Multiple Directions (one dire...

By babyblue1996

67.6K 577 114

Mell Spriker is a contestant in the final four of x-factor when One Direction comes to guest start on the sho... More

Meeeeh Morning
Elimination Night
The Boys Are Here!
The Fort and a Redhead
My R'edhead and My boys
My new best friends
Emotions and a Movie
Deer eyes...
Breakfast with the boys, Annie, and Bunny Mellie
Sorry Little Zoo Animals
cops scare me
My very lame superhereos
Liam's a Bit Lost (part 1)
Liam's a Bit Lost (part 2)
Clay has Terrible Timing
I Seem to be in a Bit of Trouble
My Time With Clay
My Superheros aren't so Lame
Aftermath. No One Likes It.
Swimming at Night
The Party Started in the Limo
Parties can be Quite Fun
Problems with Press
Typical Tuesday the Backyard.
Sing for Your Life
Elimination Night. Again.
The XFactor Finals
Win or Lose

OH, the tour...

2.5K 28 5
By babyblue1996

As Niall, Zayn, Louis, Harry dashed ahead to the food, Liam walked with me at a slower pace. After a few moments of silence I spoke up.

"Hey Liam?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for earlier...with the clothes and all...I probably would've stayed there embarassing myself a lot longer if you hadn't dropped the clothes on me and snapped me out of it so thanks." I smiled up at him.

He gave a chuckle and said, "Its okay, we did kinda switch up with that blonde girl you were expected. I figured your were a fan that got a little overwhelmed," gesturing to the charm braclet on my wrist.

"Do you like it???" I said holding it up to show it off, "My best friend Annie gave it to me. Dude, she would have loved to meet you guys, we're both huuuuuuge fans. Just yesterday we spent two whole hours obbessing over the video diaries and ----" I cut myself short feeling my cheeks burn red and I realized how I just described my crazy fan-ness to him....

Liam busted out laughing, "Did we almost run into a fangirl?! That could've been messy!"

"Fangirling equals best. punishment. EVER!" I said in mock seriousness.

"Twitter!" he said, pulling out his phone.

I stuck my tongue out at him and then proceeded to race him to the kitchen. When we got there, it was in chaos. The boys were running around trying to cook. The actual cooks were running around trying to stop them. There was a steam stream of smoke from the burning mess in the frying pan contributing to the darkened haze that covered the room. Stephanie was glaring back and forth between the boys and the piece of toast in her hair. Suzzie was giggling and clapping to the mayhem. No Mikey - he must've dug out before things got messy. Flour was everywhere and there were two eggs laying broken on the floor. The bread was spread out all over the table. And the fruit ended up on the walls. Beautiful.

A smile tugged at my lips even though I tried to keep a stern face at the odd scene. Liam ran forward to pull Louis away from a very pull blender but was forced to retreat when Louis pulled a spoon on him and wagged it like a sword to keep Liam at bay. Grabbing the blender, Louis threw it on Liam and Zayn who had been passing behind Liam at the time. Laughing at the faces of horror, Louis yelled, "FOOD FIGHT" and all hell proceeded to break loose.  

Louis was pelted by smashed fruits (the ones that were on the wall) by Niall, who darted away laughing like a leprechaun before retaliation occurred. Zayn had gone after Niall with a couple pieces of buttered toast. Suzzie popped up out of no where and poured her very full bowl of cereal on Liam's head. She skipped out of the kitchen before he could even find out who his attacker was. Wheeling around before he could get attacked again, Liam threw a bucket of cream over the nearest person. That person just so happened to an, until then, elusive Niall, who was now soaking wet and had cream dripping from his nose.

So far I had escaped to a secluded corner, and was simply loving every second of the boys pelting each other with food. I had secretly started filming so that they could watch every play by play later. No one bothered me or even saw me, so I wasn't freaking out or getting jumpy at the slightest movement. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark shape creeping slowly towards me. I turned just in time to see crouching Harry smirk up at me. I took a step back, placing the camera on the well covered side table behind me so it could still capture the rest of the fight. My back hit the counter and I looked side to side desperately looking for a way out.

Harry snatched me away from my little corner and spun me around so that my back was to his stomach. Still dizzy from the quickness of being captured I didn't put up much of a fight when Harry wrapped an arm around me, pinning me to him. By the time I realized what was going on, I was throughly pinned against him. Every time I tried to wiggle myself free, he held me closer. Harry held a partly peeled banana at my throat -at a perfect angle to smash into my face.

"Everybody weapons down! I. Got. The. Tour guide." Harry yelled into a the roar of yelling boys, cursing Stephanie, and flying foods.

"Hey! The tour guide has a name you know!" I said, struggling against him in a very unlady like fashion.

"Sorry loves, I got Mell! Weapons down!" Harry corrected.

