The Keyblade War Chapter III:...

By Lingering-Will

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The worlds are at their breaking point... After the battle against Xylek, victory came bittersweet! While... More

Prologue: The Death Of Hope
Chapter One: A Road Long Traveled
Chapter Two: Not Exactly A Wonderland
Chapter Three: The Red Queen's Castle
Chapter Four: Escape Plan
Chapter Five: Sky And Raxon
Chapter Six: Into The Lost Empire
Chapter Seven: The Heart Of Atlantis
Chapter Eight: To Do The Right Thing
Chapter Nine: At World's End
Chapter Ten: The Song Has Been Sung
Author's Note
Chapter Eleven: Marching Ever Forward
Chapter Twelve: An Incredible Meeting
Chapter Thirteen: A Family Of Supers
Chapter Fourteen: Into The Underminer's Lair
Chapter Fifteen: When Words Aren't Enough
Chapter Sixteen: A Way Out
Chapter Seventeen: High Above The Clouds
Chapter Eighteen: A Skyward Battle
Chapter Nineteen: Closest To The Brink
Chapter Twenty: The Race To Save Ventus
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty One: Kyle's Ordeal
Chapter Twenty Two: The Journey For The Keys Begins
Chapter Twenty Three: The Burdens We Bear
Chapter Twenty Four: The Life Of A Chosen
Chapter Twenty Five: Battles On Multiple Fronts
Chapter Twenty Six: The Darkness Draws Ever Closer
Chapter Twenty Seven: Kingdom Hearts
Chapter Twenty Eight: There Is Only One Road
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Rescue Begins
Chapter Thirty: Kyle Vs. Stralus
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty One: A Heart, Liberated
Chapter Thirty Two: A Brief Respite
Chapter Thirty Three: Return To The Realm Of Sleep
Chapter Thirty Five: A Nightmare To Remember
Chapter Thirty Six: The Hidden Cave
Chapter Thirty Seven: In An Age Long Past
Chapter Thirty Eight: Valkyrie
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Sword Decides
Chapter Forty: Wishes For The Future
Author's Note
Chapter Forty One: Owari Part 1: The Storm Comes
Chapter Forty Two: Owari Part 2: The Heavens Burst
Chapter Forty Three: Owari Part 3: This Is War
Chapter Forty Four: Owari Part 4: Fiends Unleashed
Chapter Forty Five: Owari Part 5: Turning Point, The Keys Of Balance
Chapter Forty Six: Owari Part 6: Dexeres And Tsumugi Vs. Emmxett
Chapter Forty Seven: Owari Part 7: To End Sacrifices
Chapter Forty Eight: Owari Part 8: Doomsday
Chapter Forty Nine: Owari Part 9: What Could Have Been
Chapter Fifty: Owari Part 10: Beauty Of Apocalypse
Epilogue: A New Beginning
Author's Note

Chapter Thirty Four: Battling Yzma

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By Lingering-Will

 "Kronk, didn't you hear me? Kill them!!!" she commanded yet again! Kronk then started mumbling to himself, and he seemed as though he was torn about what to do! Yzma was confused by this, and when she looked at the others, they just shrugged, for they didn't understand it either. Yzma sighed and then massaged her temples.

"And here I thought that you could do this one task, Kronk! But it seems that I can't rely on you for anything, you overgrown monkey!" she protested! Kronk was trying to say something, but Yzma didn't let him speak!

"I'm tired of your uselessness, Kronk, I'm tired of you always being a half measure! You are despicable! And you know something else!? I never liked your brussel sprouts!" she stated! At that, Kronk's face froze, and he started to tear up.

"Y-you don't mean that, Yzma?" he asked. Yzma scoffed.

"I mean every word of it!" she hissed. That's when Kronk's face changed from a sad, torn face to a determined, defiant face! He looked up, and then he threw the knife towards the location he intended! As everyone looked to where the knife flew, they noticed that it flew through a chandelier being held by a rope! The knife cut through said rope, and it started to fall down, until it fell on Yzma! The chandelier crashed into the ground with a sickening thud, and everyone thought that Yzma was done for! But, luckily for her skinny frame, she wasn't even harmed!

