The Warrior's Bride [[SuFin O...

By Bunnyrulesyou

37.9K 833 401

Tino Vainomoinen has had no luck with love in his entire life and, unfortunately, being from a family with a... More

‡1‡ Of Omegas and Douchebags
‡2‡ Of World Travel and Herbal Tea
‡3‡ Of Beauties and Barbarians
‡5‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 1)
‡6‡ Of Lust and Trophies (Part 2)
‡7‡ Of Mates and Conflict
‡8‡ Of Dark Pasts and Trauma
‡9‡ Of Injury and Anxiety
‡10‡ Of Conquest and Reunions

‡4‡ Of Warlords and Captives

3K 72 50
By Bunnyrulesyou

Just a quick errand into town to fetch more cloth to make bandages.

That's what it should have been. With the influx of new patients from the rising border skirmishes, supplies were depleted very quickly, and it was a challenge to keep things in stock.

This was how one Tino Vainomoinen, displaced omega from another world, found himself walking back from the only fabric store near the village center one crisp autumn evening.

They three world travelers had no luck trying to travel back to their world in mirror pond. It turned out to be just a shallow pond.

In the meantime, while they broadened their search for a way back home, they had no choice but to adapt to this world.

After almost a year, they'd even gotten somewhat used to the strange clothes male omegas wore in this world... Mostly. Emil still insists that it is a dress.

It was, in fact, a long, just past calf length garment that overlapped in the middle with a high, almost chin level collar and laces all the way down below the knee. It had long sleeves and a thinner second layer often used as a nightshirt underneath that was just as long. It was accompanied by mid-calf high lace up leather boots. The underwear was something like a pair of loose legged shorts made of a flimsy material that still made Tino feel quite naked and drafty underneath. At least it covered most of his skin, save for his hands and face, from the leering eyes of the village alphas.

Speaking of which. Tino steadfastly ignored the catcalls from a nearby tavern as he passed by.

Animals the lot of them.

Tino still could not believe Yao spent eighteen years like this. Sometimes he couldn't help despairing over his dream lover who was as nonexistent now as decency in this world. He was thinking of resolving to never get mated. No way in hell was he being bonded to any of these apes. He'd much rather one of those rich douchebags his mom used to throw at him, at least then he would still have rights outside of the word of his husband. So a life of celibacy it would be. Gandhi did it, so could he.

One way to distract him from the swift death of his dreamboat was Yao's lessons on herbal remedies. He wasn't as good as Lukas, but it was some thing to keep him from going stir crazy goddamnit!

He and Lukas sort of became Yao's assistants over the year. Emil didn't really take to it as much so he simply helped Leon tend to the herb harden and other yard work.

Yao was incredibly grateful for the help, especially with the insurge of patients, and kept saying he didn't know what he would have done without the help.

It should have been an easy errand: run into town for some cloth, come straight back, but apparently fate had other plans.

It started off small, with a shout from the eastern part of the village causing Tino to pause. Suddenly a cacophony of screams rose nearby as well as... Smoke?

Looking back at it later that day, Tino would curse his curiosity for leading him towards the chaos, but it was already done. He was jogging towards the commotion, basket of cloth clenched under his arm.

It took only two turns in the road for the resulting scene to stop him dead in his tracks.

Before him were burning houses, screaming villagers and whooping, swarms of armored men on horseback cutting down men who tried to resist them. Splatters of dark red fell onto the earth as another alpha was nearly bisected before his very eyes.

Bile rose in his mouth like a flash and Tino was throwing up on the ground, gasping for air and choking on the smoke of the burning houses.

Dear god they were being pillaged.

He straightened up and staggered on weak legs as a result. The basket of white cloth had long fallen to the ground, spilling its contents (much like Tino's stomach).

