Arranged love

By toxicxhands

115K 2.1K 98

He set the world on fire but never let a flame touch her cause to the world he was a monster but for her he w... More

I like him ?
First date
The warehouse
The football game
Wedding bells
Character descriptions
I dont know anymore
You dont care about me ?
You hate me ?
Fight club
A rat
Birthday *bonus chapter* kinda of
Alone with you
New friend
No happiness
Take a bullet for me
"Try me"
Authors note (important)
Save me
Flash Back
Merry chrysler ๐ŸŽ„
Christmas special
Happy flippin' new year's ๐ŸŽ‰
Rock bottom
It's my birthday ๐Ÿ˜‹
Not again
It's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new story?
I have a new story out
Read this
ok wait what

This is really gettin' old to me

4K 73 5
By toxicxhands

Warning ⚠️ self harm
I don not support self harm I wrote this as some kind of awareness if you are contemplating suicide or cutting please get help because there is someone out there lives you and would dearly miss you if died so get help and if you don't feel pretty or loved it might not mean much to you but I love you and I think your beautiful because it's what on the inside that matters not the outside

Adriana pov

I wake up at 6:00 I'm so  fucking tired I don't want to go to school this is some bullshit I get up and do my whole morning routine I go downstairs grab some left over pizza and when I finish I go over to my driver we wait for my sister she gets in and we head to school when we get there and enter the building I go over to the bathroom 5 minutes after my sister runs and tells me I need to see something I walk out and I see Alex and jade kissing I immediately run back into the bathroom

Alex pov

I'm walking into school and I see Jade she calls me over I was curious as to what that bitch wanted so I walk over to her as soon as I go up to her I see Adriana an I'm about to walk over to her but all of a sudden jade grabs me and kisses me what the fuck is wrong with this whore as soon as I push her off of me Adelina walks up to me she curses at me and asks me if I'm happy that I made Adriana cry and then walks off , what is this bitch getting mad at me for its not like I wanted jade to kiss me I'm not trying to get herpes I'm to tired to deal with today's bullshit so I just skip school.

After school

Adriana pov
I'm sitting on my bed crying I thought Alex might actually bee the one these past few months were amazing he always treated my right but now he does this and to think I have that ass whole my first kiss I walk to my cabinet and bio out a small blade I go to the bathroom and look in front of the mirror I'm so fucking ugly that's probably why Alex did that to me I lift up my shirt and cut in to my stomach and then I cut on my wrist making sure to avoid my tattoo I looked down at my wrist I saw a couple tears fall on  the floor I heard the door of my room open I quickly cleaned up after myself and went out tears still falling from my face my sister ran to me my brother soon came in , I heard what happened sis do you want me to do anything, no your just gonna make it worse, ok but I you change your mind , can you guys just leave me alone for a while, of course they say in union , I walk over to my backpack and pull out my phone and my headphones I put on Jocelyn Flores by xxxtentecion , The music starts up but after a few verses ,the music is cut off by Alex calling me I don't answer he texts me

Text messages A - Adriana , Ax - Alex

Al - baby I'm so sorry please don't be mad at me

A - don't be mad at you are you fucking kidding me Alex it's a little to late for that

Al - can we please just talk

A - fuck you Alex I'm done with this

End of texts

Adriana pov
My mom comes into the room , pack your bags Ana  we're going to Russia, what huh what do you mean Russia , well yes pack your bags by the way we're going with Alex wait what , yes sweet heart now pack your bags , ok then .

Alex pov

I'm just about to go to Adriana's house but then My dad calls me al - Alex an - his dad
Al - Privet papa , hello father
An - приветсын, я хотел сообщить вам, что вы должны приехать в Россию - Hello son, I wanted to let you know that you must come back to Russia
Al - Могу ли я спросить, почему - may I ask why
An - нет увидимся через двенадцать часов  пока - no , I will see you in 12 hours bye

What does this old fucker need

-Time skip every body is in Russia now

Alex pov -

I arrive at my fathers mansion he tells me we're having guest over and we're hosting some type of after party after we have dinner since we need to announce something I wonder what the fucker has up his sleeve