"Oh no, that was a doozy..." Kronk muttered. Yzma rolled her eyes and pulled a nearby lever, which caused Kronk to fall down a hole that opened in the ground! She then wiped her hands and looked at the others. "Well then, now that he's out of the way, I can focus on taking you all down!" she said, with an evil smirk apparent in her face!

"How could you do that to him!? He's your friend!" Sora shouted! Yzma scoffed.

"Oh please, Kronk was always just a business associate, nothing more! Besides, I don't need him, not when I can do this myself!" she said, as he picked up the knife and attempted to murder Kuzco! Pacha, Sora and Riku got in the way though, and they caused her to trip, and the knife fell to the floor and slid towards the other end of the lab! Yzma crashed on the potion shelf, and all the potions, including the one she was holding in her hand, fell down to the floor! Now they were all mixed up! And it didn't help that all the potions bore the exact same color: pink!

"Well, this can't be good!" Riku said, as they quickly attempted to find the right potion! But soon, footsteps could be heard, and that's when Yzma smirked and capitalized on the sudden turn of events! She walked towards a doorway and opened it, and beyond, palace guards could be seen coming in her direction!

"Guards, guards, come this way! The Emperor's murderers are here, stop them!" she shouted!

"Oh no, we're in trouble!" Sora shouted!

"Quick, we have no time to check all the potions now, we'll have to take all of them and try them out one by one until we find the human potion!" Pacha suggested, and everyone agreed and picked up all the vials, and then they made their way towards a staircase that seemed to lead downward! They didn't take a second's hesitation, and they ran as fast as they could! They could hear the guards coming closely behind!

"Quick, Pacha, give me a potion!" Kuzco shouted!

"Right!" Pacha replied, as he gave Kuzco a potion, and it turned him into a turtle!

"Okay...this isn't what I had in mind..." Kuzco said as he struggled to walk! The others stopped and went back for him, and now the palace guards were inching ever closer! Pacha picked up Kuzco, and as they ran, they came upon an almost endless abyss, but they saw what lay in the bottom, and it seemed to be a giant water canal leading downward!

"Alright, let's hope this one's it!" Pacha said as he gave Kuzco another potion! This time, it turned him into a bird! A very small bird, at that! Kuzco desperately tried to fly, but Pacha was so heavy that they both fell down towards the water canal! Sora and Riku quickly followed them by sliding on the sides of the water canal at blazing fast speeds!

"Well, things have gone wild!" Sora mentioned.

"We have to keep up with them and protect them from the palace guards! We need to make sure Kuzco transforms back into a human!" Riku shouted! They both nodded, and in a matter of seconds, they had already caught up to Pacha and Kuzco!

"Okay, maybe this one...?" Pacha asked, but Kuzco shook his head angrily.

"No, this time, I'll choose which potion to drink!" he said, and he gulped one down, and he found himself turning into a giant whale! There was a moment of silence, and Kuzco rolled his eyes at Pacha.

"Don't say a word..." he said, and suddenly, they broke through the canal and fell down quite a high ledge! It led them towards a bigger canal that seemed to be in the lowest part of the palace! Sora and Riku leapt down towards them until they reached them, and now, they seemed to have reached a dead end! The guards were now closing in, for they had not given up the chase!

"These guys don't give up, don't they?" Riku asked.

"Looks like we'll have to fight them here..." Sora said, as they both summoned their Keyblades! The guards were coming closer, but before Sora and Riku confronted them, Pacha ran in front of them!

"Look out, guys!" he said, as he threw almost all the potions at the palace guards! A giant, pink cloud of smoke formed, and Sora, Riku, Pacha and Kuzco stepped back a ways! When the smoke cleared, they saw that the guards had turned into different animals! While the guards were disoriented by their new appearance, Kuzco gulped down another potion, which turned him back into his llama self!

"Yay, I'm a llama again! Hey, wait a minute!" Kuzco exclaimed!

"No time to waste, let's get out of here!" Riku shouted, as they all turned around and ran for it!

They ran along the side of the dead end, hoping that there was some hidden path or a staircase that led elsewhere! But unfortunately, no such path was found yet! It wasn't until Kuzco screeched to a halt that everyone stopped and noticed a hole that was a few feet away from them! It apparently led outside! But it seemed as though the hole lead downwards into quite a big fall that would easily end in quite a deadly drop! The transformed guards came running, and everyone got out of the way quickly, therefore making the guard run forward recklessly! When they realized that they had run right towards the hole, they were helpless to do anything about it, and they fell down! They had successfully shaken off their pursuers!

