Summoning Love

By phancakeshowell

3.1K 182 136

Phil Lester has the ability to make anything he desires appear at will. However, with great power comes great... More

Chapter Two: Flight
Chapter Three: Hideout
Chapter Four: School
Chapter Five: Badass?
Chapter Six: Wings
Chapter Seven: Friends
Chapter Eight: Different
Chapter Nine: Truth
Chapter Ten: Realisation
Chapter Eleven: Flower
Chapter Twelve: Boyfriends
Chapter Thirteen: Date
Chapter Fourteen: Sleepover
Chapter Fifteen: Trouble
Chapter Sixteen: Moving
Chapter Seventeen: Caught
Chapter Eighteen: Awkward

Chapter One: Origins

432 20 1
By phancakeshowell

A/N: Hello there everybody! Damn it feels weird to be back writing again but guess who's back at ya with another fic? I've had holidays, mental health being an asshole, school and general laziness all keeping me from writing but I'm backkkk.

I really hope you enjoy this story, it's something I've been thinking about doing for a while and I actually think (don't quote me on this) that it's a pretty original concept. No spoilerinos though, I'm just gonna let you read it. Now, enough of me rambling. HAPPY READING FOLKS!

Ps: The art for this chapter was done by me and like before I think it'd be really cool if you guys wanted to get involved and draw something for this fic too like you did last time (ya don't have to though obvs) but if anyone wants to submit any art then just dm on here or any other of my social media platforms :)

Okay, now, for real this time, on with the story!

Phil Lester was pretty normal boy.

Or at least, his parents liked to think he was. They sent him to a normal school, to do normal things and live a normal life.

The only problem was, both Phil and his parents knew that there was something very much not 'normal' about him.

Phil wasn't really sure why he could do it, he wasn't really sure where it had come from. All he knew was that he had been able to do it his whole life.

Phil had the ability to summon anything he wanted at his will.

Whatever he summoned was taken from the nearest person who had it and given to him.

From a young age, things had started to spontaneously appear in front of Phil for no apparent reason. Whether that was a pair of headphones he had been looking for for ages (which was quite convenient) or a pair of his grandmas old underwear (not so convenient).

Phil had summoned all sorts of things accidentally. He had piles and piles of things in his wardrobe that he didn't need, but he wasn't about to go round the entire city trying to give them back.

Phil had therapy soon. He went twice a week, one of his mother's many wise ideas to try and shape her child into becoming 'normal'

He was sat now, on his bedroom windowsill, just thinking. Thinking about the past.

A dangerous pastime indeed.

Phil's strange quirk hadn't become apparent to his parents for a few years. Not until he'd turned seven years old anyway.

Oh, what a nice seven years those seven years prior had been.

Seven years of fitting in. Seven years of having nothing to worry about. Seven years of being...


Phil didn't like looking back at his past mistakes. But he couldn't help thinking about what he could have done at the time to change them.


His parents had found out about his ability after the 'things' randomly appearing in front of him had started to get bigger. Phil wasn't sure if this happened as he aged but it definitely seemed that way.

When he'd been little he'd only made small things appear, like socks from the washing machine or keys from the hallway.

But no, this time it hadn't been something small. It had been his mother's rather large vase full of flowers.

His mother had been asking all day where it had gone. 'How can an entire vase full of flowers just disappear?!' She'd asked frustratedly. 'Phil? Sweety have you seen...'

And it was just like that Phil's life had been turned upside down.

His mother had looked down at him and in the blink of an eye she'd seen what she'd been looking for all day appear in Phil's arms. One minute there had been nothing there, the next minute there it was.

'P, P, Phil honey, how did you? What did you?'
'I, er... here you go mother' Phil had said hurriedly, handing his mother her vase before darting up the stairs.

All of his classmates had found out pretty soon after that too.

It had been what Phil might have called a rather average day at school, not that it had turned out to be. He'd sat there bored out of his mind, listening to his teacher lecture on, almost... almost falling asleep but not quite.

In his slightly dazed state he hadn't noticed, until it was too late, that someone was trying to take his pen.

Laughter echoed around the room and everyone had began taunting him in front of the somehow oblivious teacher.

'Hey!' Phil had yelled once he'd realised what was going on. 'Give that back here!'

The laugher had only gotten louder. The boy who had stolen the pen replied with a taunting 'Come and get it then' to which Phil had frozen on the spot.

He really shouldn't have done it. And he'd have realised that if he'd thought about it for longer. But in the heat of the moment Phil had just smirked and summoned the pen back to him.

'How do you like that, huh? Ha! That'll teach y...'
'Lester's a freak!' The other boy had yelled. And with that the rest of the class's taunts of laughter has turned to taunts of 'freak!'.


Phil shuddered just recalling those memories. It pained him to think back to them. They were so long ago, he wasn't seven anymore.

In fact it had been ten years now, since the tragic events that had happened to seven year old Phil.

And he didn't really feel any more confident or comfortable with his ability as he had back then. Though he certainly knew more about it now.

He'd made a vow after that day at school. A vow to himself that he would learn everything he could about his power so that he knew how to control it, so that he would never accidentally summon anything ever again.

And so that was what he had done.

He had been on every Internet forum on summoning, and read every book and news article. Most of the information that he'd read spoke about the power as being some kind of urban myth, an old wives tale. But Phil was certainly glad that whoever had written about it had taken the time to do so and he'd definitely learned a lot.

He'd learned how to stop things spontaneously appearing in front of him, and now they hardly ever did.

He'd learned that it hurt his head whenever he tried to summon anything too big (headaches could last a number of days depending on how big the object was).

He'd learned that there were some things he could not summon: living creatures, money, and things that didn't exist just to name a few. Phil had discovered the latter after he'd tried to summon a unicorn one time when he was eight.

But the main thing he'd learned was that it was hard to fit in.

As a person with an inhuman ability in a world full of normal people, he would always feel out of place.

That was why as a child he'd often wished for things to help him. His favourite thing to wish for was an angel. One that could fly and take him far away from everything.

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