All scattered around the room, the boys dropped the foods they were holding. Niall threw down a apple pie that was in preparation for flight towards Zayn's head.  Zayn reluctantly dropped his slingshot (don't ask me where he found that thing) that had a scoop of fast melting pice cream ontop of a pile of bannana peels. Liam made sure that Zayn and Niall weren't going to get their "weapons" again before slowly putting the basket he was using as a shield down and letting his two remaining bread rolls fall to the ground. Louis just huffed and let two strawberries fall out of his hand.

As everyone just stared at the striped boy, Harry eyed him and said levely, "Lou...all of it."

"YOU FIEND!!!!" Louis cried as he reached into many hidden pockets and pulled out potatoes, blueberries, a pancake, a bottle of icing, and finally a carrot.  "Goodbye my love," Louis whispered to the carrot as he watched it fall with the rest to the mess on the floor.

"Excellent. I WIN!!! WHOOOOO! WHOOOOOO! WHOOOO!" Harry yelled cheerfully, still keeping that bannana dangerously close to my face.

"Not quite curls!" I said, laughing, "and watch where you wave that bannana!"

"Curls?" Harry questioned the nickname.

"Well not for long," I said as I reached out to the table at lighting speed, grabbed a bowl of saimin (no, not cup of noodles. this is much better.) and dumped it on his head. He let me go in an attempt tp flee but I was too fast and his curls were flattened by the waterfall of saimin broth and littered with noodles.

Niall, Zayn, Liam, and I all laughed at Harry's distraught face as Louis rushed forward, yelling, "HAZZABEAR!!" and helped brush the noodles out of his hair, then wishpered loudly, "Sorry mate, but I think she got you on that one..."

Harry pouted at Louis before turning towards me with his evil smile. "Get her."

I ran back towards the saftey of Liam, Niall, Zayn before I realized that Zayn was on Harry's side. He reached me first and held me me before I could run away and when Louis and Harry got there, all the leftover weapons from the ground were dumped on my head. If that wasn't enough, Harry begun to tickle me yelling, "For the curls!!!!" I called out for backup from Liam and Nialls when i could spare a breath from giggling.  They pulled me out of Harry's reach and Harry, along with Zayn and Louis started chasing us in the kitchen. None of us got very far before -- BAM! Niall tripped on Zayn's slingshot and melted ice cream, and pulled me down with him. Liam fell over us, and Louis, Harry, and Zayn over him into one big dog pile.  As the last boy fell, he hit the cutter with chopped up celery and the pieces of celery flew across the room....right onto Stephanie.

We all fell silent at the fire burning in her eyes.  She shook her head so roughly, I swear her new extensions were going to fly off. She narrowed her icy blue eyes at us as a red crept up her face. She opened her mouth and we all flinched, but she closed it quickly. After a few huffs that gave gave to angry but steady breathing, she spoke.

"Idoits." She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

As Stephanie walked away, she pushed past a few of the X-factor camera men. They had been filming the whole time!!! I noticed the cooks come out of their safety corner and exhange money before they looked around at the damage we did.  The room was covered in food, and I didn't blame the cooks for turning their wide eyes into annoyed looks towards us. I struggled to get out from the dog pile, but I was trapped underneath Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Harry. Niall, seeing my desperate attempts to free myself, Niall helped shove Liam off of me just enough that I could squeeze myself out from under all of them.

Rushing over to my favortie cook, I gushed, "I'm soooooo sorry Aunty Clary!!!" Now, Clary wasn't my real aunt, but we had become so close that I just started calling her that.

Patting my cheek, she laughed at me, "Don't worry sweetie. I made twenty bucks off this thing."

"At least we can help clean," I said, reaching for the nearest mop.

Just then mangement bounded into the room from behind the camera guys, "THAT WAS GREAT FOOTAGE!!!! I knew we'd find something interesting in the kitchen! Didn't i say that boys?" he said turning to the camera men, who grunted an agreement in reply. "Mell! What are you doing?! Put that mop down! You have to take the boys on the tour," he continued. I tried to open my mouth in protest, but he cut me off "no, no. no buts! hurry and go!"

As he ushered the boys and me out the kitchen door I mouthed an apology to Aunty Clary, who simply smiled and waved goodbye.


Once we were out of the house and out of ear shot of management, I turned to the boys, "I toooooold you they're obbessed about the tour."

"Well, then, lead on oh master of guiding tours!" Louis said in a grand voice.

"WHOOOOOOOOO!" the boys yelled in unison.

We took off for the next destination: hair and makeup.  The department got their own air conditioned building.  There were four major stylist sections, Max who was on team Simon, Gloria on team Brittany, Rosie on Demi, and Robbie on team LA Ried. Robbie's section was deserted since LA Ried lost all his constestants, so we turned it into a lounge area for stylists, contestants, and the occasional guest star. I brought the boys to the back to a large open room where five separate hair and makeup sations. There was flourescent lighting, like in all the rooms, and giant bean bags in a corner. After leaving the room, I kept bugging the boys to give me one of the bean bags, but they refused. They're such selfish popstars!

