He made it better||Raura

By dontworrysunflowr

60.9K 1.6K 251


read with caution
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors note
Chapter 16
Authors Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 32

974 27 3
By dontworrysunflowr

(Ross' POV)

We're sitting in the limo listening to R5's music, and I've honestly never seen Laura this happy.

She's with her friends. Her sister. My siblings, who is practically family to her. Me.

Don't tell anyone, but I planned asking her to prom even when we broke up.

"You ok?" She asked smiling at me

I smile back and I can do is nod. She kisses my cheek and everyone around us start with the "Awww" and whistling. She blushes and looks down

"There just jealous" I whispered in her ear, she chuckles

The driver honks, signaling us to get out. We get out the car and walk inside the school. Loud music is being played from the DJ, in the basketball court.

"Have you seen Ryland?" Laura shouts over the music

I shake my head. I look around and see Ryland on the dance floor, dancing with a girl. I nudge Laura on her hip, she whips her head to the direction I was looking at, her eyes widen. I take her hand and we walk to the dance floor, next to Ryland and the girl. We start dancing, it takes a while for Ryland to notice us.

"Oh hey guys" he shouts over the music, still dancing and keeping his eyes on the girl, smiling.

"Mind introducing us?" I ask

He steps away from the dance floor, dragging the girl behind him, we follow him. He goes to find the rest of my siblings, then finally talks

"This is my girlfriend, Kelsey" he says. Kelsey awkwardly waves at us, we do the same. Then Rydel squeals and hugs Ryland.

"My baby bro found himself a girl" she smiles then finally let's go.


"You want something babe?" I asked Laura

"Could you get me some punch please?" She asked before turning her attention back to Kelsey. They've become good friends in under an hour. I kiss her head before walking to the snack table. I asked Riker to make sure the punch wasn't spiked, cuz...ya know. Teens.

"Nah man, it's fine" Riker said before walking back to Savannah. I nodded and filled two cups with punch. As I poured punch into the second cup, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw...Britney. Her slutty dress showing off way to much then pleased, her platinum blonde hair curled, the most evil looking smile on her face.

"Hi there, hot stuff" she said

"Um..hi" I turn back around and grab the two cups of punch. She takes my shoulders and spins me around.

"Why don't we-"she takes the cups out of my hands and places them on the table "-ditch this place and head to the janitors closet?" She smirked. I grab her by the wrist and take her hand off my shoulder.

"Um, no. I have a date"

Her smirk fades "What? Didn't you just break up with Laura, who are you with now?"

"I'll give you a hint. Her name starts with an L"

"Ugh! Whatever" she said before leaving. She finally realized Laura and I are back together

I grab the cups again and walk to Laura.

"What took so long?" She asked as she took the cup of punch I handed her.


She raises her eyebrows and nods

"I'll tell you later" I said, she nods again.


"It's time to announce this years prom king and prom queen!" On of the cheerleaders, Lola said into the mic. She unfolds a piece of paper "This years prom king is...Ross Lynch!" She said into the mic.

Everyone starts clapping and whistling, I walk on stage and another cheerleader places a crown on my head.

"Now..this years prom queen is...Laura Marano!" I smile and turn to Laura, who's walking on stage, a huge smile on her face. A cheerleader places a crown on her head and Laura comes and hugs me.

"WHAT!" Someone in the crowd yelled. Britney-of course- stomps on stage and glares and Laura, I securely wrap my arms around Laura's waist "THIS IS INSANE, IM THE ONE WHO SHOULD'VE GOTTEN THAT CROWN, AND ROSS!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS MARANO, AND YOU LYNCH!!" She stomps out the room.

Everyone is silent for a while, not really sure what to do "Why don't the prom king and queen have their dance" Lola said awkwardly into the mic. I smile at Laura and help her off stage onto the dance floor. We start to dance to a slow song.

"Thank you." She said

"For what?" I asked

"For...everything. To letting me cry on your shoulder when I really needed it, to saving my life, to bringing so much joy and happiness that my mouth hurts because I smile to much, to always encouraging me to follow my dreams and never give up. But mostly, thank you for loving me, and letting me love you back. Thank you for being my best friend when I honestly thought I would die alone. I love you"

All I could do was kiss her in return. People started 'aww'ing, there were a few snaps of pictures being taken and people chanting 'RAURA'.

RikerR5- look at my bro and the love of his life. Congrats you two! @RossR5 @lauramarano #prom #promkingandqueen

The rest of the prom was just everyone dancing and having fun. We went back to Dove's house, changed into comfortable clothes and watched movies and laughed. Laura and I went home and watched our own movies, and we helped each other with music.

RossR5- Are we working on new music? Oh I don't know. (Actually I do know, but you don't have to know that) 😏 love ya babe! 😘❤️ @lauramarano

"What do you think of this?" Laura asked before playing a few notes on the piano.

I just couldn't help but stare. The way her eyes stayed glued to her fingers as she made up music for herself. Her smile growing bigger and bigger as she liked the sound of what she was playing. The way her hair moved off her shoulders and into her face as she moved her head to the music. My smile growing bigger.


"Oh what? Sorry" I looked down

"What were you thinking about?" I could hear the smirk in her voice

I looked up at her and plastered a smirk on my face "Oh ya know, you.."

"Oh really?" She blushed

I nod "You know what I'm thinking right now?" She shakes her head "I think you should kiss your boyfriend"

"Ok" she said before she kissed me.

I didn't think that would work.

Gah!!!! There's a new chapter for you guys! Hope you liked! Happy birthday to SashaSullivan

TrinityElise19 and sSNwychloe16  theres a new chapter for you guys! I'm so happy you guys like it! Love you-Rosy

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