
Por _CasuallyMe

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She hated him, she genuinely hated him. He was cute, very attractive, but his attitude and mouth made him alm... Más

Chapter One: Friends
Chapter Two: Bad Boy with Culture
Chapter Three: Or Both?
Chapter Four: Aftermath of a Confession
Chapter Five: Mark My Words
Chapter Six: Ready or Not
Chapter Seven: On the Road Again
Chapter Eight: First Date's a Charm
Chapter Nine: Family Matters
Chapter Ten: Party Like It's Your Birthday
Chapter Eleven: Happy Belated Mothers Day
Chapter Twelve: Confusion and Heartbreak
Chapter Thirteen: Kayla Land
Chapter Fourteen: Elephants in Thailand
Chapter Fifteen: One Year
Chapter Sixteen: Happy Birthday
Chapter Seventeen: Tokyo Part One
Chapter Eighteen: Falling in Love
Chapter Nineteen: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty: Happy Halloween
Chapter Twenty-Two: Anthony
Chapter Twenty-Three:

Chapter Twenty-One: Surprise! A Baby and Lies

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Por _CasuallyMe

Surprise! A Baby and Lies

Kayla sighed heavily as she looked around the venue. It was gorgeous and she was completely happy with how everything turned out... except one particular thing: her marriage. When they first wed, Kayla and Preston were a power couple like never before. They communicated, they expressed their feelings frequently, and they went out on dates. Following the confirmation of pregnancy, they got even closer. It was euphoric to even be around each other, and their bond had grown like never before. However, a month after their doctor's appointment, Preston got a call. When he answered the phone, he was irritated, but he had an obligation to someone that he had to fulfill.

It was Brayden's mother.

After six months in the specialized rehab program, the patients were allowed to ask a family member or someone close to come and talk about their past and attend therapy sessions together. The program directors suggested that the patients selected the one person on earth who had hurt them most. And of course, Alex chose Preston. She had every right to, considering the things he'd done to and with her, and he couldn't possibly say no. This woman had given him a child, and though she abandoned them, he owed her everything. Besides, both Kayla and Preston wanted Brayden to know his mother and understand what they'd been through. They promised to make it work with her as long as she completed the program and she accepted the challenge. They sent her pictures of Brayden often and showed Brayden pictures of her so he could formulate an idea about who she was. It was something they were committed to. Both of them.

Preston was was invited to stay for a total of twenty-one days with Alex and he accepted. He understood that meant missing things with his wife and child, but he truly felt like it was the best thing for him to do. And so did Kayla. Until she got the first call. As she stood inside of the venue where she would host her Baby 'Nouncement, she remembered everything he'd said two weeks ago when they last spoke on the phone.

"Hello?" Kayla answered, not recognizing the number from across the country.

"Baby," Preston groaned.

"Oh my goodness, it's so good to hear from you," she gushed. It had been a week and Preston only got three calls for his entire stay to help with the healing process. He'd decided he would call once every week that he was there.

"You too. How are you? How are my babies?"

"Brayden is amazing. He's with your sister right now. And the small baby in my belly is great too. I'm good. I just miss you so damn much," she huffed. "How are you?"

"Uhm..." Preston trailed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... Being here makes you think, you know?"

"I could assume. It's a deep place for healing, that's why we chose it remember?"

"Yeah, but... I-I don't know. I'm thinking about things I shouldn't be," he sighed heavily.

"About what? You're scaring me babe," Kayla frowned deeply, her heart sinking.

"I-I just keep thinking about those years, you know? We didn't see each other for eight long years. I became a completely different person after you left, Kay. I just... My life fell apart and I didn't care about anything. And then I met this girl and got her pregnant, and she had the baby, and left me. I keep thinking about my dad, about how he left me too when I was younger but came back like you did. And I... Is there something wrong with me? Is there something so repulsive that I cannot hold relationships —"

"You're my husband, Preston Knight. You are a changed man. You don't do the same things anymore, you don't say the same things, you don't think the same things. You are the man you were always supposed to be, you just took some detours to make you as phenomenal as you are. I love everything about you, honey, I wouldn't change a thing," she assured him as she heard him sigh.

"I screwed her over. She's only here because of me..."

"No, she's there because she couldn't stop. Yes, you had a little to do with it, but the decision was ultimately hers. She controls her actions, not you."

