The change up (Sequel to the...

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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If packing up and going off to college isn't hard enough, Kat has lot to deal with when she arrives at colleg... More

New beginnings
Moving on
What happened tonight?
Case closed
Beach Day
I can't be that girl
You'll regret it
Hooking up with Byrce?
It's all good
Chocolate frosted donut
You're my everything
Feeling the same way
Toy Story and Dates with siblings
We aren't dating
I'm sorry
Breaking it off
Copy Kat
Perfect or Psyco?
Seeing other guys?
Meeting his family
The view
Triple date
Mood change
I'm sorry
Let's go
I trust you
Did you enjoy the game?
Goodbye for now
The girl known as....
What if?
Smiling through the sadness
I'm in love with you 2x
Mutual breakup
I just want to talk
Happy for you
Spaghetti and Meatballs
The day my life turned upside down

But it's my dream

46 4 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

2 weeks later

Before the game

"I'm gonna head out.", I told Ellie.

"See you down at the field.", she waved.

As I walked down to the parking lot a hand tapped on my shoulder. I looked back to see Bryce fixing his blonde hair as he was about to speak.

"Kat, you didn't call me back.", he said.

"It was on purpose.", I said continuing to walk away from him.

"I'm serious about what I said. I didn't want to keep going on with life without telling you how I feel. I've matured since you last saw me.", he tried to convince me.

"Bryce I have a boyfriend who I really love. I don't think you get it."

"No, I totally do but you'd be happier with me."

"I don't even want to think about you. You ruined my 18th birthday when I found out what I was being used for, and I can't forgive you.", I said walking away.

As I continued to walk, to my surprise he didn't follow behind me. I looked back the other way to see him walking away with his head down. I feel bad but at the same time, he can't expect to come into my life and for me to be happy about it.
After the game

"You played so good.", Cameron hugged me.

"Thanks for coming. I know you're really busy."

"Yeah you're right about that, but I'd push off anything to spend some time with you."

"Let's go.", I said excitedly.

He nodded as he intertwined our fingers. When we finally got to his dorm room we sat down.

"I'm so tired.", I complained.

"Me too. So when I was walking to practice Bryce came up to me.", I casually mentioned.

"Why?", he asked confused.

"He called me about 2 weeks ago and told me he was in "love" with me."

"That's bullshit and you know it.".

"Yeah I know. I hung up on him right as he said it and he's been calling me for two weeks."

"Do you need me to handle this?", Cameron asked.

"No, I already told him to leave us alone so he shouldn't bother me again."

"Good.", he said kissing the top of my hand.

"I really missed you.", I said.

"Me too. I miss seeing your beautiful face everyday."

"I never want to be apart from you again.", I said realizing that I needed to tell him how I was feeling.


"Yeah", I said going in for a kiss without a warning. I tried to distract my feelings with kissing him. I thought the more I kissed him, the faster the bad thoughts would go away.

I gave him a small push on the bed as I got on top of him.

"Kat, what's up with you?", I asked sitting up.

"Nothing. I just want you.", I simply said.

"I see that look on your face. Tell me what's up?", he said.

"Nothing.", I lied again.

"I don't want to be lied to. He said sitting me on his lap."

"If I tell you, you might hate me.", I said feeling nervous.

"I could never hate you. Just be honest with me."

I took a deep breath before I spoke. My stomach suddenly dropped as he looked into my eyes.

"I don't want you to go.", I said feeling worse then I felt before.

"Go where?".

"To New York or Boston. I want you to stay here with me at Ucla.", I said.

"Kat.", was all that came out of his mouth. I could see his happiness dive down in a matter of seconds.

"I can't lose you again."

"It's my dream to play in the MLB and to be the number one draft pick is huge. I can't give up the opportunity and you know that."

"I know but I-".

"It's not all about what you want. I feel like our relationship is just based off what you want. I've done everything for you but you can't let me live out my dream?".

"What about me? I can't give up my life to go live in New York with you. I have my friends and family down here along with my education. "
"Nobody asked you to move with me. And like I said, it's all about you isn't it?", he said getting angry.

"I never said that it's all about me, I just don't want us to break apart. I don't even like being apart from you now, what makes you think that I want to be 2,000 miles apart?".

"I don't want to be 2,000 miles apart either but what choice do we have? I'm not choosing one thing over the other if that's what you're asking me to do".

