problems // ben tyler cook

By hyperfxating

86.7K 1.5K 1.6K

in which ben tyler cook falls in love with rosalina brie faye, who has problems of her own More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
final authors note

Chapter Seven

2.5K 51 32
By hyperfxating

Ben's POV

"You finally got the courage to ask her, huh?"

I roll my eyes as Josh teases me. I drop my backpack down on the floor and sit, starting to stretch. Everyone bustles around the room in preparation for rehearsal, thankfully, ignoring our conversation.

"What are you talking about?" I snap sarcastically, smirking.

"You finally asked Rosalina out! I saw on Instagram so don't try to deny it, kid."

"Yeah, I did." I respond, sliding into a split. "And?"


"Everyone, gather!" Our director announces, and the whole cast assembles in the middle of the room. "Before we start rehearsal today, I have a very important announcement. A little birdy told me that our lovely Ben Cook finally has a girlfriend!"

I groan loudly as everyone gasps and cheers. "Seriously? You're all so annoying! I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now!"

"Tell us all about it!" Stephanie gasps, rushing over to me.

"No, I don't wanna talk about it. It happened last night, okay? Let's just rehearse!"

Rosalina's POV

"Hey." Leila smirks as she knocks on my dressing room door.

"Um, hi." I laugh as I brush through my long hair. "You look like you know something."

"Oh, I do know something." She replies sassily. She closes my dressing room door, grinning. "Ben finally asked you to be his girlfriend!"

"Um, yeah. And?"

"I'm so happy for you! You finally have someone who's gonna convince you of how beautiful and awesome and talented and-"

"Oh my god, Leila, stop!"

"You'll finally see how amazing you are. But I gotta go get dressed now." Leila kisses my cheek before skipping out my room, singing a little tune about our two show day.

I pull my hair out of its ponytail and let it billow down my shoulders, sighing. Pin curls are actual Satan.

Before I can even start, my phone rings. I smile as I see it's a FaceTime from Ben, and answer immediately.

But it's not Ben's face that pops up, but those of his cast. I smile, propping up my phone against the mirror so it won't fall.

"She answered!" Sky exclaims, obviously the one holding the phone.

A few people pour into the frame, including Stephanie who promptly squeals at the sight of me.

"Hi everyone." I smile, reaching over and shutting my dressing room door.

"Girl, we heard the news and we're all so excited that little Benny has a girlfriend!" Stephanie grins, bouncing up and down.

"We all wanna get together with you at some point." Josh butts in, pushing into the frame.

"Of course!" I agree instantly. "I mean, you all have rehearsals and I have shows but I'm sure we can find a day."

"Awesome!" Sky grins, then suddenly gasps. "Shit, Ben's coming back!"

"Break a leg tonight!" Stephanie calls just in time for Josh to hang up.

I'm left a giggling mess, shaking my head. I'm glad Ben is going to be touring with people as fun as them.

Oh no. Tour.

Tour hadn't even crossed my mind. Ben is going to be touring America without me. He's going to meet so many new people, so many people who are better than me. He won't even want me once tour starts.

"Hey Rose." Leila's soft voice comes from the door. "Are you okay? They just called places and you haven't moved."

I hadn't even noticed that tears begin to stream down my cheeks. "I'm fine." I take a deep breath and wipe my cheeks, standing. I walk past her and to stage right, keeping my emotions in check.

So much for the joy of finally having a boyfriend.

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