The next stop was the rehearsal rooms. I showed them the room where the contestants go to work with Tommy, the vocal coach. He helps us on all the arrangments. Then we went to the dance room, where we have to learn our blocking, and the actual hard chorep in my case, for our performances. Then I showed them the music room, which was best thing I could've done for the boys.  By the time we got to the music room, they were slumping their shoulders, tripping each other, and Niall was getting hungry again. As soon as they saw the instrments it was like a rainbow had finally broken through the clouds of five teenage boys. Liam and Niall went straight for the guitars, Harry the drums, Louis the tamborine, and Zayn found himself a triangle. Harry counted the beats on the drum sticks and somehow they started playing the most random notes that seemed to fit perfectly. The impromtu song had no lyrics, but my foot had started tapping after a few beats and before i coupld stop myself I started singing. (I can't really describe my voice...its rocky sometimes, then a really strong belt other times, and then it can kind of airy if thats a word to describe it -either way I usually leave it up for other people to decide on cause i'll just keep singing.) Once I stopped singing, the boys stopped playig, and I turned around to see them staring.

".....What?" I looked around me to find what they were staring at.

"Lads, I think I know who im voting for," Niall said.

"All in favor?" Liam asked the rest of them.

"I!!!" the boys choursed.

"YAY FOR MELL!" Louis cheered!

I nearly cried of happiness, five of my role models are goign to vote for me on X-factor. I might be able to win this thing....


After we left the music room, I showed them on of my favorite things in the world.

Pushing against two large doors, I led the boys backstage and brought them just out of eyesight of the stage.  I made them close their eyes for leading them right to the edge of the wing before saying, "And where you'll be performing!!!!"

The five boys gasped and ran on stage. They each fell into a line and looked out at the audience. I figured they'd be used to big stages and audiences, so I pointed out where the cameras usually are. I told them how sometimes, fans in the audience get out of their seats and press against the stage. Sometimes they're screams get so loud its hard to hear the music, but the energy they give is like nothing else. I took a sigh and spun around on stage, feeling a warmth spread across me. I didn't stop until I saw they're faces. All five boys had gone chalk white. A few of their hands were starting to shake. Each one had their eyes locked onto the vast space for the audience.

"I'm not going to say don't be nervous," I said quietly, breaking the silence.

Five pairs of eyes darted towards me.

"I'm not going to say don't be nervous" I repeated, "I know it doesn't help. But, I know what does."

"Picturing the whole lot of them in their undergarments?" Zayn offered.

"Eww no! That does not help trust me!!!! I've seen one too many old men in the crowd for that to make me feel comfortable!" Louis said, shivering in disgust.

We all laughed before I said, "No, haha, what I was going to say was focus on why your up there. You all love being on stage. You all love being together. Just enjoy it."

"Hey fancy that! Aren't we supposed to be giving you advice" Harry teased, winking at me.

"Shush your face curly!" I said, sticking my tonuge out at him.

"She does have a point though" a familiar accent drifted into the room. My mentor, Simon Cowell stepped out from the wing, and onto the stage.

"UNCLE SIMON!!!!" the boys all yelled in unison. They rushed over to him, but before they could reach him, they tripped over each other and fell into a heap at his feet.

Laughing, I managed to breath out, "Hi...hahahahhaa.....Si- hahaha - mon!!!"

"Bloddy - What happened to all of you????" he demanded.

I looked at what we were all wearing. I hadn't noticed that none of us had changed from the food fight because we were so focused on getting the tour done. We all looked at each other, realizing it at the same time and wondering what Simon was going to say.

"Mell?" he asked again.

"um...well you see..." I fumbled, trying to find a way to phrase it that wouldn't get us into trouble.

Liam came to my rescue, saying, "We got into a bit of a food fight Uncle Simon. The lads and I started it."

"But I won!!!" I piped up, trying to share the blame.

Simon just sighed and shook his head with a slight smile on his face. "Let me guess, it was 'great footage'?" he asked, chuckling.

"yup" the six of us answered.

"Did you get Stephanie?"

"With celery and toast." I replied, a smirk popping u pon my face at the memory.

"Excellent!" Simon said, smililng properly for the first time. "Mell take them to the Fort. They can stay there while theyre here and you all can get cleaned up." He walked away and waved as we shouted our goodbye to him.

"What's the Fort?" Niall asked me.

"I'll show you!" I said hopping up and pulling them along.

Hi guys!! Did you all like this one? Favorite parts? tell me what yall think i'd love to know! thanks for reading! more is coming soon! - gabs <3

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