"Whew, that was a close one!" Kuzco sighed of relief. Pacha shook his head and pointed behind them.

"I wouldn't sing victory yet! We'll have to jump down this hole!" Pacha said. Kuzco stressed and had a panicked expression on his face!

"What are you, insane!?" the llama asked!

"Just trust me on this, okay!?" Pacha exclaimed.

"We'll jump down first! We'll make sure that there's something to land on!" Riku said. Sora nodded.

"That's right! Well, here we go!" he said, and with that, the two of them jumped down the hole, and the fall lasted for quite a bit! When a few seconds passed, they finally landed on what seemed to be a platform jutting out of the palace walls! When they took notice, they saw that it was a whole slab of concrete that stretched out for quite a bit! They looked up towards Kuzco and Pacha, and gave a thumbs up!

"Come on down! We'll make sure you land safely!" Sora shouted! Within a few seconds, Pacha and Kuzco jumped down, and as Sora had said, he and Riku made sure that they landed safely on the concrete slab! It was very dangerous though, for they barely fit there! The ledge was sharp and lead straight down the palace and into the depths of the mountains that cradled the palace! They all looked at each other and noticed that water was falling off of the hole they just jumped down from! In the water, the remaining vile spun around, and everyone took notice and attempted to catch it!

"Careful, careful!" Sora shouted, as he tried to reach out for the vial, but slipped right past his fingers! Riku and Pacha also attempted to catch the vial, but were unable to! Just as it was about to plummet down towards the depths below, Kuzco was able to catch it with its mouth!

"Yeah! I caught it!" he muffled excitedly, and then he handed the vial over to Pacha. "Well, I guess having a long neck has its benefits! Anyways, time for me to turn back into a-"

"Not so fast!" a voice said! Everyone looked around in alert, and before they even knew what happened, Yzma had come down the same hole they had jumped down from, hanging from a rope! She took the vial from Kuzco and laughed maniacally! Everyone was caught off guard by this, and Kuzco panicked at what just happened! Yzma held the vial and smirked as she landed on the other end of the concrete slab, and she swung the vial in her hands.

"Your plan has come to a screeching halt! Now you'll never be a human again!" Yzma cackled. "Now witness the might of the true Empress, me!" she cackled, as she drew another vial from her pocket! She gulped it down instantly, and a cloud of pink smoke immediately covered everyone's vision! Soon, they heard a distorted, maniacal laugh, and they feared that Yzma had probably drunk a potion that turned her into some bestial form! That is, until they realized...

"Wait, what? A kitty cat?" Sora asked, tilting his head. Everyone looked at Yzma, and she looked at herself and at first was speechless. She then stuttered and seemed to mumble to herself!

"What? No! This wasn't supposed to happen! This wasn't what I was supposed to transform into!" she said with a squeaky voice! That's when she stopped and realized how different her voice sounded! "Wait, is this my voice? Is this my voice?" she asked, bewildered. Then she shrugged as if it was nothing. "Oh wait, it doesn't matter! I have the potion that'll turn me back into a human right here!" she said with a smirk as she took out the potion from her fur!

"Oh no!" Kuzco shouted!

"Oh yes! Victory is finally mine! Mwahahahaha!!!" Yzma laughed as she was about to save the sweet taste of victory! Sora and Riku were about to step in, when suddenly, a small, metal window opened right behind her and smashed her into the wall, the potion skyrockecting from her grasp! The one who had opened the metal window was none other than Kronk!

"Oh, so that's where this leads!" Kronk said to himself aloud, before closing the window! Everyone was confused at the certain turn of events, and Yzma got off of the wall and glared at everyone angrily!

"I won't stand for this! The throne will be mine! All mine!!!" she gnarled furiously! Just then, it seemed as though a dark aura took over here, and within a few seconds, the dark aura coalesced beside her and started to take shape! Sora and Riku summoned their Keyblades, for they knew this was going to be trouble! They also noticed that the potion had landed further up on the slabs of concrete jutting out of the palace walls!

"Guys, go get the potion! Riku and I will deal with whatever Yzma's cooking up now!" Sora said! Kuzco and Pacha nodded.

