grin had snapped right back into place. He put his backpack on the floor and started digging around. For a child of Aphrodite, he was really messy. Finally, he fished out a pair of black Nike sweatpants, the bright orange hoodie with bloodstains on it and gaudy Camp Half Blood shirt to match. She glared at him. "Are you flippin kidding me? No orange!"

He almost looked offended and she regretted being harsh. "What is it you have against Camp Half Blood?"

She looked up and met his condescending gaze. "I don't have anything against your camp. My dad was raised there just like any other Greek Demigod. He fought in the battle of Half-Blood Hill with his cabin. Will Solace's cabin. I just don't like the color. It's gaudy and eye-catching."

He raised an eyebrow. "Eye catching? Afraid people aren't enjoying the view?"

"No, Mr.Son-of-Aphrodite, I highly doubt it. Plus, lots of people looking at me makes me nervous."

He stared at her just to spite her.

"Stop it! Now I'm going to use the little girl's room, while you use the boy's room. We really need to get out of here. I guess I can't argue the hoodie since it has my blood on it, but can I please have another shirt?"

Ace sighed, looking momentarily dejected before a madman's grin lit up his whole face.

"What?" demanded Fox. She didn't like the way he was looking at her; he looked like Ro did right before she pranked someone or came up with something equally as stupid and humiliating.

Ace was back to rummaging around in his bag. He didn't look up as he spoke. "Nothing. I just have the perfect thing for you. I just hope I brought it. Oh here it is." Triumphantly he held up a black T-shirt with silver writing on it that said 'Black is my happy color'.

She glared at him. "Hillarious." Fox yanked the cloths from his hands, and spun around. Horror filled her at what she saw. The six little words no girl wanted to see on a bathroom door. 'Out of order. Please use boy's'

"Crap" She turned back around to face Ace. "Will you go in and make sure there's no one in there first?"

He smirked. "Now where's your manners, Fox? No please for the pretty boy?" He grinned, suppressing laughter. "Let's try, 'Oh, Ace, hottest guy in the universe, please please please, make sure there are no perverts in the bathroom for me?" He finished off the sentence batting his eyelashes and sporting pouty lips.

She almost scowled at him, but the thought of some random shmo walking in on her while she changed made her swallow her pride. "Please?" She choked on the word.

He just looked at her expectantly, making no moves towards the bathroom. He really was going to make her say it. Well, crap. She steeled herself, and with no emotion said, "Oh, Ace, most conceited guy in the universe, please please please, make sure there are no perverts in the bathroom for me?"

A quick flash of teeth before he turned on his heel and threw the boy's bathroom door open. He returned a few seconds later with a triumphant look on his face. "All clear m'lady." She glared at him until he sighed and said, "and I will keep watch. Now go! Our friends need us. When Ro is the only girl, she likes to assert her dominance, and that's never very pleasant for any guy around."

Without another word, she trudged into the boy's bathroom to change. Technically speaking, this was not her first time coming into the little boy's room. She'd once chased four year old Sammy Zhang into one, when she'd been babysitting him. He'd mistakenly thought she wouldn't come after him if he was in the bathroom. He'd been wrong. But last time, a few older boys had also been in the bathroom, and she had only had time to grab Sammy and run out.

She hadn't missed much. It looked disgusting and smelled worse. Wrinkling her nose, she quickly peeled her sopping clothes off as quick as humanly possible. Fox replaced half frozen clothes with soft warm ones, baggy though they may be. Being only three inches shorter than Ace, she only had to roll up the pants once, but they were too loose around the waist; she was thankful she wasn't reed thin like all the other girls at camp and actually had some curves. Ha. She had never been thankful for her wide latina hips before, but she guessed there was a first time for everything. Fox was thankful for the drawstring waist the sweatpants had, but just in case that failed, she wrapped the belt he had given her and secured it. Honestly it was more a sword belt, as it had a loop for someone to put a sword through, but since she didn't have one, it just added an extra random bump in her cloths. Next was the black shirt —she would die before she admitted she actually really loved it— and then the hideous orange. She tried not to gag as she put it on.

