Malignant [h.s]

By happydays1d

44M 984K 5.3M

They never told you that the monster under your bed could have a set of beautiful forest green eyes and an an... More

Authors Note
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight
Eighty Nine
Ninety One
Ninety Two
Ninety Three
Ninety Four
Ninety Five
Ninety Six
Ninety Seven
Ninety Eight
Ninety Nine
One Hundred

Thirty Four

418K 9.1K 34.3K
By happydays1d

"Amelia did you get your math text back yet?" My dad says while eating a spoonful of peas.

I sit at the round dinner table with my family that's eating. Surrounding us is pitch black darkness with the only a white spotlight shinning down on the table. Everyone's dressed in white and I feel like I've been here before.

I have been here before.

Adrian sits silently eating his dinner directly across from me, accompanying me to my left is my mother doing the same thing.

"I don't have math class." I mumble to my father reading the newspaper while eating.

"Young lady math is very important." My mom chimes in.

"Adrian..." I mumble his name in hope he will look at me. He acts like he doesn't hear me and just keeps pushing his food across the plate.

"Adrian I know you can hear me." I say again a little louder.

He keeps cutting up the meatloaf on his white plate, not giving me any attention. I don't know if I'm talking to a wall or he is just angry at me. Why would he be angry at me? Why would my brother hate me?

"Adrian!" I shout even louder, banging my fist on the table.

His head slowly tilts up and he stares right into my eyes. His brown eyes stare demandingly into mine as he places down his fork and knife.

"So you can hear m-" I quietly start but quickly get cut off by a loud shooting noise and a bullet fly right from behind me and into his forehead.

I scream the second the bullet hits and his head falls down- meeting his chin with his chest. Blood spills all down his white shirt and I feel like my breath just was taken from my body because I feel suffocated from the sight in front of me.

My parents jump up and run to Adrian's side. My mom starts balling her eyes out an my dad tries to stop the bleeding. I stand shocked on my feet, looking at my older brother that just got killed.

A strong hand grabs my wrist and whips me around to meet the tall familiar build. Harry deviously looks down at me with a smirk. His one hand holds a silver pistol in his hand while the other firmly holds my wrist.

My blood fills with envy and all I want to do is hit him.

"You killed my brother!" I scream and pound my fists against his torso. Tears brim my eyes and I can hear the sounds of my sobbing mother behind me. His stone cold body stands unaffected against my fists. In one quick motion he leans down and picks me up by the waist with his one arm, securely throwing me over his shoulder.

"You're fucking mine." He shouts while turning around and walking away from the table.

"Mom! Dad he's taking me! Please!" I scream as they don't turn away from Adrian. They don't acknowledge me at all as Harry carries me away from them.

I feel hopeless- and unloved.

My eyes shoot open and my chest intensively rises and falls. I instantly sit up and try to catch my breath while sweat rolls down my forehead. My bedroom is pitch black and I feel all disoriented. When did I fall asleep? The last thing I remember is talking to Harry on my bed. Did I pass out? And if I did then how did I get at the front of my bed, under the blankets?

I keep trying to stabilize my breath but it's so hard. That's the second time I've had that dream, but this one was worse, and they both star Mr. Harry Styles as the nightmare. It felt so real that I can't process my thoughts properly.

I look at the clock and see that's it's 4:30 in the morning. I throw the covers off my perspiring body and sling my feet over the bed to meet the floor.

I just need a glass of water. I feel like I'm overheating from the visual trauma I just witnessed in my dream moments ago. Damn I wish I could go outside- like legit outside. All I need is fresh air.

I walk quietly to my door and open it out into the hallway. I see a small beam of light come from the left of the hallway and I quickly come to realize it's from Harry's door open slightly.

I arch my brow while walking towards the stroke of light. His light is on so that means he's awake- but why would he be awake at 4:30am?

I get to the door and open it a crack more to see him on the ground, doing push-ups. His shirt is missing as usual and he wears a pair of black basketball shorts with the band of his boxer peaking through at the top.

I stand there and watch him for some unknown reason. I watch his muscled contract and detract while glimmering with sweat. His back muscles are definitely a beautiful feature on him. Nothing makes a guy look more attractive then the muscles on his back, and Harry had a lot of them. Sitting on his back was his long chain with the 'M' pendant.

I smile while leaning against the door frame- watching him inhale and exhale sharply through his push ups.

"Can I help you with something?" He says without even looking over at me. My stomach turns and I suddenly feel very awkward knowing that he knows I am watching him. I wasn't trying to be creepy but I can understand why he would think that.

"Oh- um sorry. No I just couldn't sleep so I got up to get water..." I clear my throat.

I quickly turn around and start walking away before I make this any more awkward.

"Amelia wait." He says just loud enough for me to hear. I stop in my tracks and turn back around. Slowly coming back to the light from his bedroom. He sees me come back and looks over at me. "Can you sit on my back please?" He states and I look at him questionable.

He wants me to sit on his back?

"Why?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Because just doing push ups with my own weight is getting to easy." He mumbles while sitting up and wiping the sweat off his forehead and body with an old shirt.