"Yeah, but if I could do it all over—"

"You can't, baby."

"But maybe then I would have a shot at a true family," he sighed.

The phone went silent on both sides. It stung to hear that from him, but Kayla was trying to make sense of it.

"W-what?" She asked, flabbergasted that he'd even said that.

"I-I mean that maybe... I don't know," he shook his head.

"We have a beautiful family, Preston."

"I know, I know. I just wish that Brayden wouldn't have to have two mommies—"

"I am his mommy, that woman carried him and left," she argued.

"Yeah, Kayla, I know that I just... She's his mother—"

"I am his mother. I respect her for carrying him, but it's been me and your mother who raised him."

"I know that, you don't think I know that?! I just... it's divided now. And now you're pregnant, and they'll have different moms—"

"I am his mother!"

"They're calling me. Bye," he grunted as he abruptly hung up.

The pain hit Kayla all over again as she thought about what Preston said. All Brayden knew was her, and it wasn't even a thought anymore that she didn't birth him... until he brought it up. She made everything extra special for Brayden so he knew he was always loved and cared for. He knew no different than her being his mother, and Kayla would be damned if she let anyone build that divide between them. She was all for Alex playing a bigger role in his life, but as for her completely coming in and discrediting Kayla's relationship with her son just because she didn't birth him, she wasn't with it. At all.

She decided to stop thinking so much about that conversation and look forward to the good part. Her husband was coming home after twenty-one days of intensive therapy both for himself and Alex, and she prayed things would go back to normal. She hadn't spoken to Preston but for a quick thirty seconds every week for him to see how Brayden was doing. They hadn't talked about what had transpired, but Kayla hoped that they wouldn't have to do it that night either. It was a huge moment for them, announcing their baby to their closest friends and family, and the last thing she wanted was the stress of her troubling marriage hitting her all at once. Granted, she wanted closure and for him to understand how he'd hurt her, but it wasn't the right place, time, or circumstance.

But all that faded away the moment Kayla felt hands on her stomach from behind. She stopped hanging the banner and simply stood there, falling into the arms of the man she had loved for the last ten years. He nuzzled into her neck as they breathed deeply together, beyond happy they were face to face again.

"I love the hell out of you," Preston whispered, kissing her there.

When she turned around, Kayla gasped. Damn did he look good. It was like he had a glow about him, a radiance. His beard had finally come in full force, and it was nicely shaped up along with his hair. He looked absolutely delectable.

"Come here," he smiled widely, pulling her into a crushing hug. "Say it back."


"That you love the hell out of me too."

"I do love the hell out of you," she sighed, hugging him as tightly as he held her, kissing his cheek. "I missed you. You look amazing."

"Thank you. So do you, baby," he grinned, pulling away as she kissed his lips gently twice. "Damn I miss that."

"Me too," she sighed as he kissed her again, not pulling away as fast. "I'm insane about you, Preston... Goodness."

"Can we talk?" He asked, sliding his fingers through hers as she nodded.


Preston led her over to a table that hadn't been decorated with their yellow and white theme, and pulled out a chair before he took his seat. He simply picked her hand up and smiled at her as she blushed. It was as if their connection was stronger in that moment than it had been for the last twenty-one days.

"You look absolutely stunning. And the little pouch is so adorable," he smiled as she laughed lowly.

"That's because I have clothes on. You just wait," she smirked as he chuckled lowly.

"Listen, baby... While I was gone, I did a lot of soul searching. Things I thought I was over, I wasn't, and I had a panic attack. I just kinda started questioning everything between us, everything concerning Alex. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said because you are Brayden's mommy. You love him unconditionally, and he loves you the same way. Alex is just an addition to the love that you founded and created, because trust me without you, it would've only been my mom and sister who cared. You changed me for the better, and I owe you my life.

"With that being said... Alex relapsed," he sighed heavily. "While I was there, she snuck out and got drunk and went to do a line of coke. She called me before she got too high, but it was too late. She got an additional three months added onto her stay. Before I left, the doctors were saying they truly didn't think she'd do it again. All addicts have at least one relapse, and this was hers. It was frustrating, but it made me appreciate who and what I had waiting at home. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and I promise you'll never feel that way because of me again," he apologized, squeezing her hand across the table.

