Kidnapped by Chance Sutton...

By Mattybsturniolo03

82K 1.1K 555

I'm kidnapped and then I'm thinking that I'm actually , like literally falling in love with one of my kidnapp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 21

1.7K 29 3
By Mattybsturniolo03

Rebecca's pov

I open my eyes. I heard is super heavy. There is something in my throat. I pick up my hand to my mouth. "Hey, it's okay. Don't touch it or try to talk." 

I look to my left and there sits Chance. Has he been here the entire time?

I touch my mouth again, Chance just stops me. "Don't touch it, its helping you breath. " He grabs both of my hands and holds them in his hands... tight. 

I look right next to Chance and there is a machine is tubes connected to it. I'm guessing those are connected to whatever is in my mouth right now. 

"We will take it out in a little while, once Jake gets back. Are you in any pain at the moment?" 

I nod. "Okay, I'll inject you with some morphine." Chance says and then stands up and digs into a bag. He pulls out a bottle and a needle. He places the needle into the bottle and he takes it out of the bottle. He comes over to me and places the needle into my IV. 

He throws the needle away and puts away the bottle and he comes back over to me and sits down in his chair that is right next to my bed. I hear the front door open and then close. I see Jake enter the room with Anthony and Emilio by his side. Jake comes over and stands right next to me. The bed isn't lying down anymore. I'm sitting up. "I'm going to take that tube out of your throat now." Jake says. He turns off the machine and then disconnects the tubes from the tube in my mouth. "So, when we do this. I'm going to pull it out and I'm going to need you to cough okay?" Jake tells me. I nod my heard. He places his hands in his on the tube. He removes the tape. "When I say, you cough." Jake says. 

"1...2...3...4...cough" Jake says and I do a huge cough just like he said and the tube comes right out.I cough a little bit more. Chance leans in and kisses my forehead. "Rebecca isn't allowed to leave the Team 10 house because of what happen. I'm guessing some people just don't like her." Jake tells me. "I don't think I'm gonna be going anywhere for a while." I say laughing, but instantly regretting it because damn that hurt my wound. "Just get some rest" Jake says and I listen to him. They all walk away expect Chance who is just staying at my side. I lean my head back onto the pillow and I close my eyes. 

*1 month later*

I have been here at the team house for 2 months now. They all welcomed me. I'm not longer treated like a prisoner. Chance and I have officially started dating and the fans are accepting. 

It's been 2 weeks since we started. 

I'm allowed to leave the house now, but not for a long period of time. They don't want another incident like before happening again. 

I'm currently on the couch watching Football with Chance and Emilio. I'm in the middle of them. They both wanted to sit next to me. Also I'm the one who is holding the popcorn. I take a piece of popcorn and I pop it into my mouth. Chance kisses me on my right cheek. I look at him and smile and I turn my head back to the football game. My leg has fully healed also and my stab wound. "Do you want to go out for some ice cream? There is a ice cream parlor down the street." Chance asked. 

"Can I join?" Emilio asked. "Of course you can join." I say. I look at Chance and he just rolls his eyes. I elbow him in the side. "Ow." he says. "Yes, you can join us. Want to ask your brother also?" "Nah, he has a date tonight." Emilio says. "What's her name?" I ask. " Hannah." Emilio tells me. "Oooo, cute name." I say. 

I place the popcorn bowl onto the Emilio's lap and I get up to get a drink. 

*20 minutes later*

I slip on my sandals and I grab the phone they got me. Iphone 7 plus. I've accepted what happen to me. There is no going back. I can actually make myself a good life here. I know they were terrible to me, but what other choices do I have. I could call the cops, but that means I would have to go back to my terrible family. 

I stand up and head downstairs. Chance and Emilio and Alex are all standing at the bottom. Alex decided to come with. He didn't have any plans. His girlfriend is currently filming. She is an actress, her name is Bailey Madison. 

Chance holds my hand and we leave the house. We get into Jake's truck and we back up and we start driving down the road. 

We make it to the ice cream place and I just get a classic chocolate ice cream in a cup. chance get's strawberry, Emilio gets cookies and cream and Alex gets vanilla.

We are going to finish are ice creams at the house since there is a tons of fans here. Chance , Emilio and Alex take a couple of pictures and we leave. 

We make it back to the house. 

We get out of the car. I open the house door and I go inside. I go into the kitchen and I sit on the counter. Emilio is right next to me. Chance in front of me and Alex next to him. 

We all finish our ice cream. "I'm going to use the bathroom." Chance says and he throws his ice cream and I throw mine away also. Emilio throws away his and Alex's. Chance heads upstairs. I guess he has to go poop or something. He likes his privacy. 

*30 minutes later* 

Chance is still not back yet. Alex left to go see where he went. He comes back running down the stairs. "Shit, Chance is... he is.... ummmm" Alex says not able to finish his sentence. Also he never curses , so there is defiantly something up. Is Chance okay?????

He grabs my hand and yanks me off the chair. He drags me upstairs and into Chance's room. "Look what your idiot boyfriend is doing!!" Alex yells. Chance is laying in his bed with someone. What the hell? I take a closer look and there lays a girl. They look naked. Maybe. 

I cover my mouth in shock. I'm so confused. The girl has brown hair just like me. "Chance?" I say. "I can explain..." Chance says holding his hand up in the air like in surrender. I run out of the room and down the stairs. I go into the downstairs bathroom and I lock the door. It's getting harder to breath and I'm crying really hard right now. Would he really cheat on me? Wait... is this a prank???

I can't think right now. I look up at the door because someone is pounding on it. "Let me in." Chance says. "Go away, you stupid asshole!" I scream on the top of my lungs. "It wasn't what it looked like." 

I stand up rushing and I unlock the door and I slam it open. "Oh? It wasn't now? I literally just say you in the bed with another women!" I yell. Chance extends his arm and he pulls in someone . It is Tessa. She is fully clothed. Chance is wearing just basketball shorts and no shirt. What the hell?

"It was just a prank." Chance says. He comes toward me and he places his hand on my arm and he tries to pull me toward him, but I'm pissed at him. I yank my arm away from his grip and I raise my hand and I slap him right across the face. He looks shocked. "Don't me." I say. I push Chance and Tessa both out of my way and I leave the bathroom. I rush into Erika's room. I see her laying on her bed on her phone. She looks up at me. She instantly notices the tears streaming down my face. She said if I needed someone to talk to, I could talk to her. "Come her, tell me what happen." Erika says. I walk over to her bed and I lay down right next to her. I explain to her what happen. She is the only person who didn't know. Jake filmed the whole thing. 

"I'm so sorry that happen to you. They can such bullies sometimes." Erika says. "We can get them back." 

"Yeah, I would like." I say whipping my face from the tears and we start discussing the revenge prank. 

I give credit to @siomobile551 for the idea of the prank. 

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