"Alright." I huff and walk into his room. He gets back into the push up position and I gently crawl on his back, sitting cross legged and holding on by his muscular shoulders.

He starts to coursing up and down while I sit pleasantly on him. I honestly can't believe he can do this with his and my weight- it's quite impressive.

I watch him go up and down at a rhythm, realizing he was a machine. I just wanted to run my hands across his jagged back but I knew I couldn't.

"Do you do this every morning?" I ask.

"Usually, yeah." He murmurs.

That's probably why I hear him so early in the morning bashing around.

"Why this early? Like how much sleep do you usually get..." I murmur, trying to make conversation.

"I'm a busy man Amelia. I have to do it early in the morning because I'll be too tired by the end of the day." He answers with his heavy breath.

"Oh- you must be getting like four hours of sleep then. I never see you go to bed before midnight." I say while being raised up and down on his soft stoned back. Although he obviously has a lot of muscle, his skin is so soft.

"I run best on four hours of sleep." I can hear the smirk in his voice as his raspy voice speaks through his breaths.

I chuckle lightly and shake my head. Of course this man runs on four hours of sleep, maybe if he slept more he would be more positive.

While watching him do his push ups, I realize that his back doesn't have a single tattoo on it, which is strange because of how many he has on his torso. Oddly I notice something I've never seen before on the back of his neck.

Peaking out from his curls is a tattoo. He has one on the back of his neck? How come I've never seen it?

His curls move a little more from his movement and it reveals a small pair of detailed angel wings. The only reason I'm just seeing this now is because o the way his hair is falling from his push-ups. Usually when Harry is standing upright, his fine curls cover a majority of the tattoo.

Why does he have this in such a hidden place? Why does he have this tattoo in general?

I mean Harry already has a lot of strange tattoos to begin with. Hence the naked mermaid and the bird cage that I've noticed more frequently. So I guess compared t those the angel wings are more on the common side.

But why is it in such a hidden place...

He suddenly stops his push-ups and sits up on his knees. I gasp as I almost fall but catch myself from my grip I already had on his shoulders. His body sits up tall and my legs unfold and wrap around his back, keeping my grip around his neck.

"Harry you could've warned me!" I squeak as my heart still beats quickly.

I don't know how it happened, but he leaned forward on his hands and knees again, causing me from straddling his back to slipping around his body; now face to face and straddling his front.

He smiles as my arms stay connected behind his neck and my legs stay intertwined around his back so I hang off him.

I laugh over how devious and clever he is by somehow getting me from sitting cross legged on his back to straddling his torso.

He smiles at my laughter, letting his teeth shine through. His forehead is lined with tired sweat but his green eyes look alive as usual.

"Thanks for the help." He winks while still keeping his hands against the floor so I levitate.

"Thanks for almost killing me." I chuckle, referring to when I almost fell off his back.

"I knew what I was doing." He smirks, slowly flickering his eyes back and forth from my lips.

I can feel his head dip down slightly, and subconsciously mine inches higher. Silence fills the room and I can't help but leaning closer to him. The light rhythm of our exhales makes it feel like we are in another world, where nothing else is around us. The small sounds that filled the room before have gone mute to my ears; the fan, the ticking of the wall clock, everything but Harry's and I's breathing.

The side of his nose grazes against the side of mine and I feel my chest get heavy. His eyes open slightly, looking down at our parted lips that haven't touched. The anticipation is physically painful and the tension between us can be cut with a knife.

His lips move even closer to mine, making my breath feel hitched at the back of my throat. I so badly just want him to crash his lips against my own, but I can't ignore the thought I have in the back of my head telling me that this is not a good idea.

Harry and I just agreed last night that we can't do this anymore, it makes everything more complicating then it needs to be. As much as I want this, I can't.

"I uhm-" I awkwardly whisper, causing him to pull away slightly.

"I don't think we- um should do this." I have trouble with my words.

He darts his look from my lips to my eyes again, piercing me with the dark orbs. He stares at me intimidatingly for what feels like an hour but I know it's only a few seconds before he leans down to place me on the carpet. I unwrap my arms and legs from him and he stands tall on his knees. The distance between us sent a cold shiver through my body and I almost felt regret from my decision.

"Yeah, you're right." He mumbles coldly and gets up to his feet, walking over to his closet and leaving me on the floor, propping myself with my elbows.

I quickly get up to my feet and stand their awkwardly in the middle of his bedroom.

"I- I wasn't trying to lead you on, I just know we agreed last night that this wasn't going to happen anymore." I say loud enough for him to hear me in his walk in closet. The lump in my throat grows, almost choking me.

"I know." He says back in his monotone voice.

"Okay." I almost whisper before quietly turning around and walking out of his bedroom. My body suddenly feels shaky and their is a cold draft up and down my spin. I feel like I just put more of a barrier between him and I and it's not my intention. Now he's just going to put his guard up even more then he already has.

I was so close to getting through the reigns of Harry Styles.


HEY!! I hope you enjoyed the third chapter in three days!☺ I'm trying to make up for lost time that I was inactive. VOTE AND COMMENT❤

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