"I didn't ask you to do that. I want to finish my life out here in California. I want you to stay here so that we can do it together.", I said trying to convince him.

"I didn't even make a decision yet but I was leaning towards yes but seeing you upset makes me think that I shouldn't go.", he sighed looking upset and sounding pissed off.

"Don't blame me. Go if you feel like it, it's not my decision. Why should I care.", I sighed.

"I can't do this right now. I'm here to spend time with you and all we're doing is arguing."

"Maybe we're arguing because you can't face the truth. Even if you go to Arizona we'll still be apart. Wherever you go we'll be apart.", I said feeling my eyes start to water.

"I don't know what to say. I just had this plan that I would go into the MLB, you'd finish school, we would move in together, we'd get married and have kids., he sighed. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he spoke about the plan.

"We can still do all of that, but I just want to finish my education first before I commit to moving to a different state."

"I get that Kat but I can't take being far away from you for that long. When we're away now it only lasts 3-5 days but when I go over there it could be months or weeks.", he said trying to convince me.

"I know Cam I just need to think about it all. This will all affect my future in one way or another so I need to really think."

"Take your time. Plus I don't even know where I'm going yet so it could all change.", he said attempting to make me feel a little bit better about it.

"I don't like change.", I said as he cradled me in his arms.

"I know. Just don't think about it as change, it's an adjustment."

"That's practically the same thing.", I laughed as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I know, I'm just trying to make you feel better. But no matter what happens with this situation, I'll still care for you."

"You too. I'm glad our regular season only has 2 weeks left."

"Me too. That means summer is coming."

"I can't wait. Summer nights, summer life and summer s-".

"Why wait?",  he asked.

I pulled him closer to me as I kissed him. Everything felt in place. We let go of everything on our minds and decided to become united.

"I love you.", he said as he kissed me up and down my collar bone.

"I love you too.", I responded as I took his shirt off.

We proceeded to strip until we were both fully undressed.

I let my lips run up and down his body. I kissed his abs one by one until I reached his lips again.

"And this is one reason I would stay.", he said between kisses.

"Am I changing your mind?", I asked.

"A little bit.", he said as his voice got weaker.

We continued to kiss for awhile until we heard footsteps enter the dorm living room.

"I'm gonna go change these sheets.", he said as he stripped the sheets off of the bed.

"Ok.", I responded as I put my clothes back on.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I didn't mean all that shit I said about you, it was just in the moment."

"It's ok. We'll talk about it again when we definitely know where you're going, ok?".

"Yeah totally.", he said kissing the top of my head.

"I'm kinda relived that we still have another day here together."

"Yeah same. Tomorrow I promised Christian that we'd hang out with him and the others after your game."

"That's fine. I'm so happy to be back."

"You've said that about 5 times.", he laughed.

"I know, I'm expressing my feelings. So how's your mom and sister?", I asked.

"Good actually. My mom keeps asking for you, she really wants to see you again. You're one of the only girls she's ever liked that I've dated."

"I have that effect on people.", I joked as I whipped my hair around. "But I miss her too. She reminds me of you so much."

"I get that a lot. But my sister really looks more like her."

"Yeah are we sure your mom and sister aren't twins?", I laughed.

"Positive. You and Dakota look nothing alike at all. Dakota has this shaggy hair with light eyes with you have this nice sleek hair with dark eyes."

"I don't look like anyone in my family. My mom and dad both look just like Dakota. I swear I'm left out."

"Me too. My mom and I are close but my sister and my mom are like that.", he said crossing his fingers.

"Makes sense. They probably have more in common because they're women and you're a guy."

"Oh so they're women but I'm a guy? Wow. I thought that I'd at least be a man or a gentlemen."

"Nope you're a guy. Too bad.", I joked.

"Well it's not like you're a women. You're a girl. My girl.", he winked.

"Haha lol. What's your best pickup line?".

"Are you from Tennessee because you're the only 10 I see.", he laughed.

"That's so old. But I guess it's a classic."

"Well I gotta head out. Baseball practice starts a 6:00 am and I'm exhausted."

"Have fun."

"I won't even if I tried.", he sighed as he walked out.

Maybe this whole situation isn't as bad as it seems. My I'm just overthinking the whole situation.

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