Fate Brought Us Together (a 1...

By NiallsPotato

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Kayla Bynre is in for a tough year. Now that her mother is being transferred to Columbia for a whole year, sh... More

Fate Brought Us Together
Uhh... Directions? (1)
Sorry, Do I Know You? (2)
I'm Not Ready, Just Yet. (4)
The Beginning of Something Indescribable (5)
'Cause You've Got That One Thing (6)
I Can't Believe It (7)
A Helping Hand (8)
Alone (9)
The Talk (10)
Perry the Platypus? (11)
Butterflies (12)
Mixed Messages (13)
Party Time! (14)
Relationships (15)
The Sheet of Paper (16)
Ireland and America (17)
Promises and Goodbyes (18)
Welcome to Ireland (19)
She's a Keeper (20)
Welcome to America (21)
Friends with Benefits (22)
Kayla's Palace Tour (23)

Let's Get This Party Started! (3)

820 13 2
By NiallsPotato

SOOO SORRY! I haven’t been updating! I have been writing this chapter for about a week now. This chapter kept on giving me writer’s block but I guess I overcame it…? :) Although this chapter may be considered a bit long, this is just a filler chapter because I am trying to plan on how to begin the actual “GOOD” parts :)  ENJOYY! ;*



     What was there even to do with 481 followers and 327 friends on Facebook? I’m not popular, I’m not pretty, and I’m hopeless. What to do, what to do.  Seeing that I’m only friends to 300 friends on Facebook, I decided to put a “heart felt” status. Not going to Spain anymore! Yay! But sadly… I’m going to the UK. I can’t believe this. I just hope whoever this person that is taking me in will make me happy. It’s not like anyone would like my status so I decided to click on tumblr to reblog some pictures and attempt to gain some followers. I failed miserably. In fact, not only did I not gain followers, I have no idea why, but I lost 30 followers at once. What is wrong with my life? How come no one likes me?

     As I'm scrolling down my dashboard, I realized that familiar faces were constantly popping up. Oh no. It can't be. One Direction. KILL ME NOW. Right now is definitely not the time to think about them, especially not what happened between Niall and I. Typical "One Direction" fans, or as they call themselves, Directioners, would post their status, tweet, etc. about them meeting them. But me? No. I did not even do anything close to that. I didn't dare to mention it to anyone risking them to make fun of my words. I didn’t even want to tell Jake, especially Jenni. One, she would fangirl over them. Two, she would slap me because I didn’t tell her earlier. And three, she would just make fun of me, knowing her personality although I loved her dearly.

     I attempted to press the reblog button of 1D but I just couldn’t. It didn’t feel right, it feels like I have something against them but I just don’t know why. Just then, a new message bubble popped up from the top right corner.

                Anonymous asked:

               I knew it was you the moment I saw your face on line. I couldn’t believe that THE Niall Horan actually told you to meet him personally. I know this sounds really creepy-like but I followed you guys and saw everything. Although I didn’t really hear what you two said exactly, I saw him touch…? you. I am soooo jealous of you! Are you his girlfriend now? You two would make such an adorable couple. I would definitely ship you two! I have been a follower of yours since you made your blog, that’s why I know you… xx

     Are. You. Serious? Someone saw us? I swear we were the only ones in the room. Or was this another joke and one of the guys from the band somehow found my tumblr. No. No. That’s not it. That can’t happen. I always felt bad to not reply anyone so I decided to not sound as shock as possible.

               Hey there! I was pretty sure I didn’t see anyone! :O but thanks anyways! I guess that’s a compliment? But I’m not a HUGE fan of them. The only reason I went to their signing was because my best friend “dragged” me there and decided to ditch me. And thanks for being such a lovely, supportive follower! You’re amazing ;* Oh! And come off of anon so we can talk sometimes! >< xx

     I clicked the post reply button. Well, that was that. Within seconds of posting the post, my inbox was flooded with messages. Well, mostly from Jenni but it was still full from other random people. Did I just get popular because I met Niall Horan? Users much? I decided to see what Jenni had to say.

               BITCH. Why the hell didn’t you tell me huh? We are going to have a long, serious talk when we see each other. I couldn’t believe you never told me! How dare you. But good thing it’s only Niall, if it was Harry, I would have slaughtered you instantly for not telling me anything. Tell me every little detail when I see you later… or else. Better yet, open your door right now… I am coming over. X

               Gee thanks, I love you too ;* and I will I will. I posted. About five minutes later a knock, more like a pound, erupted from my front door. Oh god. Jenni was definitely not lying, she was here already. As I was walking towards the door to answer her arrival, I debated to myself. Should I tell her everything? Even the embarrassing thing? Or should I just tell her the “important” things, like he tried getting my number and stuff? Ehh, I’ll just wing it. Let’s do this.