Adriana pov

We walk up to this beautiful mansion

This place was beautiful I wonder who lives here guards open the door and we walk in

Me and my sister look around wow she says , ya they must have money growing out of their asses, ya like us says my brother we all laugh we are lead into a dining room and when we walk in I see the last person I would've thought lived here ALEX we all sit down and I end up sitting next to Alex just great , then who I am assuming is Alex's dad starts talking , so Adriana I believe you and my son are already acquainted, yes we are
/ I would call someone who I have my first kiss to more than acquaintance but then again / I think that but don't say it , so Alex's dad well I'm assuming anyway begins me anymore your parents have some big news , what is it I ask , well I was thinking your parents would want to announce this , No my mom says your the host you should tell Alex and Adriana, tell us what me and Alex say in union , well me and you parents are the leaders of the Russian and Italian mafia , wait what me and my sister say , yes I have no idea why your parents didn't tell you this , yes I wonder too at least I know what all those hours of training were for I say while glaring at my parents , well now that you know there is something else I must inform you , ok what is it , well your parents and I defeated the American mafia a while ago but they have come to rise again they are coming after all of us so we have decided to form an alliance .... okay but what does this have to do with me and Alex , well to form that alliance me and your parents have decided to get you and Alex married as soon as you turn eighteen, is this a joke , No , I sigh well ok then , my parents look at me in shock are you sure your ok with this , I glare at my parents not really but that doesn't really matter now does it I say while glaring at them , after a while Alex and his mother start exchanging insults with each other I was wondering why so I spoke up , So why do you guys seem to hate each other, my parents look at me , Adri- my mom starts I cut her off and tell to be quite, well Alex's mom starts I didn't really feel like wasting my time on any of my time on my worthless children since I knew they were going to become monsters anyways wow that fucked up , language Adriana says my mom , wow I say you sounded like a real parent when you said that , all of a sudden a girl walks in and walks up to Alex hey baby Alex just rolls his eyes at her her then she kisses his cheek and goes to sit down but not before looking at me putting on a fake smile and saying hi I'm katana, I look at her and say what was that slutana oh ok she glares at me my everybody but the parents and slutana laugh, I couldn't help let out my own laugh when Alex took his hand and wiped off his cheek,  a little later slutana asks Alex if there gonna have some fun tonight , I chuckle and say wow getting a little thirsty there slutana , after the dinner we have an after party I went out to the balcony to get some fresh air even though Alex told me to stay by him and not leave his side some man joins me he starts talking to me I ignore him until he grabs me slams me on the ground and starts punching he puts his knees on my thighs so I can't move I start crying and he calls me a bitch and then puts his gun to my head he starts talking you are hot maybe I could have a little fun with you before I kill you all of a sudden I hear footsteps and then bang He drops on me dead I push his body off of me I'm to shocked to say anything so I just sit on the floor crying then Alex picks me up bridal style and caries me to his room he puts me down on the bed and goes to the bathroom and comes out with a first aid kit and starts cleaning up my wounds he starts talking , I'm so sorry baby not only for this fuck but also for that insistent with jade , I look into his eyes and see our regrets, remorse, and care ? , no I say it's not your fault I should've just stuck with you and none of this would've happened, no baby none of this is your fault I should've watched you more carefully , I once again tell him it's not his fault and I kiss him , we go to bed I nuzzle into his chest and he lays his head on mines

Time skip next morning

Alex pov -

I didn't sleep last night but then again
what man can sleep after his fiancé was just attacked she wakes up good morning
мое все ( my everything ) what does that mean ( what I just said 🤣 ) I'll tell you later , so she began ummm I wanted to ask you something about jade and that girl I met last night and jade , ok , ok I'll start with jade did you kiss her or , she kissed me I was about to push her off of me when you walked in
, great now I feel like a bitch for basically leaving you without even asking about it , it's ok baby at lest your back now and because of this arranged marriage you never leaving again I  say lowering his voice into a sarcastically scary way we both laugh ok then what about that girl from last night she was just one of my ..... , one of your old whores , ya I don't know why she was here , oh ok then she says slowly getting up if your gonna take a shower can you wait because there something I need to go out and do so I need to take a shower ok then she says laying back down on the bed

Time skip an hour Alex has gone somewhere but where ......