"Your words hurt, babe. It just felt like you were blaming me for not giving birth to Brayden, though I've given all I have to him. And now that I am pregnant, it hurts to think that there might always be a barrier between Bray and his little sibling," she huffed.

"No, no, baby," he shook his head. "No. You all are my family, regardless of blood. In my mind, honey, Brayden is as much of your son as he is mine. I was just panicking because there was so much running through my head at one time. But I'm back here with you, I'm happy to see you, and you look stunning. I'm excited for our baby girl and the focus is on our family. I hope you can forgive me for the stupid things I've said," he replied, his eyes pleading.

"I just don't want this to be something you see in our kids—"

"It won't be. It was a panic problem. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry," he shook his head, hugging her tightly as she sighed in his arms. "I fully accept responsibility for the awful decisions I made. I don't want you to think I resent you because I don't. You've given me everything, and I'm so grateful for that. I am begging for your forgiveness because I cannot imagine hurting you this way again. I'm so sorry, honey."

"Don't let it happen again."

"I swear I wont."

"You're forgiven," she replied, rubbing his back as they pulled away to share a kiss.

"Thank you so much. I love you." 

"How was therapy for you?"

"Great. I ended up handling a lot of my own issues as well as solving some of Alex's. I think it's something everyone should try at least once, being in the wilderness and getting in touch with yourself. I did go home and shower before I came here though," he grinned at her as she laughed lowly.

"I love your yellow shirt. I'm so excited to tell everyone," she gushed as he moved closer, setting his hand on her stomach.

"I still can't believe we're having a baby," he sighed, meeting her eyes. "Give me a kiss."

"No," she shook her head with a giggle.

"Give me my kisses," he groaned, kissing on her cheek multiple times as she laughed loudly.

"Here! Goodness!" She laughed as she kissed his lips like she wanted to, their tongues meeting for the first time in twenty one days.

And damn it felt good.

"Love you," he whispered with a wink, pulling away before it got too heated.

"Love you more. Now, we have an hour so I need you to finish helping set up," she said, pecking him again as they stood and got to work.

The party was in full swing around an hour later. Preston wore his yellow shirt and gray pants combo, Kayla wore her yellow dress, and Brayden wore an outfit similar to his dad's but reversed. They looked adorable in their clothes and took a ton of pictures during the party. There were less than twenty people there, only family and very close friends. Everyone assumed it was just a get together due to the decorations being as general as possible. There were yellow flowers placed around the event space, lanterns hanging, and other things but nothing screamed "Surprise! We're pregnant!"

Except of course the banner that was waiting to be dropped.

As everyone mingled and laughed with each other, Karen looked over and saw her daughter playing with Christiana, her god daughter. She smiled and shook her head, knowing exactly what was going on. She had been thinking it for two weeks, but she was certain now. Her baby girl was pregnant. And she couldn't be happier. Karen could tell she had gained a little weight, and she was starting to cling to children like never before. Because she worked with many children, Kayla was always gushing over them, but the last few weeks had been kicked up a notch. If she was out shopping and saw a baby, she would stop its parents and ask to hold it. She couldn't stand to be away from Brayden for a single moment. Her mother knew immediately when she noticed how attached she had become to seeing her little brother and keeping her son with her virtually 24/7. It was evident to her, but she wasn't going to say no to a family and friend get together.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Carrie whispered to her son's mother-in-law.

"The same thing I am," Karen replied.

"She's pregnant," they said at the same time, eyeing Kayla as she walked around with Brayden on her hip as she had all afternoon.

"Call it a mother's intuition," shrugged Carrie. "I wonder how long they've known. Pres doesn't usually keep anything from me, neither does Kay."

"Yeah, they don't keep anything from me either. Hmm... I wonder if Heather knows too, or Erica. I guess not since they threw this party," Karen nodded, sipping her wine.

"Well, here's to continuing to be the greatest grandmas on the planet," Carrie grinned as they clinked glasses together, downing their drinks.

"Everyone!" Preston called as everyone paused their talking and game-playing to look at the couple as they stood with Brayden. "I just wanted to say thank you for coming out. Thanks for celebrating my return home and you all being here for me."

"And thanks for being here for me while he was gone. Uhm... There's something else, too," Kayla blushed, looking to her right as she nodded to a waiter.

