Extra Ordinary

By oeurwari

350K 19.3K 6.1K

The story of an ordinary girl's encounter with an extraordinary hero and what trials and tribulations come af... More

Chapter One - 'Groceries At 8 & Getting Kidnapped- Same Thing'
Chapter Two - 'You're Bloody And Wounded, You're Fine'
Chapter Three - 'Ghoulish'
Chapter Four - 'This Is A Good Milkshake'
Chapter Five - 'Like From Pokemon?'
Chapter Six - 'Which Sweetheart?'
Chapter Seven - 'Walking, Teleporting- Same Thing.'
Chapter Eight - 'I Picture A Dude In Spandex'
Chapter Nine - 'That Doesn't Sound Right...'
Chapter Ten - 'Can't Mind My Own Business, Clearly'
Chapter Eleven - 'Emergency'
Chapter Twelve - 'Thanks For Asking'
Chapter Thirteen - 'Silent Showdown'
Chapter Fourteen - 'My Bad'
Chapter Fifteen - 'Did I Become Prettier?'
Chapter Sixteen - 'Thugs' Doing'
Chapter Seventeen - 'That's Not Vague At All'
Chapter Eighteen - 'Scars Don't Go Away'
Chapter Nineteen - 'I Sound Like George'
Chapter Twenty - 'I'd Prefer It If You Were A Dog Person'
Chapter Twenty-One - 'We've Bonded Over Pain'
Chapter Twenty-Two - 'You Could Give The Devil Chills'
Chapter Twenty-Three - 'Weaselled Her Way In'
Chapter Twenty-Four - 'A Big Heart'
Chapter Twenty-Five - 'The Liv Limit'
Chapter Twenty-Six - 'Weird Trash Talker'
Chapter Twenty-Seven - 'Everything Sucks'
Chapter Twenty-Eight - 'Death By Brownie'
Chapter Twenty-Nine - 'You Shed Like Crazy.'
Chapter Thirty - 'Delivery Girl- Psych's Sidekick!'
Chapter Thirty-One - 'The Sweetest Bloody Angel They've Ever Met'
Chapter Thirty-Two - 'A Hellbent Demon'
Chapter Thirty-Three - 'A Certain Kind Of Dumb Luck'
Chapter Thirty-Four - 'Do I Have To Beat Someone Up?'
Chapter Thirty-Five - 'I'll Kick You In The Shin'
Chapter Thirty-Six - 'The Peculiar Case Of Three Heroes'
Chapter Thirty-Seven - 'Is That Blood?'
Chapter Thirty-Eight - 'I've Seen Her Without Bangs'
Chapter Thirty-Nine - 'A Cat's Choice'
Chapter Forty - 'Your Number Two Hero'

Q&A +

7K 235 188
By oeurwari

We made it.

Q: Will there be a sequel?
A: I'm currently planning a possible prequel instead called Decadent Wrath that may or may not take off. As much as we all love Olivia (I hope), I'm sure you'll get tired of being in her head for another story, besides, Extra Ordinary really is finished!

Q: Who's going to be the protagonist of Decadent Wrath and what will it be about?
A: For one; I plan for Decadent Wrath to be so much darker (seriously). The most I can reveal right now without spoiling is that the story takes place slightly before Extra Ordinary and will star a character I'm sure you're all curious about...did I mention that younger Cade will be in it? Well younger Cade will be in it.

Q: Did Ash get over Kimmy by the end?
A: He's working on it!

Q: What were your favourite chapters to write?
A: Chapter 22 & 38! 22 really explored Liv's feelings and gave a greater insight to her character- the fight between Liv and Ty was as emotional to write as it probably is to read! Whereas 38 was the bittersweet chapter where just about everyone made an appearance- most of them for the last time; and Cade for the first.

Q: What's something you intended to do, but didn't?
A: Cade and Reece used to be friends.

Q: Why Reece?
A: Why not? I knew Liv needed someone who could make her love the name she was given by her mother- and her father sure as hell wouldn't. Whereas for Reece, he was forced to grow up quite fast and was adopted older than most- he jumped up a few grades by his intellect and most his friends were older- Liv would bring some goofiness in his life and though he can be a little mean, unfiltered and harsh- he can also be very understanding and loving (as unbelievable as it may seem). His character just works well with Liv and they could go back and forth for hours. (Believe me, I've written it.)

Q: Super Psych was hardly in the story at all, what's the deal?
A: The reality is that they're on two completely different playing fields, in two different worlds. She'd be way too out of her element to get involved in his ventures and only slow him down (sadly), and it's not the direction I decided to go with. I'm well aware of his absence in the story, and as much as it may be disappointing, it was intentional- besides, it's Liv's story!