Ace let out a low whistle as she stepped out of the stinkhole. "Wow. You look good as me. " He handed her a plastic Starbucks bag. "I smuggled a bag for your wet cloths."

"Just hurry up and change." With a bow, he grabbed his backpack and rushed into the bathroom to change. He emerged a few minutes later, wearing an identical pair of sweatpants, but in grey, and a black T-shirt and hoodie. "Why couldn't I have the black hoodie?" she glared at him again.

He smirked "Because your nose wrinkles in cutest way when your mad." She huffed and attempted a groan like Ro. She failed but tried to play it cool. "It does not!"

He rolled his eyes and thrust a pair of turquoise and neon yellow running shoes at her. "Call me an Aphrodite pretty boy if you will, but I come prepared. I've never worn these shoes." Fox looked down at Ace's feet and sure enough, he was also wearing a new pair of shoes, but his were neon orange with purple detail. "Look just take them. If you run in your soaked combat boots, you will get blisters.

She looked at the white ankle socks he'd put in one of the shoes and unfolded them, examining them. "What's with all the neon? And no low-riding socks?"

Ace gave a long suffering sigh and grabbed the socks she was holding and, stretching the material taught, sliced off the ankle part of the sock. Fox stared at him in shock. "I was kidding."

"So you don't like low riding socks better?"

"Well, I do but you didn't have to cut up your socks."

"Just put them on so we can go." For once, she obliged him. Though a few sizes too big, the shoes fit ok. Especially after he gave her an extra pair of thick socks. She convinced him not to slice and dice them this time. After a brisk nod, he scarfed down some more ambrosia for his ribs and they started jogging at a brisk pace. As much as she hated to run, she'd had a feeling of unease that had started as soon as that Iris Message had. Ace had only confirmed her suspicions. Now as they ran, a feeling of dread settled in her chest.

They only slowed their run about an hour later, when they were both panting hard and red cheeked. Ace took a swig of water from his canteen and offered Fox some. She shook her head. They continued walking at a brisk pace, the sun beginning its descent, making it harder to see. After walking for awhile, Ace broke the silence by asking, "Fox? What happened after the water hit?"

Fox groaned internally and she begged him to ask another question with her eyes, but he held his gaze. She took a breath. She knew she had nothing to be ashamed of, but that didn't stop the blush from spreading over her neck and ears and deepening the color of her face, already red from running.

"You got a bunch of water down your lungs and you weren't breathing, so I gave you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. You're welcome."

She turned her back to him and kept walking. A quick glance back told her his face now matched hers in color. Ace was silent for a moment, but just as he was about to speak, a voice rang out in the clearing.

"Fox!" It was Kane. Relief, such sweet relief swept through her at the sight of her best friend, it nearly erased the dread that had been growing increasingly since they'd been separated. She crushed him in a hug. When she finally pulled back, he averted his eyes and refused to look at her. Kane wasn't one to show much emotion, but Fox had been studying his micro-expressions for years.

"Kane? Kane, what is it? What's wrong?" but he didn't answer her, and instead led them into the makeshift campsite.



Soooooo.....yeah. I never wanted to be one of those wattpad authors. The ones that start something and never update. But here I am. Sorry.

I guess we just kinda lost our inspiration...

But here's what I ended up writing. Anyone get the 'to whatever end reference'?

Thanks for the support!!!


Anna and Ella

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"๐˜ ๐˜ด๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ณ ๐˜ช๐˜ต, ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜บ, ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ, ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฅ๐˜ด." ~ฮจ~ ๐™‰๐™ค๐™ฉ ๐™– ๐™‚๐™ค๐™™'๐™จ ๐˜พ๐™๐™ค๐™จ๐™š๐™ฃ, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™– ๐™‚๐™ค...
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*Completed* *Book Six In The United Series* PERCY is worried. His little sister is missing. Not dead, but missing, and the Garde-tracking tablet is b...