Troubled Soul (manxman) *Comp...

By tampamanatee

13.4K 1.1K 274

**Please read the entire Sex Ed series before you read this!** *Seriously, this book won't make sense if you... More

One: Cameron/ Hugo
Three: Perry
Four: Noah
Five: Hugo/ Cameron
Six: Gabriel/ Reno
Seven: Perry
Eight: Wes
Nine: Perry/ Aaron
Ten: Noah
Eleven: Cameron
Twelve: Pete
Thirteen: Aaron
Fourteen: Hugo
Fifteen: Cleo
Sixteen: Perry/ Aaron
Seventeen: Wes
Bonus: Andy
Eighteen: Perry/ Cameron
Nineteen: Perry/ Cameron

Two: Cleo

724 54 8
By tampamanatee

Opening the door of our apartment, I yawned while turning a light on before wandering into the bedroom. I started taking the chop sticks out of my hair as Sebastian came into the room and instantly wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but smile as he kissed my cheek, making my cheeks burn with a blush. Even after all these years of being together he can still make goosebumps form on my skin, and make my heart race.

"Did you have fun tonight?" I looked up at him in the mirror on the dresser we were standing in front of.

"I did," I said while leaning into him while smiling. "Do you remember that one Halloween that you had Athena with you? Man, I was so jealous."

Sebastian kissed my cheek again before saying, "I remember that Halloween. Man, I was so into you but I didn't want to seem creepy. And just so you know, I was never into Athena. I was only into you, and I'll always be into you."

I smiled as he picked me up and carefully put me onto the bed. "I would sure hope so, because I'm not letting you go anywhere."

He raised an eyebrow as his dark hair was falling into his face. "Is that so?"

"Very so."

He then leaned down and gave me a gentle yet very passionate kiss. "Mm well, that's good because you're not going anywhere either."

My toes curled as he started kissing my neck, making my eyes close as my arms wrapped around his neck. Now this is a good way to end Halloween.


"Ms. Cleo, can you help me?"

Walking over to one of the large tables in my art room, I sat next to Javier with a smile. He was staring down at his sketchbook with a frustrated stare. His pencil was bawled up into his fist, his other hand running through his curly black hair.

"What's up Javier?"

I looked down at the sketch he was currently working on, and was honestly blown away. He's one of my more hard working students, and he can get pretty upset when things don't work out in his art. The newest assignment I had given this class was to draw what their version of a utopia would be. So far, Javier's utopia was filled with dark shadows and what looked like ghosts.

"I can't get this part to work out," he said while pointing to the side of his drawing. He was right, there did seem to be a disconnect with the rest of the drawing, but it still looked amazing.

"And what exactly is bothering you about it? Talk me through it."

Javier sighed while dropping his pencil onto the table as he put his other hand into his hair. He started describing what he thought was wrong with his drawing. I helped him work through his issues until he was finally happy and smiling.

"Thank you Ms. Cleo, I really appreciate your help."

"Of course Javier. How's everyone doing?"

The class nodded which made me smile, going down to sit at my desk to turn the music up a little. I know I wasn't a normal teacher, but that was alright with me. I wanted my students to call me Ms. Cleo because I wanted them to feel comfortable in my classroom. We usually always listen to music and just have a good time in class.

As I was finishing up writing an email, I heard a knock on my door. Walking over, I saw Mrs. Peters, the principle, standing outside the door. "Mrs. Peters, is everything okay?"

"Just fine Cleo, can you come out for a minute? I have a new student to introduce you to."

"Of course." Turning around I said, "Behave yourself please, I'll be right outside."

With that I shut the door, turning around to see a student standing next to Mrs. Peters. He was standing with his hands in his pockets of his baggy sweatshirt. He wasn't looking at me, instead staring at the ground. I could see a thick mop of black hair on top of his head, his skin the most beautiful dark chocolate color.

"Alastair, this is your new art teacher Mrs. Johnston."

"Hi Alastair," I smiled at him even though he still wasn't looking at me. "You can call me Ms. Cleo."

"Ah yes," Mrs. Peters said with a frown. "Cleo has a different teaching style."

I frowned at her, she really bothered me. Just because I taught a little different than the other teachers didn't mean I was a bad teacher. Mrs. Peters continued to look at me and Alastair before she looked down at her watch. "Well I have to leave, be good Alastair."

When she left I looked at Alastair and smiled. "If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

He didn't say anything, just continued to stare at the ground. As I was about to open the door he silently said, "Please don't call me Alastair."

Looking over at him, I smiled while saying, "Of course. Is there a name you'd prefer to be called?"


"Sounds good Aly, come on in."

Opening the door, I watched as the entire class turned and stared at poor Aly who looked quite uncomfortable. "Listen up guys, we have a new student. Everyone please welcome Aly."

The class continued to stare at him before they turned back towards their projects. The only one still watching Aly was Javier, mostly because he's always the most interested in new students. "Come on Aly, I'll get you all settled up."

He followed me towards Javier's table as I gave him all the papers the other students had. He sat down and finally lowered his hood, as he ran his hand through his thick hair. I watched as Javier started talking to Aly about the current assignment, before Aly started rolling his sleeves up. As I started to turn around, I stopped when I noticed his wrists. Even though they were dark, I noticed scars and what looked like small holes. He must've sensed I was looking at him because he instantly pulled his sleeves down. What worried me the most was I've seen that before, on Perry. I hoped to God I was wrong about this.


When the lunch bell rang, I watched as my students wandered towards the lunch room before I grabbed my own lunch. Sometimes it still felt like I was a student at this high school, but it was alright. I made my way into the lunchroom before sitting down by the other teachers. They smiled at me as I opened my small lunch bag to see a note from Sebastian.

Have a great day love! I can't wait until you come home tonight ;)

I love you.


Biting my bottom lip, I felt my cheeks light up like a Christmas tree while putting his note into my pocket. As I bit into my sandwich I heard Elise, a chemistry teacher ask me, "So Cleo, when are you and Sebastian going to have kids?"

That was something else that bothered me. Everyone just instantly thought I was going to get pregnant when I got married. Not my family, but my coworkers. It was annoying because was that the only thing I was supposed to do with my life? I was happy with how my life was now, and I know Sebastian was too.

"When we're ready."

They started talking about babies some more, making me so uncomfortable I left. I didn't like when people kept telling me I should be pregnant, why are they so worried about my life?

As I was leaving the lunchroom I saw Aly sitting at a table, a blank look in his eyes. Maybe I'll go talk to Perry, I thought while leaving the room with a heavy heart. 

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