"Good luck, you two!" Pacha said, as both he and Kuzco stood back to back to each other, and then they supported each other on a small gap leading upwards to the concrete slabs, and they started to walk up the gap! It was a long distance, and it seemed as though Sora and Riku would have to be prepared to defend them while they make their climb, for the aura that had emanated from Yzma formed a giant Nightmare! It looked like a giant bird, with a colorful green and blue color scheme! It had flaring yellow eyes, and the Dream Eater emblem was marked upon its forehead! The bird gave out a mighty caw, and Yzma laughed fullheartedly!

"This is where it all ends for you fools! You won't dare to question my right to rule!" she said in her squeaky voice! With her dark aura, it resonated with the Nightmare and caused it to attack Kuzco and Pacha! Luckily, Sora and Riku got in the way and blocked the attack with their Keyblades! Kuzco and Pacha stopped for a moment, and Riku glanced back at them.

"Go, go, keep going!" Riku shouted! This was going to be a tough fight! Here, the high ground obviously applied to the Nightmare, for it had wings! But that's when an idea came to Riku.

"Sora, that bird! It's big enough for us to climb on its wings! If we want to take it down, we have to climb on top of the wings and deal damage to its head!" Riku explained. Sora nodded and looked at the bird.

"Right! But one of us is going to have to stay and fight Yzma, though! If we leave her alone, she's definitely going to go after Kuzco and Pacha!" Sora commented.

"Right! How about I take care of the bird, and you take care of the cat?" Riku asked. Sora smiled.

"You got it! Now go, try climbing on the bird's wings!" Sora shouted! They both nodded to each other, and then Riku proceeded to run a little further away from Sora, so that the Nightmare would focus its attention on him! Once far enough away, Riku started to dish out dark orbs and Dark Firaga spells, effectively drawing the Nightmare's undivided attention! It cawed fiercely and attempted to snatch Riku away with its talons, but to no avail! Riku dodged the attack, and then he struck at the talons, causing the Nightmare to screech in pain!

"That's right, buddy! Come and get me!" Riku taunted, as he swung his Keyblade and then fired off Aeroga razor blades! The Nightmare blocked the attack with its wings, and then it started to flap them hard to cause strong gusts of wind, which in turn, made Riku hold on to the wall, for he would have fallen if he hadn't been more careful! When the gusts died down, Riku noticed that the Nightmare was attempting to strike at him with its beak! Riku dodged the attacks, and right before he could strike its head, the Nightmare quickly flew back and cawed angrily! Riku had an impressed expression on his face!

"Well, looks like you're smarter than you look!" Riku commented. The Nightmare cawed defiantly, and then Riku launched more Dark Firaga spells, aiming it at its wings! The Nightmare dodged the spells, but one of them managed to hit its right wing! It cawed furiously, and then it dried to lunge towards Riku! He dodge the attack, which caused the Nightmare to crash into the wall! Its left wing was within reach, and that's when Riku propelled himself from the wall and dashed towards the left wing! One he reached it, he grabbed it tightly, and didn't intend to let go! The Nightmare flailed its wing wildly, trying to shake Riku off, bu tit was to no avail!

"I got you now!" Riku shouted, as he started to strike at the Nightmare's wing, causing it to fly a short distance away from the palace walls! It sommersaulted in the air a few times and swung itself around and swooped down, all in a desperate attempt to shake Riku off! Its right wing was damaged more severely than its left, and so, the Nightmare found it couldn't fly so well! Riku only capitalized on this!

"You won't get away from me!" Riku said, as he continued to strike at the Nightmare's wing! Meanwhile, Sora tried to keep Yzma away from Kuzco and Pacha!

"Sorry kitty, but you won't be going anywhere!" Sora mentioned, as he blocked every attempt Yzma made to escape him! She grew irritated of this, and then she unsheathed her claws, and then she smirked.

"Ooh, it seems that being a kitty has its benefits!" Yzma said as she looked at her sharp claws. Sora chuckled a bit nervously.

"Oh boy...this isn't going to be good..." Sora thought to himself.

"Now, out of my way, boy, or you're going to find yourself on the receiving end of an unpleasant scratching!" Yzma threatened with a growl! Sora stood his ground and shook his head.