     I tried greeting her as I opened just a crack to welcome her “oh hey the-“

     “DUDE. TELL ME EVERYTHING NOW.” Did she just cut me off? Yep, she did. How dare her. I guess it’s time to spill it. “Alright then, I’ll tell you. But you HAVE to promise not to laugh or else I’m going to slap you.”

     “Fine, but make sure you don’t leave out one itsy bitsy detail out, I will kill you if I ever find out that you forgot something.” She demanded. My knees were a bit weak, but it was definitely not as bad compared to when Niall was talking to me. Why am I even nervous in the first place? Wow, I ask myself a lot of questions. Hmm... I should probably stop that habit.

     I decided to start explaining to her from the beginning, from when she left for her grandpa. During the process of elucidating to her painfully, she kept on giving me nods indicating for me to proceed on. I decided to try to change the topic a bit when I got to the part when I had to leave, by saying I had to go to the bathroom. Wow, I am such a bad liar. She saw right through me, she strangled me back onto the couch by cuffing my hands together with her hands.

     “…yes. I said fate. I had no idea what I was talking about. But I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m really weird now.” She bursted out into a crazy laughing matter. “I don’t think I ever want to see him again. Or at least for another 10 years. I bet he would remember my ugly face and laugh at me. Although, I don’t think he would remember a fans face. No celebrity ever does unless they do something outrageous like barge into their house or something.” She nodded in agreement “Well yeah, that’s pretty much it. My life is just about ruined now because of Niall Horan. I don’t even know the guy! At least I don’t believe so…”

     “Why so?” She replied me to my trailed off sentence. “I dunno, whenever he smiled when he talked to me, it just had such a familiar, warming feeling to me. As if I know him, but I am pretty sure I don’t know a celebrity. It would be pretty cool though.” Butterflies began filling my stomach again like a balloon as if I was going to break down any second. Whenever I think of that unique smile of his, the butterflies overcome me and make me really nervous randomly. Stupid Niall Horan. That Irish Boy.

“Hey so Jake called me before and told me he couldn’t come. But he said he would definitely make it to the airport tonight just to send you no matter what. Alright?” Jenni blurted. “So, do you still want to go to the mall? Or just go hang out a bit in the city. Or?”

“Uhm, how about we go out to the mall for about an hour or two and then come back to finish packing? Is that alright with you? I don’t really mind.” We stood there in silence for a second deciding whether or not that was a good idea or not with our mind telepathic talent that we discovered. At last, we agreed that it WAS a good idea so she hurriedly ushered me to go change immediately so we can go.

     Looking through my crappy looking closet full of clothes, I decided to pull out my peachy-anchored shirt, a pair of ripped blue skinny jeans, a beanie, and my gray converse. After checking myself out by the mirror hanging next to my door, I though this outfit was actually pretty decent. I couldn’t believe it! I threw on my white shoulder bag and checked up with Jenni and left the house. Alright then, let’s do this, for the last time!

Looked like this: http://www.polyvore.com/day_at_mall_with_jenni/set?id=49574386

***At the mall***

     “Oh god. It’s already been a day and they still didn’t clean everything up? Kill me now.” I whispered under my breath to myself as I the sliding doors opened for us. Everything from the previous day at the signing was still there. All the tables, posters, and railings were still there, all a mess. Wait. Does that mean they’re going to come back for another signing? Jenni better not drag me into this again if it’s today. But luckily, people dressed in black began coming in and picked up all the tables to clean it all up. Phew! I let out a relieved sigh to indicate that I was not nervous anymore. I actually do not want anything to do with One Direction anymore whatsoever.

     “Come on! Let’s go to Forever! I heard they had a lot of new clothes for the new winter season,” she shouted in front of me to get my attention “I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be cold over there in the UK. Wait, where in the UK will you be exactly? Maybe you’ll meet 1D!”

     “UGH. I didn’t even think about that! My chances of meeting them is even higher now. HELP! But I BELIEVE it’s London, but I’m not positive.” I sighed “Let’s go buy me some stuff!”

***After shopping for an hour or so***

     “Hello?” Jenni picked up her phone. “Mom? Is that you? I’m still at the mall with Kayla and there’s bad signal. You know what? The doors right here, let me go outside to talk. Hold on for a sec” Jenni mouthed let me go outside first. Hold on a sec and pointed to the door. I gave her a confirmation nod signifying that I understood what she was trying to say. Jenni was using hand gestures by now, and it has already been about five minutes. She was technically raving and it seemed like she was yelling or frustrated by the person on the other line. “What happened?” I said to her as she came back through the mechanical door.

     “I know this may seem terrible, but I have to go back right now. Because of my stupid grandpa again. First, I had to miss seeing One Direction. And now, I can’t spend my day with my best friend that is almost leaving me for an entire year. What is wrong with that stupid old guy?” She said as my worried face automatically became a sad face “But I’ll make sure I’ll go to the airport no matter what. If I DO HAPPEN to not go, which would be impossible, I will physically take a plane to Britain and visit you personally.”