Q: Why are there no villains?
A: I understand the sayings of heroes of and villains being counterparts, and I do have an explanation as to why there are none in this story...but if I answered that, I'd have to delve rather deep into the universe I created- and I'm going to leave that up to whether or not I end up publishing another story in the same direction.

Q: What was the initial direction of the story?
A: When I first created EO, which was then known as Super Psych, I only had a vague idea of what I wanted the story to be about- something chock full of action about a girl meeting a damaged hero with a bizarre name and going on dangerous adventures with him- with no romance presence what so ever. Clearly the story has evolved from that concept! The cliche route would be making our protagonist fall in love with the hero, but I just knew I never wanted them to be together. After having spent years on Wattpad and having avidly read stories on this platform, I'm quite aware of all the reoccurring themes- especially when it comes to hero stories (not all, just most) and I set out to bring a unique spin to a common concept, even when I had no idea where I was taking this story. Honestly, for a good 10 chapters I was still figuring out what I was doing- hence explains the ridiculous hiatus at the time. For those of you who have been here even when I was a horrible updater, I thank you immensely for being patient with me and I hope you've enjoyed the long journey.

Q: Who is your favourite character to write?
A: I could have written the most brutally annoying character ever and I'd still love them so it's safe to say I favour them all. But to answer the tricky question, I'll have to go with our Liv; writing from her optimistic/humorous perspective is a delight (I hope you enjoyed her!).

Q: Did Liv like Cade (SP), Tyler, Ash and Reece at the same time? Even though she ended up 'picking' Reece?
A: No!!! When writing the story I wanted to make it clear that it was not a love 'triangle' of any sort. (Pentagon makes more sense... but it's not!) Liv crushed on Cade when she was younger but other than that, her heart was set on Reece and she had no shame in admitting it to herself early on and isn't as dense as she pretends to be.

Q: What was the hardest thing to write?
A: I can write the goriest scenes all day, but I cannot, for the life of me, write a kissing scene properly. You may or may not have noticed, but when I had to, they're not very descriptive HAHA. (I'm childish in this aspect...but ya know, this is a teen fic. I gotta deliver! So for the #Lice shippers -I'm sticking with this until one of you can think of another one-, you're welcome.)

Q: Which moment was your favourite to write?
A: There is a lot to choose from, literally any predicament our protagonist gets into is fun writing- I 100% love emotional scenes as I anticipate the reactions you'll have reading them (; But it also seems that the scenes which ignite the biggest reactions are the sweet interactions between Liv and Reece, which I also had a ball writing. Dialogues are super fun, especially when it involves fiery, witty characters.

If you still have questions (anything at all), comment them and I'll reply with an answer!

Now here's a question for you guys- What was your favourite moment in the story?


For those of you who're still reading...

I've got some Easter eggs for you...I didn't want to corrupt your theories or opinions (which I love to read) so I'll give you some explanation or hints on things that may have been too vague in the story.

- Earliest foreshadowing of Cade in chapter 10. If you go back to read it, you'll see how obvious it really is. I also low-key roast myself.

- In chapter 32, Reece confesses his feelings for Liv and ultimately fails to get his message across (most of you included).

- Liv figured out SP was Cade by subconsciously piecing it all together throughout the story, but the biggest- though absent- realisation was through a joke in chapter 30.

- Though not openly stated, one of the characters is bi & another is asexual. (26, 28, 37).

- An unrealistic, teen fiction story...only in the Super aspect. Besides this element, I tried really hard on making it as realistic as possible, so if logic was a genre, this story would be that. This is my explanation as to why SP couldn't have been Tyler- Liv would know it was him in a heartbeat- they're best friends!

- I highly recommend going back and re-reading chapters (not for my benefit...only partly ;) I switched between two insecurities when writing EO, 1: foreshadowing too obvious 2: foreshadowing too subtle. If you do decide to go back and read the story, try to pinpoint any you find (subtly, no spoilers for new readers!)

- In chapter 13, Tyler's surname was the first and only to be mentioned throughout the whole story.


For the last time ever... comment on your favourite character!
Olivia Sykes
Ashton Ortega
Tyler Guerra
Cade Guerra
Kyle Smith
Christina Jackson
Jackie Stone
Kimmy Cho
Reece Ortega
Caroline Kidd
Brian Sutton
Elizabeth Sykes
Others +


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading!

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