"Not a chance! Show me what you got!" Sora taunted. At that, Yzma couldn't take this annoyance anymore, and she threw herself at him, and she quickly attempted to scratch Sora all over! Sora dodged every attempt Yzma made at harming him, and blocked a few attacks too! Yzma then pounced on top of his head, and then took hold and messed up his hair, making Sora almost fall down into the depths below! Luckily, he had solid footing, so he didn't fall like he would have if there hadn't been any footing at all! He yanked Yzma out of his head, and he noticed that she had some strands of his hair gripped in her paws! Sora rubbed his head and felt a stinging pain!

"Ugh, that's definitely gonna sting!" Sora exclaimed! Yzma wasted no time in talking, and she instead started to leap high up, attempting to reach Kuzco and Pacha, who were halfway through the gap, making their way towards the vial!

"Oh no you don't!" Sora said, and then he cast Magnega, causing Yzma to be yanked from where she was towards the flowing cluster of spheres! She gnarled and meowed annoyingly, frustrated that she was being denied her victory! She looked at Sora with glaring eyes, and just as she was about to pounce on him, the giant Nightmare bird crashed on her to the wall! Sora hadn't realized that his spell had also drawn the giant Nightmare bird! This actually helped a bit, for it stopped Yzma somewhat! But the impact of the Nightmare's crash with the wall caused Kuzco and Pacha to fall down quite a considerable distance to where they had to go! They luckily regained their hold and started to climb up again! Riku, who was on the Nightmare's wing, then proceeded to strike its head. Sora, taking advantage of this situation, struck the Nightmare's other wing, therefore rendering it unable to escape their onslaught! Yzma then popped out of the wall and gnarled furiously and then dashed towards Sora, slashing him vigorously, and then heading towards Riku, also managing to scratch him up quite a bit! Both Sora and Riku winced in pain at their newfound injuries, and Yzma climbed on top of the Nightmare's head and then fed it a potion! A giant cloud of pink smoke exploded, and within seconds, the Nightmare bird had transfromed into a giant Nightmare scorpion! Now it had the advantage of clinging to walls, which now made their battle more difficult!

"Oh...this definitely can't be good!" Sora stressed. Kuzco and Pacha looked at the giant Nightmare scorpion, and they almost lost it right then and there! But Riku and Sora stood their ground, ready to defend them, and that gave them the motivation to keep on going!

"Mwahahahahahaha!!! You fools don't stand a chance against me! I'll bring you all down!" Yzma proclaimed as he laughed maniacally! With her command, the giant Nightmare flung its sharp tail at Sora and Riku, who both managed to block the attack! But, the force of the attack was so much, that the concrete slab that they were standing on gave way, and now they began to fall down!

"Riku, this thing's tough! We gotta take care of it now!" Sora shouted!

"Right! Come on, let's do this!" Riku said!

With that the two of them broke their fall by running along the wall and then dashing downwards! When they were just about to reach the bottom of the palace, they landed on boulders, and therefore propelled themselves upward, and they blazed high up at incredible speeds! Bright purple auras surrounded them as they kept propelling themselves, and then, they saw the Nightmare scorpion climbing up the palace walls! It was just about to reach Kuzco and Pacha, when Sora and Riku managed to reach its tail and yank it down! The Nightmare was taken by surprise, and found itself being flipped over and then thrown off the wall! It began to fall down, and that's when Sora and Riku knew they had the opening necessary to finish this battle!

"Now!" Riku shouted!

"Right!" Sora nodded in agreement! Having altitude and momentun in their favor, Sora and Riku flung themselves down, and they almost seemed to look like arrows, as light engulfed them, and they pierced through the Nightmare, effectively ending its existence and causing it to wither away! Yzma then fell down and meowed loudly as she did so! Sora and Riku propelled themselves once again from the wall and then landed on a concrete slab jutting out higher up from where they had been! Once they landed safely, they looked down at the depths below!

"Did Yzma..." Sora began to ask. But Riku shook his head.

"Uh...either she has ridiculously good luck, or I think something in the palace entrance gave her a jumping boost up here!" Riku said as he pointed below! True enough, Yzma was propelled upward, and she was meowing loudly! When she reached the top and landed just where the vial was, she realized that she hadn't died! Then she saw the vial and grabbed it, much to the dismay of Kuzco and Pacha, who had finally climbed up! They were now face to face with Yzma, and she laughed maniacally before waving the vial at them!