"Surprise! We're pregnant!" They shouted in unison as the banner behind them fell and balloons fell from the ceiling.

Everyone went wild as they screamed and clapped. Erica couldn't get to her best friend fast enough as she pushed people out of the way. She yanked Kayla in her arms and screeched loudly as they hugged each other, both surprised and happy.

"Oh my god! We're having a baby!" She yelled, kissing Kayla's cheek again and again.

"And you are the godmother," she smiled back as her eyes watered. "We've been best friends since we were four and we're finally here. I'm pregnant!"

"Ahh!" Erica yelled as she began crying too. "I can't believe this. So what's the sex?"

"We don't know yet," Preston shrugged as everyone crowded around them, touching her belly.

"We won't find out for another month. We're really anticipating it," she smiled widely as they all cooed at her.

"Well I want another boy. Congrats, baby," Karen smiled, hugging her daughter.

"Yes, congrats!" Malcolm agreed, hugging her as well. "Although I want a baby girl."

"Me too," Preston smiled, kissing his wife's head.

"You're not too surprised," Kayla mentioned to her parents as they shrugged.

"I figured you were a few weeks ago. How far along are you?" Her mom asked, touching her pouch.

"Twelve weeks tomorrow."

"Wow. I can't believe my baby is having a baby," Carrie cooed as she hugged Kayla and Preston, followed by Preston Sr.


"I was talking to Kayla," Carrie winked at her son as she kissed his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Heather said as she joined in on the love too.

"We wanted it to be a secret between us. Now the family knows and we have to keep it a secret until we know the sex," Kayla defended herself. "But I would love if you helped me decorate the baby's nursery. You're the best at picking out stuff and I know you probably could make an amazing mural for the baby."

"Of course I will! I have to say though, I want a baby girl," she smiled widely, touching her sister-in-law's belly.

"Raise your hand if you want a girl?" Preston asked their family as literally every hand went up.

"MJ, you're supposed to be on my team," Kayla groaned as her little brother hugged her waist.

"I'm an uncle to a nephew. I wanna be an uncle to a niece now," he smiled as his sister kissed his head.

"Congrats, sister," Samaad grinned. "I do see you having a baby girl next. Sorry."

"Well, I guess I'm outnumbered. Now, like Preston was saying, it'll be a secret until we find out the sex. No one else knows besides the people in this room. We just want the privacy and to share this moment when everyone first," Kayla said as her family nodded.

"Well, let's toast to the new family member! Salud!" Shouted Preston Sr. as everyone raised their glasses.

"Salud!" Everyone shouted back, toasting.


Preston kissed Kayla's stomach as they laid in bed together, thinking over their day. Following their party, the small family returned home and enjoyed a quiet night together. Brayden went down earlier than usual, due to him being absolutely wiped out, which left the couple to make up for a lot of lost time. They first had a much needed talk about what happened while he was in Connecticut with his ex. They didn't touch, kiss, or have sex. They attended therapy and left with a friendship, which Kayla was fine with. After they had some much needed closure, the night was theirs. The sex was beyond incredible. It didn't last as long as usual because it had been so long neither of them could hold on. But for the time they were joined together, neither of them could breathe without letting out a moan. They knew they had to stop when Kayla was panting harder than usual due to the baby bump and Preston didn't want to hurt her. They did one more round, showered, and now they were cuddling up in their bed.

Kayla had been right earlier. Her belly looked poutier without clothes, and Preston couldn't get over how cute it was. When he left, her stomach was still little, but now that he had been gone, it protruded enough to see she was pregnant. He couldn't help snapping pictures of it as he kissed on it and smiled. It was their baby. They had created her together... or so he hoped it was a her. The more he kissed on his bride, the more he just knew that their baby was a girl. He could simply feel it. However, another part of him was hoping it was a boy so he could convince Kayla to try for a girl, and then he would have three babies. He'd always wanted a big family, but he wasn't sure about his wife. So he decided to ask her.

"Babe?" He mumbled, kissing her stomach once more before pulling her shirt down.

"Mhm?" She hummed back, reading an article about the baby's growing process on her iPad.

"You've never told me how many babies you want," he replied, pulling her under his arm as she laid on his chest.

"That's because I don't know," she answered nonchalantly.

"How can you not know? Are you not thinking about it?"