     “Oh Jenni! I love you so much!” I said as I attacked her with a hug “Alright, go home now. And don’t be hatin’ on your grandpa like that. He already passed away so I think you should at least show him a bit respect.” We said our goodbyes and we both parted ways. I decided to keep shopping for a bit longer but not too long seeing that I already have five bags of newly bought outfits. Seeing that it was only 3:00 and I have about 7 more hours to be in the States, I decided to live life to the fullest, well because, YOLO. The song isn't popular yet, but when I first heard it somewhere, I thought it was really annoying so decided to make it my life motto. I know, it doesn't make sense, but yup! I decided to shop till I drop, literally. After seeing that I had more than enough clothes for my short shopping spree of mine, I decided to start going home.

     I rattled my keys into the knob as I turned the handle to my front door. “Mother. I have officially landed my feet into the house before the time we have concurred.” I exclaimed as I dropped all my stuff onto the table near the door. “No need to fear, Superman is he- what am I saying?" I asked quietly to myself. Taking off my black North face jacket, I realized the house was quiet. Strangely quiet. No, peculiarly quiet. I mean, whenever I get home, my little Maltese would bark like crazy welcoming me home. Probably my mom went to bring him over to Jenni's house to let it settle in. I'm going to miss him so much.

     Anyways, it became creepily quiet so I decided to use this time to walk down happy memory lane one last time around the house. My fingers automatically began swiping the walls of the living room as if I was in a movie. Kind of like a pedophile, but to the walls of a house. Just the thought of mentally thinking that make me laugh out loud. Just then, "SURPRISE!"

     From the sudden shock of screams, I also screamed myself and fell onto the floor. A burst of laughter erupted as one by one, all of my closest friends appeared from behind the couches. "You guys!"

     My friends began attacking me with heart-felt loving hugs. I really can't love them anymore. They are just simply extraordinarily amazing. All of my closest friends, which were probably only less than ten, were all here. Just for me! "Who... who did all this?"

     "Jenni- It was Jenni!" They all replied me in unison. Before I even noticed, I already attacked Jenni with the world's biggest hug. I really can't love her more than this. "I just wanted to let you remember your last day here and make it unforgettable. I'll miss you so much!"

     Uncontrollably, the corner of my eye began over-filling and bursted into a hysterical sob. "I'm going to miss you so frickin' much too! I love you Jenni!" I said as I attacked her with an unbearably tight hug. "You're amazing Jenni! Oh! And all of you too!"

     After settling in the fact that they decided to throw me a surprise party, I decided to find out how the hell she planned all this. Hasn't she been by me the whole time? Must have been all the times she was "called home". But didn't her grandfather actually pass away? Hmm... I figured out that she has been planning this for over a month and a half already. She's been communicating between my mom and all of my friends to make this party just for me awesome. But yes, her grandpa really did pass away. Man, I really did like her grandpa, especially when he told jokes to us when we were younger.

 ***After the Party***

     "Damn. I'm so full right now." They literally tried stuffing me with all of the things they can find around the house AND the food they all made to bring over to my house. All of my friends always do this whenever they come to my house; stuff me like a wild Thanksgiving turkey. Rubbing my big Santa turkey, "Hey. Wanna help me finish packing the little things before leaving? Gotta leave in about an hour." Jenni reluctantly agreed and accepted.

     "Can we put some music on?" I agreed to her suggestion because it got awkwardly quiet again, although I didn't really mind it at all. "OH MY GODD. WHAT ABOUT SOME One Deeeee?!" I groaned to her very obvious suggestion. Knowing that she would talk back if I didn't agree, I sighed and replied her a faint yes. She blasted One Thing through her phone speakers and a face of disgust appeared on my face. Oh gosh, I just hope this will be one of the last times I will have to listen to this song. Hopefully. 

     Already almost done with packing, I quickly threw in my laptop, iPad, phone, and song book into my bag. I have been writing songs since I was thirteen but I never really told anyone. A few years ago, I briefly told Jenni about my songwriting skills, but she never really paid attention. Ever since, I never really mentioned it to anyone. Although I don't often tell anyone about this, I have been uploading videos of myself singing online recently, on Youtube. I guess I can say that each video has a decently amount of view which meant that I'm actually not that bad at all from other people point of view! No one in school has seen the videos I'm guessing, seeing that they never approached me and talked about my singing. I guess I can say that I'm grateful for that since I'm not really a people person. 

Author's Note: Let's pretend my singing skills are like Christina Grimmie's :) she's amazing... :3

     “Alright then! Let’s head to the airport! LONDON HERE I COME!” I shouted as my friends helped me bring my entire luggage into the minivan that my mom always drove. Let’s get this party started!”


Did you guys like this chapter? I know i know, there wasn't a lot of exciting things that happened, but I will ensure you that Chapter 4 will be the start of the adventure :) Hope you'll like it! 

Vote and Comment! I will love you guys forever ;* CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS ALWAYS WELCOMED :) BLAHHH;3

Love ya all ;* xx

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