"Ha, I win!" she mocked them! Sora quickly reacted though, and he prepared to launch an attack towards Yzma!

"Don't be so sure!" Sora said, as he performed Warp Raid! Said attack implied Sora throwing his Keyblade towards its target, and once it hit its target, it would warp them to another location! Yzma was caught off guard, and that's when Kuzco reached out and took the vial from her paw!

"Ha, looks like you don't win after all!" Kuzco said as he stuck his tongue out! Before Yzma could reply, she was warped to another location, as Sora's Warp Raid had worked its magic! Finally, it was over, and now Kuzco officially had the vial that would return him to his human form! Everyone relaxed for a moment, realizing that they had achieved victory! Kuzco looked at everyone and smiled.

"Thanks guys...thank you all for risking yourselves for me! I...I learned a lot in my time as a llama!" Kuzco said. "You see...before I was turned into a llama, well, I had what you could call a mean streak! Since I'm royalty, I took to my job as Emperor as if it was playtime! And as such, I wouldn't listen to my people's pleas...I neglected them! And I was cruel to everyone. I even threatened to make Pacha move away from his home, so I could build a summer house...I was a selfish person, I had darkness in me, you know?" he explained. Sora and Riku remained silent, and Pacha just smiled.

"But in my time as a llama, I learned to deal with the other side of life! I realized that the people that weren't in my shoes were suffering a lot...they had to work hard to make their dreams come raise their families, to survive! I learned how my people operate around here, and thanks to Pacha here...he managed to see the good in me, even if I didn't see it myself." Kuzco said, looking at Pacha with a smile. "I've changed my ways! From now on, I'll be a more dedicated emperor to my people, and I'll be a kind ruler! Well, obviously, I have to keep some of my pride intact, eh? I'm still the most handsome, highly groovy Emperor, the best of the whole world!" he bragged as he laughed. He then took the vial and looked at it, but before he did, he looked at Pacha. "You know...I guess that I could make my summer home somehwere else." he said. Pacha was touched upon Kuzco's words, and the two of them hugged each other! Pacha was crying, for he seemed to not expect this change of heart coming from Kuzco! Kuzco was patting Pacha's back, and Sora and Riku glanced at each other and smiled.

"Well, it looks like our work is done here. I'm glad you were able to find the vial that'll turn you into a human!" Riku said. Kuzco took the vial up and smiled.

"Yeah, well, thanks to all of you crazy people, I was able to get it! You take care, you hear? You can come back to my kingdom any time you want! You're special guests of honor!" Kuzco declared! Sora laughed and put his arms behind his head.

"Heh, we'll hold you to that, big guy! Anyways, see you around!" Sora said, as he and Riku waved goodbye! They then opened a portal, and Kuzco drank the vial, transforming himself back into a human!

When Sora and Riku crossed to the other side of the portal, they came upon the farmlands again! They also noticed that something dropped by their feet! Sora knelt down and picked up whatever fell, and then he realized that it was another strange sphere, like the one he had picked up earlier! He held it up and then looked at Riku!

"Look, it's another one of these things!" Sora said! Riku saw the sphere, and saw that it was a faint, pale red! It had puffy clouds inside, and it seemed like it was vibrating with a pulsing sensation! Riku closed his eyes, entering himself deep in thought.

"Hmm, this could be another clue..." he said. But before they could think upon it further, a giant sigil formed in the sky! The sigil then formed another sigil in its interior, and that's when they realized that it was this Sleeping World's Keyhole! Without having to say anything, Sora and Riku simply nodded, and they raised their arms up, summoning their Keyblades and then proceeding to unlock the Keyhole, as it shined with a radiant, powerful light! The light grew so bright, that it temporarily blinded them! When the light died down, they realized that they weren't in the farmlands anymore! In fact, they seemed to be floating in midair in a sort of...strange, mysterious place! Well, if it could even be called a place, that is! It seemed to be more like a space devoid of anything! All around, what could be seen was a purple and white mist, and there were very small bits of land dotted around the landscape! In fact, this setting kind of reminded Sora of the End Of The World from his first journey, back when he confronted Ansem, Seeker Of Darkness!