"Of course I am," she grunted, setting down her tablet. "I just don't want to put a number on it because what if we exceed that? Or what if we never reach it? We'll just stop when we have had enough. We don't have to know anything now, that's the beauty of life. I say we enjoy this pregnancy, and if and when we feel it's right, we make another baby."

"That makes sense... I want four," he smirked as she laughed lowly.

"I'm not saying anything. Again, we'll see," she nodded as she kissed his lips gently. "Pres..."

"Mhm?" He asked, rubbing his nose on her neck.

"Is it too early to think about names?"

"I want a gender-neutral name."

"Oh good, me too... How about Bentley?"

"You already picked the name, you just wanted my approval," he chuckled, sitting up to meet her eyes.

"Well, I had a lot of alone time for twenty-one days. I kinda picked out a few names I liked."

"And Bentley is one?"

"Yes! Imagine having a baby girl Bentley? That's so cute," she smiled widely as he nodded.

"So you're on the girl train now?"

"Kinda. I mean, no matter what the sex, we're gonna try again."

"So now you are counting babies—"

"Not giving us a cap, just saying at least one more. Do you not want another baby with me?" She scoffed.

"You're trying to make me feel like I hurt your feelings so I'll agree to the name," Preston pointed out as she pouted her bottom lip out. "You got me."

"So Bentley?!" She gasped as he laughed loudly.

"Yes, baby. Bentley and Brayden. It's adorable," he agreed as he kissed the top of her head. "Our next baby can be Bradley."

"I don't like that name."


"I went out on a date with a guy named Bradley once. He made me pay for everything and thought I would sleep with him on the first date," she shrugged, snuggling into his chest.

"Did you?" He smirked.

"No! Shut up! You know you're the only person who has put their penis in me," Kayla frowned, shaking her head at her husband's behavior.

"Just checking, baby," he chuckled.

"Do you think Brayden will adjust well?"

"I think he'll be an awesome big brother. I don't know if he'll do well with Bentley getting all the attention, but he'll grow to love her. It's a girl, you know?" He said, meeting her eyes as she laughed.

"I still have hope for another boy."

"Yeah, I'm sure you do. Listen, baby, I—" Preston paused as his phone rang. "Dammit."

"Who is it?"

"Nothing, baby. I'll be back," he said as he stood from the bed with his phone in his hand.

Preston walked out of his bedroom and into the guest room down the hall before answering the very important phone call.

"Tony. What's going on?" He said, taking a deep breath.

"Uhm..." trailed Tony. "Listen, Pres. I need some money, okay? I'm hurting real bad. I need about five hundred grand. I figure I should move, right? L.A. is kind of crazy and I got people looking everywhere for me. I can't stay here, man."

"Where are you?" Preston asked, frustrated already.

"I thought some guys were following me so I ran home. So can you help me or not?" He asked desperately.

"I can't give you money, Tony. Last time you blew it on gambling."

"I've been to meetings, man. I'm sober sixty days."

"Well..." Preston trailed. "Listen, I can't give you that much, but I can see what I can do."

"Well, you've been helping my sister out a lot too, and I'm grateful. This is the last favor, I swear," Tony said frantically.

"Ugh... Fine. I'll send a car to pick you up in the morning. You are to go straight to my office at the rec center and I'll meet you there. Okay? Straight there," he instructed.

"Thanks, man. I owe you one."

"Damn straight," Preston groaned as he hung up the phone.

Taking a deep breath, Preston stood after ending his call and headed back to his room. He had no choice but to tell Kayla that they'd be having an unexpected guest for an undetermined amount of time... but he certainly wasn't going to tell her who it was until the next day. He was hoping some sleep would help him figure out how to explain the situation. Either way he knew she'd be upset, but he sincerely had the best intentions. Things just didn't turn out the way he thought they would. He took another deep breath as he stood outside the bedroom before coming in fully to see his wife watching Friends reruns. She looked up and smiled widely at him and his heart broke into a million pieces. That woman loved him more than anything else on the planet, and he loved her the same.

"Who was that?" She asked as he slid in bed with her, holding her closely as she snuggled on his bare chest. 

"A friend of mine. His apartment is getting some work done and he needs a place to stay," he mentioned as she nodded.

"Oh. Someone I know?"

"No, you've never met him. I know him from when I was a kid in south Alabama."