Adriana pov
An hour after Alex has left I hear a knock on the door the door opens slightly Ale- oh its you says his sister and you have a problem no just the fact I'm gonna have to deal with another one of Alex's hoes , I'm not one of his hoes I'm his girlfriend well his fiancé and I'm not a hoe , oh so you telling me your a virgin , not that it's your problem but yes , hmmm I like you , you have a quick tongue and your not a whore we're gonna be good friends , and sorry we got off on the wrong foot I'm Albina Alex's sister , I'm Adriana, is that an accent , ya I'm from Italy , oh cool I always wanted to go there said Albina , so do you want to go do something ya sure let me just get dressed I go over to my suitcase and start in unpacking , ok I'll what outside tell me when your ready , I finish taking a shower I put this on .

I get out after dressing, damn I didn't know you had such a good taste in fashion cause godamn you like hot, thanks Albina you look Amzing, well its settled Alex actually knows how to chose his woman , we both laugh
( this is what Albina is wearing)

So we're are we going , to the club , but I'm only 17 , don't worry Alex owns the club they'll let us in , ok then let's go .

At the club

Me and Albina started drinking I've had to glasses of whiskey I'm a bit tipsy but It hasn't affected me that much after a little while I see Alex then I see him kissing some girl after Albina pointed it out to me damn this shit is really gettin' old to me , I almost started crying but then I decided I shouldn't so I got drunk off my ass instead after a while me and found these two guys bye the looks of it Albina was interested in the guy  but I wasn't really interested in this guy I'm not like Alex he might not care about me but I care about him no matter how much he hurts me I cold never find it in myself to make him feel the pain he has maid me feel but these guys looked like fun so we decided we would mess with them a little but no kissing, touching , etc so they took us to some room then one of them started asking me about myself when I told him who I was he looked shocked then one of them started bothering me but then his brother told him who I was now there trying to sober us up they said something about Alex coming in and one of them took me to some room I didn't want to go with him so I screamed at him later Alex came in and started yelling at the guy then came over and started yelling at me he eventually got to the point were he was calling me a whore , what the fuck are you doing in this guys room , he took me here , sure I thought you told me you weren't easy , are you calling me a whore Alex's eyes widen, No I didn't mean it like that I laughed sure you didn't , and it's funny you of all people would call me a whore since I just call me a whore , have you met yourself Alex your the biggest man whore I've ever met you sicken me I look into Alex's eyes and I see nothing but hatred in them , he screams at me then we go home when we get there Me and Albina go to her room when it's time to go to sleep she lets me sleep in her room since she has to beds in it and I would rather not deal with Alex right now .

A couple days laters

Adriana pov
Alex is still mad at me I've tried being mad at him too for the kissing another girl thing but for some reason I can't I cant believe how ducked up my life is .

Alex pov
I'm not mad at Adriana anymore I couldn't really blame her for what happened or for calling me a whore especially after she saw me kissing some random girl but the truth is I went to the club to get a USB from one of my buddies with vital information on it and there sister my old little toy decided to show up I wasn't really trying to get on any body's bad side so I talked to her but then the bitch grabbed me and kissed me this is the second time this happened , this shit is really gettin' old to me I sat down on my bed I heard footsteps I just pulled out my phone I saw Adriana walk in but then she quickly turned around , wait I said she turned around , what do you want Alex , can we talk ? Sure why not she say on the bed what did you want to talk about, I wanted to apologize for what happened at the club , oh that don't worry about , I sigh you should know that girl kissed me I didn't kiss her the only reason I was even talking to her was because I was there to pick up something from her brothers and because I really needed that USB I had to play nice , oh she says well you don't need to worry about it she says that with a sad smile , what's wrong , it's nothing really, you sure , she starts crying I get up and wrap my arms around her I don't ask her what's wrong I just lay down with her on the bed after a while her sobs are reduced to sniffles and hiccups ......... ( why is she crying..... find out on the next chapter of Arranged love ....... I swear I sound like a robot with this find out on the next chapter Bs 😂 )

How did you guys like the chapter it's almost 3000 lines ( words ) yaeeeee love you guys byeeeeee

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