He regained his balance just in time to see an omega he knew as the baker's daughter, a fourteen year old brunette running madly away from a man on horseback, screaming for help with tears streaming from her eyes. Tino watched in horror as the man chasing her extended one arm and scooped her up as if she weighed next to nothing and tossed the poor screaming chit across the front of his saddle. The man laughed triumphantly and spurred his horse in the direction leading out of town.

In fact, every woman and male omega in sight were being swooped up like mice in the talons of owls. Children were being herded like sheep by the assailants. He could hear Yao's warning from that night almost a year ago ringing in his mind. 'This world is no place for an omega.'

Tino's attention was pulled from the scene of pure chaos by a shout. He turned to see a rider some distance away grinning at him. Instantly there were about six riders thundering in his direction.

His stunned mind jolted back into reality and he quickly took off in the opposite direction like a bat out of hell. Arms and legs pumping faster than ever before in his life, he vaguely acknowledged that the chaos had spread over what seemed to be the entire village now.

They were getting closer; he could feel it. In fact, he swore he could feel the horses breathing down his neck. He couldn't out run them; he wasn't that naïvely hopeful, but he sure as hell wouldn't make it easy for them.

He wove in and out of alleyways and debris, never in a straight line, hoping to loose them somehow.

A glance behind him caused him to swear sharply. Rather than loosing them, their numbers increased. Their excited whooping and yelling made gooseflesh engulf him and lit a fire under his heels. Tino didn't even know he could run this fast. He was praying to any god that would listen that he wouldn't get caught by these people.

Suddenly the cries behind him died down. So did the hoofbeats. Tino glanced back in relieved confusion to see the group of riders standing there as if they'd hit some sort of invisible wall. The strange thing however was that they weren't looking at him but at some sight ahead of him. Cautiously, Tino also glanced to the empty road before him.

A yelp of fright escaped him when he locked eyes the the frostiest, icy blue gaze he'd ever seen in his entire life. He screeched to a vault so fast his poor soul almost went on ahead without him. The world seemed to grind to a halt.

There standing in the middle of the road like a sculpted statue was a giant of a man, sitting on a fitting monstrosity of a black stallion, and his soul piercing gaze was clapped firmly on Tino.

The omega in question damn near wet himself. He was shaking so hard under that stare, that he felt he would fall to pieces soon. Tino was seriously thinking of just bursting into tears then and there when the stallion took a firm step in his direction causing him to jump in fright, the riders eyes still glued to Tino's shaking form.

Out of the corner of his eye Tino could see an unobscured alleyway a little ways forward, and wondered if he could make a brake for it quick enough to get there before that man descended on him like raptor on an injured rabbit. He couldn't very well go back with that group of alphas still blocking the road.

The choice was made for him when the rider suddenly kicked his horse into a gallop, that glare still locked onto Tino.

Tino ran for that alleyway that was looking more like the exit from hell. His lungs and limbs were burning from the strain, but it seemed that alleyway couldn't come to him quick enough. Teeth gritted with the effort, he put in in his last burst of strength. For a moment... It seemed he'd almost made it.

Something that felt like a steel bar slammed into his stomach, knocking all the air from his body in a whoosh. The next thing Tino knew, he was airborne while a shriek of terror ripped from his throat. He was tossed like a ragdoll across two rock hard thighs, his gaze landing on a suddenly very close, glossy black hide. There was large hand pressing down on his back, firmly keeping him in place on what he realized was a leather saddle.

He'd been captured.

Once the situation settled on his addled mind and the air returned to his burning lungs he began to struggle like he'd never struggled before. He screamed. Oh, he screamed his fool head off and squirmed like an eel, but he didn't gain so much as an inch of freedom from that hand pressing him stomach down or those seemingly immovable legs.

"LET ME GO!!!" His throat was screamed raw. "LET ME GO, YOU ASSHOLE!!! PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?!! BASTARD!!! MONSTER!!!"

Tino heard a sharp authoritative bark from somewhere above him and the jostling from the body of the huge horse he was sprawled over sped up from a trot into a full out gallop. He could see the view of houses turn into trees. The burning village was disappearing into the distance like a boat sinking in the middle of the ocean. He was still screaming profanities at the bastard above him.