"Oh. Well, tomorrow I'm taking Brayden to my dad's so he can watch him for the day since his babysitter has a family thing. I only have one case tomorrow in court, and I took the rest of the day to spend with you, so don't work too hard. Okay?" Kayla said as she smiled hard at him. "I missed my baby so much."

"I missed you too," he cooed, kissing her lips twice. "Goodnight, Mrs. Knight."

"Goodnight," she yawned, kissing the tattoo on his chest before falling asleep in his arms.

As Preston held her, the guilt ate him up. He had to tell her the truth the next day. He couldn't hide it from her anymore. She had to know.


Preston's eyes jolted open as he felt a hand touching his penis. His eyes found his wife's as she smirked at him before kissing his tip. As much as Preston wanted to stay in bed and receive whatever she was prepared to give him, he had to send a car to pick up Tony and meet him at work. He flinched as he felt her kiss it again before sliding her mouth all the way down. Preston clinched the sheets in his hand and moaned loudly as she met his eyes again. He shook his head but nothing was coming out of his mouth. He physically couldn't tell her to stop because he didn't want her to. After twenty-one days, getting head from his wife seemed like a great welcome home present, but he only had so long to get everything set up while she was working, and this was eating away at his time. But still, as she slid her mouth slowly onto and slowly off of, Preston couldn't do anything but moan and grip the sheets. The minute she came up for air and started pinching and licking nipples, he knew he had to stop her. His nipples were his weak spot, and that's when he knew: she had a mission. This wasn't just head. This was head, followed by more head, and more head after that. She got into those moods and he loved it, as any man would, but he couldn't afford to lose an hour with her pleasuring him... as good as it felt.

"Baby," Preston grunted as she kissed his neck.

"Welcome home," she whispered, grabbing between his legs as his hips bucked.

"Fuck..." he trailed as she kissed down his body, teasing his tip. "Kayla, we have to stop."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "You were gone for three weeks. Bray is sound asleep, and I don't have to get up for an hour. We're fine."

"But babe—" he began but was cut off by her nibbling on his testicles. "Shit."

"Mhm. Let mama take care of you," she said before she slid her mouth back onto his dick. "Mama's good for you, yes?"

"Yes..." he trailed, throwing his head back onto the sheets. "Kay, we have to stop."

"Why?" She asked, continuing to bob her head up and down.

"I-I... Dammit!" he cursed loudly as she took his entire length and gagged on it. "That feels so good, baby. Ungh!"

"Again?" She asked as she used her hand to add friction.

As much as it pained him to say no, he had to say no.

"No," he shook his head, standing up from the bed in a hurry.

"Pres, what the hell?!" Kayla scoffed, wiping her mouth as he winced. "Fine. Go ahead and leave. All I wanted to do was welcome you back the right way but fuck me, right?"

"Kay, it's not that—"

"That's the biggest slap in the face ever," she mumbled, walking to put on a pair of panties and a bra.

"Baby, I didn't mean it like that. I just have a ton of things to do since it's my first day back."

"It's six in the morning, Preston. Where the hell could you possibly have to be?" She snapped back as he lowered his head. "Exactly. Let me find out you're still talking to Alexandria about our family—"

"I'm not! Why would you even accuse me of something like that?!" He yelled back.

"Oh, so it hasn't happened before? That's not what you told me yesterday."

"I-It has happened before, but this has nothing to do with her—"

"No, it's about my head."

"It's not about your head, baby."

"Then why did you get up? You know what? Fuck it. I don't even care. I tried and you denied, so I've done all I can do to try and welcome you back. I'm over it," she shrugged as she pulled on her dress for work frantically.

"Kayla, this isn't about anything but having work to get done. That's it. And if you don't trust me—"

"Would you trust me after what you said to me over the phone, and then jumping out of bed the morning after you got back? Hell no, you wouldn't. You're up to something and I know it. But I'll give you until the end of today to be completely honest with me. So, I'm gonna get Bray up, drop him off, and go to work. And if you don't have the honest answer, then..."

"What? You damn sure can't leave me. I love you too much for that to happen. And you know I'd never do anything to hurt you, Kayla. You know that."

"Prove me wrong and I'll owe you. Until then, Mr. Knight, I have nothing left to say," she said, storming off to the bathroom in the hallway and leaving a naked and horny Preston in their bedroom.

