The Special Friends- Year 1 (...

By Lena_G_Scamander

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Two best friends. But not like the normal ones. You see, one's a time lady, Doctor Who's daughter, in fact... More

Chapter 1: Kasey Who
Chapter 2- Earth...and a bit more.....
Introduction (a bit late but whatever)
Chapter 3: Lily Potter
Chapter 4: The Zoo
Chapter 5- The Secret
Author's Note
Chapter 6- The Letter
Author's Note
Chapter 7- Shopping for Hogwarts
Chapter 8- Heading to Diagon Alley
Chapter 9- A Dream Come True
Chapter 10: Diagon Alley
100 reads!
Chapter 11: Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 12- The Train Station
Chapter 13: On the Train
Chapter 14: Hogwarts at Last
Author's Note
Chapter 15- The Sorting
Credit where credit's due
Chapter 16- Friday of the First Week- Part 1
Chapter 17- Friday of the First Week- Part 2
Chapter 18: The Time Lessons
Chapter 19: Flying Lessons
Chapter 20- Letters and Three- Headed Dogs
Chapter 21- Quidditch Training
Chapter 22- First Quidditch Game
Chapter 23- Suspicions about Snape and Advanced Potions
Chapter 24- Christmas
Chapter 25- The Mirror of Erised and Norbert
Chapter 27- Exams and Norbert Again
Chapter 28- Going After Quirrell, the Obstacles and the Final Confrontation
Chapter 29- Explanations and the House Cup
Chapter 30- Going Home
1k reads!

Chapter 26- Nicholas Flamel and Quirrell

24 0 0
By Lena_G_Scamander

Kasey's POV
I wake up a few hours before it's time to wake up and quickly get dressed.

End of the Christmas holidays, I think to myself glumly.  Well, at least I can try out my Christmas present!

I dress in dark colours so that people shouldn't spot me and grab my wings from the cupboard.  I've managed to convince Lily and Hermione that they're just a toy I had when I was younger, and I'm keeping it here because it's a sentimental thing.

I quickly strap my wings on my back and on my hands so that they're attached to my body and; most importantly, my hands.  I flutter my hands so that I can check if the wings work, and sure enough, I float up in the air until my head touches the ceiling.

I grin, loving this already, and put my hands down slowly, which makes me float gently down to the floor, and I climb over to the already open window, and look down at Hogwarts. 

Our dorm is high up in the castle, so the ground is far behind me.

I'm nervous, this is nothing like flying on a broom.  Brooms support you; this is just me.
I can do this, I think.
And I let my body fall forwards.

Instantly I fall through the sky quite rapidly; so quickly that I barely have time to wave my arms before I hit the ground.
Luckily I manage to do it in time, making me soar up to the sky again in a giant arc.

As I fly through the air I grin.

This is way better than flying on a broom.
'Wooo!!' I yell loudly, the realise that everyone in the castle is sound asleep.


As I see a few lights coming on, I instantly fly to the other side of the castle, surprised at how easy it is; birds are so lucky.

I actually see a few birds as I keep flying around Hogwarts, and one of them flies beside me.  It keeps doing that, so I decide to test it.

I go to the roof of Hogwarts and sit down, and the bird follows me and turns to sit on my shoulder.
I smile at it.

'Well, hello there,' I say, but before I have a chance to say anything else, my watch beeps.  Loudly.
'Shoot,' I say angrily, it's 6:50 already!  I need to get back to my dorm before the girls start waking up.

So I fly over to my dorm window and climb in, with the bird following me the whole way back.  As I climb into my dorm and begin to shut the window, the bird tweets at me sadly.

'I'm sorry little guy,' I say to him.  'I'll see ya again soon, is that ok?'

The bird seems to understand and tweets one last time before flying away.

I shut the window quickly and climb over to my bed, just before Lily starts to wake up.
Later in the afternoon, after classes, we go looking in the library again for any clues about Nicholas Flamel.

I've decided to tell the gang about Dumbledore's card rather than let them figure it out themselves.  Why?  Because I am getting really tired of searching in the library during all of our free time.

So anyway, as we start looking in the library again, per usual, I bring Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card out of my pocket and show it to everyone.

'Look at this!' I say, trying to sound excited. 'Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel!'

Everyone gasps as they took it all in, Tom a little too dramatically.
'Oh wow!' He says. 'Who would've expected th...'