"Where....are we?" Riku asked. Sora shrugged.

"I don't know...this place seems familiar, but at the same time, I know that I haven't been here before!" he answered.

"Hmm...this must be what the Realm Of Sleep must be like when there aren't any Sleeping Worlds! Just an empty, dream-like plane!" Riku commented. They looked around and saw absolutely nothing. When Sora looked to his right, though, he swore that he could see a tiny speck on the horizon! Granted, Sora could just have easily had something on his eye, but he thought with utmost certainty that the little speck wasn't his imagination! Apparently, Riku noticed it too, for he was looking in the same direction that Sora was!

"What is that thing?" Riku asked.

"I don't know! But I think it's getting closer!" Sora said. And indeed, the speck came closer! Seeing as though this speck was something unknown, Sora and Riku quickly summoned their Keyblades, just to be cautious! Then, the speck came ever closer, and when they saw what the speck was, they realized that it was a tiny cat! It had a small pouch in its front, and it wore a cape! The cat was a grayish color with pale black stripes and blue eyes! It looked at Sora and Riku, and it then floated towards them!

"Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you! I've come here to help you!" the little cat said! At that, Sora and Riku glanced at each other and unsummoned their Keyblades. They looked at the little cat with utmost curiosity, for they had never seen it before!

"Who are you?" Sora asked. The little cat floated in the air and then landed on Sora's head.

"My name is Chirithy! I'm a Dream Eater, just like the ones you allied yourselves with when you came here to the Realm Of Sleep!" the cat introduced himself! At that, Sora and Riku's eyes opened wide!

"Wait, so you're a Spirit!?" Riku asked. Chirithy nodded.

"Indeed I am! I bet you're wondering where all the other Spirits are, aren't you?" the little Dream Eater asked. Sora and Riku nodded.

"Well, they're here, in the Realm Of Sleep! But to be more precise, they're trapped in a Nightmare! They've been trapped for a long time now! At some point, a powerful Nightmare took hold of the Realm Of Sleep, and to ensure that no Spirits could stop it, it consumed all the Spirits it could! That's the way it's been for quite a while now! Ever since the Nightmare took over, it's held dominion over the Realm Of Sleep! But now that you freed the Sleeping World from its slumber, you've caught its attention! It sees you two as a threat to its power." Chirithy explained.

"They're trapped? That's horrible! Is there any way we can help free them?" Sora asked. Chirithy nodded.

"Actually, there is, Sora! Those two spheres you have in your possession...they're part of a key that will liberate the Spirits from the Nightmare!" the Dream Eater answered.

"I see. I knew that these spheres were important! So, with these, we can free the Spirits?" Riku asked, as he held up the spheres which Sora had handed over to him, and showed them to Chirithy.

"Yes, though there is one that is still missing!" Chirithy answered. "Right now, you have the Sphere Of Vitality and the Sphere Of Dreams. You only need to find the Sphere Of Awakening, and you'll be able to harness the power to defeat the Nightmare entrapping the Spirits!" he added. Sora and Riku glanced at each other, and then they looked at Chirithy.

"And where do we find this Sphere Of Awakening?" Riku asked. Chirithy then turned around and started to float away from them!

"Hey, come back!" Sora shouted! Chirithy turned around and then beckoned them to follow.

"I know where the final sphere is. I'll take you there!" Chirithy said.

"Alright then, will do!" Sora decided.

"Right, then lead the way!" Riku said.

And so, Chirithy started to float away from Sora and Riku, aimlessly going straight, though one couldn't know for certain if the path was straight, due to everything being a purple and white mist! There were times when the mist became thick, but Sora and Riku could still see Chirithy in front of them!

"Well, let's hope that we can finally free the Spirits once we find this Sphere Of Awakening!" Sora said.

"Yeah. I hope so too! I don't think we have too much time left on our hands..." Riku said.


And so, Sora and Riku were able to help out Kuzco and Pacha, and now that they unlocked the Sleeping World's keyhole, they have stumbled upon Chirithy, who will now guide them towards the Sphere Of Awakening! Will they be able to find it? Will they be able to use the power of the spheres to take down the Nightmare keeping the Spirits trapped? What awaits Sora and Riku? Find out in Chapter Thirty Five: "A Nightmare To Remember!"

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