As Kayla looked in the mirror, she wanted to scream. Not only was it embarrassing, but it completely destroyed her self confidence for her husband to get up frantically like that. She lifted her shirt as she stared at herself and took a deep breath. Was it her stomach? She had made sure to brush her teeth and gargle before beginning, so it wasn't her breath. What the hell did she do wrong besides inviting her husband to enjoy a fun morning welcoming him back? She didn't have answer for any of those questions, so she returned to her original thought:

He was hiding something. Lying. Again.

But that was fine, she thought as she began fixing her hair. If he wanted to fight, she could fight with the best of them. And she would win.


When Preston walked into his office, he could see Tony through the window, fidgeting and looking around. He shook his head and sighed as he prepared to head in and deal with one of the most difficult people he'd ever met in his life. Tony was about six feet and five inches, he had chocolate skin, and a dazzling smile. He was a good looking guy, but it was a shame that his life had turned out as it had. A graduate from Harvard's law school, Tony worked for a law firm that specialized in criminal defense. That in turn got him into some trouble that he never saw himself getting out of. He was paranoid all the time, had insomnia, and was constantly checking his personal accounts to see if anyone had attacked him. He was a nut case. But Preston had space for him in his heart because before he had gone absolutely crazy, Tony had helped him out a time or two, and he owed him.

"Tony, what's going on?" Preston said with a smile as he entered his office. It had been awhile since they'd seen each other.

"Brother! What's up, man?" He smiled widely as they embraced. "Wow, you look good. Getting clean worked well for you."

"Yeah, well I couldn't have done it without my..." he trailed but stopped talking.


"My parents and my sister. They really pushed me."

"Good to know. And now you're helping your girl get clean," he smiled.

"Yeah, yeah..." Preston trailed.

"How's my little champ doing, Brayden?"

"He's amazing. He's talking a lot more and he's walking around everywhere. My sister and my wi— my mom have done great work with him," he nodded. "Anyway, tell me what's going on, man? What's happening?"

"That's a loaded question," he sighed, looking down at his hands. "I have a baby. A little boy. He's almost two, so he was born around the time Brayden was. His name is Anthony, just like mine. I had no clue he was my baby until I got this in the mail."

Tony placed a manila folder on the desk and opened it to reveal pictures of him walking down the street, in his house, at his office. And then there was a picture of a little boy running around on a playground. And lastly there was a DNA test that was 99.99% a match between Tony and the little boy on the playground. There was no denying it. Whoever was watching him wanted him to know he was in trouble, and it was all about the little boy.

"So what are you gonna do? Did someone threaten you?"

"I came home a day after reading this and someone was standing in my house with a gun pointed to my forehead. They told me I had a week to come up with five hundred grand or I would die. That's why I need the money," he huffed.

"Do you want to be in the kid's life? Do you know his mother?"

"She was one of my interns. I had sex with her one late night, and... there was no protection. She's only twenty now," he shook his head. "What the hell was I doing sleeping with an eighteen year old? Fuck..."

"Well, Tony, you were addicted to sex. Now you're addicted to gambling. At some point—"

"I know, I know. Alex told me. She said you left there a couple days ago. You know, you two could get back together when she's released. You could put the whole family in rehab, right?" He chuckled as Preston looked away awkwardly.

"I told you, me and Alex are over," he said, shaking his head. "Besides, I'm—"

"Mr. Knight, sorry to interrupt but your wife is on line three," his assistant said as he opened the door.

"Thanks," Preston groaned and Tony lifted an eyebrow. "Hello?"

"Hi, baby," a voice said as he froze.

"H-hello? Alex?" He called.

"Hi, handsome. Look, my brother is visiting you and I want you to take good care of him, okay? Promise me," she slurred as Preston shook his head.

"Are you high? You aren't supposed to—"

"No, I'm in the bathroom so it sounded weird. I'm sober. For my husband and for my baby."

"But we're not—"

"Not yet. When I'm done here, you'll get divorced and we will be together."

"But K—"

"Shh. Let it happen. You promised me forever when I got pregnant. I want that promise to be fulfilled," she pushed as he groaned.


"So you guys tied the knot behind my back!" Exclaimed Tony as Preston hung up the phone.