I kick him in the shins as a motion for him to shut up, and luckily he does.
Tom cannot act.
Hermione gasps again.

'Now I remember! I borrowed a book from the library about alchemy for some light reading, I never even thought to look in there!'

She goes up to her room to get it, and returns with a book that is probably larger than all our schoolbooks combined, and believe me, that's large!

'Light?!?' Ron manages to splutter out and Hermione shoves him.
'Oh, shut up!' She says and turns the book to a random page.

'Here it is!' She says excitedly. 'Nicholas Flamel,' she whispered dramatically, 'is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone!'

Lily, Tom and I were the only ones to gasp, while Harry and Ron looked confused.
Hermione sighed at them.

'Oh, honestly, don't you two read? You guys explain it to those dunderheads,' she said, but we just shoved the book toward the boys.

'This will explain it for you,' said Lily, and Harry and Ron read it, then said 'ohhhh,' in unison.
'So that's why Quirrell is trying to steal the stone, guys!' Said Lily, but Harry frowned.

'Lily, we're not completely sure that it's Quirrell, though,' he said gently, and Lily frowned.
'Yes we are!  I told you, remember?'
'Yes,' agreed Harry, 'but we only have Snape's word on that.  And the word of a possible suspect....'
Lily cut him off angrily.

'Snape is right!  I'm sure of it, all the pieces add up!'
'But we need conformation that this is actually true,' said Harry.  'Which is why we're going to keep a very close eye on Quirrell for the rest of the day, to see if he's doing anything suspicious.'

Lily agreed on that, but quite reluctantly, and we all started to follow Quirrell around without him spotting us.

It was actually quite hard to do that, since six of us following him around all the time was quite noticeable, and we kept having to dive into rubbish bins.

Eventually it was nearly 9:00 at night, and Quirrell had done nothing suspicious, even when he was alone. He was just talking to a teacher now whilst we were hiding in the cupboard.

I was angry at him; he was evil! Why he had to pick today to not be evil I really don't know.

We all looked at Lily sadly, she was clenching and unclenching her fists and we could see tears in her eyes.
'Just one more hour!!' She pleaded with us, and Harry nodded.
'But only until then,' he said.

The teacher Quirrell was talking to went away and we instantly became alert, straining to listen to what Quirrell was doing.

We heard silence for a moment, but then the sound of Quirrell talking, and he wasn't stuttering.
I smiled.

Thankyou, I thought to myself. Finally, Quirrell has shown his true side.
'Master,' said Quirrell, 'master, are we ready?'
'Yes,' whispered a soft voice in a snakelike tone. 'You have been of great use to me, and I thank you.'
'My only purpose in this life is to serve you, my Lord,' Quirrell whispered back, and I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.
'When should we steal the Stone?' Asked the voice that I knew to be Voldemort, and Quirrell hesitated for a moment, then spoke again.
'We are ready now Master, so I think it should be as soon as possible. Maybe this Saturday, my Lord?'
'Yes,' whispered Voldemort. 'Yes, we shall do it then.'

Then we heard silence once more, and footsteps retreating out of the room.

We sat still for a few seconds, then someone (me) leaned a bit too hard on the cupboard door and we all piled out.

'Kasey, you're sitting on my foot!'
'Harry, is that you?'
'I don't think that's me, Ron...'
'Get off me, Ronald Weasley!'
'WATERMELONS!' I yelled, and everyone shut up.

'Thankyou,' I said sternly. 'Now that we've all finished yelling at each other, can we remember that everyone else is still in bed?'
'Oh...' said Lily, and Harry groaned.
'Come on guys,' he said, ' let's get out of here.'

So Lily, Hermione and I put the necklace on, and Harry, Ron and Tom all went under the Cloak.

As we walked back to the Gryffindor dorms, we were all silent for a while, until Ron summed the whole situation up.

'I know,' I added.
'And I told you, didn't I?' Said Lily, and a chorus of 'you were right's' came from all of us, and Lily smiled smugly.
'Thankyou,' she said.
'Guys,' whispered Hermione. 'Quirrell said that they'll steal the Stone on Saturday....that's soon. Today's Monday, so....'

Her sentence was left unfinished.

'Oh,' said Tom.
And everyone grew silent again as we finished walking up to the common room.

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