Tino dimly acknowledged that his face was wet with tears.


Why was this happening?!

Things were still fine earlier that day, so why now was the village suddenly under attack!?!!

Questions like these are what cycled through the heads of Lukas and Emil as they looked frantically among the chaos for the third blonde of their group, but unfortunately, Tino could be any one of the poor women and handful omegas as young as fourteen that were being kidnapped by the assailants on horseback.

Suddenly, an unholy screeching caught their attention. A very familiar figure was thrown across the saddle of one of the biggest alphas Lukas had seen yet.

""Tino!!"" He and Emil cried out at the same time. They made to run towards him but were promptly stopped by a whole gaggle of riders suddenly encircling them like buzzards and whooping like animals. The two immediately stuck together.

One of them made a grab at Emil when a sickening, wet slicing sound was split the air and the arm that was extended towards the platinum blonde omega fell to the ground with a thud. A splash of blood colored Emil's pale face and his scream overlapped with the agonized roar of the man who'd just lost his arm. The roar was then cut short when the head of that man also left his body.

The remaining men raised shouts of alarm and anger as the headless man's horse bolted, revealing Leon in all his glory, clutching a sword in his right hand and baring his teeth at the riders.

The young alpha was quick to put himself between the assailants and the two omegas. It was a whirl of flying swords and the deafening crash of metal all around them.

Leon felled two more of the riders before there was a resounding 'thwack!'. The head of an arrow embedded itself into the young alphas chest and those dark brown eyes flew wide. Lukas couldn't even see where the arrow came from in all the chaos.

Thwack! Thwack! Two more arrows in quick succession and a mouthful of blood spilled from the young alpha's lips.

"LEON!!!" Emil's mournful  wail split the air as Leon's body slumped down to the earth. One of the riders raised his sword to deal a finishing blow to the young alpha but Emil quickly threw his own body over Leon's. "NO!!!" The rider tried to pry Emil off the other dying boy, but Lukas quickly stabbed him right in the arm with the small knife he hid in his boot. It was originally for the case that one of the asshole alphas in the village should try to accost him whilst he was on his own. He could at least land a lucky stab and get away, but now it had a better use.

Lukas didn't hate Yao's kid. The damn brat needed to keep his filthy hands off his baby brother... but he didn't want to see the kid die, especially not protecting them.

He steeled himself and stood over Emil's sobbing form and Leon's prone one, gripping the dagger menacingly. Just as he thought the group of bastards would try something else a voice came from somewhere beyond them.

"Halt!" It was the authoritative voice of a man. Those riders surrounding them moved aside and cleared a space in the circle for a man to come forward on the back of a huge chestnut stallion. Lukas watched him suspiciously.

He was a large blonde alpha with deep, dark blue eyes. His hair was spiked wildly to one side and he had on the cockiest, most infuriating grin Lukas had ever had the displeasure of seeing. He wore rich fur draped across his left shoulder and a tunic of blood red across his broad chest underneath his leather armour. He had a silver halberd slung across his shoulder and heavy leather boots on his feet.

He dismounted unhurriedly under Lukas' suspicious gaze. Lukas didn't take his eyes off this newcomer as he sauntered forward towards the omegas like a beast that knew its prey had nowhere to run or hide, and in a way, Lukas admitted, that was accurate. The smouldering look he gave the omega made some phantom jolt go through Lukas' body, but he pushed it away quickly enough.

The newcomer gave Lukas a smile that was full of entirely too much teeth and grabbed at him. Lukas tried to lash out with the knife, but his wrist was quickly caught in a firm grasp and twisted behind his back making him drop his lifeline with a clatter.

He was dragged up against a hard chest. His chin was pinched between a rough thumb and index, and before he could hurl a myriad of insults a mouth was clamped over his, sucking and biting. Even his furious pounding and flailing with his free hand was brushed off by the alpha.

