Jurassic Tale (Au)

By Dinosaur1039

597 11 0

When the gang comes across a strange man, who offers to take them to a park he says is "unimaginable by other... More

Chapter 1: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 2: Arrival
Chapter 3: From one pal, to another
Chapter 4: How it all began
Chapter 5: Kids these days
Chapter 6: Some people you'll have to deal with
Chapter 7: The Tour
Chapter 8: 1 minute
Chapter 9: When hell breaks loose
Chapter 10: Bloody Revenge
Chapter 11: They'd never find his body
Chapter 12: When the World was Simple
Chapter 13: Tree for my bed
Chapter 14: Drama in a Haven
Chapter 15: Hold on to your butts
Chapter 16: Ambush
Chapter 17: Danger in the water
Chapter 18: The Chase
Chapter 19: Raptor in the Kitchen/ Getting the power back on
Chapter 21: The End!/ And a Authors note!
Teaser 1
Teaser 2
Sneak Peak at Jurassic Tale: The Untold Story

Chapter 20: A Hero in a Villian

13 0 0
By Dinosaur1039

The five of them climbed up ladders to the top, reaching the balcony. The raptor shattered through the glass, as she landed down on the desk, throwing the computer off balance, and shattering it as well. Sans immediently, in involuentary response, kicked the ladder down, to make sure they wouldn't climb up. The big one looked at the fallen ladder, and then looked up and snarled. Sans lifted everyone else up to the top of the ceiling, as he looked on ward toward a new ventalation shaft. Another one of the raptors looked up, letters from the imprinted sheets above her, scanned down. She looked up, as she hissed softly, as she went toward a area that seemed to be jumping up and down. Sans went first, then Muffet came next, but was greated with a big surprise. The raptor crashed its head upward trying to bite at Sans and Muffet.

                                 "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Muffet screamed. Sans kicked the raptor twice, before it finally dropped down on her back. Muffet just barely grasped hold of the edges, as Frisk, Sans, and Toriel helped her up as fast as they could. The raptor got up, and shook it off, before realizing Muffet was still there. It leaped, but missed, as Muffet was dragged back up, still in one piece, leaving the raptor hungry. 

                                 "Come on MOVE! Monster kid move!" Sans ordered. He pushed each one of them forward ahead of him, Monster kid came last, as Sans pushed him further. He slowly crawled to another crate, but when he clicked it open. It was actully an exit to OUTSIDE the control room, and towards the dinosaur skeletons. Sans jumped down, grabbing Monster kid, then Muffet, and Toriel, and finally Frisk. The burning daylight slightly hurt his eyes, but Sans was alright so far, until.

                                 "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!" The raptor called. They all turned to their left, there was the big one, she was hissing and roaring at them, as she jumped higher toward where they were. 

                                 "Why you," Sans muttered. He led all of them onto the skeletons that stood next to them. The Tyrannosaur shook, and so did the brachiosaur, but they did not topple over. They clinged onto seperate hinges, and right as they were closer to freedom.

                                 "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!" The raptor screeched again. She had jumped from the area she was at, onto the skeletons, and this extra force caused the brachiosaur, the one they were on, to sever off into different parts. Sans and Monster kid, and the big one, were on the chest, Toriel was on a tail piece, Muffet was on a neck bone, and Frisk was on a small junction to the tail. The raptor continued to hiss violently, as she tried attacking, and snapped at Sans and Monster kid. 

                                "Kid, let go, yeah, "Sans instructed. Monster kid let go off his grip with his mouth.

                                "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Monster kid screeched. He feel about 10 feet down onto his back, when he noticed, the chest bone, which had a string attached, was starting to break off. Muffet screamed, as her neck bone slid down all the way to the floor. 

                                 "AGGGGGGH UGH!" Toriel screamed. She lost her grip of the tail piece, as she fell on the side of her stomach, she looked up, and covered her neck and head up. The tail piece fell all on top of her. The string holding up the chest bone, was loosend just enough to send the whole thing right at Monster kid.

                                "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Monster kid screamed again. Sans jumped off right as the skeleton smacked down, dust was everywhere, and bones were all aorund, but Monster kid was fine. Toriel got up, and looked around, she noticed in front of her, was a white sheet of tapestry, where the raptor had landed. She stared at it fiercley, and then went to help Monster kid. The big one looked up, with it falling down onto her head, she scanned at them, and made a meanicing, stern face. Sans grabbed Monster kid and set him up right, when Muffet screamed again. Another raptor jumped out from the kitchen doors and jumped over the destroyed bones. The five ran forward, only to be greeted with the big one calling out, and roaring at them. They jumped backward, they were surrounded by them, almost no way of escape. They looked at the big one, then turned to the attention of the one behind them, it moved forward, cautious, but hungry, and happy. It's legs spread apart as it walked across toward them, it's claws reached outward, as it opened its jaws to bite down. The five had already looked down for their demise, this was it, the raptor jumped up and-

                                 "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOARRRRRRRR!" Something screeched. The T-rex had broken through the building, and gotten the raptor in it's mouth! They looked up to see this happen, they were awe struck, and dazzeled, a hero from a villian, what a surprise. The t-rex threw the raptor down, it was dead for sure, it layed motionless, as the big one ran up the t-rex's leg and onto her neck, where it scratched and bit off some flesh.

                                 "ROOOAR, ROOOOOOOAR ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!" The tyranosaur screamed. They took the advantage, and ran out through the front doors, where they were greeted with Hammond, Alphys, Undyne, and Papyrus already inside a jeep rangler. Toriel, carrying Monster kid, Muffet, Frisk, and Sans dashed down the steps as they jumped into the rangler.

                                "Mr. Hammond, after careful consideration i've decided, NOT to endorse your park," Sans told him. Papyrus smiled at him, he was to tired for a statment to say. Hammond stared back at him, with a serious expression.

                                "So have I," Hammond told him, and they drove off in the rangler. The tyranosaur shook the raptor around vigouresly many times, until finally, it shook her off in the right position, and got the big one in the t-rex's mouth. She flinged her up in her teeth, and saliva, and tossed her into the t-rex skeleton. Where finally, the banner rolled down from above, as the rex roared the menacing roar, still heard by the gang form that far. When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth. The jeep rangler stopped by a helicopter, as Hammond carefully set each person inside it, as he walked forward, he looked around at the park. A lost cause, he thought, a lost cause no one needed. Sans grabbed onto Hammond's arm, and directed him towards the chopper. Hammond looked slightly frightened, but then relaxed.

                              "Come on, Come on," Sans whispered to him.

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