"No! No, we—"

"Ohh, you're waiting until she's released but you call her your wife. That's sweet. Well, it's nice to see the gang's all back together. Now, about this money—"

"I can't give it to you. I'm sorry," Preston shrugged. "I don't trust it'll all go to this child, and I can't keep enabling you to gamble. I know you lied about this whole thing. Look at the pictures, Tony. You're wearing different clothes but they all have the same date."

"I was running a lot of errands and I changed—"

"You have a problem," Preston interrupted, shaking his head. "Listen, you can stay with me tonight, and tomorrow you're on the first plane to rehab. You understand?"

"Ugh..." Tony sighed. "I guess. That is my son though, Tony Jr. I want to be constant but I can't stop gambling, man. Between that and sex, I-I can't be who I'm supposed to be for him and his mother."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes. I love her like you love Alex," he nodded eagerly.

"Well..." trailed Preston. "Let's head over to my place and get you settled."

"Cool. Thanks, brother," Tony replied as they stood and shook hands.

The minute Preston grabbed his keys and suitcase to leave, his hands started shaking. How in the hell was he going to explain this to his wife? His real wife.

Well, well, well... Mr. Knight is lying to his wife. AGAIN. The title is definitely accurate. This is definitely a reoccurring issue with Preston, so we'll see how that pans out.Do you guys think Alex and Tony will be an issue? Also, what are your thoughts on the baby! I already know the sex and the name, obviously, but what do you guys think it is?! Any preferences? 

Soo... The reason updates have been so slow for the last year, really, is because I'm working on new works. I SWEAR I'll finish my other ongoing ones before posting the new ones... Except this story, I have a feeling I want to write this for longer than the others because I have plans and plots. But, the others will be finished, hopefully by the end of summer *don't quote me* lol. 

Anywho, I would love for you guys to comment on the THREE new story synopses below! If you comment and let me know what you think, I will directly message you and ask you to PERSONALLY review and read the first chapter of the new book! Exclusives, right?! So, here they are! 

1. Since eleven years old, Joelle and Knox have been the best of friends. After meeting on the steps of their foster home, they simply clicked and never looked back. From bullies to prom, the two tackled everything together well into adulthood. Years later, Joelle gets engaged to one of Knox's best friends from college, but little did Joelle know, her best friend has been in love with her since he could remember. The night before Joelle is scheduled to walk down the isle, she gets a knock on her door. But what is waiting on the other side of the door? Is it love or unhappiness?

Find out in The One that Almost Got Away!

2. Sebastian Deluca is intimidating: strikingly handsome, incredibly well-cultured, and very rich. But inside, he is none of those things. Sebastian is reminded time and time again that life is no respecter of persons. She did what she wanted, when she wanted. So he chose to live the same way. He changed his appearance, acquired wealth, and ended up as one of the most powerful people in the country. But what happens after a series of dangerous events when Sebastian ends up in the hospital, powerless, with his life in another person's hands? And not just any person, but a woman who wasn't by any stretch of means intimidated by him or anyone else: Dr. Jalena Aaron. The moment the two met each other, there were sparks flying. And not romantic ones, ones of fire and fury.

Find out what happens when Alpha meets Alpha in The Good Guy!

*not fantasy or werewolf*

*themes of mental health and depression. If you struggle with any of these things and can be triggered, please seek help, and do not read this story.*

3. Passion, drive, ambition. All of these were qualities Kyndall Simmons, the 26 year old CEO of Simmons Medical Technologies, possessed. With two PhDs and a world renown company, Kyndall couldn't think of anything else she could possibly want... except an exciting life. Though she had traveled across the globe and accomplished amazing things, it just wasn't enough.

Something was still missing and she knew what it was: Kyndall completely lacked the ability to have fun in the moment. She buried herself in work daily and hardly ever enjoyed life. One day, Kyndall is met with the change she desperately needs: Dr. Kelson Ailey. He is everything she's not: adventurous, relaxed, outgoing. And yet, they can't help but be attracted to each other... but only as friends.

However, it all has to start somewhere right? Find out what happens in Beginnings!

So, like I said, comment and you'll get a chance to read and review the first chapters of these new works coming soon! Again, I'll finish the other works, except this one, before I post new ones! 

COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT on the chapter, the new works, and everything! I love you all! 

Follow me on Snap @ AjaikaM and I'll follow you back! 


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