"Mmph!!–" his indignant cry was cut off as a tongue was thrust into his mouth. The tongue continued to do what it pleased to the inside of his mouth. When he decided to bite down on it a hand clamped firmly on his jaw preventing it from clamping down. The alpha released Lukas' swollen mouth and he gasped for air.

The bastard had the audacity to throw back his head and laugh uproariously. When he looked back at Lukas' flushed face, his blue eyes were twinkling with an almost boyish deviousness.

"You're quite the wild one I see," He said appreciatively.

Lukas merely answered with a stony glare.

"I've decided. You're going to be mine from now on." He spoke with a certainty that made the smaller man bristle.

"I'd rather slit my own throat!" Lukas spat. He meant it too. If he was going to spend the rest of his life as this bastard's sex toy, then he might as well.

"Oh?" He smirked. "And what of the younger one behind you? There's no telling what my men would do to him when you're gone." Lukas' eyes widened.

"Don't you dare!" He hissed at the  infuriating, smirking face of the alpha.

"Of course!" He said brightly before lowering his voice to a rumble next to the smaller blonde's ear. "Just give yourself to me." Lukas gritted his teeth and glanced at his precious baby brother sobbing brokenly over Leon's frighteningly still form, kneeling in a puddle of blood.

There was the chance that even if he did or did not agree, this man would do whatever he wanted with them anyway, seeing as they were but two omegas, yet... he was being offered something where he nothing but his own life to bargain with, and even that was off the table since he couldn't leave Emil behind...

"Fine," he spat to the alpha who returned a triumphant grin.

"What's your name kitten?" He said brushing a calloused thumb across Lukas' flushed cheek.

"... Lukas." His reluctance was clear.

"Lukas..." The alpha enunciated gazing at him thoughtfully with those dark blue eyes before that idiotic grin returned. "Well, kitten, I am Mathias." And with not so much as a "by your leave" he hoisted a yelping Lukas up by the waist and tossed him face down over the saddle of the chestnut stallion and swiftly mounted behind him.

"You asshole– YOUCH!!" Lukas cried out as a sharp slap landed on his ass. He spluttered earning him a mad cackle in return.

"Han!" Mathias yelled to one of the men nearby. "Bring the boy and stay close to me." The man named Han answered immediately and respectfully.

"Yes, my lord!"

Lukas saw the man pry a screaming Emil from Leon's fallen body.

"NO!! NOOO!! LEON!!! LET ME GO!! PLEASE!!!" He didnt stop screaming and calling Leon's name even when he was thrown across the saddle before Han. It was hard to watch him like this.

Lukas was pulled from his thoughts by that same devilish hand suddenly clamping around one of his ass cheeks and kneading it firmly. He meant to tell the man to fuck off but what came out if his mouth was quite different.

"Haaa~!" Lukas clamped a hand over his mouth in fright. 'What the hell was that!?!!' His answer was brought to him by that hand that continued to shamelessly squeeze and grope his behind. He could feel his temperature rising with every movement of that heated palm.

Oh god, his heat!!!

It was too soon! He should have had at least another day before it kicked off fully, but he could definitely feel the telltale feverishness and the wetness of slick beginning to seep out of his entrance spreading his scent.

Judging by the rumbling growl from Mathias, he clearly scented it.

"Hyaa!!" Mathias immediately kicked his horse and took off in the direction of the rest of the retreating horsemen who immediately created a wall of bodies around him Han and another huge alpha whose lap was full of a very familiar omega.

"Tino?!" Lukas called incredulously to the little Fin draped across the lap and saddle of the giant. Indigo eyes flew to his own blue ones in surprise.

"Lukas–" Unfortunately Tino's next words were drowned out by the triumphant roars of the riders around them and the thunderous sound of hoofs as the raiders took their loot and prizes headed straight for Kohler lands.

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